Chapter 22: Ava joins the team

Lynn and ava head downstairs to the front door and outside to join lori, luna, lincoln, lucy, lana and lisa.

Lori: ava? What are you doing outside? You're literally supposed to be in bed resting.

Lynn: lori it's okay, ava knows about us being you know who.

The six loud siblings gasped.

Lincoln: you told her?!

Luna: not cool dude!

Lori: why did you tell her our secret lynn?!

Lynn: because she has powers too like wolverine and wildslash.

The six loud siblings stared at ava.

Lincoln: you have powers?

Ava: was new to me, it happened when those robbers killed my parents. I told lynn my secret and she told me hers and yours.

Lana: are you gonna tell anyone else?

Ava: no. Your secret is safe with me. I gotta admit it's actually cool that my best friend and six of her siblings are the symbi-warriors.

Lincoln: thanks.

Lori: I take it that lynn is bringing you along with us?

Ava: yeah, I may not have a costume but I have my lucha libre mask.

Lori: fine you can go with us.

Ava: thanks.

Lori: alright everyone, in vanzilla now!

Lincoln, luna, lynn, ava, lucy, lana and lisa got in the van as lori got into the driver's seat while she starts the van up and backs up out of the driveway, driving away from the loud house.

Narrator: at royal woods park.

Children and parents were running and screaming out of the park as a large beast was smashing up the place.

The beast was a hybrid mixture of a tiger and a gorilla.

(A/N: I'm gonna call this hybrid beast a "tigrilla".)

As the tigrilla was smashing up the park, the symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force arrived to battle this threat. Ava arrived as well as she wore her black and white skull lucha libre mask to conceal her face.

Hawk spider: a hybrid huh?

Echo luna: talk about a bizarre combination dudes?

Sync lisa: quite the intriguing hybrid, perhaps when we defeat it, I'll bring it home to run some tests.

Ruby spider: you're quite a braniac just like amy.

Sapphire spider: speaking of amy, where is she?

Ms. Mirage: she decided to take a cab here...

Sapphire spider: tch! Figures...

Darkpool: (pulls out her katanas) well let's not wait for her, let's chop this hybrid down!

Wildslash stares at ava.

Wildslash: who's the kid?

Power lynn: a new recruit, she has powers like yours wildslash.

Wildslash: really?

Power lynn nodded.

Risk lana: guys the monster just spotted us!

The symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force noticed the tigrilla lunging towards them. They scattered as the hybrid beast miss its targets. Alpha, darkpool and wildslash begins to slash away at the tigrilla but the beast knocks them away.

Echo shot tendril spikes out of her back at the beast's right arm, rendering it numb. Omega, ruby spider and sapphire spider took this opportunity to web the tigrilla down and deliver a full throttle assault on the beast.

Enraged, the tigrilla broke loose from the webbing and tosses omega, ruby spider and sapphire spider away into the lake. Echo and risk hammered away at the tigrilla, echo releasing her sonic screech to stun the beast while risk delivers an assortment of blows to the gut.

Hawk spider then shot the tiger/gorilla hybrid beast with his electrocution arrows, shocking it. Sync was lashing the beast with the tendril tentacles on her back and shadow was slashing the beast in the eyes with her claws, making the tigrilla howl in pain. Ms. Mirage then conjured up shadow black chains to restrain the tigrilla as power and ava were running towards the tigrilla.

Power lynn: ready partner?

Ava: oh yeah! Hammer throw!

Power grabs ava by the arms and spins her around before throwing ava at the tigrilla, bone claws ready as she slashes away at the tiger/gorilla hybrid's chest while power lynn bashes its face in with her tendril spiked knuckles.

A cab came by and amy garcia ran to the park, joining hawk spider and Ms. Mirage.

Amy: (breathing heavily) okay...I'm here...huff-huff...

Ms. Mirage: what took you so long...?

Amy: (annoyed) you try finding a cab driver who isn't a cheapskate.

Hawk spider: we'll talk about this later. Right now we need your help, you know what you have to do right?

Amy: (sighs in annoyance) fine...go ahead and hit me...

Hawk spider then hits amy right in the stomach as the seventeen year old braniac fell to her knees and held her stomach while groaning in pain.

Then amy was heard growling as she lifts her head up to reveal her face contorted in rage as amy was gritting her teeth and her eyes were glowing yellow.

Amy growled loudly as she started to change, she was getting bigger in muscle and taller in height. Her clothes were getting tattered up and her skin was turning pale blue as the transformation was complete, releasing a loud roar. The symbi-warriors, the delta marvel force and the hybrid beast turns their attention to the source of the roar.

The huge, muscular and pale blue skin she-behemoth that was once amy garcia stood there, breathing heavily in rage. Under her tattered clothes, the she-behemoth was wearing a black zit up spandex sleeveless and legless bodysuit with a yellow X symbol on it and black thigh length boots.

Power lynn: (shocked) whoa...that's her power?

Risk lana: so cool...

Sapphire spider: so amy's finally showed up.

Ruby spider: and now she's angry.

Omega lincoln: that form...she's a hulk...a pale blue hulk.

Amy(hulkified): (spoke in a slightly deep and dark female voice) alright... who's the scumbag I have to smash?

The tigrilla growled as it stomped towards the PB (pale blue) she-hulk, who smirked at the major injuries on the hybrid.

Amy(hulkified): seems that the others messed you up pretty badly. That's fine cause I plan to make you look a whole lot worse.

The hulkified amy jumped towards the tiger/gorilla hybrid beast and begins to beat the living crap out of it. She takes the hybrid's shoulders and begins spinning it around and around she threw the hybrid into the lake.

The hulkified amy then stomped towards the lake as the tigrilla shot out of the lake and tried to sink it's jaws into her but the pale blue she hulk dodged the bite, grabbed the hybrid's neck and slams it hard into the ground. Ava and power then ran towards the hulkified amy.

Power lynn: hey don't start the beatdown without us!

Ava: yeah!

Amy(hulkified): fine but don't get in my way.

The three then started their brutal beatdown on the tigrilla. Power delivers an assortment of kickboxing strikes to the hybrid beast with her tendril spiked knuckles.

Ava was delivering an assortment of martial arts punches and kicks while also slashing and clawing at the tigrilla with her bone claws.

And finally, the hulkified amy was delivering a massive beatdown on the tiger/gorilla hybrid. She bends its large arms in wrong direction, grabs the hybrid's leg and slams its body repeatedly into the ground like the hulk did to loki and finally she punches a hole through the tigrilla's chest as she pulls something out, it was a power core.

Amy(hulkified): so it's an android, huh?

The hybrid android fell to the ground, lifeless.

Power lynn: yes! We beat the hybrid!

Ava: we rock!

Darkpool: whoohoo! The tigrilla got torn down by the she-hulkinator!!!

Hawk spider: another mission completed...

Ms. Mirage: indeed...

Risk lana: we took it down!

Echo luna: rockin' job dudes!

Omega lincoln: so you're a hulk huh?

Amy(hulkified): yeah. Braniac amy here had a gamma accident and that's when I was created.

Sync lisa: hmm? Interesting, do you mind if I take a blood sample from you?

Amy(hulkified): (rolls her eyes in annoyance) whatever...but you try anything funny and I'll send flying to the other side of royal woods. (Glares)

Sync lisa: you have my word.

Alpha lori: well now that we got that out of the way, let's get home. Mom and dad are probably worried that ava snuck out.

Omega lincoln: speaking of whom, good job ava. As of right now, you're on the team.

Power lynn: welcome to the symbi-warriors partner!

Ava: (excited) wow...thanks guys!

Ruby spider: well let's go home.

Sapphire spider: see ya later symbi-warriors.

Wildslash: you did good did good.

Ava: thanks.

Ms. Mirage: lucy...I will send you my shadow spell book tonight.

Shadow lucy: thanks...

Darkpool: hey ava! Since you're gonna be with the symbi-warriors, you're gonna need a spandex supersuit. Leave it to me and I'll send it to you tonight.

Ava: okay.

Hawk spider: until next time symbi-warriors.

Omega lincoln: see ya delta marvel force.

The two teams went their separate ways.

Narrator: at the loud house, 8:46pm.

The seven loud siblings and ava managed to sneak in the loud house without the parents, leni, lola and luan knowing.

The scene cuts to the family and ava having dinner.

Lynn Sr: so ava, how do you like my famous lynn-sagna?

Ava: it's not bad Mr. Loud.

Lynn Sr: thank you.

Rita: since you're gonna be living with us now, you need anything and I'll get it for you.

Ava: thanks Mrs. Loud but it's alright and I promise I won't be a burden to you guys.

Lynn: you won't be a burden to us ava. You're part of the family. (Smiles)

Lola: (smiles innocently) congratulations ava. Now about that 5,000 dollars you have...

Lynn: (gives a warning glare) lola....

Lola: (annoyed) okay, okay I won't ask her anymore. Sheesh!

Lincoln: (smiles) welcome to the family ava.

Luna: (smiles) welcome to casa loud dude.

Leni: (smiles) like, nice to have you in the family.

Lori: (smiles) yeah.

Lana: (smiles) looks like we have a new sister to play with.

Lucy and lisa slightly smiled.

Lily: (smiles) poo-poo!

Luan: 'whalecome' to the family, hahaha! Get it?

The family and ava groaned.

Ava: (smiles) thanks guys, really. Thank you very much.

The family and ava then ate dinner and decided to call it a night. Rita had gotten a futon bed for ava to go next to lynn's bed as the black haired sports girl slept in lynn and lucy's room. Ava was happy to have a friend and rival like lynn, who has taken her into her family's home and now is a part of the symbi-warriors.

Ava then thought about her parents, they're didn't deserve to die and she misses them. She then thought about the last robber that got away from her home, the one who lead the heist on her house. That sparked a flame of vengeance in ava's heart as she swore that she will find that man one day and end his life...that was ava's promise as she fell asleep.

Narrator: in an unknown location.

The scene cuts to a dark office with a figure watching the symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force defeating the hybrid beast on the plasma tv monitor. The figure let out a low growl as dread spike himself walked in.

Dread spike: so another hybrid experiment of yours has fallen?

???: yes...and so has every single mercenary, superpowered being and mutated foul beast I hired to bring me some symbiotes. (Glares) I thought you were planning to handle the situation at hand!

Dread spike: (calm) the time shall come.

???: (furious) I gave you enough time already! I order you to deal with them right now-


The figure didn't finish as he felt dread spike's blade near his throat as the armored hitman had a cold glare in his eyes.

Dread spike: (spoke in a cold and calm tone) what have I told you about ordering me around...?

The figure said nothing as he started to sweat a bit as dread spike removed the blade from his throat.

Dread spike: everything shall be ready by tomorrow and I shall have the symbiotes for you but do not hold off on your end of the bargain, employer. For if you cross me...this deal will be at an end...and so will be your life.

???: yes...I will keep my end of the bargain...just have me those symbiotes by tomorrow.

Dread spike: understood...

Dread spike left the room as the mysterious employer rubs his hands together evilly as he had an evil smile on his face.

???: soon the, the louds will fall...

To be continued...

(Chapter 22 is finished! Ava joins the symbi-warriors, my oc amy garcia's powers were revealed to be a hulk and a meeting between dread spike and the mysterious employer was shown. Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketch of my oc amy garcia in her hulk form. Next chapter will be ready sooner or later, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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