Chapter 2: They came from the space rock...
Narrator: Yesterday was a surprising night for the loud siblings as they just found a meteorite from outer space crash landed in their backyard. However, they didn't notice the forming crack on the meteor while something alive was moving and slithering inside of it. (Evil laughs) HAHAHAHAHA!!
Narrator: it was a bright and sunny morning.
The scene cuts to lincoln's room where the white haired boy was sound asleep in his bed. His alarm clock started to ring causing lincoln to toss and turn before getting up from his slumber with a tired groan. He shuts off his alarm and lets out a yawn.
Lincoln: (yawns) well... time to get up. Glad it's saturday today.
Lincoln gets off of bed and opens his room door to head to the bathroom. He glad that there was no line for the bathroom and lincoln knew he had 10 minutes to get himself ready before his sisters awaken. He also knows how long it takes for them get ready in the bathroom, a really long time. Lincoln wasted no time as he did his business on the toilet, brushed his teeth, and took a quick shower before leaving the bathroom, soak and wet in nothing but an orange towel covering him from the waist down. As he was about to open his door, lincoln heard a door creak open. Lincoln turned around to see the door to lynn and lucy's room was open and out comes a tired lynn.
Lincoln: good morning lynn.
Lynn stretches out her arms letting out a big yawn before looking at with a tired smile.
Lynn: morning linc.
Lincoln: you know there's no line for the bathroom and I just finished so it's all yours.
Lynn: (smiles) score! (Runs towards the bathroom) thanks lincoln, I owe you one. (closes the bathroom door)
Lincoln: glad I could help. (Heads to his room and closes the door)
Now fully dressed, lincoln heads downstairs to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. As he started making eggs and toast, lincoln was thinking about the meteor that crashed in the backyard last night. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt he should to worried, lucy's word echoing through his mind about her feeling an ominous presence within the meteorite and lisa wanting to bring it into the house to run some tests on it, seeing what regions of space this 'unique' meteorite came from. Lincoln was now thinking about how this could go horribly wrong, unaware of the dark presence next to him.
Lucy: (appeared out of nowhere) good morning lincoln.
Lincoln: ahh! (Looks at lucy with an annoyed look) lucy one of these days you're gonna be the death of me.
Lucy: (monotone) if that happens, can I plan your funeral?
Lincoln: (annoyed) lucy...
Lucy: sigh... I was only joking.
Lincoln: well you have a dark way of showing it. Anyway good morning lucy, did you sleep well?
Lucy: sigh... I could barely sleep last night. I was still thinking about great grandma harriet's warning, there's a dark presence within that meteor... l can feel it.
Lincoln: well right before you scared me, I was thinking about the same thing. What region of space did it come from and what if it's full of aliens?
Lucy: whatever it is, great grandma Harriet told me that we have to stop the ominous presence within the space rock or get rid of it.
Lincoln: yeah but I'm not sure about taking it from lisa. She was so happy to examine this new meteorite she's never seen before. And we know how lisa is with science, she won't give up the meteorite so easily and would have us on a dissection table if we go anywhere near it.
Lucy: then we have to make her see reason.
Lincoln: maybe but after breakfast.
Lincoln made lucy some eggs, extra well done in the form of a dead body. He also made some eggs for the other sisters that haven't come down yet. He put their breakfasts on the table as he sat next to lucy as both were eating their eggs. Finally, the rest of the loud sisters (sans lisa) came to the dining room and sat down eating the eggs lincoln made. Lori got five hard boiled eggs, leni got egg whites, luna got a sunny-side-up egg, luan got a funny- side-up egg, lynn got scambled, the twins got devilled eggs, lisa got fried, and lily got extra gooey.
Leni: like, thanks linky.
Luna: thanks bro.
Lynn: you really outdone yourself with the scambled eggs linc.
Luan: this is 'eggsquisite' hahaha! Get it?
The siblings groan.
Lola and lana: thanks lincoln.
Lori: (on her phone) oh hold on there bobby, (to lincoln) thanks twerp.
Lucy: if I had a heart, it would be swelling right now.
Lily: (giggles) poo!poo!
Lincoln: (smiles) glad I could help.
Lincoln then noticed someone was missing. He looked at the empty seat across from him, where the plate of lisa's fried eggs were present but no lisa.
Lincoln: lisa haven't came down yet.
Lori: I tried to get her to come down to eat but she locked herself in her room still experimenting on that meteorite.
Lincoln: still?
Lori: yeah. Before lisa slammed the door on me, she literally looked like she haven't slept last night. Messed up hair, blood shot eyes and had horrible attitude toward me. (Angered) ugh! She's lucky I couldn't get my hands on her before she locked herself in.
Lincoln: I'm gonna go talk to her. (Leaves the table)
Lori: good luck.
Lincoln heads upstairs to lisa and lily's room to get the genius to came down to eat. The door was locked and lincoln could hear muttering in there so he gently knocks on the door.
Lincoln: lisa! Time for breakfast.
Lisa: (in her room) I don't require any food right now.
Lincoln: come on lisa. I made you some fried eggs. Please take a break from your experiment and come down, we're starting to worry about you.
There was silence for a moment until lisa spoke.
Lisa: (sighs) give me five minutes then I'll be right down.
Lincoln: okay. (Walks away)
Inside lisa's room, there was a bunch of crumbled up pieces of papers, chemical glass cups, and beakers on the floor, numerous written pieces of paper stabled all over the walls, and in the center of lisa's desk was the black meteorite as lisa was staring at it with a demented, crooked grin.
Lisa: this is truly intriguing, so far in one night I learned so much about you, what space region you came from remains to be seen and half of your structure contains some unusual DNA within. You're very different from the other meteors I've learned in my science biology books. (Sighs) I best be going to accompany my siblings at the dining dwelling but I'm far from done with my studies on you.
Lisa unlocked her door and left, closing the door behind her, unaware that the faint crack on the meteorite started to get bigger and a hissing sound was heard out of it.
Narrator: twelve o'clock, noon.
Lincoln: (reading comics) this spider man comic is getting good. Yeah! That's right! Beat that venom creep!
A knock was heard on his door.
Lincoln: it's open!
The door opens and lynn comes in.
Lynn: hey linc I was wondering if you would like to come my softball game tomorrow? My team is gonna destroy the rival team. So what do you say?
Lincoln: (unsure) I don't know lynn. Last time you had me come to one of your games (against my will), your team loses then you blame me by saying I was bad luck.
Lynn: (annoyed) aw come on linc, I said I was sorry about that. When are you gonna let it go?
Lincoln: let it go? (upset) I know I used the bad luck thing as a lie to get some free time to myself because I always go to you guy's activities and I'm sorry for that but you guys went too far and locked me out of the house.
Lynn: (guilty) okay I admit that was a mistake, (smiles nervously) but hey you're back in.
Lincoln: (glares) ya know I could of been kidnapped or killed right?
Lynn gulped nervously at the sheer thought of it.
Lincoln: then you guys sold my stuff.
Lynn: (defending herself) well we got your stuff back, plus a new bed. Don't say we didn't give you anything.
Lincoln: and let's not forget the 'good luck' charm squirrel suit you made to conceal my so-called bad luck. Do you know I've been humiliated, beaten, and insulted too many times at school because of that suit. And I almost got a heat stroke I was glad mrs. Johnson called the ambulance.
Lynn: (yells in guilt and annoyance) okay! okay! okay! I get it, it was a bad, no, a terrible mistake! I was being too stubborn, too superstitious, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I get it! ( gives lincoln a saddened look) I just want my whole family, including you to be there to support me and I promise I won't blame you again If we do lose. Please come to my game tomorrow. (Puppy dog eyes)
Lincoln thinks for a minute then sighs.
Lincoln: alright then I'll come to your game tomorrow.
Lynn: (smiles widely) thanks lincoln. (Brings a fist close to lincoln's face, making him flinch) two for flinching! (Punches lincoln's shoulder twice) see ya there.
Lynn leaves.
Lincoln: (rubs his shoulder) well that just happened. Anyway back to the comic.
Before lincoln could start, he hear his mother calling from downstairs.
Rita: lincoln could you take out the trash!
Lincoln: five more minutes!
Rita: not five minutes. Now!
Lincoln: come on mom please!
Lynn Sr: lincoln listen to your mother!
Lincoln: (groans) alright fine.
Lincoln quickly left his room, went downstairs to the kitchen, got the trash bags, and went out back to put the trash bags in the trash cans. Before he went back inside, lincoln got a quick glance at the freshly, cut grass where the crater used to be. It's like it never happened. Lincoln had to thank lisa for this. He just hope that lisa won't go too crazy over that space rock. Lincoln thought about it more as he went inside.
Narrator: seven o'clock pm.
Rita: kids, your father and I have work tonight. So lori's in charge until we come back in the morning.
Lynn Sr: since luan and lola are at their friends, and we dropped leni and lily off to their grandfather, that should be less of mouths to feed.
Lori: don't worry dad, it'll literally be a piece of cake.
Rita: alright then bye kids. And don't get into too much trouble now.
Lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lincoln: yes mom! Bye! Bye dad! We love you!
Lynn Sr: we love you too, bye kids! (He and rita went out the door)
Lori: Okay guys I going to go talk to bobby on my phone. You can go about your business. (Gives a warning glare) if I see or hear any of you causing problems for one another, there's gonna be consequences got it?
Luna, lynn, lucy, lana, and lincoln: got it!
Lori: good.
Lori heads upstairs to her room, so does luna, lynn, lucy, and lana. While lincoln stayed downstairs to watch tv.
In lisa's room, the child prodigy was still continuing her research with the meteorite as she was using her DNA scanner to scan the meteorite.
Lisa: hmmm.
DNA scanner: life form detected.
Lisa: what?
DNA scanner: amorphous life form detected.
Lisa: (amazed) an amorphous life form inside the meteorite. Hahaha! Interesting.
Lisa moves her scanner further to the huge crack in the meteorite which caught her attention. Then the crack got bigger as something green, black, and slimey shot out of the crack and lashes out at lisa, causing her to fall the floor with a loud yelp. Lisa gasps in terror as the green and black slime begin to cover up all but her head within mere moments. Lisa tries to call her siblings for help.
The slime covered up lisa's mouth as it went up lisa's nose and ears before covering her head. The child prodigy's cries went silent as she laid on the ground as the slime took hold of her but the situation is about to get worse as more living slime of six different colors; light blue, purple, red, black, dark blue, and orange came out of the huge crack in the meteorite, leaving lisa's room through the confines of the vents, lurking...and searching for a host.
To be continued...
Chapter 2 is done. What were those slime creatures? Why did one of them attack lisa? And will the other loud siblings be safe from the dangers lurking in the vents? Find out on the next chapter sooner or later. This is omegacrow fading to black...
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