Chapter 25: Omega vs Echo


The behemoth echo let out a powerful sonic screech at the symbi-warriors and skull lasher, who dodged the screech but the berserk echo didn't stop as she sends her attack all over the lab, destroying the machines and causing explosions.


Alpha lori: (yells) LUNA STOP!



Sync lisa: it's no use! She's lost her sanity due to tetherby's attempt to remove the symbiote from her!

Omega lincoln: (angry) tetherby...

Then omega got an idea.

Omega lincoln: guys I'm gonna keep luna busy and try to get through to her. You guys need to get out and stop tetherby!

Power lynn: what?! No! We can't leave you alone with luna when she's like this!

Alpha lori: lynn's right lincoln! In the stage luna is in right now, she can't control herself!

Shadow lucy: she might hurt you or worse...

Omega lincoln: don't worry about me! I can handle this, while I hold luna off, you find and capture tetherby! Trust me on this!

Alpha lori: okay...but you and luna better come back to us in one piece, you got it twerp?

Omega lincoln: yeah!

Alpha lori: alright guys let's go! We've got an old evil rich guy to catch!

The symbi-warriors and skull lasher nodded as they went to the elevator tetherby went to. Berserk echo saw this as her crescent moon shaped eyes narrowed.


The behemoth echo lunged at the fleeing symbi-warriors and skull lasher but omega got in her way as he delivers a strong punch to echo's face, making the giant stumble back as the symbi-warriors and skull lasher escaped.

The berserk echo glares viciously at omega as she hissed at him.

Omega lincoln: luna...listen to me. I know tetherby hurt you and echo but you have to snap out of it!


The behemoth echo lunged at omega while the symbiote clad brother lunged at her as a brawl broke out between closest siblings.

Narrator: with tetherby.

The old rich man was upstairs in his office to contact dread spike from his communicator monitor.

Lord tetherby: dread spike! Come in dread spike! The symbi-warriors have infiltrated my mansion, get in there at once!

No reply, only static.

Lord tetherby: (scoffs) it's difficult to get assistance around these days. I guess if you want something done right, you do it yourself!

Heading to the bookcase, he pulls on a velvet red book. A click sound was heard as the bookcase opened up to reveal a secret room.

Lord tetherby: (smirks) excellent...

The rich man enters the secret room as the bookcase closes behind him.

Narrator: with omega.

The symbiote clad brother was fighting against his out of control symbiote giant monster of a sister as he tries to get through to her.

The berserk echo stretches both arms to grab omega, who dodges the arms as he shot orange webs at echo's face, causing the berserk giant to grunt as she tries to get the webs off her face.

Seeing echo distracted, omega then got behind her and delivers a swift kick to the back of echo's left leg, forcing her down on one knee. Omega uses this opportunity to web echo down, trapping her in a strong net of webs.

As omega goes in to the attack, echo breaks free from and delivers a giant punch to omega, sending him crashing back first into the walls. Groaning in pain, the symbiote clad brother's senses went off as he saw the berserk echo closing in on him for another giant fist. Omega dodges it but didn't have time to dodge a powerful sonic screech from echo, sending him crashing into one of the machines.

The berserk echo stomps her way towards omega, laughing crazily. As omega got up, echo grabs him by the leg and throws him across the room, hitting the ground.

Omega lincoln: (groans) oh man luna's gotten stronger and more out of control. I can't give up now...I have to get through to luna to calm her down.

Omega slowly gets up to turn around to see the berserk echo stomping her way towards him.

Berserk echo: eeeeeeyyyyyyyaaaaaa-hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! I see someone I want to squash!!

The berserk echo brought down her giant foot to stomp on omega but the symbiote clad brother dodged it, however, echo grabs him and begins to slams him down repeatedly into the ground. Echo then rams him repeatedly into the walls and finally let's go of him but delivers another powerful sonic screech to send omega flying again into the walls.

Omega groaned in pain as he was trying to block the pain.

Omega lincoln: n-no I can't give up on her...

Omega slowly gets up.

Omega lincoln: luna! Please listen me, you have to come to your senses! Don't you recognize me?! Please luna...!

Berserk echo: LUNA IS GONE! ONLY ECHO!!!

Tendril spikes began to shoot out of echo's body at omega, who barely dodged them all. Echo, with spikes all over her body, began to form into a giant ball of spikes.

Berserk echo: TIME TO ROCK AND ROLL!!!!

Berserk echo begins to roll at omega like a bowling ball aiming to hit the bowling pin at a fast rate. Omega dodges her but echo rolls back behind him as omega runs the rolling symbiote spiked ball while numerous machines got run over and flattened. Omega then ran up the walls and did a back flip, dodging the symbiote ball of spikes as echo morphed back in her giant form and lunged at omega. She then delivers an assortment of giant swift fists to omega, beating the life of him as he fell to the ground.

The berserk echo stomps her way towards the fallen omega and proceeds to continuously beat him to a bloody pulp as omega's screams of pain and agony were heard throughout the destroyed lab. As the berserk echo was done, she roared in triumphant as she stood over the beaten and heavily injured omega. She then grabs omega and squeezes him in her giant clawed hands as the berserk echo smiles crazily.

Berserk echo: I'M GONNA DEVOUR YOU!!

Omega lincoln: (in his mind) there's only one way to reach her....this could be my last chance...

Omega's mask peeled away to reveal lincoln's face.


The berserk echo stopped in her tracks from devouring lincoln as she gazed at him. The white haired boy had a bit of tears coming down his eyes as he gazed at the symbiote giant monster that was his sister.

Lincoln: luna...I know tetherby hurt you and echo but please snap out of it. You're not a monster, you're luna loud. The loud family's rockstar, my closest sister and my guardian...please fight you really wanna hurt me luna? (In tears)

The berserk echo growled as she tilted her head a bit to look at lincoln. Then she started to grunt and whimper in pain as she still kept lincoln in her clutches. The berserk echo let out a pain filled screech as her symbiote mask wildly peels off to reveal luna's face, which had a pain filled and apprehensive expression.

Luna: (weakly; in tears) linc...oln... b-bro...?

Lincoln: yes luna, it's me...please come to your senses, I just want to help you.

While lincoln was reaching luna, the omega symbiote was trying to reach her symbiote sister, echo.

Omega: echo please hear me...! Don't allow yourself to be consumed by hurt and madness...!

Echo: (weakly growling) o-omega....?

Omega: yes it is me my sister... please control yourself...!

The symbiote giant dropped lincoln to the ground as tendrils around her body began to go wild as luna let out a loud shriek, clutching her head.

Lincoln: l-luna!

Luna stopped shrieking and fell to her knees as she and her symbiote started to shrink back down to her normal height and her large muscle tone decreased back to normal size.

Lincoln: luna...are you okay?

Breathing heavily, luna opened her eyes to look at a heavily bruised lincoln as new tears came out of her eyes.

Luna: (in tears) linc...bro...I...I'm...

Luna tackles lincoln with a tight hug.

Luna: (sobs loudly) I'M SO SORRY!!

Lincoln: luna...I...

Luna: (sobs) I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I did that to you bro...sob, sob....I couldn't control myself, I didn't mean to hurt you like that, I-

Lincoln: (slightly smiles)'s wasn't your fault or echo's, tetherby hurt the two of you...if anyone's to blame, it's him.

Luna broke the hug to look at lincoln with sad eyes.

Lincoln: I'm glad to have you back luna.

Luna sadly smiles.

Then there was a rumbling sound coming from the top floor.

Lincoln: let's go help the others, tetherby may have a trick up his sleeve.

Luna: (worried) are you sure you can still fight lil bro after the....

Lincoln: (smiles) I'm good besides I'm not alone in this, I have you, lori, lynn, lucy, lana, lisa and ava to back me up.

Luna slightly smiles.

Luna: okay lil dude, let's go.

Lincoln: right!

Lincoln and luna leave the destroyed lab and head up to the top floor to assist the others to stop lord tetherby.

To be continued...

(Chapter 25 is finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketches in this chapter. Lincoln and omega have finally brought luna and echo back to their senses, now the two loud siblings must assist the others to stop lord tetherby, who has a dangerous trick up his sleeve. Can they stop him? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black....)

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