Chapter 26: The final battle

Heading up to the top floor of the mansion, lincoln and luna were searching for the other symbi-warriors and skull lasher.

When they made it to the others, lincoln and luna noticed that they were backing away from something as lincoln and luna heard large foot steps heading towards them.

Lincoln: guys!

Luna: dudes!

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher turned to see to lincoln and luna running towards them.

Power lynn: lincoln, luna!

Risk lana: you guys alright?

Lincoln: yeah, a little banged up but okay.

Alpha lori: glad to hear it, are you doing okay, luna?

Luna: I'm okay.

Skull lasher: guys...hate to spoil the family reunion but we have bigger problems now!

The symbi-warriors turn around to see the threat stomping towards them. It was lord tetherby in a giant black and gold armored mech suit.

Lord tetherby: (smirks evilly) look upon me symbi-warriors and tremble for I am your reckoning!

Lincoln: (shocked) he has a giant mechanical robot suit?!

Risk lana: (shocked) whoa!

Power lynn: no time to be shocked, let's take this thing down!

Skull lasher: the bigger they are, the harder they fall!

Lincoln and luna's symbiote masks covered their faces as they joined the others to face tetherby.

Omega lincoln: alright guys let's take him down together!

Symbi-warriors and skull lasher: yeah!

Lord tetherby: (laughs evilly) this fight shall be your last!

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher lunged at tetherby as they clashed. Tetherby activated his shoulder missiles and fired them at power and skull lasher, who dodged the missiles and went to attack the chest armor, only to tetherby to smack them away. Power then kips up and uses her spiked knuckles to take out the left shoulder armor while skull lasher uses her bone claws to slash the right shoulder armor.

Tetherby growled as he fired a golden pulse blast at power and skull lasher, hitting them square on as they crashed into tetherby's dining room.

Shadow then summons her tendril bat wings and shot up in the air and begin to assault tetherby with swift aerial attacks, tetherby uses him mechanical arms to try to catch her but the symbiote clad goth was too fast for him. He then felt something grip him from behind, tetherby turns around to see that it was risk, who had taken the form of a symbiotic gorilla. Tetherby tried to break free but risk kept a strong grip on him as shadow continues to attack him.

Tetherby then activates the jet boots as he flew around the mansion, smashing and ramming risk into all of his prized objects as he finally got the symbiote clad tomboy off but didn't count on shadow clawing one of the jets, making tetherby fall to the ground, hard.

Shadow checks on risk.

Shadow lucy: are you okay?

Risk lana: y-yeah, I'm not out of the game.

Alpha checks on power and skull lasher.

Alpha lori: are you two alright?

Power lynn: yeah, I'm only getting hyped up now!

Skull lasher: I'm okay too but it'll take a lot more than that to stop me!

Omega lincoln: guys tetherby's getting back up!

The group turns their attention to tetherby, who was getting up off the ground as he glares furiously at them.

Lord tetherby: (yells angrily) YOU DARE TO MAKE A FOOL OUT OF ME?! WELL NO MORE MR. NICE RICH GUY!

Lord tetherby then activates his armored shield in his left hand and brings out his golden electric pulse blade in his right hand.

Alpha lori: lisa is there a way to dismantle his armored suit?

Sync lisa: well there's that golden power source on the mechanical chest area of tetherby's suit but it's heavily protected. We have to aim for the chest so we can break the barrier and destroy the power source.

Omega lincoln: alright everyone, some of us will attack the robotic legs and arms. While tetherby is caught off guard, myself, alpha and echo will attack the chest, destroying the power source.

All: right!

Lord tetherby: come and face your demise!

The group and tetherby lunged at each other as tetherby tried to slash them all away with his blade but the symbi-warriors and skull lasher were dodging each hit. Echo fires her sonic screech at tetherby, who blocks the attack with his shield. While tetherby was blocking echo's attack, power and risk took this time to deal some damage to the armored legs of tetherby's robotic suit.

Tetherby then aims his electric pulse blade at power and risk, who barely dodged it as they were electrocuted and fell to the ground.

Skull lasher, shadow and sync took this opportunity to deal some damage to the mechanical arms. Skull lasher was slashing away at 'em with her bone claws, shadow was slicing at the shoulders with her sharp claws and sync was lashing away at 'em with her tendril tentacles. Tetherby grunted and growled in rage and frustration.

Lord tetherby: you loud pests are getting very ANNOYING!!

Tetherby activated his electromagnetic pulse beams and blasted skull lasher, shadow and sync away with them crashing through various walls of the mansion, causing more damage and explosions. Tetherby has his heated glare set on alpha, echo and omega.

Lord tetherby: (smirks evilly) your team is dropping like flies. You might as well surrender now, nothing will stop me from becoming the richest man in the entire world with an army symbiotic powered soldiers at my disposal!

Omega lincoln: ain't happening tetherby!

Alpha lori: there's no way we would literally surrender to you! We'll stop you here and now!

Omega and alpha noticed echo slowly walking towards tetherby.

Alpha lori: luna what are you doing?!

Echo said nothing as she continues to walk towards tetherby, who had a angry and confused look on his face.

Echo luna: you hurt hurt made me lose my mind and it caused me to hurt my lil bro and now you're trying hurt the rest of my sisters... (getting furious) you caused us a lot of pain tetherby... ALLOW ME TO GIVE THAT PAIN BACK WITH SOUND UP TO AN ELEVEN!!!!

Echo then unleashes a loud piercing sonic shriek at maximum level past the sound barrier, which caused tetherby grasped his ears as he yells out in pain. Omega and alpha looked at each other and nodded, seeing that echo is giving them the opening they need to end this.

Alpha lori: you ready little brother?

Omega lincoln: yeah...let's do this big sister.

Alpha's left hand morphed into a tendril broadsword and omega's right hand morphed into a tendril broadsword as they lunged at the stunned tetherby. Alpha and omega held each others hands as they spun around like a twister, aiming their tendril broadsword arms at the armored chest of tetherby.

Alpha Lori: all for one!

Omega lincoln: and one for all!

Alpha lori and omega lincoln: symbiote broadsword twister attack!!!

The attack hit the chest armor sqaure on as the attack started to swirl and pierced through the chest armor.

Lord tetherby: (horrified) NO! THIS CAN'T BE!! THE SUIT'S REACHING CRITICAL DAMAGE?!?!

The attack of alpha and omega pierced all the way through the chest armor, taking out the power source inside as the armored suit of tetherby started to heat up and electrify while smoke was coming out of it.


Alpha, omega and echo managed to grab power, skull lasher, risk, shadow and sync and bolt out of the mansion, dodging and evading the crumbling ground and falling ceiling. The armored suit of tetherby started shoot out beams of light as it was about to explode.

Lord tetherby: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher got out of the mansion, getting away as fast as they could while the mansion was engulfed in a huge explosion.

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher watched as the mansion was reduced to nothing but a huge cloud of smoke and fire.

Omega lincoln: it's over...

Alpha lori: it's literally over...

Echo luna: we did it dudes...

Power lynn: we won!

Skull lasher: yeah we did!

Risk lana: that old scumbag finally got what was coming to him.

Shadow lucy: sigh...farewell tetherby, you will never be missed.

Sync lisa: congratulations on a job well done.

As the symbi-warriors and skull lasher were celebrating, a familiar and angry voice caught their attention.

Lord tetherby: YOU INSOLENT FOOLS!!!

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher turn to face lord tetherby, who was badly burned, his suit in tatters and was holding a gold and black bazooka, aimed at them.


The symbi-warriors and skull lasher kept up their guard as tetherby limp towards them with the bazooka aimed at them.


Tetherby was cut off when he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The old rich man looked down in horror to see a black spiked sword pierced through his chest as blood poured out of the wound. The symbi-warriors and skull lasher gasped as lord tetherby slowly turns around, coughing up blood as he gazed at the assailant revealed to be dread spike, who had the same cold look in his eyes.

Lord tetherby: (coughs up blood; glaring at dread spike) *cough*, *cough*! Aghh! D-dread vile traitor...

Dread spike: (unfazed by tetherby's glare) brought this upon yourself, your arrogance...your greed for money...and your lust for absolute power has cost you everything, including your own life.

Tetherby coughed up more blood as he then gazed at the briefcase in dread spike's left hand, the exact briefcase full of money tetherby promised dread spike if the mission was completed.

Dread spike: I have what I needed now our contract and your life are at an end...

Lord tetherby coughs up more blood as he fell face first into the wet grass, dead.

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher stared at the dead body of tetherby and at dread spike, who was walking away.

Omega lincoln: where are you going dread spike?

Dread spike stopped, not facing the symbi-warriors as he spoke.

Dread spike: I'm leaving...I've already finished my mission and got what I needed...there's no point of staying here...

Power lynn: whatta you mean you've finished your mission?! You haven't killed us or taken our symbiotes!

Dread spike: I may not be a hero but I'm no mission from tetherby was to capture you but never to kill you...but what tetherby didn't know was my true mission...

Alpha lori: true mission...?

Dread spike: true mission was to assassinate lord tetherby.

Omega lincoln: a-assassinate tetherby?

Dread spike: yeah...before tetherby hired me, someone else hired me to end his life for tetherby was planning something big against royal woods and all of michigan so I buyed my time, waited for the right moment to strike and took the shot.

Omega lincoln: so what happens now between you and us?

Dread spike: though I know who you are, your secret identities will remain a secret, everything that tetherby has mentioned about his master plan has been recorded and transmitted to royal woods police department, they're on their way here right now. But be warned, tetherby was only the beginning...more threats will still plague royal woods...protect the city and everyone in it...

Omega lincoln: alright...

Dread spike: farewell symbi-warriors, who knows....we might meet again someday...

As the lightning flashed, the armored hitman was gone.

Power lynn: how does he did that?

Risk lana: he's way better at disappearing than lucy here.

Shadow lucy: huuuuhh....sigh...

Sync lisa: now that tetherby and his ambitions have been put down, let's return home before the authorities arrive.

Skull lasher: yeah...I'm starving right now.

Echo luna: yeah...I need to rest my head dudes...

Alpha lori: ready to go home everyone?

Omega lincoln: yeah...let's go home.

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher leave the destroyed mansion as they went back home.

To be continued...

(Chapter 26 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter. Tetherby has been defeated by the symbi-warriors, skull lasher and killed by dread spike. Now that the threat of tetherby is over, what's next for the symbi-warriors? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black....)

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