Chapter 27: Lincoln and Luna's day at home
Four days have passed since the defeat of Lord tetherby as the hands of the symbi-warriors and his death at the hands of dread spike. Tetherby's death was all over the news as well as the information about his master plan to take over royal woods and all of michigan, thanks to dread spike sending the information to royal woods police department. Polices all over michigan managed to find and arrest tetherby's colleagues, putting them away in jail for life, tetherby's reputation was completely destroyed as everyone hated him and were glad he was dead as no one was going to miss him.
At the loud house, the family and ava were glad that old rich scumbag finally got what was coming to him as everything went back to normal.
Well as normal as it can get.
The symbi-warriors remembered what dread spike said about tetherby being the beginning...that more deadly forces will arrive to take over or destroy royal woods and everyone in it. Lincoln and the others promised whatever threat invades their town, the symbi-warriors will be ready to defend it and it's people.
The day after tetherby's death, the loud family and ava celebrated with lynn Sr ordering burpin' burgers takeout. Everyone was enjoying themselves...well not everyone.
Two days after tetherby's death, luna, the loudest rockstar of the loud family has been very quiet lately. She hasn't been playing any form of music, has been very depressed and avoiding her sisters and brother as well as having nightmares but wouldn't tell luan and the others what the nightmare was about, which worried her siblings.
Narrator: Friday, 8:30am.
Again, it was a stormy day at the loud house as the loud sisters and ava went to school, rita took lily to her job and lynn Sr went to his job as well. Lincoln was to stay home because his suspension wasn't up yet and luna, telling her parents that she wasn't feeling well decided to let her stay home.
The scene cuts to lincoln's room as he was finishing another history assignment.
Lincoln: (groans) and done...!
Lincoln then gets up from his desk and collapsed on his bed.
Lincoln: once today, tomorrow and sunday is up, my suspension is over.
Lincoln's stomach started to growl.
Lincoln: getting kinda hungry.
Lincoln gets up out of bed and opens the door, walking out of his room and heading downstairs, completely unaware that luna and luan's room door was slowly creaking open.
In the kitchen, lincoln was making his famous peanut butter and sauerkraut sandwiches and begins to eat it.
Lincoln: hmmm...that is delicious.
As lincoln was done with his sandwich, he left the kitchen and heads back upstairs to his room. Upon heading to his room, lincoln heard faint sobs coming from luna and luan's room.
Lincoln slowly walks towards the door and opens it as he walked into the room to see luna laying down on her top bunk bed with her back turned to him, faintly sobbing.
Lincoln: (worried) luna...are you okay?
Luna: (not facing lincoln; spoke in a sad tone) sob...*sniff*...g-go away lincoln.
Lincoln: luna please tell me what's the matter? You've been like this for four days and everyone's getting worried about you. I just wanna help you.
Luna turns to look at lincoln angry, tearful eyes.
Luna: (angry) I SAID GO AWAY!!!
Lincoln was slightly startled by luna's outburst but sighed in defeat as he turns around to leave the room, closing the door behind him.
Luna turns back to face the wall as she started to sob again.
Narrator: with lincoln.
The white haired boy was on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he was lost in thought.
Lincoln: (in his mind) man I wonder what's been bugging luna? Well I won't force her to talk...I'll give her the alone time she wants until she's ready...
Lincoln closes his eyes as he drifted into a deep sleep.
Narrator: 1:00pm.
Lincoln slowly awakes from his slumber as he let out a loud yawn.
Lincoln: man that was a good rest. I feel recharged, time to watch tv.
Lincoln gets up out of the bed and opens the door to walk out of the room.
When lincoln was about to head to the stairs, a voice called him out. Luna's voice.
Luna: l-lincoln...
Lincoln turns around to see luna coming out of her and luan's room with red puffy eyes and dried tears.
Luna: *sniffs*...can I talk to you please...?
Lincoln: sure.
Lincoln follows luna into her room as they sat on luan's bed. Luna looked away from lincoln for a moment before turning to lincoln, who had a worried expression on his face.
Luna: dude...I'm really sorry for snapping at you like that, I was just having some bad vibes right now and took it out on you instead of talking to you about my problem.
Lincoln: apology accepted. Now tell me what's been bugging you for the past four days.
Luna bit her lip as she tries to keep more tears from falling out of her eyes. She calmly breathes in and out before finally speaking.
Luna: after the whole tetherby thing, I haven't been feeling good...I-I've been having nightmare bro...nightmares about me in that giant symbiote form, torturing and pulverizing you w-with a twisted, s-sadistic smile on my face. Y-you kept trying to reach me but I-I was too far gone as I started to choke you to death and d-devoured your dead corpse...
Lincoln's eyes widened in complete shock.
Luna: (in tears) the nightmare kept playing over and over again in my head, bringing back the memory of me hurting you in that berserk state...I just can't handle that I hurt you like that when I wasn't in control of myself...sob... (hugs lincoln) I'm so sorry!
Lincoln returns the hug, trying to comfort his sobbing sister.
Lincoln: luna it's not your fault or echo's like I told you. Tetherby was the one who hurt you two and made you lose control. If anyone's to blame, it's him.
Luna broke the hug and looks at lincoln with saddened eyes.
Luna: tetherby didn't really hurt me with those soundwaves bro...the soundwaves empowered us.
Lincoln: empowered you?
Luna: yes...echo told me this a day ago after tetherby's death, the soundwaves didn't hurt us exactly, they were fueling me and echo bro... making us stronger but it was too much sound power and it make us go berserk...
Lincoln: so you're saying...
Luna: another one of echo's ability is to absorb sound.
Lincoln: luna...
Luna: I know you've forgave me for what I did but I don't think I can forgive myself...I'm suppose to be your guardian and protect you but I ended up doing the opposite of that, what if I go berserk again? I don't wanna end up hurting you or the rest of our sisters. I'll understand if you want to kick me off the team bro...
Lincoln was silent for a moment before speaking.
Lincoln: luna...I'm not gonna kick you off the team...what happened was beyond your control so stop blaming yourself for this...
Luna: (in tears) but I-
Lincoln: but nothing! You're not a berserk, hulking symbiote monster. You're luna loud, the loud family rock star, my closest sibling and guardian. You are also echo, the purple rockin' symbiote superhero of the symbi-warriors. I know that if you go berserk again, you need to learn to control it and I'll do everything in my power to help you, that also goes for lori, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa. We're a team and a family, we always have each other's backs, so let me have yours.
Luna wipes away her tears as she started to chuckle.
Luna: (slightly smiles) I guess you're right bro.
Lincoln: (smiles) thanks. Now will you stop being depressed?
Luna: (smiles) don't worry bro... (sings) cause I'm breaking the habit, I'm breaking the habit, tonight!
Lincoln: (chuckles) linkin park?
Luna: yeah. Besides mick swagger and SMOOCH, I'm a huge fan of linkin park. It's sad that the lead singer died, but Chester bennington's legend and music will always live on forever bro.
Lincoln: I know, he's a legend. I remember when you introduced me to linkin park music.
Luna: which one was your favorite?
Lincoln: final masquerade.
Luna: rockin'! My favorite is new divide and burn it down!
Lincoln: awesome! Now that your rock spirit is back up, whatta you want to do?
Luna: let's order some pizza, I'm hungry for some slices dude.
Lincoln: you have the money for it?
Luna: enough in my allowance to get us ten boxes of pizza!
Lincoln: awesome!
Luna got out her phone and begin dialing up the number for the pizza place.
After telling the pizza place her order, luna hung up the phone.
Luna: well let's go downstairs and watch tv while we wait for our order.
Lincoln: alright.
Lincoln and luna leave the room and head downstairs as they plopped down on the couch and watched tv as they wait for the pizza delivery man to arrive.
A few minutes went by as a knock at the door was heard.
Luna: I'm coming!
Luna walks towards the door and opens it, revealing the pizza delivery man with ten boxes of pizza.
Pizza delivery man: here's your ten boxes of pizza.
Luna: (smiles) thanks dude. Here's the cash.
Luna hands the delivery man the money as he walked away while luna shuts the door with her foot, carrying ten boxes of pizza towards the coffee table and placing them on said table.
Luna: (smiles) lunch is here dude! Let's eat up!
Lincoln: (smiles) alright!
Lincoln and luna opened the first box of pizza as they begin to chow down slice after slice, moving on the next box of pizza and the next and the next...
Narrator: 2:56pm.
The ten empty boxes of pizza were scattered throughout the living room with pieces of pepperoni, cheese and sauce spattered and stuck to the walls. Lincoln and luna were laying down on the couch, rubbing their bloated stomachs.
Lincoln: (groans) man...we ate a lot of pizza...
Luna: dude...urp...we ate like wild animals bro....
Lincoln: yeah...I feel sick eating all ten boxes of pizza...buuurrpp...but it was so yummy.
Luna: buuuurrrrrppppp...I couldn't help myself was so delicious bro...
Then both of their stomach started to rumble as lincoln and luna's face turned a sickly shade of green.
Lincoln: (nauseous) l-luna...I don't think the pizza is s-sitting right...I think I'm gonna be sick...
Luna: (nauseous) oooohhhh...m-me too...puke city bro...
Holding their mouths to keep their puke in, luna and lincoln get up and ran upstairs to the bathroom as they vomited in the toilet.
After a few minutes of vomiting, lincoln and luna came out of the bathroom, groaning.
Lincoln: I'm never eating pizza again.
Luna: ditto dude.
The two loud siblings walked downstairs to see the living room a complete mess.
Lincoln: man the living room a mess.
Luna: (smirks) you thinking what I'm thinking?
Lincoln nodded as their symbiotes burst out of their clothes and formed into their symbiote suits. Omega and echo got the trash bags, brooms, dusk pans, wash rags as they instantly cleaned the whole living room in mere seconds with the pizza stains wiped out and the empty pizza boxes in the trash bags.
The symbiotes peeled themselves away from their hosts, revealing lincoln and luna as they eyed the sparkling clean living room.
Lincoln: and we're done.
Luna: never seen the living room shine this much before dude.
Lincoln: wanna jam?
Luna: (smirks) you took the words right out of my mouth lil bro.
Lincoln and luna ran upstairs to her and luan's room as they begun to jam. Lincoln was playing the drums and luna was shredding on her new guitar lincoln bought her at the mall. (before it got destroyed)
Luna: (smiles) that's it bro, you got it!
Lincoln: (playing the drums; smiles) I'm feeling the music!
Luna: sweet! Let's turn it up to an eleven bro! (Shreds more rhythm on her guitar)
After a few minutes of jamming, lincoln and luna were watching SMOOCH on television.
Lincoln: I sure love SMOOCH, their music is rockin'!
Luna: yeah dude! (Sings) take my advice and don't be a mooch, grab life by the lips and give it a SMOOCH!!
Lincoln: I still remember that day when you made my first concert unforgettable, thanks again for giving me a rockin' time. (Smiles)
Luna: (smiles) no prob bro, glad you had fun.
Lincoln hugs luna, who smiles as she returns the hug. The front door opened as ava, the other loud sisters and parents come in.
Lori: hey lincoln, hey luna.
Rita: did you two have a good time at home?
Lincoln: yeah.
Luna: we sure did fam.
Luan: are you okay luna?
Lynn: you're not depressed anymore, are you?
Luna: naw dudes. I admit that I was in a bit of a funk in the last four days but lincoln here cheered me up. (Puts her arm around lincoln's shoulder and smiles)
Lincoln smiles at his rockstar sister.
Leni: aaawww...that's totes adorable.
Lucy:'s nice seeing you not depressed cause being all dark, quiet and gloomy is my thing.
Lynn Sr: well glad to hear that you're not depressed anymore, luna. So what did you two do while we were out?
Lincoln: (smiles) oh nothing much.
Luna: (smiles) just a special bonding day between us siblings.
To be continued...
(Chapter 27 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch. I also had luna referenced Breaking the habit by Linkin Park, I'm a big fan of them. I'm still bummed out about the lead singer's death, R.I.P. Chester bennington, his legend and music will always live on forever. Chapter 28 will be coming up sooner or later, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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