Chapter 18: New heroes appear-The delta marvel force
The scene shows luna and luan's room where the rocker was teaching the tomboy twin to play the guitar luna bought her. After a few failed attempts to play it, lana got the hang of it and begins shredding her electric guitar with a shattering lightning designs like a pro.
Luna: (smiles proudly) not bad lil sis, you got it.
Lana: (smiles) I learned from the best, thank you my big sis.
Luna hugs lana.
Luna: you're welcome dude.
Lincoln walks in.
Lincoln: hey guys.
Luna: hey bro.
Lana: hey lincoln. Luna's been teaching me how to play my electric guitar.
Lincoln: (smiles) awesome. Let me hear you shred it.
Lana started playing her guitar really good. Lincoln was surprised at first, then he smiles as he clapped for his sister's performance.
Lincoln: that was rockin' lana!
Lana: thanks lincoln.
A beeping sound was heard. It was coming from lincoln, luna and lana's communicators.
Lana: what's going on with our communicators?
Lincoln has a serious look on his face.
Lincoln: trouble.
Luna: another criminal bro?
Lincoln: yep.
Lincoln, luna and lana ran out of luna and luan's room to head downstairs, running into lori, lynn and lisa.
Lori: you guys got the message too?
Lincoln, luna and lana nodded.
Lynn: hey where's lucy.
Lucy: (appears out of nowhere, scaring her siblings) I'm here...
The six loud siblings scream.
Lincoln: lucy stop doing that!
Lucy: I'm gonna go with no....
Lori: okay we're all here right?
Lincoln, luna, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa nodded.
Lori: good. Let's head out.
Lola: hold it right there!
The seven loud siblings turn around to see lola, luan and leni coming down the stairs.
Lola: (glares) where are you guys heading off to?
Lana: (glares back) none of your business.
Lola: (angry) what was that you mud eating pig!
Lana: (angry) you heard me you glitter coated freak!
Lola was about to attack lana but leni held her back. Lola tries to get out of the hold but leni's strength was keeping her from escaping.
Luan: guys where are you going?
Lincoln: (trying to lie) umm...we're going to the mall.
Luan: (glares at lincoln suspiciously) the mall got blown up, remember?
Lincoln: oh. Did I say the mall, I meant that we're going to the movies, yeah, that's right. (Smiles nervously)
Leni: (smiles) can we like, go with you guys?
Lori: sorry leni but I only have enough money for seven tickets for the theater. We're going to see the movie, Logan.
Luan: logan? You mean that last wolverine movie?
Lola: why would you want to see a lame superhero movie like that? Lincoln for sure but you six?!
Luna: well it was lincoln's turn to pick the movie to see the next time we go to the theater.
Lola glared at lincoln.
Lincoln: well gotta go, see ya!
Lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa head out the door, leaving lola angered, leni confused and luan curious.
Luan: (getting suspicious) what is going on with lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa?
Lola: (angry) I think they're trying to avoid us.
Leni: don't be silly lola. They would never do that.
Luan: they are indeed hiding something.
Lola: I bet lincoln has something to do with Lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa acting strange.
Luan: I don't think it's just lincoln, lola. Besides him, our six sisters have been acting funny and not the 'haha' kind. They've been spending more time together than with me, you and leni.
Lola: well whatever they're hiding, I'll find out what it is by any means necessary. (Smiles evilly)
Luan: I'm in for a little stealth operation.
Lola: leni are you in?
Leni: I guess so.
Lola: well then operation: find out about the secret lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa are hiding and expose it and to think of a shorter name for this operation is officially on! But not today!
Luan: why?
Lola: because I have a pageant today and a 20 hour makeup session, duh! This beauty doesn't just happen, you know!
Narrator: at royal woods bank.
Downtown at the royal woods bank, the symbi-warriors found and encountered the villain replicator, a man with the ability to clone himself with the limit of 1,000 clones.
Replicator was wearing a white and gray cowl, a white and gray armored bodysuit with armored gloves, utility belt and armored boots. He was really giving the symbi-warriors one heck of a fight seven against one thousand clones.
Replicator: (spoke in a smug voice) what's the matter symbi-warriors? Can't fight the numbers game?
Power lynn: (punches away a replicator clone) ugh! I'm getting real tired of this clone crap!
Risk lana: (swatted away ten replicator clones with her tendril lizard tail) it's like battling cybra's cyborg army all over again!
Echo luna: (sonic screeches twenty clones away) there's too many of them dudes!
Omega lincoln: don't give up guys, we have to stop these guys one way or another!
Replicator: hahahaha! It doesn't matter what you do. You can knock down ten, twenty or even ninety clones but I'll always bring more clones to join the fight. Face it symbi-warriors, you've lost! Seven to one thousand!
Then a deep male voice yelled out of nowhere.
???: then let's even the odds!
The symbi-warriors and replicator look up to a see a man standing on the roof of a building across from them.
The symbi-warriors got a look at the man. He was about six foot and averagely muscular. He had on a black and silver trim ninja mask and an armored black, white and silver trim ninja bodysuit with a white spider emblem on the center of the chest. He had a hoister carrying several black and silver high-tech arrows and carried a black and silver trim bow in his right hand.
Omega lincoln: who is that? He looks kinda like spiderman.
Power lynn: maybe he's here to help us out.
Alpha lori: maybe. Or he's another criminal.
Risk lana: I don't know guys. He does look cool and he might be on our side.
Replicator: and who might you be?
???: (spoke in a dark tone) spider... hawk spider.
Omega lincoln: hawk spider? So he's following in spiderman's footsteps?
Replicator: and what do you want?
Hawk spider: I plan to send you and your clones to jail.
Replicator: ahahahahahaha! You're gonna do that?! Look at you, you're out numbered! One to one thousand!
Hawk spider: more like one thousand to a five man army. For you see, I didn't come alone...Delta marvel force, ATTACK!
Out of nowhere, five figures came in and attacked the army of replicator clones, getting most of them off the symbi-warriors as they split up the army of replicator clones to help the symbi-warriors fend them off while hawk spider deals with the real replicator.
Shadow lucy was fending off some replicator clones as a female figure appeared in front of them. She was a dark skinned girl with long black wavy hair and was about luna's age. She wore a black mask showing off her pure white eyes, a slim black and white trim bodysuit with a black cape. She spread her hands wide as said hands glowed black as a giant black portal appeared under the replicator clones.
???: (spoke in a dark monotone voice) drown forever in despair and darkness.
The replicator clones screamed in horror as they fell into the black portal, never to be seen again as the portal closed completely.
The dark skinned heroine turns to the symbiote clad goth.
Shadow lucy: gasp! Who and what are you?
???: mirage. Ms. Mirage.
As alpha and omega were battling a large row of replicator clones, two figures leaped in front of them, shooting webs coated in fire and ice at the clones, either burning them in a large webbed net of fire or being frozen in large webbed net of ice. The two figures turns to alpha and omega.
Alpha lori: looks like we know who's side you're on. Thanks.
The two spoke at the same time.
???: it was nothing.
Omega lincoln: (amazed) two are amazing. You're also following in spiderman's footsteps too, I mean the red and blue combination of fire and ice. Who are you guys?
The spiderman look alike in red spoke.
???: I guess introductions are in order, I am the ruby spider and this is my brother, the sapphire spider.
The ruby spider was about lori's age and height. He had a mask similar to the original spiderman but was black with fiery red eyes. He wore a sleeveless black spandex bodysuit with red fiery designs, even the red spider emblem looked all fired up.
The sapphire spider was about lori's age and height as well but his spider spandex bodysuit was different from his brother's. His mask was white with sad ice blue eyes. His bodysuit was white with ice blue designs, even the blue spider emblem looked like a crystal.
The scene cuts to echo, risk, power and sync fighting the last row of replicator clones when two figures appeared and lunged at the clone army, brutalizing them.
The female figure spoke out in a cheerful raspy tone as she starts slashing the replicator clones guns with her katanas.
???: it's a kung fu-palooza up in here! Aiyiyiyiyiyyiyiyaaaaa!!!!
The male figure spoke in a slightly deep voice as he slashed in half the clones with his sharp bone claws.
???: (annoyed) seriously can't you simply get the job done without acting like a fool?!
???: what? I go crazy for this kind of stuff! Slashing and beating down bad guys until their bones snap!
The male figure sighed as he and the female figure went back to beating down the replicator clones. Once they were done, the two turned to face echo, risk, power and sync.
Echo luna: (amazed) whoa dudes you just brutalized them. That was hardcore!
Sync lisa: we appreciate the assistance.
The male figure spoke.
???: eh don't mention it.
Power lynn: you really put the smackdown on those clones in mere seconds.
Risk lana: (amazed) your powers are amazing. Are you two actually wolverine and deadpool?
The female figure laughed as she spoke.
???: close but no cigar! Though we were indeed trained by them. Allow me to introduce myself, I am the merc of mayhem, the ninja of the night and (does a wolverine impression) I'm the best there is at what I do... (laughs) hahaha! I am darkpool, deadpool's apprentice!
???: and I'm wildslash, wolverine's apprentice.
The female hero known as darkpool had a spandex ninja bodysuit similar to that of deadpool, expect the mask had a different and sharp design on the eyes, the suit had no sleeves and the color was black and dark violet purple. She had black and purple hair in a ponytail and was wielding two katana blades.
The male figure known as wildslash wore a suit similar to the wolverine. It was like his classic yellow and blue suit, but his was black with sharper red shred designs on it and a black cowl. He had claws like wolverine but they were bone.
Omega, alpha, shadow, ms. mirage, ruby spider and sapphire spider ran towards echo, risk, power, sync, darkpool and wildslash.
Alpha lori: you guys okay?
Risk lana: yeah thanks to darkpool and wildslash over here.
Omega lincoln: guys the clones are stopped but the real replicator is about to get away.
Ruby spider: don't worry kid. Hawk spider has this.
The symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force turn their attention to hawk spider fighting the original replicator.
Replicator threw a punch but hawk spider caught the punch and twisted his arm, making replicator grunt in pain as hawk spider elbows him in the back. Replicator pulled out a blaster to fire at hawk spider, who dodges the beams as he got out his bow and shot a steel arrow at the blaster, causing it to explode in replicator's face. The cloning villain growled as he was going for his steel titanium belt to create more clones until it was shot with an arrow to the high-tech buckle, causing it to shock and electrocute replicator, making him scream in pain.
Hawk spider: electrocution arrows, gets 'em every time.
Replicator fell to the ground, twitching as hawk spider ties him up in black webbing. The symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force ran towards him and the captured replicator.
Omega lincoln: you caught the original replicator. Thank you for the help.
Hawk spider: don't mention it. We're all trying to keep the peace.
Omega lincoln: so who are you guys? Most of you take after wolverine, deadpool and spiderman.
Hawk spider: we are the delta marvel force, a unit trained by the most powerful superheroes of history. We've been sent here by nick fury of S.H.I.E.L.D to help you guys out.
Omega lincoln: (surprised) nick fury?! As in the nick fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D?! He sent you guys here?! I didn't think S.H.I.E.L.D was real. But if they're real then that means...the heroes are real too!
Darkpool: yep! The avengers, the X-Men, the fantastic four, deadpool, spiderman and the web warriors, hulk and his agents of S.M.A.S.H, the guardian of the galaxy, all the heroes and villains you see in movies and comics are indeed real, my friend!
Omega lincoln squealed in excitement as he fainted.
Alpha lori: (annoyed) well you guys just made my brother's crazy superhero fantasy meter go up to high until it broke.
Risk lana: (excited) this is awesome! So you're here to help us out?
Sapphire spider: yes. Fury's been keeping an eye on you guys.
Omega lincoln fully awakes.
Omega lincoln: wait! Is nick fury and his agents in royal woods?!
Hawk spider: no but S.H.I.E.L.D pretty much has agents everywhere. The reason fury knows about you was because a retired shield agent witnessed you symbi-warriors fights and reported it to him. I won't give you his name but he lives somewhere in downtown royal woods.
Ruby spider: fury also knows about your symbiotes as well and wanted us to bring you in.
The seven symbiote clad loud siblings eyes widened.
Echo luna: you're not gonna throw us in the shield slammer, are you?
Wildslash: no. At first fury was considering on locking you guys up in case the symbiotes would control you but a certain web head and his team stood up for you.
Omega lincoln: spiderman?
Hawk spider: yes...spiderman was able to change fury's mind and to allow you to continue your patrol in royal woods as long as there's a watchful eye on you. So spiderman send me, ruby spider and sapphire spider to help and keep an eye on you.
Sapphire spider: seeing as most of you guys are kids and have powers like agent venom and spiderwoman (mary jane watson: carnage host) I'm surprised that you guys can control your symbiotes.
Omega lincoln: actually our symbiotes are more than just our suits, they're our partners and our friends.
Ruby spider: I guess they're not crazy symbiotes.
Wildslash: (frowns) anyway I was sent by the X-Men to help out too. I had nothing better to do.
Ms. Mirage: like my brother hawk spider, I sent here by Dr. Strange to assist you.
Omega lincoln: wait! The sorcerer supreme Dr. Strange, you trained under him?
Ms. Mirage only nodded.
Shadow lucy: wicked.
The group heard sirens as they were soon surrounded by 10 police cars. Several cops came out of the cars and pointed their guns at the symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force. One of them being the commander in chief himself, ron steel step forward.
Ron steel: by order of the royal woods police department, you guys are under arrest.
Power lynn: (angry) what are you arresting us for?
Risk lana: we caught the bad guy here so why are you treating us like we're the menace?!
Ron steel: you 'heroes' have been interfering in police business as well as damage to public properties.
Omega lincoln: (angry) first off, the villains we've fought and brought to justice caused the damage, not us! And second, we're on the same side here!
Sync lisa: there are forces coming to royal woods with abilities that you authorities can't handle, leave this to us!
Ron steel: I don't work with vigilantes. I'm taking you all in!
Hawk spider: sigh...Ms. Mirage.
Ms. Mirage: sure.
Ms. Mirage spreads her hands wide in the air as her hands glowed black. The cops quickly acted.
Ron steel: freeze!
Ms. Mirage: not today...
A black cloud of smoke engulfed the symbi-warriors, the delta marvel force and the cops. Once the smoke cleared and the cops seized their coughing, ron steel finds the group of heroes vanished, only the captured replicator was here. Ron steel gritted his teeth as he takes off his police cap and throws it to the ground, stomping on it in anger.
At a different location, the black smoke appeared and in a brief second, the symbi-warriors and the delta marvel force appeared.
Hawk spider: we are.
Darkpool: welcome to our humble home!
The symbi-warriors looked around to see that they were in a neat living room. It seemed fimiliar to alpha and omega until realization hit them.
Omega lincoln: this house...!
Alpha lori: this is bobby and ronnie anne's old home. You guys live here?
Hawk spider looks at alpha.
Hawk spider: someone you knew lived here before us?
Alpha lori: boyfriend bobby and his little sister ronnie anne lived her but they moved away.
Hawk spider: oh.
A female voice spoke from the kitchen.
???: oh so you're finally back.
The symbi-warriors turn their attention to the the girl walking into the living room. She was about lori's age and height, had short black hair in a bowl cut and glasses. She wore a black business suit with a white buttoned up shirt and a black undershirt underneath and white shoes.
???: and you've brought company... (frowns as she sighs in a bored manner) well allow me to introduce myself, I'm amy garcia. Nice to meet you, I'll be downstairs in the basement.
The girl named amy garcia walks away.
Omega lincoln: another member of your team?
Hawk spider: yeah. She doesn't like to go on missions sometimes. She's more a braniac than a fighter.
Power lynn: what are her powers?
Ruby spider: we'll show you eventually.
The five heroes leave to the basement.
Hawk spider: wait in the living room, we'll be back.
Once they were gone, the symbiotes peeled themselves away from their hosts, revealing the seven loud siblings in their new clothing.
Lincoln: (excited) I still believe that every marvel superhero I read in the marvel comics are real and we just met their disciples,'s like I died and gone to comic book heaven.
Lynn: (yells in lincoln's face) NERD!!!
Lincoln: (shocked and confused) what?
Lynn: sorry force of habit.
Lori: I literally can't believe this heroes are living in my boyfriend's old home.
Luna: they seem alright sis. At least they're not gonna take us to S.H.I.E.L.D to be locked up.
Lana: (smiles) I like 'em already, especially the wolverine-like hero.
Lincoln: I like the hawk spider though, he looks like a fusion between spiderman and hawkeye.
Lucy: I love the dark sorceress hero. She's just like me.
Lori: the sapphire spider isn't so bad, the frozen webs really got the clones in one fell swoop.
Lynn: the ruby spider kicked butt.
Lisa: I am impressed that these heroes took down the replicator clone army in 10 seconds. And this S.H.I.E.L.D agency is quite intriguing and has peeked my interest, I'll have to look them up.
The five heroes returned but instead of their super attires, they came in their normal attires, their identities revealed.
The first one in the middle was a dark skinned man who was a year older than lori. He was black hair, wore a black t-shirt, gray jeans and black and white nike sneakers.
???: since we're going to be working together, we should know each other by our normal persona. You know me as hawk spider but my real name is dan james.
The dark skinned girl who was about luna's age had long black wavy hair and black eyeshadow. She wore a black t-shirt with the words 'the struggle is real' written in sharp white wording, black jeans and gray and white sneakers.
???: (spoke in a monotone voice) you know me as Ms. Mirage but in reality you know me as jadynn james.
The two light skinned boys stepped forward. Both were lori's age and height. One had short brown hair while the other had short spiky black hair.
The brown haired boy wore a red hoodie, a black shirt with a fire symbol on it, black pants and black and red shoes.
The black haired boy wore a blue open buttoned up shirt and a white t-shirt with a crystal symbol on it, blue pants and white and blue shoes.
The brown haired boy spoke.
???: I'm the ruby spider but I'm also adam ryder.
The black haired boy spoke.
???: and I'm the sapphire spider but I'm also john ryder.
Adam and john: we're the ryder brothers.
The boy who was about luna's age stepped forward. He had short black hair, wore a black jock varsity jacket, a black t-shirt with a bloody claw mark design, blue pants and black shoes with blue laces.
???: my hero name is wildslash but my real name is drake jones.
The girl who was about lori's age, height, and slightly pale skin stepped forward. She had long black and purple hair in a ponytail style similar to luan's and freckles on her face cheeks. She wore a black jacket, a red t-shirt with a deadpool logo on it, black wristbands, gray jeans and black shoes.
???: (smiles) my hero name is darkpool but my real name is tori monroe, please to meet ya.
Dan: now that we told you our real names, would you tell us who are you are?
Lincoln: alright. My hero name is omega but my real name is lincoln loud, the middle child.
Lori: my hero name is alpha but my real name is lori loud and the first oldest.
Luna: my hero name is echo but the real name's luna loud, the third oldest and the rocker.
Lynn: my name is power is the real name's lynn loud Jr, the fifth oldest and the athlete.
Lucy: my persona's name is shadow but my real name is lucy loud, the fifth youngest and the goth.
Lana: my hero name is risk but the real name's lana loud, the fourth youngest and the handywoman.
Lisa: my alter ego is known as sync, short for synchronization but I am known as lisa loud, the second youngest. Though I may be four years old I am the genius of the group and have a PHD in college.
Tori: (surprised) really?
Lisa: affirmative.
John: your first and last names begin with the letter 'L'.
Adam: does everyone in your family's names begin with the letter 'L'?
Lincoln: well...our mother's name isn't.
Jadynn: so you're the goth of your family?
Lucy: you studied under the sorcerer supreme, huh?
Jadynn: powers are darkness and illusions, Dr. Strange taught me how to control them to use for the greater good.
Lucy: wicked. Could you perhaps teach me how to wield dark magic.
Jadynn: I suppose I could give you a few lessons but not today.
Lucy: thanks.
Lynn: so adam and john, how did you get your ruby spider and sapphire spider powers?
Adam: the same way peter parker got his powers.
John: two spiders got on our arms and bit us. The spider that bit me was pure white with a ice blue crystal symbol on its second abdomen.
Adam: the spider that bit me was pure black and had a ruby red fire symbol on its second abdomen. I felt like I was burning up while my brother felt like he was freezing up after that.
John: we then discovered our powers, similar to spiderman but with fire and ice results in the webbing.
Lynn: (amazed) whoa...
Drake: I was born with these powers. It happened when my father was killed. Soon professor charles xavier, along with logan, the wolverine, took me in to live at the X-mansion, gave me the training to control these powers.
Lana: (smiles) cool. But I'm sorry about your father.
Drake only nodded.
Tori: my origin story is out of this world. I was a major deadpool fan. I know it sounds crazy and kinda stupid but I wish I could meet deadpool. The next morning I wake up and he's there in my bedroom. I wanted to be his apprentice so bad, I was surprised he said yes! He took under his wing, gave me the tips, training and weapons to fight also to cause a little mischief and fun along the way for some big bucks. (Smirking mischievously)
Lincoln: about you dan?
Dan: well...I was abducted by doc oc to be a test subject to create a perfect spider man like supersoldier that only he could control. I broke out and discovered my powers, my DNA merged with the deadly aspects of spiderman's DNA. I once ran into the web slinger himself as he helped me control these powers and also trained with hawkeye of the avengers for archery training, weapon wielding and martial arts. Two of the reasons why I am named the hawk spider.
Lincoln: wow...awesome.
Dan: what about you seven? How did get those symbiotes?
Lincoln: a few days ago, a meteorite crashed into our backyard. Lisa took the meteorite in her room to conduct her experiments for it when the meteorite cracks open and the symbiotes came out of the meteorite, lashing out and merging with me, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa, permanently bonded with us. We sneak out to train to control these powers and fight against villains without the rest of our family knowing. That's pretty much it.
Dan: well quite a story.
Lincoln: so now that we know each other, we should head home now. Our family's probably worried sick. It was nice meeting you guys and we hope to fight alongside you guys for battles to come, bye.
The six sisters said their goodbyes too as they were about to leave when dan stops them.
Dan: wait! Here's our phone numbers to contact us anytime you need anything from us.
Dan hands the list to lori.
Lori: thanks. We'll text you our numbers when we get home.
Dan nods as the seven loud siblings left.
The five heroes then noticed amy garcia walking in the living room.
Dan: I take it you heard everything.
Amy: yes.
Adam: amy how come you didn't show the louds your powers?
Amy shot a glare at him.
Amy: you already know the answer to that adam. At times my powers are helpful but are incredibly dangerous.
Adam: (rolls his eyes) alright whatever you say.
Dan: everyone quiet down! The transmission on the tv monitor is coming on.
The tv monitor showed a bald, dark skinned man with a black moustache, brown eyes and a black eye patch covering his left eye. He was wearing a black trench coat and black shirt.
Dan, jadynn, adam, john, amy, drake and tori: (in unison) director nick fury sir!
The director of S.H.I.E.L.D spoke.
Nick fury: did you come in contact with the symbi-warriors?
Adam: yes sir.
Nick fury: did you notify them of our survalance on them?
Jadynn: yes sir. We informed them that we're here to assist them in protecting royal woods as well as keeping an eye on them in case their symbiotes get outta control.
Nick fury: how far are they in control of their symbiotes?
John: apparently, they showed no signs of losing control. In fact, the hosts have been working with their symbiotes, training to control these powers they possess so they're not hostile sir.
Nick fury: very well...and the identities of the hosts?
Dan brings out his communicator and shows a holographic image of lincoln, lori, luna, lynn, lucy, lana and lisa.
Nick fury: a couple of children and teenagers?
Dan: well based on what the retired agent described, these children and teens...the louds...did take out four villains in royal woods...well three are in jail and one...the first foe they fought known as dread spike was heavily damaged but escaped.
Jadynn: most of the population of royal woods look up to the symbi-warriors as heroes but some declare them as menaces. I think maybe we should take them to S.H.I.E.L.D to join us.
Nick fury: (narrow his right eye) when the time comes and when they're ready which they aren't right now. But for now, assist them in fighting off any dangerous forces in royal woods and keep a watchful eye on the seven louds siblings, understand?
Dan, jadynn, adam, john, amy, drake and tori: yes sir! Director fury sir!
The transmission ended.
To be continued...
(Chapter 18 is finished! I had an idea about more heroes assisting the symbi-warriors in fighting dangerous forces in royal woods so I made my own heroes who have powers like spiderman, Dr. Strange, wolverine and deadpool. You'll see more of my ocs dan(hawk spider), jadynn(Ms. Mirage), adam(ruby spider), john(sapphire spider), drake(wildslash), and tori(darkpool) in this story. Amy garcia will also be in this story and I'll reveal her powers in due time. Nick fury also appears in the story, meaning S.H.I.E.L.D has plans for the seven loud siblings. Please like and comment on this chapter as well as my sketches in this chapter. This is omegacrow fading to black...)
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