Chapter 23: A deadly assault on the symbi-warriors
It was a stormy day this morning in royal woods.
The scene cuts to lincoln's room as the thunder roared, waking up the white haired boy, who was breathing heavily as he looks around his room then out of the window, seeing that it was just a storm outside.
The white haired boy sighed as he got up and put on his black shirt, black hoodie with orange side stripes, pants and black shoes with orange lace as he opens his room door to see no one in the hallway, meaning that his sisters and ava, who was now living with the louds, was still asleep.
Lincoln walks out of his room and heads downstairs but the sound of a door opening stopped him in his tracks.
Lincoln turns around to see lana in her pjs walking out of her and lola's room. The tomboy turns to see lincoln near the stairs.
Lana: (yawns) lincoln where are you going?
Lincoln: (sighs in relief) oh it's just you lana.
Lana: who were you expecting, lola?
Lincoln: alright sorry, I'm just going outside for a moment to sit on the porch.
Lana: you know it's raining out there right?
Lincoln: yeah but I don't care about the storm. I just want some fresh air.
Lana: you know that's not bad. I'll join you but first I gotta go change.
Lana heads back to her and lola's room, closing the door behind her. Lincoln then heads downstairs and opens the front door, exiting the house as he sat down on the porch.
He gazed at the gray stormy sky, it wasn't too bad but it was still drizzling as the lightning flashed but the white haired boy didn't flinch at the sight.
The front door opened behind lincoln as lana, in her new clothes, came out of the house to join lincoln on sitting on the porch and watching the storm.
Lana: man it's drizzling out here.
Lincoln: yeah, you about to go dive in the mud?
Lana: not right now, I'm just here to sit on the porch with you and relax.
Lincoln: I thought you were afraid of storms.
Lana: (smiles) I used to be but now they just relax me as I go to sleep but lola is still shaking in her pageant shoes whenever thunder erupts.
Thunder roared as lana and lincoln heard a loud scream in the house, it was lola.
Lana: (laughs) just like that! What a riot, hahahaha!
Lincoln: (chuckles) yeah that is hilarious!
Lana: so how's the homework grounding going.
Lincoln: (groans) don't remind me, I managed to get the huge stack of homework done but more will still be coming for the next few days until my suspension is up.
Lana: well you'll get there. You know even though it scared me a bit, it was awesome that you beat the snot out of chandler.
Lincoln: least he's being transferred to another school so I won't have to put up with him again. (Sighs) if you, lucy and lisa haven't stopped me and omega from brutalizing chandler, we could of done something worse.
Lana pats him on the back.
Lana: it's okay big brother, we know that you and omega were angry at chandler for what he said about you and us. If it were me or rest of the sisters he insulted, we would of brutalized chandler nonstop.
Lightning flashed as the storm was drizzling even more.
Lincoln: whoa!
Lana: (smiles) the rain is pouring even more and it'll make more mud puddles, I love it!
Lincoln and lana were laughing as they were watching the storm from the porch as the front door opened behind them as luna and lynn in their new clothing came outside.
Luna: so that's where you two have been.
Lynn: whatta you guys doing outside when it's stormy out here?
Lincoln: well I wanted to get some air so I decided to sit on the porch and watch the storm.
Lana: I saw lincoln about to go outside so I thought I'd join him.
Thunder roared.
Luna: (chuckles) the thunder is like the storm's drum dudes.
Lightning flashed.
Lynn: the lightning is speeding up on its flashes.
Luna and lynn sat next to lincoln and lana as they watch the storm.
Luna: this is actually relaxing dudes.
Lynn: being outdoors right now and feeling the wind as you run through the rain.
Lincoln: wait run?
Lynn then ran off the porch as she looks at lincoln, luna and lana with a smirks.
Lynn: last one to the delta marvel force's house has to give me 30 bucks!
Lynn ran away from the loud house with lincoln, luna and lana running after her, laughing.
Narrator: at the unknown location, 10:09am.
In the dark office, the mysterious employer was watching the tv monitor with views of royal woods city, park, forest, the pier, the neighborhoods and basically everywhere in royal woods. As he was gazing at the monitor, something caught his eye. On the neighborhood monitor, he noticed lynn, luna, lana and lincoln running through the rain.
He grinned evilly as dread spike walked in.
Employer: I take it that everything is ready to today's...mission?
Dread spike: everything has been prepared for today. I'm heading out right now.
Employer: (smirks) good...
Dread spike left the room as the employer chuckles evilly.
Narrator: back with lynn, luna, lana and lincoln.
After a few minutes of running, the four loud siblings made it to ronnie anne's old home now owned by the delta marvel force. Lynn came in first place, luna in second, lana in third and lincoln in last.
Lynn: (grins) alright linc you know the rules now pay up.
Lincoln: (sighs and smiles) fine...
Lincoln takes out 30 bucks and hands it to lynn.
Lynn: yes!
Luna: let's see if the superhero fam is home.
The four loud siblings walked towards the front door and knocked on the door but there was no answer.
Lana: guess they're not home.
Lynn: or they could be asleep.
Lincoln: try knocking on the door again.
Lynn knocked on the door again but still no one answered.
Lynn: still not answering.
Luna then noticed a note tied to the screen door.
Luna: dudes look.
Luna pulls the note out of the screen door. Lynn, lincoln and lana looked at the note as luna began to read it.
Luna: (reading the note) dear loud siblings/symbi-warriors, we've been summoned by director fury for an important mission. We'll be back sooner or later tonight, dan james/hawk spider.
Lynn: well they're gone.
Lincoln: well if it's important then fury must really need them for a dangerous job like fighting doctor doom, stopping hydra or something.
Lana: yeah. It could be important.
Luna: well let's go back home, the storm's getting worse and the fam's probably gonna be miffed at us for sneaking off without telling them.
Lincoln: yeah you're probably-
Lincoln didn't finish his sentence as his senses went off, feeling danger nearby.
Lincoln: (serious) do you guys sense that?
Lynn: yeah...
Lana: me too...
Luna: something dangerous is nearby dudes...
The four loud siblings look around to see if anyone was in sight, no one. The symbiotes burst out of their clothing and covered their heads and bodies into their symbiote suits.
Omega lincoln: let's deal out some justice...
The four symbiote clad loud siblings shot webs out of their wrists and swung off.
Narrator: downstairs royal woods.
The four symbiote clad loud siblings were jumping from building to building to find the threat but with no luck.
Omega lincoln: man...where is the bad guy?
Echo luna: we looked everywhere in downtown but found nothing.
Power lynn: he or she could be hiding in the shadows.
Risk lana: yeah...
???: enjoying the storm, symbi-warriors...?
The four symbiote clad loud siblings turned around to see their first foe, dread spike but he had changed. His new body armor and helmet was black, silver and more samurai-like with sharp and curvy spikes all over. He still had a cold stare in his eyes.
Omega lincoln: (glares) dread spike...
Power lynn: finally showing your face again for another beating?
Dread spike: did you fully master your symbiote's true capabilities?
Omega lincoln: why do you need to know?
Dread spike: because...this shall be your last day as the symbi-warriors...
As dread spike said that, lightning flashed and the next thing the four symbi-warriors knew, they were surrounded by a large group of people in black cybernetic ninja armored suits.
Power lynn: (taunts) oh couldn't beat us on your own so you're playing the numbers game?
Dread spike let out a dark chuckle.
Dread spike: cocky and overconfident as ever...for that will be your downfall. No, my cyber ninjas aren't here to fight, they're here to keep you from leaving this rooftop for I will fight you myself....
The cyber ninjas backed away as they covered every edge of the rooftop as they pulled out their black electric pulse blades and they stood in defense mode so no one would leave the rooftop.
Dread spike: now that all attempts to escape is blocked...we can have our duel.
Omega, echo, power and risk got into fighting stance as dread spike stares coldly at them.
Dread spike: do you wish to fight me altogether or fall one by one...?
Power lynn: I'll take you on!
Power summoned her tendril spiked knuckles and lunges at dread spike, delivering an assortment of strikes to the armored hitman but dread spike was blocking every attack. Power then delivers a powerful kick to dread spike's neck but he didn't even feel the impact of the kick and didn't even flinch.
Power lynn: what the?!
Dread spike then grabs power's leg and slams her down into the ground, making power grunt in pain. Dread spike then delivers a devastating spiked elbow to power lynn's gut, causing her to gasp in pain and for air.
Omega lincoln: (worried) power!
Dread spike kicks power over to the three symbiote clad loud siblings.
Dread spike: no worries...she's not dead but she won't be getting up anytime soon. Now who's next...
Risk lana: (spoke in a angry slither-like voive) dddrrreeeeaaadddd ssssssppppiiiiikkkkeee!!!
Risk let out a loud distorted roar as she changed form into a symbiote-like gorilla as she charges at the armored hitman, bashing him left and right with her giant fists but dread spike, with one palmstrike, sends the symbiote clad tomboy flying backwards.
Risk stopped herself as she changed form from a symbiote-like gorilla to a symbiote-like giant lizard as she tried hitting dread spike with her tendril spiked tail but the armored hitman dodged every swing.
Risk tried to sink her sharp jaws into him but dread spike flipped over her into the stormy air, aiming his spiked knuckles at her.
Dread spike: spike shower rain!
The black spiked knuckle missiles shot out of his fist down at risk, who had no time to dodge as the attack hit her full force, exploding as risk let out a pain filled scream.
Omega lincoln and echo luna: (screamed in worry) risk!!!
The smoke clears to reveal a heavily bruised and unconscious risk laying on the ground.
Dread spike lands on his feet, staring coldly at the two remaining symbi-warriors.
Dread spike: that's two...who's next.
Omega lincoln and echo luna growled angrily at dread spike.
Dread spike: you were warned that your cockiness and your overconfidence would be your two of your teammates payed the who's next...?
Omega forms a tendril blade with his left hand while echo sprouted tendril claws and tendril spikes on her back as the two lunged at the armored hitman.
Dread spike pulls out a black cybernetic blade and lunges at the two symbi-warriors.
Omega was clashing blades with dread spike, matching him blow for blow as the armored hitman brought his blade down at omega, who barely dodged it. Echo got behind him and shot her tendril spikes at him but dread spike saw it coming as he slashes them away.
Dread spike then delivers an assortment of slashes to omega, who yelled out in pain. Echo, seeing her lil bro in trouble, delivers a sonic screech to dread spike, causing him to halt his attack on omega and turned to echo with a cold glare.
The spikes on his back shot out like tentacles and begin to brutally whip echo.
Dread spike: spike lasher!
Echo luna: (screamed in pain) AAAA-AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!
Omega lincoln saw his sister in trouble and tries to stop dread spike but the armored hitman saw him coming and vanished. Lightning flashed as dread spike reappeared behind omega and delivers a swift kick to omega's side, knocking the wind out of him but dread spike didn't stop there.
The armored hitman disappeared again then reappeared next to omega to kick him in stormy sky. Gripping his blade, dread spike leaps up in the air and delivers a swift, deadly assortment of sword strikes to omega from all directions. As dread spike landed back on the rooftop, he slowly sheath his sword as he whispered.
Dread spike: silent rain....spike storm slash.
As he sheathed his sword completely, a multiple deadly barrage of shockwaves unleashed itself on omega, causing him and his symbiote to scream and wail in agony as they felt the sheer force of that attack.
Echo luna heard her lil bro's screams as she tried to get up seeing omega lincoln's body falling from the sky.
Echo luna: BRO!!
Omega landed hard on the rooftop, groaning and barely conscious while the lightning flashed as dread spike reappeared before him, staring down coldly at him.
Dread spike: I have to admit have learned a lot since our last encounter, you have nothing to be ashamed of, you've fought well but in the still haven't fully mastered your symbiote's true capabilities...
Omega lincoln: (weakly) n-no...
Dread spike noticed power and echo slowly walking towards him, hurt but ready to protect their brother.
Dread spike: it is're damaged, unable to continue a losing battle yet you still stand...?
Power lynn: huff-huff...I don't care if it's a losing hurt my younger brother and sister. As long as I can still move... I'll keep coming back until I beat you...
Power falls to one knee, breathing heavily as she tries to fight the pain.
Echo saw this and begin to worry about her younger siblings. Risk was unconscious, power can barely stand and omega was heavily damaged as she wasn't doing okay herself. Then she thought of an idea.
Echo luna: lynn...
The symbiote clad jock turns to her symbiote clad rocker sister.
Power lynn: yeah...
Echo luna: I'm gonna make an opening for you to escape and when I do, take lincoln and lana and run...
Power lynn: b-but what about you?
Echo luna: I'll handle this alone...
Power lynn: luna you can't...what if he-
Echo luna: I'll be fine...what matters most is that you, my lil bro and sis are safe...
Power lynn: please luna, don't do this!
Echo luna: I'm your big sister, don't talk back! It's my job to protect my younger brother and sisters, that includes you! Now get ready!
Power lynn: o-okay...
Dread spike: whatever you're planning, no tactics will work against me.
Echo luna: (chuckles) heh, it's not for you...
Echo then used her sonic screech full power to blow away half of the crowd of cyber ninjas, creating an escape route.
Echo luna: (yells) NOW LYNN!
Power nodded as she quickly rounds up omega and risk as she jumps off the rooftop, escaping. Echo luna smiles under her symbiote mask, relieved that her three siblings got away safely.
Too bad she couldn't save herself as she was at the mercy of dread spike and his men.
Dread spike: it's a shame that they got away...but my employer will be at least satisfied with one symbi-warrior in his possession...
Echo luna grunted as she knew she was done for.
Dread spike: it's nothing personal against's just business...
As his cyber ninja army surrounded echo luna with her electric pulse blades in hands, her screams was heard as the storm raged.
Narrator: at the loud house.
Their parents just left for work and lori was in charge. She was on her new phone as she went to check on her siblings.
Lucy: (appeared out of nowhere) lori.
Lori: (startled) gah! Lucy don't do that!
Lucy: sigh...
Lori: whatta you need?
Lucy: have you seen lynn?
Lori: no why?
Lucy: I woke up and found her not in her bed, I asked ava if she have seen her but she told me she hasn't.
Lori: is she downstairs?
Lucy: no, I looked everywhere in the house, she's not here.
Lori: not here?! Then where-
A loud shattering sound was heard in lucy and lynn's room, followed by a horrified scream from ava.
Ava: (screams in fear) OH MY GOD!
Lori and lucy ran to the goth and lynn's room and open up the door. Once they were in the room, they gasped in shock and horror.
The window was completely shattered and on the ground laying on the pieces of glass was lynn, lincoln and lana, who had major cuts and bruises all over them. The oldest and the goth noticed lincoln and lana were unconscious and lynn was conscious but barely as ava was trying to help her friend.
Ava: lynn! What happened to you, lana and lincoln?! Who did this to you?!
Her response was lynn groaning in pain.
This caught the attention of the other loud sisters(minus luna) who saw the damage and gasped in shock and horror.
Leni: (in tears) what happened to linky, lynn and lana?!
Lola: (in tears) is lana gonna be okay?!
Luan: how did this happen?!
Lily was crying that her brother and two sisters were hurt.
The loud sisters quieted down.
Lori: all of you to your rooms now! Lisa, get me the first-aid kit!
Lisa: as you wish.
Lisa left to get the first-aid kit while the rest of the sisters retreat to their own rooms. Lori noticed that luna wasn't among them and turns his attention to lynn, lincoln and lana as lucy and ava were helping them up.
Lori: lynn...tell me what happened and who did this to you.
Lynn: (weakly)
Lori: luna did this?!
Lynn shook her head no.
Lori: then she was with you guys?
Lynn nodded her head yes.
Lori: then where is she?!
Tears slowly came down lynn's eyes.
Lynn: (weakly) h-he' h-her...
Lori: who?!
Lynn: (weakly) d-dread...spike...
Lynn fell unconscious.
Lori and lucy gasped in utter horror. Ava's spine was filled with chills as she remembered the amored hitman that invaded the softball park and destroyed everything there.
Lisa comes in with the first-aid kit.
Lisa: I'm here with the first-aid kit.
The genius noticed the horrified looks of lori, lucy and ava as they looked at lisa.
Lori: dread spike is back...
Lisa gasped.
Lori: he did this...and he's abducted luna....
Lightning flashed as the screen fades to black.
To be continued...
(Chapter 23 in finished! Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch of my oc dread spike in his new armored samurai attire. Dread spike has defeated lincoln, lana and lynn as well as abducted luna. Can they save the rocker? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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