Chapter 31 (Remastered): The Birth of Bombshell.

We now cut to downtown royal woods where we see Symbi-warriors members Echo Luna, Shadow Lucy, Risk Lana, Power Lynn and Delta marvel force members Tech Knight, Hawk Spider, Colossa and Sapphire Spider searching for Sam Sharp, who was now hulkified.

Risk Lana: Wow, cool new form you have there Lynn.

Power Lynn: Thanks, I really got to know the aspects of Power's abilities.

Echo Luna: Sam….

Shadow Lucy: Sigh... don't worry Luna, we'll help your friend.

Echo Luna: I can't believe that this happened to her.

Colossa: Well my other half told you that the serum mixed up my blood would do more than heal Sam's broken legs.

Sapphire Spider: Hopefully, she won't be outta control.

Then the heroes deliver a trail of giant footprints leading to the abandoned streets of eastern part of royal woods.

Hawk Spider: Follow the tracks.

Tech Knight: Right.

Echo Luna: (in her mind) We're coming for ya Sam, please be okay.

The group then follow the trail of footprints that'll lead them to Sam sharp.


Speaking of whom, Sam Sharp, who was now a dark blue Hulk was having a blast as she ran at incredible speed and jumped at maximum power. Despite the excruciating pain she felt in her broken legs & entire body from that medicine she took, Sam felt absolutely amazing now.


Sam went for another high jump into the air as she felt like she could touch the skies with this kind of agility and speed. Landing back on her feet to the ground which formed a big crater, Sam walks around as she sees her reflection in a glass window.

Hulk Sam: Whoa… I've really changed so much, talk about a growth spurt. My hair’s gotten longer, got taller and more bulkier as well as dark blue skin. Heh, I don't look too bad but I better get out of sight before I attract some unwanted attention.

The Blonde Hulk rocker looks around for a place to take shelter in as she notices an abandoned movie theater 4 blocks from here.

Hulk Sam: I suppose that will do for now.

Hulk Sam heads to the location, unaware that a couple of green eyes were watching her. Squeezing herself into the entrance, Hulk Sam closes the entrance by blocking it with crates as she looks around the area.

Hulk Sam: What a dump… this place is quite huge yet it reeks big time. Maybe I can chill here for a while until I can figure it out how this bulky form works.

The hulk rocker then spots a run down snack vending machine as she walks towards it and begins to lift it up with ease.

Hulk Sam: Sweet. Now I wonder if I can….

Hulk Sam lifts up the snack machine over her head as she brings it down hard on her large, bulky knee as a big metal clang sound is heard with the vending machine broken in half.

Hulk Sam: Whoa! This is absolutely incredible, not only are my legs healed… they're strong as steel! I could definitely get used to being a Hulk!

Sam then stretches out as she looks around.

Hulk Sam: I wonder if Luna’s worried about me…. She did kinda freak out a little when I transformed, hopefully I can find her soon when there's no one to spot me.


Hulk Sam: Huh? What was that?

Then a bunch of green eyes appeared in a darkened room.

Hulk Sam: (nervous) Uhhh… Hello?

Then something crawled out of the room, a bunch of them… looking like a large hybrid of a centipede and a silverfish but all monsters.

Hulk Sam: Gaaaaaah!!! Bug monsters?!

The swarming hybrids hissed ferociously as they crawled their way towards Sam.

Hulk Sam: Okay, this is freaky, but…. I'm a hulk now, I shouldn't be afraid of some bugs!

One of them spat acid at Sam, who dodged it as one of the machines melted from the acid. Without even thinking, Sam leaped at the mutant who attacked and planted its head into the ground with a Hulk-sized curbstomp, splatting its head on the ground.

Hulk Sam: (Lifts her foot) Ewwww… bug slime.

Sam then looks to the other bug mutants crawling towards her.

Hulk Sam: Time for some extermination!

She charged at the rest of them and started to take out all the bug hybrids in her way. The combat was even heard from outside the theater, to which the Symbi-warriors and Delta Marvel force finally arrived and crashed into the theater, hoping to help.

Echo Luna: Don't worry, Sam! We're here to-!

Echo Luna stopped talking when everyone saw Sam standing alone amongst a bunch of slain bug hybrid monsters with slime everywhere.

Power Lynn: Gross, there's slime everywhere.

Hulk Sam: Oh, uh… hey guys!

Tech Knight: Hey there Sam, nice to see that you're still yourself.

Hawk Spider: (narrows his eyes) I see you're not a mindless, rampaging monster… so what's going on here?

Hulk Sam: Oh y'know, I was just going for a little test run of my new powers and thought I'd hang out here, when suddenly a swarm of mutant bug hybrids attacked me. I fought 'em all off and smashed' em good.

Echo Luna: Uh… well, that's great Sam, but I think we should get you back to our place so we can figure out how to fix this.

Tech Knight: Why would she want to be cured? She really looks like she's having fun being a hulk. Besides, I'm not getting any readings of unstable gamma energy in her body.

Colossa: True, I would know that myself and curing a hulk is not as easy as it sounds, I should know....

Hawk Spider noticed something on one of the squished bug hybrids, a logo of golden hybrid industries.

Hawk Spider: Hmmmm.

Colossa: The same logo from the ones who created tigrilla. I'll have to look into this later but now let's focus on Sam here.

Echo Luna: Sam, I never wanted this to happen to ya. All I wanted was to get you back on your feet, but I should’ve been more careful. Now you're a hulk and people will…

Hulk Sam: Will what? Luna, I know what I am now. But what I'm not is a monster.

Echo Luna: But…

Hulk Sam: (places her hands on luna's shoulder) Luna it's cool, I know you wanted to help me heal faster and I don't blame you for it.

Risk Lana: So.. you're not bummed out about being like this?

Hulk Sam: What's there to be bummed about? I can jump really high, I'm super strong, got legs of steel and more. It's pretty rockin’!

Sapphire Spider: Ya know, since we already have a hulk on our team… why not the symbi-warriors get one as well? Another recruit for the program.

Shadow Lucy: Sigh… Sam join our team?

Power Lynn: Really?

Hawk Spider: Are you so certain?

Sapphire Spider: Well Director Fury did say to bring in more potential recruits to train and use their abilities for good. We're already training the Symbi-warriors and Skull lasher, why not Sam?

Hawk Spider: I see….

Tech Knight: I'm cool with that.

Colossa: I could teach her a thing or two about her hulk abilities.

Hawk Spider: It would be good to have more numbers of recruits. But it should be up to Luna to make the final call.

Hulk Sam: C'mon Luna, lemme join the team. You could always use an extra member, and I can bring some Hulk muscle to the team next to your family's symbiote powers.

Echo Luna begins to think long and hard about this decision…. After a few minutes, Luna finally made her decision.

Echo Luna: Ok dudes, I've made my decision.

Everyone looked like Echo Luna.

Echo Luna: (smiles under her mask) Welcome to the Symbi-warriors, Sam.

Sam smiled widely.

Hulk Sam: YES! Thank you so much, Lun! I won't let you guys down! (Hugs luna)

Risk Lana: Alright! We got our own Hulk on the team!

Shadow Lucy: Sigh…..... Congratulations.

Power Lynn: The more the merrier, congrats!

Colossa: Remember Sam, I'll be teaching all I know about your hulk abilities so… (smirks sinisterly) Welcome to Hulk Boot Camp. Hehehehe…

Hulk Sam: (laughs nervously) Hehehehe… I'll keep that in mind..

Risk Lana: Hold on, before Sam goes in for training, she needs a superhero name.

Sapphire Spider: And the right super attire as well.

Colossa: I'll deal with the super suit. Amy and I have plenty of spare bodysuits in case our old ones need repairs.

Power Lynn: Now all Sam needs is a superhero name.

Hulk Sam: Hmmm…. I think I may have one. Testing out my powers, I'm pretty agile for a big strong hulk, and I've got plenty of power like a bomb. So, since I'm a does the name Bombshell sound?

Echo Luna: Hmmmm…. (Smiles under her mask) I like it.

Colossa: Not bad Sam.

Hulk Sam: Thanks. It's a pretty cool name if I do say so myself. And now that that's outta the way… I think it's better for me to stay hulked out.

Risk Lana: Really? Why do you say that?

Hulk Sam: It's better this way. Plus, I don't think there's any way I can change back to normal. It's better if I go the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. route.

Risk Lana: How do you know that? You actually watched the series?

Echo Luna: You do? I never thought you'd like it Sam but it's okay.

Hawk Spider: Now then, shall we go?

Tech Knight: Yeah. everything’s all settled.

Power Lynn: Alright guys, let's head over to the warehouse so Sam can meet the rest of our team.

Hulk Sam: I’ll meet you guys there as soon as Amy gives me my new threads.

Colossa: We're on it.


Later at the warehouse, Alpha Lori and Omega Lincoln were training with each other, Skull Lasher was punching in a boxing bag, Sync Lisa was building some gadgets as the doors opened to Echo Luna, Risk Lana, Shadow Lucy and Power Lynn walked in.

Power lynn: We're back guys!

Omega Lincoln: How'd everything go?

Echo Luna: Good, we didn't have to worry about any problems. Sam's okay, she's just a Hulk now. She's gonna be joining our team starting today.

Alpha Lori: Really now? What brought this on?

Risk Lana: Luna wanted to help Sam by healing her legs faster, so she had Lisa inject her with a remedy made from Amy's blood. It permanently turned her into a Hulk, but she's completely under control.

Omega Lincoln: Oh ok.

Power Lynn: Yeah, We heard Sam was fighting something and jumped in to help her but she already took care of it, another monster from this golden hybrid industries.

Sync Lisa: That company again? I'll have to look more into this soon. So, where is our new teammate?

Echo Luna: She should be here any minute now...

They heard something land hard outside and make its way in. It was Sam Sharp, now named, Bombshell. She was wearing one of Amy/Colossa’s flexible black bodysuits with two blue streaks of lightning going down, thigh length black boots with lightning streaks, white gloves and her long hair was covering her right eye but she didn't mind.

Bombshell: Heya dudes, I'm here! Sweet warehouse, so this is where you guys train, huh?

Alpha Lori: Nice to have you here.

Bombshell: No need to introduce yourselves, I know who you are. The D.M.F (Delta Marvel Force) told me your secret identities while I was at their place getting my new threads. Of course, I already know Luna from when she chased after me.

Skull Lasher: Oh nice.

Bombshell: Ava Jones aka Skull Lasher, eh? Nice to meet you dude. The DMF told me you've got Adamantium claws, right?

Skull Lasher: Yeah, it was painful but it came out cool.

Bombshell: Same with me. Oh, and uh… sorry. About your parents, I mean.

Skull Lasher: It's fine…

The Symbiote Louds removed their masks to show their faces.

Lincoln: So Sam, what're your powers? Aside from the super strength and high jumping.

Bombshell: Well, I found out my legs are not only powerful to propel me into the air, but they're like steel as well as my whole body.

Lincoln: Oh, so you can turn your skin into a metal alloy like Colossus. That's pretty cool, can we see it?

Bombshell: Sure. I've been meaning to try armoring up.

Bombshell then focuses as her blue skin suddenly changes color to a titanium silver, making her skin into solid steel before the Symbi-warriors' very eyes.

Lana: Whoa…

Lynn: Cool!

Ava: Now that's solid.

Bombshell: Now let's see how tough I am like this. Anybody wanna try hitting me?

Lana: I'll give it a go.

Lana puts her super strength into her fist to hit Bombshell only for a metal clang sound to be heard as Lana was shaking and stuttering greatly.

Lana: Bzzzzzzzzzzztttt!!! (Snaps out of it) It felt like I was hitting a tower bell.

Bombshell: Wow, that didn't even hurt at all!

Lori: Literally not bad.

Lisa: Intriguing.

Lucy: Sigh… very durable.

Lynn: Heh, I bet I could send her flying.

Bombshell: Maybe, maybe not. It could be more than likely though.

Lori: Always wanting a challenge, huh Lynn?

Lynn: You know it!

Bombshell: Whenever you’re ready, let me have it Lynn!

Lynn: Gladly!

Her mask covered her face as the symbiote athlete put her super strength into her fists as she lunged at bombshell, unleashing a gatling of punches to the steel hulk rocker.

Power Lynn: Hyaaah!!

She delivers one final punch to Bombshell as the place shook.

Lana: Whoa…

Power Lynn: Huff… huff… man, not even a dent. I'm impressed.

Bombshell: It's cool and thanks dude.

Luna: Rockin'! Quite the power Sam!

Lana: That's so Awesome, Sam! Linc, I think she's way more durable than Colossus, right?

Lincoln: No doubt. Colossus’s metal skin power was durable, but not this much. She'll be quite a new member of the team.

Luna: True dude.

Lori: The Symbi-warriors are getting ready to take on any foes by storm.

Everyone nodded in agreement they welcomed their new member Sam sharp aka Bombshell to the team.



At the Mysterious company known as  Golden Hybrid Industries, a huge skyscraper company building at the far south of town, We cut to an office illuminated in black and gold lighting as someone was staring at his laptop, observing the Symbi-warriors and Delta marvel force taking out the tigrilla as well as Sam taking care of the swarm of hybrid bug monsters.

This man was 6 ft tall, lean athletic physique, slight pale skin, slightly sharp blonde hair, blue eyes and was wearing a third piece white business suit.

???: So… these heroes destroyed another one of my creations, hmmm? Excellent, it gives me time to observe their movements and skills as phase one of my goals. Once everything is set to go, the Symbi-warriors and Delta marvel force will be nothing but a memory lost in time, so says Domain Wolfe.

Domain Wolfe closed his laptop and gazed out on thousands of containment pods holding many hybrid beasts on the monitors showing them.

Domain Wolfe: Evolution will be forced upon this planet, those who stick with me will know peace and live in this new world created by me. And those who rebel against me will perish and know true despair, hopelessness and powerlessness…. That's no empty threat, it's a promise to all, especially the Symbi-warriors and Delta Marvel Force.

To be continued....

(The remastered version of chapter 31 is finished! Please like and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it as my sketch of Sam sharp aka Bombshell. Sorry it took me so long to do this chapter, was focused on my other stories. Also, give some credit to JonahShwarts for helping me with the chapter. Sam aka Bombshell has joined the Symbi-warriors and a new threat has reared its sinister head, what's going to happen? Find out next chapter, this is Omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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