Chapter 21: Ava's a mutant! She learns the truth about Lynn
Ava was tossing and turning in her sleep, muttering and whimpering as she jolted up awake with a loud gasp.
Ava: (gasps loudly)
Lynn Sr: whoa easy there, you had a nightmare.
Ava looks around to see that she was in lynn and lucy's room and she was sleeping on lynn's bed. She turns her attention to the loud siblings and parents who were looking at her with worried expressions.
Lynn: ava are you okay?
Ava said nothing as she looked down in sadness, shaking his head no.
Lincoln: what happened to you last night? You were covered in blood and bruises, who did this to you?
Lynn: tell me who they are and I'll find them to make them pay.
Ava: (spoke in a depressed tone) nothing was done to me. My parents on the other hand...
Rita: (worried) what about your parents sweetie?
Ava: last night...I left your house to head back home for dinner. My front door was slightly open, I-I went in my house to find it a total mess...we were robbed. I went to find my parents...I f-found them in the dining room but...t-they were k...killed! (Starts sobbing)
The loud family gasped. Rita hugs the sobbing ava.
Rita:'s okay sweetie. We're really sorry for what happened to your parents.
Lynn Sr: I can't believe this! Whoever did this needs to be locked up forever!
Lynn: (angry) grrr! They deserve far worse than that.
Lynn looks at her mother comforting ava over the loss of her parents. Lynn saw the deep sadness in her eyes, ava lost her parents and doesn't have a place to go. Then lynn had an idea.
Lynn: mom.
Rita: yes junior.
Lynn: can ava stay with us?
Lynn Sr: I'm not sure junior. We already spend enough money the eleven of you and...
Lynn: c'mon dad! My friend just lost her parents and I'm sure she doesn't want to live in a freaking orphanage! She can sleep in my room, she won't be a burden to us.
Ava: I...*sniff*....won't be. I'll help out around the house and I have 5,000 dollars from my winnings at the martial arts contest that'll help.
Lola: (beamed) 5,000 dollars you say?!
Lynn: (glared) lola I know that look and I'm warning you, don't even think about it or else! (Raises her fist in front of lola's face)
Lola: okay, okay! Sheesh!
Lynn: so mom can ava stay with us please? (Uses her puppy dog eyes)
Rita: oh okay junior. Since she lost her family and she was willing to help out around the house, she can stay.
Lynn: (excited) yes!
Rita: now everyone out. Let's give her some time to recover.
The loud sisters, brother and husband nodded as they left the room.
Rita: let me know if you need anything okay?
Ava: okay.
Rita left. Ava laid back down on the bed. Ava looked at her hands, makes fists out of them as bone claws came out of her knuckles. It surprised her a bit but visions of her parents dead and her killing the three robbers and the fourth robber escaping filled her mind. She retracted her claws back in her hands as she sighed sadly, going back to bed.
Downstairs, the loud siblings were watching the news about the murder of ava's parents, the death of the three robbers and the fourth robber still on the loose.
Lynn: (growls) I can't believe that this happened to her!
Lori: I know. Your friend must be literally devastated right now.
Lucy: sigh...nothing is more tragic than the death of a family...
Lynn's phone begins to ring as she answers it.
Lynn: hello? Yes? Okay.
Lynn hangs up the phone.
Lana: who was that lynn?
Lynn: it's ava, she wants to have a talk with me alone.
Lynn hops off the couch and heads upstairs to her and lucy's room to speak with her friend.
Lynn: ava I'm here.
Ava: could you close the door and lock it please?
Lynn did.
Lynn: so what's up?
Ava: I-I need to show you something and you gotta promise that this stays between us.
Lynn: okay I promise.
Ava: now whatever you do, don't freak out and scream.
Lynn nodded.
Ava then clenched her fists as three bone claws came out of her knuckles, surprising lynn.
Lynn: (surprised)'re...
Ava: (sighs) turns out I'm not human...those claws came out after I saw the four robbers who killed my parents, I snapped and killed the three robbers but the fourth robber escaped.
Lynn: we just saw the news about it.
Ava retracted her claws.
Ava: (saddened) now you know who killed the three robbers. Are you freaked out?
Lynn: no I'm not. You lost your parents and now you live with us. Plus, you killed out of uncontrolled rage because those scumbags killed your parents, I'm not saying what you did was right but they deserved to pay for what they've done. Besides, you're my friend and I'll always look out for you.
Ava sighs in relief as she slightly smiles.
Ava: thanks lynn...
Lynn: you see ava, I also have a secret...(in her mind) I think I can trust her by telling her about me being a symbi-warrior, what do you think power?
Her symbiote spoke in lynn's mind.
Power: either you do or you don't, doesn't matter to me...
Lynn: (in her mind) are you serious?!
Power: (spoke with annoyance in her voice) just tell her...! Why are you asking me for opinions?! I exist and am bonded to you only to fight, not give out advice and opinions!
Lynn: (in her mind; annoyed) ugh! Fine!
Getting out of her thoughts, lynn speaks up.
Lynn: what I'm about to tell you cannot leave this room, understand?
Ava nodded.
The power symbiote bursts out of lynn's clothes, covering her whole body into her symbiote suit. Ava's eyes widened in surprise.
Ava: holy crap! You're a symbi-warrior-mmpphh!
Power lynn covered ava's mouth with her hand as the symbiote mask peeled off, revealing lynn's face.
Lynn: ssshhh...! Do you want the whole house to hear you...?!
Ava: (moves lynn's hand away from her mouth; whispers) sorry. But how...? All this time you were power of the symbi-warriors? When did this happen?!
Lynn: it's a long story and I'll tell you later.
Ava: wow...I have to admit that's really cool that you're a superhero.
Lynn: yeah.
The symbiote peeled itself away from lynn, revealing her in new clothes.
Ava: so you can control that thing?
Lynn: yeah.
Ava: who are the other symbi-warriors?
Lynn: alpha is my oldest sister lori, echo is my other older sister luna, omega is my younger brother lincoln, shadow is my little sister lucy, risk and sync are my other little sisters lana and lisa.
Ava: half of your sisters and brother are the other symbi-warriors?
Lynn: yeah, the rest of my family doesn't know about it and we want to keep it that way, okay?
Ava: alright.
Lori: (from downstairs) LYNN! COME ON WE'RE GOING OUT!
Lynn: it must be trouble, ava I gotta go, see ya!
Ava gets out of bed.
Ava: wait! I'll go with you!
Lynn: no it's too dangerous and you can't reveal your face out there, the cops will recognize you and take you to an orphanage!
Ava: I don't have to own a costume, I have my lucha libre mask in my pocket.
Lynn: fine, you can come.
Lynn and ava ran out of the room.
To be continued...
(Chapter 21 is done! Ava is now living with the louds, ava told lynn about her powers and lynn told ava her secret about being part of the symbi-warriors. But how will lori, luna, lincoln, lucy, lana and lisa reacted to this? Will ava be of good help to them? Find out on chapter 22, this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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