Chapter 29: Luna's monstrous training (Remastered)

It was Sunday as we cut to lincoln's room where the white haired boy all caught up on his work as his suspension was nearing the end. He couldn't wait to go back to school but wondered how everyone would react to him returning after his fight with Chandler. He didn't really care about it as he was glad that Chandler got what he deserved for mocking him and his family.

He then thought about Dread spike’s warning that tetherby was the beginning of the dangerous threats that was coming to royal woods so he and his six sisters needed to be ready, along with the help of Ava and the delta marvel force. And hopefully, he and his six sisters can find a way to master their berserk state so they won't become a mindless monster like luna did.

Lincoln: sigh...

Lincoln was especially worried because today, Luna would try to control herself to not become Berserk. Lisa came up with an idea to help. Without the electricity in the equation, she would submit high level sounds that luna and echo could absorb the sound waves to help her out to control her berserker form. Luna was nervous about this at first but she decided to do it in order to control the beast within.

Lana: I just have one question… where exactly are we gonna do this? It's not like Luna can do this in the house, cause if she does, Lola and the others are gonna know something's up.

Lori: And we can't go to the warehouse because Lincoln is literally on the last day of his suspension and mom told him no going out & no funny business.

Lisa: I think I have a solution to where we could perform the experiment.

Luna: what is it lis?

Lisa: I noticed a rundown concert dome far south of royal woods we could use that to start your sound absorption with multiple sound amp and your guitar to play it at full power til you go berserk as you try to control it's power.

Luna: That's perfect! But it could be a problem if you are only there to supervise, Lis…

Lisa: Not to worry, my third eldest sibling. I've asked Lynn to come along in case of emergency. Power's durability and high strength will most certainly be an asset in containment if necessary.

Lynn: yeah!

Luna: thanks sis.


Later at the concert dome….

Luna: We all set up, Lisa?

Lisa: yes, all musical amps are set up on stage, speakers are at full power and ready to rock, as you say. Lynn, are you in position for containment?

Lynn: yep, I'm ready!

Lisa: ok then, you may rock when ready.

Luna was on stage with large, multiple musical amps with her new guitar in hand as she was ready.

Luna: let's rock!!

Luna begins to jam on her guitar as Echo wrapped around Luna, protecting her from the high frequency soundwaves.

Lynn: (yells over the music) So uh…. How long is this gonna take?!

Lisa: (yells over the music) Just a few more minutes!!

Echo luna: aaaagggghhhhh!!! I-I can feel the sound waves being absorbed into me!!!

Lisa: Good! Keep it up, you're almost there luna!!

Lynn: Power, maybe we should suit up now just in case!

Power: Very well…

Lynn: What's up, you having second thoughts?

Power: No! I'm not having second thoughts and I'm not scared! I'm worried for my sister, echo! That's all! But I'll assist you on this!

Lisa: Sync, I believe a pre-emptive assimilation is necessary for us as well.

Sync: Yes, that is the best directive.

The two siblings suited up as they prepared for the worst, just in time to see Echo Luna stop all of a sudden as Echo was bubbling on Luna as she dropped her guitar.

Echo Luna then stumbled back and then fell to her hands and knees as she groaned in pain, undergoing the same transformation as before. she became 10 feet tall and massively muscular, her skull mark becoming more menacing, hands and feet become claws with the purple flame patterns and jagged fangs formed from her mask as she let out an insane screech.

Power Lynn: Man… it's still terrifying to see that.

Berserk Echo: Noooooo…!!! I can't lose control again… we won't lose control… sound too powerful….

Power Lynn: You got this Luna! Fight it!

The berzerk symbiote then looked at Lynn and lisa.

Sync Lisa: Confound it all Lynn Jr….

Power Lynn: I was just trying to give her support, yeesh!

Berserk echo: Musssst devour!!! No… can't hurt… sistersssss…. But we mussst eat their flessssh, Conssssume them..... Nooo!!! We can't…. We won't….!!!!

Berserk echo clutches her head and lets out a massive soundwave scream, trying to fight for control. She then bounced out of the stadium with a mighty leap, crashing through the roof.

Power lynn: Oh, Jesus! That… that was unexpected, right?

Sync Lisa: Yes…

Berserk echo landed back down as she tries to get ahold of herself. Sync Lisa and power Lynn ran to her aid.

Berserk echo: Stayyyy… back… pleassse…

Sync Lisa: Luna and Echo, you have to gain control of yourselves. Don't let this monster consume you both, remember who you are.

Berserk echo: I… I am the reflection of all sound…. I am the rockstar of the louds…. I am Luna loud, I am Echo and we are… ONE!!!

It was then that echo's monstrous form began to change. Her monstrous feet morphed into large custom rockstar boots, her claws become large black and purple flame designed armored spiked gloves, grew spiked shoulder pads, her menacing skull logo became more fiery like as she formed armor on her upper body as the mouth disappeared and had a new mouthless skull design on the mask. She didn't shrink however, as she was now 8 feet tall and packed with armor and bulk.

Power lynn: Whoa...

Sync lisa: I do believe that ‘whoa’ is the correct analogy to describe this event.

Echo luna stood there. Power lynn stared at the dormant new form as she peeled back her mask.

Lynn: hey, luna, you in there? (Snaps fingers.)

Luna's mask then peels back.

Luna: Yeah, I'm here. (Looks around) hey… why did everything get so high up? Am I in control or not, dudes?

Lynn: You're in control, just uh… how do Lis and I say this right… you're uh….

Lisa: (masks peels back) I believe the term you're looking for is “Evolved” lynn.

Luna: Whaddya talking about, Lis?

Lisa: To answer your own question, third eldest sibling, I'd advise you give a good long look at yourself.

Luna looks down to see her new form, completely surprised by it.

Luna: whoa… this is rockin’! I’m HUGE!

Lisa: Correct. By reigning in the berserk tendencies of Echo, the two of you have finally completed a perfectly linked bond with each other. This has allowed Echo to achieve a more higher state of her suit form, granting you an increase in size, strength, and over all boost to your normal abilities.

Lynn: Plain english. Echo just became Super Echo!

Luna: Sweet! Echo, can you hear me in there?

Echo: Yep, it was a crazy ride through those soundwaves absorption but now I'm complete, thank you luv!

Luna: No problem mate! Thanks lisa and lynn.

Lynn: I really didn't do much, but… you're welcome lunes!

Lisa: Yes, it was a great honor to have completed Echo's form.

Lynn: So how's it feel being in the new suit?

Luna: It's amazing, I feel like I have so much energy dudes! I wonder what new abilities I'll have?

Lisa: I believe we could find out soon.

suddenly their communicators buzzed.

Lisa: Sooner than we expect. Another attack at the Royal Woods park has just occured.

Luna: (smirks) then let's see what this new suit is capable of!


Later, the team mobilized, Lincoln using his S.C.M.R.O. clone to avoid being caught by mom and dad as he left with the others.

At the park, the Delta Marvel Force and Symbi-warriors arrived to see the most unexpected of faces return. It was the Tigrilla they faced before but it had a few changes to it.

Risk lana: The tigrilla?!

The Tigrilla this time now had chest armor with steel plated arm and shin guards. It was also outfitted with curved gauntlet claws, missile equipped shoulder armor, steel fangs, spiked wrecking ball tail and one bionic yellow eye.

Omega lincoln: And he's got an upgrade!

Power Lynn: Guess it decided to get one after Amy smashed it into next week.

Darkpool: Any way Ava, wanna show the symbi-warriors your new claws?

Skull lasher: (shows her new metal claws) I'm ready for a fight.

Power lynn: cool Ava, you got an upgrade!

Skull lasher: Yep! These claws are an improvement along with accelerated healing factor and heightened senses. That Adamantium does wonders for an X-Gene like mine!

Tech Knight: Just make sure to stay away from anything magnetic from now on. Now that your skeleton is infused with Adamantium, you're more vulnerable to magnetism.

Skull lasher: got it.

Omega lincoln: Hey, has anyone seen luna?

Power lynn and Sync lisa smirk under their masks.

Power Lynn: Oh, she’ll be here… she's just getting used to her new suit, is all.

Alpha Lori: New Suit?

Sync Lisa: Indeed, she should be coming here right about... Now.

???: Look out, comin’ through!

Out from the sky, something lands next to the symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force, revealing Echo Luna in her new suit.

Risk Lana: Whoa, luna… you're MASSIVE!

Shadow lucy: Sigh… you've mastered the berserk mode…

Omega lincoln: Luna, that suit looks so cool!

Echo luna: Thanks lil bro! I have lisa and Lynn to thank for helping me and echo become one, to evolve.

Ruby spider: Gotta admit, the suit's design looks rockin’!

Sapphire spider: yeah!

The tigrilla noticed the group and roared at them.

Tech Knight: Looks like it noticed us. Seems it remembers you guys.

Hawk spider: well we'll be the last ones it'll ever see…

Darkpool: let's slice and dice ‘em!!

The tigrilla roared as it launched missiles from its shoulder armor at the group.

Tech Knight: Alpha, shield! (he and Alpha Lori block the missiles with their shields.)

Alpha lori: Got them!

Wildslash: More are coming!

Hawk spider: Electrocution arrows, explosive mode!

Hawk spider shot his electrocution arrows at a few missiles, causing them to explode. Power lynn smashed the missiles back with her fists, making them hit the ground behind them.

Power Lynn: We gotta attack ‘em now! CHAAAARGE!

Everyone attacked the tigrilla as the beast held its own. Power lynn and skull lasher double team the beast, hitting it with strong strikes and claw slashes.

The two partners went for the Hammer throw, but this time the Tigrilla was ready and used its Wrecking ball tail to send Skull lasher Flying, sending her crashing into a tree.

Omega Lincoln: Skull Lasher!

Skull Lasher: I'm okay! I LOVE this adamantium Skeleton!

Power Lynn: Cool! Let's spare after this tigrilla is put down!

Darkpool and wildslash lunged at the tigrilla with their blades and claws while aiming to slice the beast in half but the tigrilla managed to block their attacks with it's claws, countering their attacks as darkpool and wildslash dodged a powerful beam of the beast's bionic eye.

Ms. Mirage and shadow Lucy fly in, hitting some strong webbing and dark spell offense upon the tigrilla to trap it but the beast managed to slice away the web and knock shadow Lucy into Ms. Mirage with its spiked wrecking ball tail.

The tigrilla roared as it unleashes it's molten breath at the symbi-warrior and delta marvel force but ruby spider got in front of the attack and absorbed the heat.

Ruby Spider: Gaaaaaahhhh!!! Go while I keep it distracted!

Hawk Spider: Right, Echo Luna show them your new powers! Tech knight and Ms. Mirage, you're with me and darkpool, has Amy yet to arrive?

Darkpool: She should be here in 5 minutes-OH, THERE SHE IS!!

Amy Garcia ran towards the heroes.

Amy: Huff… huff… sorry I'm late, the taxi driver wouldn't hurry up to my destination.

Tech Knight: You know you could always hulk out and jump your way here.

Amy: (glares) I don't wish to cause a commotion by transforming in front of civilians and causing a panic.

Tech Knight: That makes sense.

Wildslash: C'mon, let's finish off the tigrilla.

Amy: Very well, you know what to do…

Wildslash then claws Amy in the stomach.

Amy: Guh! I-I didn't mean… ack… like that! Gah!

Wildslash: Well it worked.

Amy fell to her knees as she started grunting and growling, transforming into the pale blue she hulk now known as Colossa.


Darkpool: The monster is loose!

Colossa: Wildslash I'll get you for that later and you… (glares at tigrilla, who knocks ruby spider aside) This time when I smash you, you'll stay smashed…

Colossa lunged at the tigrilla as the two titans brawl, unleashing strong and heavy hits on the other. Each of the symbi-warriors and delta marvel force were assisting colossa and attacking from different sides. Hawk spider and tech knight saw tigrilla unleashing it's next armed missile defense in its now repaired shoulder armor and shot the missiles with their electrocution arrows/repulsar blasts.

Tech Knight: Time to get rid of those weapons.

Tech Knight aimed a Laser system and sliced the missle launchers off on it's left shoulder while Ms. Mirage took out the right shoulder with her dark shadow disks.

Echo Luna: My turn!

Echo Luna was going to execute a sonic shriek, but stops in her tracks, thinking.

Echo Luna: Oh yeah, my symbiote form is bigger now. If I let loose a sonic shriek with this kinda bod, my lungs wouldn't take the pressure since I'm still human. My lungs would burst!

Echo Luna then spread hands back.

Echo Luna: In that case, I’d better go with my hands!

Echo Luna slams both hands together, unleashing a huge, sonic thunderclap. Colossa saw this and jumps out of the way as well as the rest the team while the attack heavily damaged the tigrilla but it wasn't out yet.

Echo: Luna! I have an idea but do you trust me, luv?!

Echo Luna: Yeah dude, bond of rock mate! What is it?!

Echo: Close your hands together and form a guitar based weapon!

Echo Luna did so and formed a massive guitar. It was a weaponized black electric guitar with purple lightning trim marks on it.

Echo Luna: Wow! Is this one of your hidden techniques, Echo?!

Echo: Yep! Now make that beast face the music!

Echo Luna: Right! Let's ROCK!!!!!!!

Echo Luna begins to shred on her weaponized guitar, unleashing a severing sound wave that connects with the tigrilla, completely destroying it.

Echo Luna: (throws up the rock horns) YEAH!!

Tech Knight: Well, guess we can relax around Luna. She's completely in sync with Echo, and all her doubts about controlling her power has been washed away.

Hawk spider: Indeed.

Colossa walks towards the destroyed remains of the tigrilla, seeing various robotic parts.

Colossa: Hmmm… An animal android hybrid…

Omega lincoln: It was an android?

Sync lisa: Hmmm… intriguing.

Tech Knight: This tech isn't like anything I've seen. It's not A.I.M, ROXXON or Hammer Industries… what is it?

Sync lisa: I'll take a few of these parts to analyze.

Colossa: Amy shall do the same.

Sync lisa: Colassa, Can I have a sample of your blood for some research....?

Alpha lori: Lisa!

Colossa: Sure, whatever.

Sync lisa takes out three needles and extract some blood from colossa.

Hawk Spider: Let's report this to director fury soon. Great job everyone, including you luna with your new powers.

Echo Luna: Thanks hawk dude.

As the Symbi-Warriors and skull lasher dispersed, the Delta Marvel Force converged.

Tech Knight: Well, that's one down. Luna's cleared of suspicion of losing control, but that still leaves the others.

Ms. Mirage: Indeed, Any type of emotion or attribute will drive the other six loud siblings into the darkness of venomization.

Sapphire spider: Yeah, we can't take our eyes off them.

Ruby Spider: (holding his side) Yeah…

Darkpool: We watch them like hawks!

Wildslash gives darkpool a deadpan look before turning to hawk spider.

Wildslash: We start investigating on who built the second tigrilla to attack then we train the other symbiote louds.

Hawk Spider: Yeah… we must be prepared…

Darkpool: Yeah, I'd hate to put them down if they lose control, I really like the louds.

Tech Knight: Same here but… (thinks to himself) That day when I met them… is it possible that I started another transformation?

To be continued...

(The remastered version of chapter 29 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketches. Also, give some credit to JonahShwarts for the help and check out his loud house stories too. This is omegacrow fading to black...)

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