chapter 13: Blamed

Luan furiously stomps her way toward lincoln and luna, seeing them both bruised and after noticing luna with the most bruises, she sets her angry eyes on lincoln, who gulped nervously. The comedian took lincoln away from luna as she grabs him by the front of his black hood and yells in his face.

Luan: (furiously) LINCOLN!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO LUNA?!

Lincoln: (tries to explain) luan I know what you're thinking and believe me that I didn't-

Luan: thinking about what?! That you were carrying luna who looks like she's came out of a street fight! And seeing that she has more bruises than you and a black eye, you're the culprit!

This brought the attention of lori, leni, lynn, lucy, lola, lana, lisa, and lily.

Lori: what is going on here!

Luan: lincoln beat up luna, that's what's going on! (Glares angrily at lincoln)

Sisters: (sans luan and luna) WHAT?!

Luan: when I woke up to go to the bathroom, I saw lincoln heading to his room with luna but I noticed the bruises on both of them. I saw luna more injured in bruises than lincoln so I put the pieces together to conclude that lincoln was beating the heck out of luna!

The sisters look at luna, who was against the wall, had major bruises and a black eye. The sisters glared daggers at lincoln.

Leni: (disappointed) linky how could you?

Lola: (angry) where do you get off beating on your sister like that! You got a lot of nerve!

Sisters: (sans luna) yeah!

Lincoln: (getting annoyed) you've got it all wrong! I didn't beat up luna!

Luan: (glares) then explain the bruises!

Lincoln: well I....

Lincoln tries to come up with a cover story for himself and luna so he doesn't get beaten by luan and the others but sadly he had nothing.

Luan: (angry) well what?! Nothing to say?! Prepare for a 'mammoth' beating, hahahaha! Get it? But seriously, I'm gonna teach you a painful lesson!

As luan was about to beat up lincoln, the booming voice of lynn Sr was heard as he and rita came up the stairs.


Lola: lincoln beat up luna!

Lynn Sr and rita gasp as they saw the bruises on luna and lincoln. Then the loud parents give lincoln a stern glare.

Lynn Sr: (upset) young man care to explain why you were beating on your sister.

Lincoln: dad I didn't beat up luna, luan is overreacting!

Luan: I'm not overreacting and you're one second away from a painful punchline!

Rita: luan enough! Let go of lincoln now!

Luan did what her mother said and let go of the white haired boy and glared at him.

Rita: lincoln I am very disappointed in you, I thought we raised you not to be obnoxious and to not beat on girls, especially your sisters.

Lincoln: (irritated) but I didn't beat her up!

Luna: (finally spoke) h-he's telling the truth d-dudes. (Winced in pain) the reason why I'm bruised was because I-I fell down the stairs.

Luna hoped that they would believe her false story but no one fell for it though secretly, lori, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa knew lincoln was telling the truth as was luna. Whatever happened to them, it sure wasn't a siblings brawl...not this time.

Lola: don't try to cover for him, he did beat you or practically pushed you down the stairs himself. (Glares at lincoln) and he probably threatened you to get his way out of getting in trouble!

Lincoln: (glares angrily at lola) I don't threatened anyone to get my way, unlike you lola!

Lola: (gasps) (furious) how dare you!

Everyone began arguing loudly.

Lynn Sr: (voice boomed) ENOUGH!!!

Everyone instantly shut their mouths.

Lynn Sr: lincoln you're grounded for 2 weeks. When this week is over, home and school are the only places you should be and you're also gonna to have extra chores around the house.

Lincoln: but dad I-

Rita: no buts lincoln now go to your room and think about what you've done.

Lincoln sadly heads to his room not before looking at a sad luna, who he knew tried to help him out. He then heard lola taunt at him.

Lola: (mocks) hahahaha, serves you right!

Luan: maybe you'll think twice before trying to taking out your anger out on your sister!

Lincoln quickly turns around to glare furiously at luan and lola, who flinched at the white haired boy's piercing gaze.


The family gasped at lincoln's bad language, the white haired boy realized what he just said and regretted it.

Lola: dad! Lincoln just cursed!

Lynn Sr: (angry) that's does it buster! You're grounded for 4 weeks!

Lincoln: but dad!

Lynn Sr: wanna make it 6 weeks?!

Lincoln: fine!

Lincoln runs to his room and slams his door shut.

The parents went back downstairs as the sisters went to help luna up but the rocker told them she was fine as she wasn't hurt this badly.

Lola: (growls) I can't believe the nerve of lincoln, saying that I threaten people to get my way and his language, he definitely has no class!

Lana: actually he wasn't wrong about you threatening people to get what your sick princessy heart desires.

Lola: (glares at lana) oh don't you start.

Leni: I don't understand what would make lincoln do such a thing to luna.

Luan: (angry) I don't know either but the next time I see him, I'll give him a punchline he'll never forget!

Luna: (tries to explain) dudes I keep telling you it didn't go down like that!

Lori: alright everyone back to their rooms, except for luna and lynn, we're gonna go talk to lincoln.

Luan: no way am I letting luna near that white haired brute of a brother.

Lori: (glares coldly at luan, who flinched immensely) did I ask for your silly comments?

Luan shut her mouth as she shook her head.

Lori: good now everyone except luna and lynn in their rooms NOW!!

In a few seconds, everyone except lori, luna, and lynn quickly went to their room, slamming their doors shut.

Lori and lynn quickly help luna up as they head to lincoln's room.

Luna: dudes please believe me, lincoln had nothing to do with me being injured.

Lori: we know.

Lynn: yeah. To be honest, I doubt lincoln could take you in a fight, no offense to him. And I don't believe that he would use his symbiote powers to hurt you.

Lori: which is why you and lincoln are going to tell us what really happened to you two.

Lynn knocked on lincoln's door.

Lincoln: (upset) go away!

Lynn: lincoln just let us in, we just wanna talk.

Lincoln: again go away!

Luna: lincoln please let us in bro.

Lincoln sighs as he unlocked his door and opens it, letting lori, luna, and lynn in as the oldest sister and sports sister sat luna down on lincoln's bed and closes the door behind them, locking it. The oldest, the jock, and the rocker turn to look at an upset lincoln.

Lincoln: alright whatta you want to talk about? Come to criticize me more on how I 'beat' my sister and teach me a lesson?

Lynn: easy there linc. We're not here for a fight, and speaking of fights where did you and luna really get those injuries?

Lincoln: wait you guys believe me?

Lynn: yeah, if you and luna really did fight, she would beat you like a drum, no offense.

Lincoln: none taken.

Lori: and plus would you really use your symbiote powers to hurt luna?

Lincoln: no! I would never do that to luna or you guys! (Looks at luna) you know that right?

Luna: (smiles) of course dude, I know that you would never try to hurt me purposely. I'm healing up nicely thanks to my symbiote.

Lynn: you look a little banged up too but you're healing up too.

Lincoln: yeah...

Lori: so now that we're alone, tell me and lynn what really happened to you two.

Lincoln and luna looked at each other and nodded they begin their story.

To be continued...

(Chapter 13 is finished! Lincoln is falsely accused of beating luna and is grounded for 2 weeks but was changed to 4 weeks after cursing at luan and lola for blaming him for luna's injuries and taunting him for getting grounded. Next chapter talks about lincoln and luna explain themselves to lynn and lori about what happened to them. Find out soon! This is omegacrow fading to black... also happy Easter! And happy April fools day and be careful....because on April fools day, you'll never know where luan will be as she is lurking and waiting in the prank her next victims, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HAHAHAHA!!!! Run....)

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