Chapter 12: The chase
The two loud siblings were chasing the mysterious female figure through the dark alley. Seeing the dead end, the figure jumped high in the air on the roof, making her escape. Luna got angry as her echo symbiote burst out of her clothes, covering her body in her symbiote suit as she climbed the walls after the assailant.
Lincoln: luna wait!
The omega symbiote burst out of his clothes, covering him in his symbiote suit as he went after luna. The chase was on as luna and lincoln were tailing the assailant as they were jumping each rooftop one by one until finally reaching a construction site, jumping off the last rooftop and landing in said site.
???: it looks like we're finally alone but where the other five symbiotes and their hosts?
Omega lincoln: I'm not obligated to tell you the whereabouts of my teammates. Echo and I are more than enough to handle you.
???: (chuckles evilly) oh you think so? Well I would love to see you try.
Echo luna growled.
Echo luna: (angry) were you the one who burn down the royal woods mall?
The mysterious female figure was chuckling evilly as luna's white crescent moon shaped eyes narrowed as her anger was rising.
Echo luna: (furious) I SAID ARE YOU THE ONE WHO DID IT?!
The mysterious female figure let out an evil laugh which was angering luna even more.
???: yes I did it because I love to cause some destruction plus I've hired to draw you guys out to take your symbiotes.
Echo luna let out an inhuman growl.
???: (mockingly) aww...what's the matter? It's just a mall, it ain't gone forever or was someone important to you got trapped in the fire? A sibling? A parent? Cousin perhaps? Or maybe your love interest?
That was it. Luna then let out a distored roar as she lunged forward at the female figure with long tendril claws ready to tear her apart but the female assailant threw some type of silver orb at luna. The silver orb then broke out into a spider-like drone that attached itself to luna's chest, letting out a high jolt of electricity, shocking the symbiote clad rocker.
Echo luna: (lets out a pain filled shriek) EEEEEEEYYYYYYAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!
Omega lincoln: luna!!
The symbiote clad brother rushes over to luna, who was on the ground screaming in pain as she was being electrocuted by the spider drone attached to her chest. He carefully removes the drone, getting shocked a little himself and crushed it in his hand. Lincoln helps luna up.
Omega lincoln: are you okay?
Echo luna: y-yeah thanks bro.
Omega glared at the female assailant.
???:'ve managed to crush my little creation, oh well I still have more surprises for you two.
The mysterious female figure removes her trench coat and fedora, revealing herself to omega and echo, who's eyes widen in shock. The woman was slightly tanned, had long brown hair in a low ponytail, and her eye color was crimson red but that wasn't the shocking part. She had a perfect figure but....almost 88 percent of her body and her left eye was replaced with several robot parts, meaning she was part cyborg. She grins maliciously at omega lincoln and echo luna's shocked expressions.
???: shocked we are? Oh but where are my manners, I forgot to introduce myself. I am cybra...and my mission is to retrieve your symbiotes and to eliminate the hosts.
Omega lincoln: (in his mind) so she's one of the villains dread spike warned us about.
Cybra: I could end this in an instant but what fun would that be? I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm as I introduce you to a world of pain.
Cybra smiles sadisticly as both of her cybernetic arms morphed into blasters, cybernetic shoulders opened up to reveal six mini robotic arms holding high tech blasters, all aiming at lincoln and luna.
Cybra: target locked...aim and FIRE!!
cybra unleashed a devastating fire powers at lincoln and luna, who dodged the lasers, creating an explosion but cybra didn't stop there as she shot her laser cannons in all directions, as omega lincoln and echo luna tried to dodge the lasers but each hit they dodged hit the construction site instead causing major explosions and making the half finished building crumbling down, uncaring of the destruction around her.
Cybra: (laughing sadisticly) ahahaha-hahahahahaha!!! Run and hide like the mice you are, it makes this more fun!
Omega lincoln: (yells) are you crazy?!
Cybra: (yells back) well yes and no! As long as I get the job done, I don't care what or who I destroy! In fact, I LOVE CAUSING DESTRUCTION, IT'S FUN TO CAUSE A LOT OF DAMAGE BEFORE FINISHING THE JOB!!!
As cybra continues to fire her lasers at omega lincoln, echo luna took this moment to attack the cyborg woman from behind, stopping her rapid fire assault on omega. Echo then brings out her long tendril claws and begins slashing away at the female cyborg, who was blocking every hit with little effort as she delivers a fierce punch to echo's gut, causing the symbiote clad rocker to grunt as cybra grabbed her by left hand and left, delivering knees strikes to luna's back making the rocker yell out in pain. Omega, seeing echo in danger, lunges at cybra and kicks her in the back of the head, causing her to drop echo and look at omega with a sadistic smirk.
Cybra: was that suppose to hurt? You're really not using that suit's power to its full potential...though I'm not surprised that the symbiote is in the hands of a kid.
Omega lincoln glared at cybra as he tried to attack but cybra stunned him with her sonic wave cannon, making the symbiote clad loud howl in pain.
Cybra: man normally my sonic wave cannon would force the symbiote off it's host in seconds but this ain't no ordinary symbiote. Oh well...let's increase the process!
The symbiote clad rocker got up to see cybra torturing omega as he was howling in pain. This angered the rocker as she brought out her tendril claws and pounced on the female cyborg.
Echo luna: (yells angrily) HEY HANDS OFF MY BRO!!!
Echo uses her claws to pierce cybra's back, letting out a few sparks as the cyborg woman let out a shriek as echo slashes her more but she grabs echo and throws her back first into the concrete walls, making the concrete building collapse, due to the explosions caused by cybra's laser cannons, landing on the symbiote clad rocker. Cybra's body was fidgeting out of control as she heard sirens, meaning the cops were coming and her systems are damaged. She cursed under her breath.
Cybra: (grunts) ugh! My systems...are damaged...spiraling outta control! Ngh!! Damn it...I have to go make repairs. (Looks at omega with a sadistic grins) it's a shame we have to cut our fun short...consider yourself lucky. We'll meet again for this is far from over!!
Cybra activated her jet boots and flew off, disappearing into the smokes of the flames. Omega slowly got up as he went to the pile of broken concrete, searching for echo.
Omega lincoln: (yells) luna! Where are you?! Please answer me! Please!
Omega then hears a muffled cry. Omega follows the source of the cry as he lifts up the huge pieces of concrete and throws them aside to see echo laying on the ground, groaning in pain.
Omega lincoln: (worried) luna...
Echo luna: (weakly) b-bro...
Omega picked echo up, placing her right arm over his shoulder as the symbiote clad brother could hear siren sounds from police cars heading to where they are. Wasting no time, omega shot an orange web and swung away from the scene, holding on to the injured echo as they went home.
Narrator: back at the loud house.
The scene cuts to the loud house as lincoln and luna made it home after the confrontation with cybra. Instead of using the front door, they went out back to use the back door. Luckily they forgot to lock the door, (which was always a problem as everyone in the loud house don't even lock up for the night) lincoln quietly goes in while carrying an injured luna through the kitchen, the white haired boy looked at his rockstar sister with worried eyes as she groaned in pain.
Lincoln: luna are you okay?
Luna looks at lincoln with a reassuring smile.
Luna: (weakly) I-I'm fine bro...I'm bruised but n-nothing's broken. Echo is healing me but it's gonna take a I'm gonna need to rest a bit.
Lincoln: okay I'll bring you to my room, hopefully the family isn't awake yet.
Lincoln proceeds to walk luna outta the kitchen, through the living room and up the stairs. He was surprised that the family isn't awake yet.
Lincoln: (in his mind) wow... they really are heavy sleepers.
Lincoln: okay luna we're almost to my room.
Luna: t-thanks bro.
As lincoln was about to open the door to his room, he and luna heard one of their sisters door opened and heard footsteps coming out of the room and into the hallway. Then suddenly a loud gasp was heard, followed by an angry yell.
???: LINCOLN!!
Lincoln and luna started to sweat and gulps nervously as they turn around to see a shocked and furious luan stomping towards them, eyeing luna's bruises in worry and looking at lincoln with anger in her eyes.
Luan: (furious) WHAT DID YOU DO TO LUNA?!
To be continued...
(Chapter 12 is finished! My second oc villain cybra makes her story debut. A stealthy yet sadistic female cyborg who enjoys the destruction.)
(Please like and comment on my sketch of cybra. She will be in the near future chapters. Also for those of you who are asking am I gonna continue this story, the answer is yes, I'm not giving up on the loud symbiotes so I'm going do as much chapters as I can until the story reaches the end. Next chapter talks about how lincoln and luna are caught by luan, who is quickly blaming lincoln for luna's bruises caused by cybra. Can lincoln explain himself without revealing his and luna's secret or will he feel the wrath of a furious comedian. Find out soon! Until we meet again everyone this is omegacrow fading to black...)
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