Chapter 3: Hosts for the lurking slimes

Lincoln was sitting on the couch watching his favorite ghost hunter t.v. series, "the academy of really good ghost hunters" or "ARGGH!"

Lincoln: awesome! Hunter spector, you've done it again!

Hunter spector: (on t.v.) case of the haunted painting has been solved! Well fellow ghost hunters that's it for our show, stay tuned for next week's new episode. Don't miss it or you'll be left in the dark, ARGGH!!!

The show was over as it showed the end credits.

Lincoln: that was a great show. I can't wait for next week's episode.

Lincoln then heard a cry for help upstairs, lisa's cry.


Lisa's cries became muffled, then it became very silent as lincoln heard nothing else after that. Going into protective brother mode, lincoln gets off the couch and head upstairs.

Lincoln: hold on lisa I'm coming to help you!

Narrator: with lori.

In lori and leni's room, the first oldest was laying on her bed, texting on her phone nonstop. Lori was sending text messages to her boyfriend, bobby santiago. Though he moved far away, their love remained stronger than ever. Lori sighed as she continued to  text bobby remembering their good times together when he used to live in royal woods but failed to notice a trail of light blue slime coming out of the vents and slithering on the wall near lori's bed. Getting closer, the slime hoisted itself off the wall and lashes itself on lori's shoulder. Turning her eyes away her phone to the light blue slime covering her shoulder and now moving to her arm, lori had a terrified look on her face as she let out a loud scream.

Narrator: with luna.

In luna and luan's room, the rocker was relaxing on her beanbag chair, strumming her guitar while she was humming the song "light em up" by fall out boy. As luna was in her own thoughts, the purple slime oozed on down from the top vents to the floor but luna didn't notice it. The slime began to lurk its way toward luna, getting closer and closer until it lashes itself on luna's left leg. Luna opened her eyes out of her train of thought as she felt something crawling up her leg. Luna then looked at the purple slime covering her legs and moving up to her hips in mere moments. Luna started to freak out as she tried to pull the slime off her legs but the second she did, the slime attached itself to luna's hands spreading to her arms in mere moments. Luna was struggling to get the purple slime off her but the slime wouldn't budge as it continues to spread all over her body.

Luna: (struggling) ugh! Aaagghh!!! Get it off! Get it off me! (Falls to the floor) g-gotta get help.

Luna crawls toward the door to get some help from her siblings as the slime continues to spread.

Narrator: with lana.

In lola and lana's room, the tomboyish  twin was taking care of her pets. Lana had just fed her pet frog hops and her pet snake el diablo, and got most of the reptile pets to go to bed. As lana was playing with her toys, the dark blue slime dropped down from the vents to the floor. Lana had her back turned, unaware of the creeping slime getting closer behind her. Lana noticed a shadow looming over her as she turned around and screamed as she saw the slime creature. The dark blue slime lashed out at lana, but the six year old dodged it and ran toward her room door. She managed to open it, but before she could get away, the dark blue slime already caught her. Lana tries to get away from the slime but it was covering her legs up in mere seconds as it continues to spread over the six year old's body. Lana had tears in her eyes as she tried to call for her siblings for help.


Narrator: with lynn and lucy.

In lynn and lucy's room, lynn was doing push ups while lucy was sitting on her bed, writing in her poem book.

Lynn: (counting the number of push ups, she was at 30.) 30... 31... 32... 33... 34... 35... 36... 37... 38... 39... come on! 40... 41... 42... 43... 44... 45... 46... 47... (continues to count.)

Lucy: (sighs repeatedly) huuuuuuhh... sigh...huuuuuhh... sigh... huuuuuuhh... sigh... huuuuuhh... sigh... huuuuuhh... sigh...

Lynn: (doing push ups, grunting) ugh! Something on your mind luce?

Lucy: I'm still have great grandma harriet's warning on my mind. That meteorite has a dark presence within it, I can feel it from here.

Lynn: lucy you're overreacting.

Lucy: I'm serious lynn. We need to get rid of it before we're all in danger.

Lynn: lucy I'm telling you nothing is wrong here. Lisa had that space rock under lock and key and l highly doubt  there is anything ghost-like in it.

Lucy: you're wrong lynn, there is a presence within that meteorite and I have to get lisa to destroy it.

Lynn: (annoyed) c'mon luce! What's the worse that could happen?!

The moment lynn finished that phrase, the red slime burst out of the vents and landed on lynn, startling the athletic sister.

Lynn: (startled) wh-what the heck?!

Lynn stared at the red slime on her back in shock as it was trying to stick to her. Lynn was trying to pull it off of her but the slime wouldn't budge as it started to spread to her arms. Lucy stared at the predicament lynn was in with utter shock and horror in her eyes (if her bangs weren't covering her eyes).

Lynn: (struggling) l-lucy! If you not busy looking like a statue, I could use your help getting this thing off!!

Lucy: r-right.

Lucy got off her bed to help lynn get the red slime off her but failed to notice the black and white slime creeping behind her. Before lucy knew it, the slime behind her lashed itself onto lucy, causing the eight year old goth to gasp loudly in horror. The black and white slime begins to cover up lucy's right arm and move up to the shoulder and so on as lucy tried to pull it off to no avail.

Lucy: (gasps loudly)! We're too late! Th-this was the presence great grandma harriet warned us about.

Lynn: (angry) aaaggghhh!!! Dang it!! It's spreading too fast! Get it off! Get off of me!

Lucy and lynn then heard lincoln's voice and footsteps coming upstairs.

Lynn and lucy: (both screaming for help) LINCOLN!!!!!

Narrator: back with lincoln.

Lincoln quickly ran up the stairs to help lisa. he hoped that she didn't get hurt by her experiments. He reached the top end of the stair and turned right, heading towards lisa and lily's room. Lincoln quickly barged in there see the whole room a complete mess, he saw the meteorite with a huge crack open, and finally lincoln saw lisa groaning in pain in the floor but lincoln scream in terror as he gazed at the green slime covering the child prodigy's body. The only thing that was left of lisa was the left side of her face as she looked at lincoln, who had a terrified look on his face as he felt helpless to save lisa. The child prodigy had a pleading look in her eye as she spoke in a voice that seem like her and another person was talking at the same time.

Lisa: (spoke in a distorted voice) br-brother unit... r-run...

Lincoln started backing away slowly, heeding his younger sister's plead to save himself as he ran out of the room. Lincoln was about to run back downstairs but he heard the room door of lynn and lucy open as the goth and athletic came out but lincoln gasped as both lucy and lynn met the same fate as lisa as both were covered  in slime. Lynn had all but her face covered in red slime and lucy was covered in black and white slime with half of her face covered and her hair slowly turning from black to white. They both walked like zombies toward the terrified lincoln who didn't know what to say or do about this situation.

Lynn: (spoke in a distorted voice) l-l-lincoln...

Lucy: (spoke in a distorted voice) br-brother... help-help us...

Lincoln: (terrified) wh-what's going on here? What's happening to you guys?!

A distorted groan with heard as the white haired boy turned his head to see luna crawling out of her room but sadly she too was a victim as all but her half of her face was covered by the purple slime. The rocker looked at lincoln with pleading eyes as she was crawling toward him.

Luna: (spoke in a distorted voice) l-lincoln... b-bro... (stretches her hand out to him) h-h-help me...

Lana: (spoke in a distorted voice) b-big brother...

Lincoln turned away from luna to look at lana who was covered in dark blue slime, her face was barely showing under the slime and only her left eye was fully visible as the six year old looked at lincoln with a pleading, tearful eye.

Lana: lincoln... it hurts... it really hurts... help me please.

Lori: (spoke in a distorted voice) l-l-lincoln...

Lincoln turned away from lana to look at lori who had all but her face and her right eye covered in a light blue slime as she crawled toward him.

Lori: l-lincoln I... we need h-help... we need help... little brother... help.

Lincoln's mind was completely over- whelmed in fear. He was backing away as all six of his sisters were all crawling toward him (lincoln didn't notice the slime possessed lisa came out of her room, joining her siblings) as they were moaning and groaning while lincoln was too helpless and too afraid to save them from the slimes that were consuming and merging with them. Lincoln continued to back away from them to the stairs in fear, unaware of the orange slime on the ceiling above him.

Lincoln: (completely terrified) I don't believe this... t-this is a nightmare!!! (He felt something on his shoulder.) What the... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!
(Screamed as he saw the orange slime lashed onto him.) Aaaah!! Get it off! Get it off!

Lincoln tried to pull the slime off of him with all his strength but the slime wouldn't budge as it continues to spread quickly all over his body, it caused the white haired boy to lost his  balance and to fall down the stairs, hitting the ground with a loud thud. Lincoln groaned in pain as he was on the verge of unconscious. Before he passed out, the last thing he saw was the orange slime covering his face completely.

Lincoln: (yelling in his mind) No! No! This can't be happening! This can't be real! No! No! No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
(faintly) no...

Lincoln Then passed out as the orange  slime consumed him.

To be continued...

(Chapter 3 is done! What will happen to lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa now that the slime has consumed them? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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