Chapter 24: Luna abducted-A rescue mission and the employer revealed
Slowly awakening from his unconscious state, lincoln arises from it as he looks to find himself in lynn and lucy's room on lucy's bed. He finds himself with his black shirt and hoodie off and covered in bandages. Lincoln then looks to see lynn and lana on lynn's bed with a few bandages on them. Lana was still asleep but lynn was awake with a depressed look on her face.
Lincoln: lynn....
Lynn's depressed look vanished as she saw her brother awake. Not saying a word, lynn hops off her bed, walks towards lincoln and pulls him into a tight hug. This confused lincoln as he heard lynn sobbing a little.
Lynn: (whispers) I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...
Lincoln: lynn? Why are you apologizing to me? You did nothing wrong.
Lynn broke the hug and looks at lincoln with teary eyes.
Lynn: no...she told me to take you and lana away from the battle...I didn't want to leave her there...
Lincoln: wait...are you talking about luna?
Lynn nodded.
Lincoln: where is she? Is luna alright?
Lynn say nothing as she looks away from lincoln.
Lincoln: (worried) lynn please tell me, is luna okay?
Lynn: I-I didn't want to leave her alone with him but she told m-me to get you and lana out of here...I managed to escape with you guys but...but...(finally breaks) DREAD SPIKE TOOK LUNA!
Lincoln's eyes widened in complete shock and terror as tears came down his face, looking at the floor.
Lincoln: (sobs) it can't be....
Lincoln sobs as lynn pulls him into a warm embrace.
Lori, lucy and ava come in.
Lori: I see you're both awake.
Lynn and lincoln broke the hug and look at lori, lucy and ava.
Lincoln: l-lori...
Lori: (gives a saddened look) I know... lynn filled me in on the whole situation when she woke up...
Lincoln: (sad) I just can't believe that luna is in the clutches of dread spike and his employer...why didn't-
Lucy: luna was only trying to protect you, lynn and lana. So she told lynn to take you and lana as far away as possible while she handles dread spike by herself...if lynn had stayed, all four of you would of been captured.
Lincoln and lynn look down in shame.
Lori: look...don't mope around and blame yourself for luna being captured. Despite being a carefree rebel rockstar, luna really cares about you guys and like me, leni, and luan, she's your older sister and it's her job to protect you...she didn't want you to get hurt or captured.
Lincoln and lynn look at lori with a slight smile.
Ava: you guys feeling better?
Lynn: yeah...I've had worse injuries than this...I'll recover.
Lincoln: me too...but we have to find luna, I know that you'll tell us to rest to heal but I can't, who knows what dread spike and his employer are doing to her now as we speak.
Lisa: I'm way ahead you on that brother unit.
Lisa comes in with her laptop.
Lisa: though the armored hitman abducted the third oldest sibling, he did not account on the GPS tracking device I implanted in her neck, just like the rest of you.
Lincoln: (raises an eyebrow) oh yeah! I forgot about that. Despite implanting those devices in our neck without our consent, they now came in handy. Now we can track luna.
Ava: you implanted tracking devices in your siblings neck? For a four year old with a mind of a scientist...that's kind of sick there.
Lisa: I'm logging in now.
Lisa begins typing on her laptop.
Lisa: okay I got it! Now I should be able to hone in on the tracking device so I can find the location of where they're keeping luna.
After a few minutes of typing, lisa was done but gasped.
Lori: what's wrong, did you find the location on where luna is being held?
Lisa nodded as she looks at lincoln.
Lisa: lincoln...does this location look familiar to you?
Lisa turns her laptop over to her brother as lincoln looks at the screen for a moment before his eyes widened in complete shock.
Lincoln: oh no...
Narrator: with luna.
Luna, who still in her symbiote form, except that her face was exposed, wakes up from her unconscious state. She tries to move but couldn't as her eyes widened at the fact that she was trapped in some sort of machine with her arms and legs strongly restrained. Luna tries to use her powers but couldn't do that either.
Luna: (in her mind) echo? Echo?! Are you awake?
Echo: I would be lying if I said no, luv.
Luna: (in her mind) why can't I use your powers to get out of this.
Echo: it's this machine we're in, it's keeping me from giving you access to my powers somehow, plus, we're damaged from the battle with dread spike...meaning we're sitting ducks, mate.
Luna: (in her mind) bummer least lynn managed to get out with lincoln and lana.
The symbiote clad rocker looked around to see the area she was in, it was a lab with a dim eerie shade of lighting.
Employer: so you're finally awake.
Luna saw the employer but couldn't properly see him because of the shadows.
Luna: (glares) who are you?
Employer: (acts hurt) oh you've forgotten about me, I'm so hurt right now. (Grins evilly) but I haven't forgotten about you or your siblings. Allow me to reveal my true identity.
The employer walks towards luna out of the shadows, revealing his appearance to her as luna gasped in shock.
The mysterious employer was revealed to be Lord Tetherby.
Luna: (glares) you!
Lord tetherby: (grins) my dear luna loud, you finally recognize me.
Luna: (glares) how could I forget about you, you're the fat, rich snob who turned my lil bro into a spoiled brat on that day he won that limo for a day contest.
Lord tetherby: (rolls his eyes) oh please, he did that all himself, it's not my fault he wanted follow in my footsteps to become a proper rich gentlemen.
Luna: (angry) whatever! Hanging out with you was one of the worst mistake he ever made!
Lord tetherby: (glares furiously at luna) the worst mistake your foolish brother, you and your sisters ever made was spray mustard all over me, my fancy suit and the inside of my limo, it took weeks to get the mustard out. You louds humiliated me and now I want revenge.
Then tetherby smirks evilly.
Lord tetherby: but you and your six loud peasants have the symbiotes I want and I plan to get them even if I have to skin them off you...
Luna: (angry) why do you want our symbiotes so badly?! What are you planning?!
Lord tetherby: to sell them to the highest bidder of course. Some of my fellow colleagues from all over the state of michigan are making an army of symbiotic powered soldiers but need the special symbiotes you and your siblings have. Once I have them...I'll hand the symbiotes over, I'll be rewarded greatly for it. They'll have their symbiotic powered soldier army to take over royal woods with me as their leader and I'll be payed with a mountain of money...I won't just be known as the richest man in royal woods, I'll be known as the richest man in the entire world!
Luna: (angry) you maniac! You won't get away with this!
Lord tetherby smirks.
Lord tetherby: we'll see...once I have your symbiote, I'll be sure to send dread spike to capture your other siblings. And when you're all stripped of your symbiotes, you'll watch as your white haired brother will be the first one of you louds I'll dispose of.
Luna growled angrily as she struggled to get out of the machine she was held in but to no avail.
Lord tetherby: that machine was heavily build to nullify your symbiotic power and it was also built to remove your symbiote. (Smirks menacingly) I heard from dread spike, your symbiotes are special, nearly unkillable, able to withstand any form of sound compared to normal symbiotes he's faced in his days, let's test that, shall we?
Lord tetherby walks towards the control panel linked to the machine luna was in.
Luna: whatta you plan to do to me?
Lord tetherby: I plan to remove the symbiote from releasing a strong electric pulse and the sound frequency at maximum level past the sound barrier, the symbiote will separate from the host...though you too will feel great excruciating pain as well and I plan to enjoy every moment of it.
Lord tetherby then activates the machine as he turns the control panel dial to maximum power. Luna then began to feel high volts of electricity zapping her body and feeling the highest levels of soundwaves as luna and her symbiote started to scream/screech in complete agony as tetherby watched with an evil smile on his face.
Narrator: with the symbi-warriors.
Out in the storm of downtown royal woods, the symbi-warriors were jumping from building to building to head to the location of where luna was being held, Lord tetherby's mansion. Lincoln remembered that old, rich, fat jerk quite well, ditching his sisters to hang out with tetherby on the limo for a day contest and his refusal to help him when he was in a predicament because he didn't have a limo anymore. He was the one who sent those bad guys after him and his sisters to get the symbiotes and now he has luna.
Omega lincoln: (in his mind; angry) hold on luna, we're coming to help you. Tetherby...I don't know or care what you're planning but you will be stopped and if you hurt luna, I swear you'll never see the light of day again!
Omega dashed foward to the next building with power, risk, alpha, shadow and sync following him. Alpha was worried about him, power and risk as they were still injured from the battle with dread spike but lincoln and lynn didn't care, lana woke up a few seconds ago back home, wanting to come with them to save luna, not caring about her injuries either. So they all went out on a rescue mission, operation: free the rockstar. Ava came with them too, wanting to prove herself and save luna too.
She dons the new super attire darkpool made her. She wore a black and white skull with horns cowl, a black sleeveless spandex bodysuit with rib cage designs on the chest and white shred designs on the legs, black gloves and white boots. She even came up with her own superhero name, calling herself the skull lasher.
After a few minutes of jumping around from building to building, they made it to tetherby's mansion.
Alpha lori: we're here....
Power lynn: let's storm that mansion and save our sister!
Risk lana: yeah!
Sync lisa: hold it! Don't just jump in without thinking. My communicator connected to the tracking device implanted in luna dictates that our third oldest sibling isn't in the mansion but directly under it.
Alpha lori: under the mansion?
Sync lisa: precisely. There has to be a secret lab under the mansion but the scanner isn't picking up any traps in or around the mansion.
Omega lincoln: he's expecting us to come in and walk into his trap when we get to the lab to save luna. Well I don't care about what he's got, I'll stop him!
Power lynn: (cracking her knuckles) now you're speaking my language, linc!
Skull lasher: (bone claws come out; smirks) now you're talking, let's bust some heads!
The symbi-warriors storm the mansion, unaware that dread spike was watching them from the shadows. When the lightning flashed, he vanished.
Narrator: with tetherby.
Lord tetherby smirks as he watches the symbiote clad rocker suffer while the electricity and soundwaves deliver excruciating pain to luna and echo, who both continue to scream/screech in agony.
Lord tetherby: (laughs evilly) don't worry young lady, it is almost over! Hahahahaha!
Then the lab door burst open in an explosion, followed by an angry distorted yell.
Omega lincoln: (furious) TETHERBY!!
Tetherby turns around to face omega, alpha, power, risk, shadow, sync and skull lasher with an evil smile.
Lord tetherby: ah! Lincoln loud or should I say omega, so glad you and your sisters can join us.
The symbi-warriors saw luna being tortured in that machine as the tendrils on luna's symbiote suit were going wild.
Omega lincoln: (angry) let her go tetherby!
Lord tetherby: and give up my goal of being the richest man in the entire world?! Not a chance!
Tetherby clapped his hands and as he did, a dozen cyber ninjas with electric pulse blades appeared, surrounding the symbi-warriors.
Lord tetherby: I'll have her symbiote as well as yours! Deal with them while I fetch dread spike!
Tetherby runs to the elevator and heads up the top level as the cyber ninjas lunged at the symbi-warriors.
Omega lincoln: guys keep them busy, I'm gonna get luna out of that machine!
Symbi-warriors and skull lasher: right!
The symbi-warriors lunged at the cyber ninjas, fighting them while omega heads for the control panel linked to the machine luna was in. He then smashes the controls, causing the machine to shutdown as luna stopped screaming, going limp as she passed out.
Omega leaps towards the machine and breaks the glass as he gently shakes luna, trying to wake her up.
Omega lincoln: luna? Luna wake up!
No response.
Omega lincoln: luna please wake up, the worst is over...
Still no response.
Omega lincoln: luna-
Omega was cut off when luna's hand gripped his neck, tightening the hold. Omega grunted and gasped for air in shock as luna lifts her head up to look at omega with demented black and purple eyes and a sadistic smile.
Luna: (spoke in a crazed distorted voice) Luna. Is. Not. HERE!!!!!
Luna throws omega across the lab, back first into the walls.
Alpha lori: lincoln!
Alpha kicks a cyber ninja away and heads towards her symbiote clad brother.
Alpha lori: are you alright?
Omega lincoln: I'm fine but luna isn't...
Omega and alpha looked at luna, who was undergoing a transformation into something horrifying and completely monstrous. The symbiote clad rocker became 10 feet tall, her body grew a large amount of muscles, black gloves and purple boots became black claws and purple monstrous feet with flames streaks. The white skull on her now large muscular chest became a bit menacing, her ears became pointy and her mask spill open revealing a crazy horrifying smile with purple jagged fanged.
All eyes were on the behemoth echo as she let's out a huge earth shattering sonic screech that caused the entire lab to shake like an earthquake was starting.
The cyber ninjas stopped attacking the symbi-warriors and skull lasher and went to attack the behemoth echo but she spread her hands wide and slams them together, unleashing a powerful thunderclap, sending the cyber ninjas flying through the walls and several machine, not getting back up.
The behemoth echo let out a crazy laugh.
Sync lisa: oh no...
Risk lana: what happened to luna? Why is she a monster and laughing like a maniac?
Sync lisa: tetherby tried to remove the symbiote from luna by using a high voltage of electricity and high soundwaves. But like us, luna's symbiote is special, it's permanently bonded to her, not even the highest level of sound can break them apart. This only caused luna and echo to be driven into a berserk state, unable to control themselves.
Skull lasher: you mean she's gone crazy?!
Sync lisa: affirmative. While in this state, luna won't be able to tell friend from foe, she'll annihilate everyone in her path!
The berserk echo stomps her way towards the symbi-warriors and skull lasher, laughing crazily.
Berserk echo: echo is the reflection of all sounds...echo is sound...sound is echo! WE ARE ECHO!! YOU TRIED TO DESTROY ECHO WITH SOUND! BUT WITH SOUND, ECHO WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!!
To be continued...
(Chapter 24 is finished! The mysterious employer was revealed to be Lord tetherby, the symbi-warriors and ava aka skull lasher head to tetherby's mansion to save luna and luna/echo has gone berserk! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch of ava in her super attire. Can the symbi-warriors snap luna out of her berserk state? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black....)
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