Chapter 28: The tech knight rises (Remastered)

The news of lord Tetherby’s defeat spread like wildfire as Tetherby’s associates were arrested. But there was no report of Dread Spike anywhere in royal woods. Right now, citizens are giving their opinions about the now deceased rich man as well as the Symbi-Warriors and the Delta Marvel force.

Clyde: Honestly, I feel conflicted about what happened to Tetherby. Sure, when Lincoln met him after he won that Limo ride, he was a factor that turned my buddy into a complete rich jerk, but he didn't deserve to be murdered.

Ron steel: I tell ya these costume freaks are getting more and more rebellious. I don't care if they saved the city more than once, that doesn't give them the right to enforce the law in their own hands. I will make sure that they are unmasked and behind bars.

Liam: I honestly don't really care about what Steel says, I'm thinkin’ that these Symbi-Warriors and Delta Marvel force are doin’ their part to defend the city. I mean, the Delta Marvel Force is sorta like the Avengers. If ya ask me, our town's safe as a sheltered barn with them around.

Rusty: yeah! I love the symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force. The leader Hawk Spider is like a combination of Spider-Man and Hawkeye, ice and fire type like Ruby Spider and Sapphire Spider are amazing! Miss Mirage is spooky and got those magic powers, Wildslash and Darkpool are like apprentices of wolverine and deadpool and that one teenage girl can turn into a pale blue she-hulk and can smash things up! But she might need a super name though…

Clyde: Feels like someone's missing though guys. Just one more guy. What is the Delta Marvel Force Missing?

Rusty: I dunno… maybe an Iron man?

Clyde: probably?

After the interviews a day later, a bus rolled up into Royal Woods, coming down Franklin avenue. On it were a load of passengers, but in the back sat a young boy at 16 years of age. He had brown hair styled into a smooth side style with a red hoodie over a black t-shirt and jeans colored blue. He also wore blue and gray Hi-Tops and has full cover gloves, which are white, and sports a pair of aviator goggles with white skin. He was listening to music from his phone as he sat with a backpack near his seat.

Driver: Franklin Avenue coming up! Anybody getting off?

???: I am.

Driver: alright then. This is your stop.

???: Thanks for the ride.

Driver: no problem.

The boy got off the bus as the driver drove off to the next stop. The young man then walked to the house that once belonged to ronnie anne and her family when they lived in royal woods but is now owned secretly by The Delta Marvel Force. He opened the door and found no one inside.

???: Huh… there's no one home. There is a note though.

He plucked the note off the door and read it, reading about the mission Nick Fury assigned the Force, and also learning the names of the Loud and Symbi Warriors.

???: So they aren't back yet. The mission probably took longer than it should. I guess I can wait for them to come back. Wonder what there is to do in this town?

After dropping off his stuff at the house, minus his backpack, the young man explored royal woods, looking at locations which included Flips Food and Fuel, The Burpin Burger, and the many Fusion Restaurants around the town.

As he was exploring however, he stumbled upon an abandoned warehouse.

???: That's odd… usually a warehouse like this should be abandoned but there are signs of conflict here. Better check it out.

The boy went inside the warehouse, unintentionally tripping something through the entrance, and started investigating all the marks and dents around the warehouse.

Narrator: At the residence of the Loud House….

The communicator of lisa beeped as the genius yelled out.

Lisa: Lori, Luna, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana and Ava, I acquire your assistance!

The six loud siblings and ava ran into lisa and lily's room.

Lori: What is it? Our communicators were going off, what's the emergency?!

Luna: Is someone in trouble?!

Lynn and Ava: Is there a bad guy?!

Lucy: Did someone die…?

Lisa: I'm afraid it is much worse than that, Sibling and friend units… it appears a civilian has stumbled upon our training area and is investigating the warehouse as we speak.

Lana: What?!

Lincoln: Someone will know our secret and tell the press! Our identity will be exposed!

Lynn: We can't let that happen!

Lisa: Agreed. We must get to our secret training area immediately and make sure this bystander is silenced.

The seven loud siblings and ava head out of Lisa's room and downstairs.

Rita: Oh, where are you kids going in such a hurry?

Lana: We're headed to the Burpin’ Burger for a little lunch, and we’d thought we’d take Lincoln and Ava with us. I know lincoln's still grounded but he needs a little lunch break.

Lincoln: Yeah, I could use a little break from all the homework I'm doing.

Ava: And burpin’ burger is my favorite food place so why should I pass this up?

Rita: Okay, it could help to get Lincoln out of the house for a bit. You all can go.

Lori: Thanks mom, literally. Hey dad, do you mind if we use Vanzilla to drive over there?

Lynn Sr: okay but be careful and don't scratch vanzilla, she's my baby.

Lana: We know pops, lori will be careful.

And so the Symbi-Warriors drove off to the Warehouse in Vanzilla.

Meanwhile, at said warehouse later as they were arriving, the young man was still looking at the inside of the warehouse, checking out all the marks and dents in the interior.

???: Bizzare isn't even the word to describe what's happening in here….

He leaped down from the upper levels and landed on his feet. He was about to walk towards the exit when the doors suddenly opened, and there were the Louds and Ava, blocking the doorway.

Lisa: hello intruder…

Lincoln: look, whatever business you have here is over now please leave here and forget what you saw.

???: We've just met, and you're asking me to leave? That's really no way to treat a new face in town, Lincoln.

Lincoln: h-how do know my name?

???: Let’s just say I'm well connected. Since I already know your name, I'll introduce myself to you and your sisters. My names Jason. Jason Alexander.

Lincoln: ok, Jason. What are you doing here?

Sisters and ava: yeah!

Jason: Well, if you wanna know… I arrived here in Royal Woods all the way from New York City. I was gonna move in right on Franklin Avenue near your house. The others who were living in the house weren't home, so I decided to explore the town. After seeing some sights, I came across this place and noticed all the marks and damages, so I decided to investigate a little bit, and here we are now.

Luna: Ok dude but are you going to tell anyone what's going down here?

Jason: Pretty hard not to tell anyone about this. (Smirks) Especially since I already know that you guys are the seven Symbi-Warriors and Ava here is Skull Lasher.

The Louds and Ava Gasped.

Jason: And some people out there would be pretty interested in knowing where you are. If they got a hold of me…. Well, you guys would be in trouble.

Lori: (glares) Are you planning to expose us?!

Lynn and Ava: if so, we can't let that happen!

Jason: I dunno…. I'm not gonna say what I'm gonna do with this info. (tugs his gloves) But if you want to know, you're gonna have to make me talk.

Lincoln: That won't be a problem. Let's go, Omega!

Omega: right!

Lori: Alpha!

Alpha: as you wish!

Luna: Let's rock, Echo!

Echo: ya got it brah!

Lynn: Power!

Power: let's smash this punk!!!

Lucy: Shadow…

Shadow: time to drown someone in darkness…

Lana: Risk!

Risk: let's go wild!!!!!

Lisa: Sync!

Sync: time to terminate.

In mere seconds, Omega, Alpha, Echo, Power, Shadow, Risk and Sync all burst out of the Louds clothes and formed their Symbiote suits. Ava had her bone claws come out and went into fighting stance.

Omega lincoln: let's deal out some justice!

Jason smiled at the sight of the symbi-warriors.

Jason: Heh… this should be pretty interesting. I’ll take you guys on.

Jason unzipped his hoodie as something glowed in his chest as the Symbi-Warriors took notice. It was some sort of glowing blue core close to his heart.

Risk Lana: Hey, what's that thing in his chest?

Sync Lisa: An Arc Reactor…?

Alpha Lori: like Tony Stark's Iron man?

Omega lincoln: yeah but how does Jason have one?

Jason: That's something you're gonna have to beat out of me too. But I'm not entirely defenseless….

Jason grabbed his backpack and tossed in into the air. He then tightened his hoodie and tapped his arc reactor as nanites spread all over his body, becoming a skintight bodysuit that was all black.

His backpack then split and converted into different pieces of metal as they assembled onto Jason over his black suit, becoming armor. A utility Belt where the backpack was then dropped from above and jason grabbed it, putting it around his waist as a helmet of sorts was put on his head.

Where jason stood, he was now fully suited up in a high tech suit of armor. It was a half black and half white colored armor with streaks of Blue crossing the chest to the arms and legs. Instead of the usual helmet, the helmet was a curved bat cowl shaped with two blue eyes and no face marks. A utility belt is attached to the lower chest, and the armor is still armed with Repulsors and Boot jets, in addition to a wide assortment of other weapons.

Jason: (In a robotic like tone over his normal voice) That's better. Now I'm more on your level.

Sync lisa: A high tech armored suit, intriguing…

Omega lincoln: A combination of iron man and batman, cool…

Jason: Thanks for the compliment. But I like to call myself something that fuses both words when I'm armored up. You wanna call me something? (raises his right repulsor arm).... Call me Tech Knight.

Omega lincoln: ok tech knight… let's do this!!

Tech Knight: Gladly. Who's first?

Alpha Lori: I'll go. (Forms a tendril bladed katana in her right hand)

Tech Knight: Nice. So your symbiote can create any sort of weapon on your limbs that you can think of. I like to think my armor’s got that too.

Tech Knight the formed an energy shield in his left hand, which was formed through Nanite created generators.

Sync Lisa: Interesting….

Tech Knight: Nanotech in the armor let's me form a few things. Other than that, I just use the weapons installed in this baby.

Alpha Lori: alright then, I'll attack first!

Alpha Lori lunged at tech knight as she was delivering a couple of swift slashes to tech knight, who was dodging and blocking with his shield. After one more swing, he evades and did a spinning Savate Kick to Alpha Lori's head, then punched with his shield arm to her midsection.

Tech Knight: Not bad, but your swings are a little too wide.

Alpha lori: you're not bad either, but here's a little something for you.

Alpha Lori does a namaste pose with her hands and spreads them wide as four arms appeared with tendril katana blades.

Alpha Lori: alpha katana rush!

Alpha Lori, in swift speed, charged tech knight with a calm melody of swift sword strikes to tech knight, followed by a swift kick to his head and gut, making him stumbling back.

Tech Knight: Okay…

Tech Knight rebound and clashed with all four arms of Alpha Lori. As soon as he parried all four, he saw his opening and struck with his energy shield as it spun like a buzzsaw, slicing off one of her katana arms.

Alpha Lori: Agh! Not through yet!

The arm grew back and struck the shield as she unleashed multiple strikes on tech knight, who blocks them all.

Tech Knight: Thanks for all the kinetic energy.

Alpha Lori: Huh?

Tech Knight: Now take this!

Tech knight release all the buildup of kinetic energy and blasts Alpha lori back a couple feet. He then slices off both of Lori's extra arms and then nails her with a super kick, knocking her down. For good measure, Tech Knight restrained her with a few holding clamps fired from his wrist launchers, that pinner her to the ground.

Alpha Lori: Agh!

Tech Knight: One down…. (retracts the shield and looks at the rest)... seven to go.

Ava: I'm next!

Power lynn: me too! Let's rumble!

Tech Knight: Two on one, eh? Okay then. Let's go.

Both ava and power lynn lunged at tech knight and hit him with a double dropkick, making him stumble back. But Lynn and Ava weren't done as they grabbed him and hit a double arm drag, getting him to the ground, followed by a claw fist drop and senton combo.

Tech Knight recovered since there was no pins in the fight. He used his helmet to analyze Ava and Power Lynn's moves and figured out the best way to take them down.

Power lynn: let's go, ava!

Ava: right! Hammer throw!

As lynn and Ava teamed up Tech knight analyzed their moves.

Tech Knight: here it comes….

Power lynn takes ava and spins her a few minutes before throwing her at tech knight with claws ready.

Tech knight then, at the last moment, sidestepped Ava and let her fly past him. Quickly acting, the Armored Enforcer blasted a Grappling hook from his wrist and latched on to Ava, before pulling and throwing her back over to Power Lynn as the two collided with each other sandwich style.

Power lynn and ava: oof!!

Power lynn: I'm not through yet!

Ava: I'm just getting started!

The two recovered for a bit and lunged at tech knight, trying a low sweep followed by a rough ryder move, shades of Zack Ryder to tech knight, knocking him down. Power lynn and ava go up top to the piles of crates and positioned him as they were about to do a double splash dive, they jump off the crates and connected the splash but Tech knight was able to grab them with his arms, using his thrusters to make sure he wasn't going through the crates. He then propelled himself upward and then…

Tech Knight: Double Sky High Chokeslam!

Tech Knight then slammed them both through the crates with chokeslams with both arms, all the way to the floor.

Ava and power lynn: aghhh!!!

Tech Knight then blasted some projectiles from his wrist launchers at them, immobilizing them with a quick hardening blue gel.

Tech Knight: Solidifying gel with molecularly bonding nanites for extra strength. You two are going nowhere.

Ava and power lynn: dang it.

Echo luna: my turn.

Tech Knight: Alright then Rockstar. Show me whatcha got.

Echo luna sprouted needles from her body and shot them at tech knight to strike his nerves to paralyze him but they bounced off his armor.

Tech knight: Sorry luv, but those paralysis needles aren't enough to penetrate my armor.

Echo luna: Nice British voice mate but listen to this!

Echo luna unleashed a massive soundwave scream that send tech knight flying into the crates.

Echo luna: A symphony of destruction for ya!

Echo luna unleashed another soundwave scream at tech knight who tries to stand his ground against it. Tech knight braced against the sound wave as he unleashed a Unibeam that hit Echo Luna dead on. She was about to unleash another sonic scream to retaliate.

Tech Knight: Not this time.

Tech Knight grabbed a capsule from his Utility belt and quickly threw it at Echo Luna just as she was about to breathe in. it burst open, in which it contained smoke which she accidentally breathed in.

Echo luna: Cough!! Cough, cough, cough, cough!!!

Tech knight then ran at Echo, firing his repulsors in quick and successive strikes, before delivering a right hook, knocking her down.

Echo Luna: gyaah!!

Tech Knight: Sorry love, but you attacked me first.

He restrains Echo with some more holding clamps.

Tech Knight: okay then. That only leaves the four youngest.

Shadow lucy: Lincoln, let's double team..

Omega lincoln: Right!

Tendril bat wings sprouted out of shadow lucy's back as she flew up into the air and lunged at tech knight, grabbing ahold of him and delivering a swift amount of gale force attacks and sends him over to omega lincoln, who forms a blade and slashes him, followed by a few powerful kicks, sending him backwards towards the crates. He used his flight systems to avoid damage. As Omega was getting closer, Tech Knight got an idea.

Tech Knight: Hey, look! I think that's Ace Savvy behind you!

Omega lincoln: Where?!

Tech Knight: Gotcha.

Before Omega could react, Tech knight blasted him with a concussion shot, followed by a rapid fire salvo of stun missiles, then finished off with a spin kick, taking Omega Lincoln down.

Omega Lincoln: You cheater!

Tech Knight: It's not cheating to have a psychological edge on your opponents. You always gotta think a few steps ahead.

Omega lincoln: I knew that!

Tech knight: but you knew it too late.

He restrained lincoln before he was attacked from the darkness by Shadow Lucy.

Tech Knight: So, now it's a game of hide and seek?

Shadow lucy: this is my darkness… can you escape the endless void within?

Tech Knight felt himself being attacked from all sides in the darkness by shadow lucy.

Shadow lucy: none can escape my darkness…

The attacks kept coming as Tech Knight reached for a device on his Utility belt.

Tech Knight: Oh really? Well, try this on for size!

Tech knight threw a spherical grenade device into the air after arming it, in which it emitted a bright light that engulfed the entire warehouse, revealing Shadow Lucy.

Shadow lucy: hisssssssss… the light… it burns… hisssssss…

Tech Knight: Nowhere to hide now. You're mine.

Tech knight fired projectile from one of his shoulder launchers, which contained a net that ensnared Shadow lucy and stuck her to the wall.

Shadow lucy: sigh…..

Tech Knight: You guys aren't half bad. The reports about you were definitely right.

Risk Lana and Sync Lisa stepped forward.

Tech Knight: So, you two wanna step up last?

Risk lana: Sure! I've been meaning to cut loose!

Sync lisa: Let's end this little conflict.

Risk Lana transformed into a symbiote-like lizard while Sync Lisa formed tendril tentacles out of her back. Risk Lana rammed tech knight with her head followed by a tail whip, Sync Lisa hits tech knight with a couple of lashes from the tentacles on her back until she grabs him and throws him at risk Lana, who hits him with her spiked tail.

Tech Knight: Not bad at all, kids. But I'm not done yet.

Risk Lana: Really? And how exactly are you gonna stop us both?

Tech Knight: Easy. With some simple education.

Tech Knight evaded Sync’s tentacles and Risks tail as he loaded up his wrist launcher.

Tech Knight: You may have all the abilities of a lizard, but you also have their weaknesses. For example, reptiles aren't that fond of the cold!

Risk tried to attack him, but Tech Knight fired a freeze blast from his Wrist launcher and stopped Her dead in her tracks, freezing up her entire body.

Risk Lana: c-c-cooollllldddd!!! So cold...

Sync Lisa then tried to attack with her tentacles, but Tech Knight was able to dodge them all.

Tech Knight: and you're obviously the smartest of the bunch….

Tech knight then grabbed two of Sync tentacles.

Sync Lisa: Uh oh….

Tech knight then pulled her in and knocked her out with a big Brogue Kick.

Tech Knight: …. But you're obviously not that strong.

It was at this moment when the Armored attacker defeated all of the Symbi-Warrriors that the Delta Marvel force arrived on the scene.

Hawk spider: so you're here like fury said...

Darkpool: Whoa, you took out all of the Symbi-Warriors?

Wildslash: Well yeah, like us, he was also trained by an avenger. The symbi-warriors still have a long way to go.

Miss mirage: Sigh …. So you're the new recruit fury sent?

Tech knight: (pops up his face mask) That’s me.

Alpha Lori: Wait, what's literally going on here right now?

Hawk Spider stares at Tech Knight.

Hawk Spider: You didn't tell them?

Tech Knight: Well, no. they sorta took me for an intruder, and attacked me.

Echo luna: We thought you were going to expose our secret dude.

Tech Knight: Well, you can settle down, I'm not going to do that. Not when I'm the newest member of the Delta Marvel Force.

Omega Lincoln: Wait..what?


After a quick trip to the Burpin Burger for takeout, the Symbi-Warriors and Delta Marvel force came back to the old Santiago residence. After they had changed into their civilian clothes, Jason explained that he was a new member of the Delta Marvel force that he was sent by fury after Tetherby’s downfall. He explained that Fury briefed him on the Symbi-Warriors and their abilities,that's how he knew their names.

Jason: ...and so, Fury sent me to make sure everything will be under control going forward after what happened with Tetherby.

Lincoln: I see. So… like the delta marvel force here, you're here to keep an eye on us?

Jason: That's right. Hope you and Dan don't mind.

Luna: It's cool dude but don't be spying like a creep in the night, okay?

Jason: I would never do that. What about you dan, any objections?

Dan James: None whatsoever… welcome to the delta marvel force.

Tori Monroe: But step out of line and I'll shish kabob you with my swords! (shows both katanas with a cheerful smile)

Drake Jones: Tori, there's no reason to kill him.

Tori: (pouts) I was joking drake! Sheesh, learn to take a joke!

Lana: So Jason, what's your story? How'd you get that armor and reactor?

Jason: Well, when I was 15, I had the chance to take an internship at Stark Industries. My family was all there, and we even got to meet Tony Stark himself. Just before we could even make the internship official, ROXXON attacked. Their robots destroyed everything in their way and we got caught in the crossfire. I was mortally wounded…. (looks down) my parents didn't make it.

Ava: (sad) oh… I'm sorry, guess you know what it's like too.

Jason: I was close to dying. My heart was destroyed, and some of my vital organs such as my lungs were heavily damaged. I didn't think I would survive but… Mr. Stark saved me. He used one of his Arc Reactors and fused it with his Nanotech to make a sort of life support system, keeping my body alive. I guess you could say that this (points to his Arc Reactor) is my heart now, and it's keeping everything about me alive.

Lisa: intriguing…

Lana: wow…

Lori: that's literally tragic.

Jason: I was orphaned for awhile, but SHIELD took me in. I was able to be trained to defend myself like what you saw in the warehouse, and Tony gave me that armor to go along with the reactor. And well, the rest you can already see.

Lisa: Indeed. I am quite intrigued about how the billionaire inventor Tony Stark constructed these armors. I might consider making some myself but that's for another time since my experiment schedule is booked.

Lincoln: Gotta admit, stark makes awesome armor.

Lana: Yeah, he was able to keep up with us in that thing! I love this guy!

Lori: Lynn, do you have anything to say to him? He WAS pretty good.

Lynn: yeah…. Pretty good….

Jason: Something wrong? I wasn't trying to humiliate any of you in that fight.

Lynn: no… it's fine. Just fine… (goes to the kitchen)

Jason: Is she okay?

Lori: Don't worry about it. Lynn can be… a little competitive but it'll pass.

Jason: Okay then. So, I know about my teams powers and how they got them, but I don't know how you guys got yours. How did you guys stumble upon seven hyper-advanced symbiotes?

Lincoln: well a few weeks back, on a stormy night… a meteorite crashed into our backyard.

Lisa: I took in the meteorite to analyze it but then one of the symbiote life forms attacked and permanently merged with me as well as the other symbiote permanently bonding with my six siblings.

Lincoln: you may know our names Jason but let us introduce ourselves property. I am Lincoln loud, the middle child of the loud family. My symbiote's name is Omega. She's really nice, and believe it or not, all of the symbiotes my sisters have are her family.

Lori: I'm Lori loud, the oldest of ten siblings and my symbiote is alpha. He's the oldest of the symbiotes, like me. And obviously the one in charge of everything.

Luna: name's Luna loud, the third oldest and the rockstar of the louds. My symbiote is Echo and she loves to go wild with rock like I do!

Lynn came back from the kitchen in time to introduce herself.

Lynn: Sorry about that, just needed to blow off a little steam from earlier with the fight.

Jaydnn: You didn't break anything in the kitchen, did you?

Lynn: Nope. Anyway, the name's Lynn loud Jr, the athlete of the louds, sports are my life. My symbiote is power and she lives to fight!

Jason: I can tell. You two are really in sync. (looks to Lucy) and you must be the goth of the family, right?

Lucy: sigh… yes. I am Lucy loud, I am goth who loves the darkness, poems and anything scary and horrifying to be found in nightmares…..

Jason: Uh…

Lucy: My symbiote’s name is Shadow. He's not much of a conversationalist but he loves everything I love….

Jason: I see. It's great to meet you.

Lana: My name's Lana loud, I'm the one who does all the dirty work and fixes stuff. I guess you can call me the family's mechanic and animal expert.

Jason: Explains your symbiotes ability to transform into a lizard. Which is pretty impressive.

Lana: Thanks! And his name's Risk, by the way. He's wild and ain't afraid to get down and dirty like me!

Lisa: And I am Lisa Loud. Next to my sister Lily, I am one of the youngest of my family unit. But despite this, my IQ far exceeds that of a normal 4 year old. My symbiote is Synchronization… Sync for short. He is also in possession of superior intelligence that merged with mine, allowing us to create anything beyond human limitations.

Jason: Pretty impressive. (Looks to Ava) And you are?

Ava: Oh, my name's Ava Jones. I'm a great friend of Lynn’s, we do a lot together.

Jason: I already saw you have the same mutant ability as Drake. How'd you get it?

Ava: (frowns) I discovered them when… my parents were murdered. I went crazy and killed the three robbers but the leader escaped. I vowed one day I'll find him and jab these claws(showing a bone claw) in his neck for taking my family away from me.

Jason: (sympathetic).... We have something in common. I can understand the pain of losing your family. If you ever want to talk about it, I'm always here.

Ava: thanks…

Jason: So this is the team. It's great to be here. (looks around) Wait.. isn't the force supposed to have one more member?

Lincoln: yeah, where's Amy?

Amy then appeared from the basement.

Amy Garcia: I see you guys are back.

Lisa: Ah amy. Good to see you.

Jason: So this is the Pale Blue She Hulk I've heard about.

Amy: And you must be the new recruit fury told us about. I already know you and your story. I'm Amy Garcia…

Jason: Jason Alexander. Quick question, does your Hulk form have a name?

Amy: No, why?

Jason: Wouldn't it be more easier for you to call yourself something when you're all hulked out?

Amy: she's not a pet to be named…

Lincoln: It's more like a Hero Name, Amy. we all have one.

Adam ryder: it's true, we've been trying to name her hulk half but she doesn't give us a chance, saying that "I'm too busy with science right now".

John ryder: True. Very true.

Jason: Well, I'm going to take that chance right now. Personally, I find that a great name for a Hulk hero is based on power and size. So for that reason, I'm going to name Amy’s hulk form… Colossa.

Amy: hmmm…. (Opens her mouth to speak but the she-hulk’s voice was heard out of her mouth) I LIKE IT. (Amy covers her mouth)

Lincoln: What the…?

Lori: Did… did Amy's hulk half literally speak through her mouth?

Tori: It looks like it.

Adam: That's never happened before.

John: Or maybe we haven't seen it.

Luna: freaky brah…

Lana: yeah…

John: So, that's pretty much everyone, Jason.

Adam: Any other questions you'd like to ask the Louds?

Jason: Well… I do have ONE more. Fury wanted me to ask this. Did any of you guys go berserk during the conflict with Tetherby?

Lincoln: berserk?

Jason: it's when a Symbiote loses control of itself while possessing a host body. They enlarge in size and take on an appearance similar to Venom himself. For those reasons, I dubbed the berserk transformation “Venomization”.

Luna was quiet. Jason picked upon her silence.

Jason: So… you were the first to experience Venomization.

Luna: yeah… tetherby tried to remove echo from me by trapping me in a machine of high sound and high voltage electricity. But the soundwaves that hit me and echo made us stronger, it was too much though and we wounded up going crazy… I nearly hurt lincoln in that form. (Looks down in sadness and guilt but lincoln pats her on the back)

Lori: We found out that Echo can become stronger by absorbing sound waves. But coupled with the high voltage, it made her literally insane. I'm not even sure if Echo herself was in control, it was like that they acted just like…

Jason: ...Venom.

Lana: Venom?

Lincoln: Venom is a symbiote that was once worn by spiderman but went on to hosts like Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson. Unlike our Symbiotes, Venom is completely unpredictable. He can be your ally, or your enemy. Like an anti-hero or a villain...

Lana: oh….

Jason: I can tell you guys are still feeling the effects of Luna's rampage. But I'm not about to tell fury to act on Luna and put her away because she might be dangerous.

Lincoln: You're not?

Jason: No. Where I see dangerous threats, I see opportunity. I nearly lost my life, but I was able to survive and become stronger. Since then, I always see the good in bad situations. (Looks to Luna) and I believe that you and Echo can become stronger if you are willing to embrace that monster Tetherby unleashed, Luna.

Luna: ….. but what if I can't? I don't want to end up putting the fam in danger.

Jason: You won't. With the right initiative, we can help you.

Lincoln: yep.

Luna: thanks dudes.

Dan: no problem, but the same goes for the rest of you louds, like luna, you might go berserk too at any time.

Lincoln: wait… we could end up like luna and echo?

Jadynn: your symbiotes are more hyper-advanced than a normal symbiote. Different in attributes. For luna and echo, it was sound… your attributes for going berserk is still unknown to us...

Jason: Which means we need to make sure you guys are monitored carefully. One false move could cost you your town and everyone you know. But we won't let that happen.

Tori: Yep! And If that happens, we'll go to plan B… (shows her twin katana blades with a cheerful smile)

Drake: (glares) Tori….

Tori: Cmon Drake, it's just a joke!

Drake: Are you sure it was a joke?

Luna: (whispers to lori) she's like luan but insane dude…

Lori: No question.

Tori: (pouts) you know drake, sometimes you're just no fun!

Lincoln: So, we don't have to worry?

Jason: No, we got your back. But tomorrow, we're gonna focus on helping Luna.

Luna: me? Tomorrow?

Jason: The sooner the better, right?

Luna: I guess you have a point dude.

Lori: We should head back to the house. We don't want the rest of our family getting suspicious.

Lynn: yeah, Lola is already trying to stick her nose where it doesn't belong with the others following suit.

Dan: Then go. We will report status to Director Fury.

Lincoln: okay, we'll see ya later.

As the loud Siblings left, Jason stopped Ava from leaving.

Jason: Ava, wait.

Ava: huh? What is it?

Jason: if you're truly set on wanting revenge for your family, you’ll need to be stronger yourself. And to do that, your claws need a little upgrade.

Ava: Upgrade?

Drake: Jason, are you suggesting….

Jason: Yeah. Ava should be reinforced with Adamantium.

Tori: so like the wolverine… well, amy here got hold of some during her mission a few weeks back.

Amy: I do, still analyzing it and wonder what to create out of it, so many possibilities.

Jason: We just need to borrow some so that we can give Ava the boost she needs.

Amy: Very well… do you want to do this…? It was a miracle that logan survived this, can you…?

Ava: I can take it. If Logan can do it, I can do it too.

Amy: Alright, follow me to the basement.

Ava follows Amy.

Tori: so drake… when are you going to take the adamantium procedure?

Drake: I'll think about it….

It wasn't long before Ava was placed in the procedure water tank and lowered in, being pumped with the melted liquid adamantium. After awhile, the procedure was done.

Jason: How is she?

Amy: she should be regaining consciousness in 3… 2… 1.

Amy broke through the tank and rose out of the water with pure, adamantium metal claws, letting out an angry roar.


Tori: She's gone rabid!

Adam and john: She's gone full predator!!

Ava gets loose and attacks drake with her metal claws, who grunts and growls as he brings out his bone claws. Before ava could attack him again, she was put to sleep by jadynn with her dark powers.

Jason: Nice job, Jadynn.

Jadynn: Sigh… no problem.

Drake: (injuries heal) grrr….

Tori: (smiles) you okay bud?

Drake: I'm fine… adamantium claws are different than bone. But I'll survive.

Tori: maybe you'd like to give it a try, huh? Cmon, you know you're thinking it.

Drake: grrrr…

Dan: Tori, Drake, don't try to fight right now.

Drake: alright…

Tori: fine… but drake should really try the procedure…

Suddenly a screen appears and showed Nick Fury.

Adam: Director on deck!

Everyone stood at attention.

Nick Fury: I see you've made it to Royal Woods, Jason.

Jason: I have, sir. Granted, I did get into a little misunderstanding with the Louds, but everything's sorted out now.

Dan: indeed. The symbi-warriors are continuing to rise up to high levels of their potential.

Nick Fury: Any incidents?

Jason: Just with Luna, but we're going to help her turn her disaster into a way of getting stronger.

Nick Fury: I see…

Jadynn: yes… these hyper-advanced symbiotes the louds possess have different attributes. Luna's symbiote attribute is sound but the others are still unknown. However, we'll seek them out so the others symbi-warriors can master their powers further.

Nick Fury: I understand. But remember to keep a close eye on those kids. We can't let them become a threat to the world.

All: yes director fury.

The transmisson then ended.

To be continued...

(Chapter 28 is finished, again! You're probably wondering why chapters 28-34 of the loud symbiotes are unpublished, well looking through a few errors in the chapters myself and my partner, JonahShwarts aka hope the victor are fixing and remastering chapters 28-34. Don't worry, you'll still see the same chapters, just with some things changed. I hope you understand, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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