Chapter 10: Luna tells lincoln the truth

It was 8:00 at night as lynn Sr, rita, leni, luan, lola, and lily were back from pop-pop's. Entering the house, lynn Sr called out.

Lynn Sr: kids we're home!

Half of the loud siblings (sans luna) came downstairs.

Lori: hey guys how was your day at pop-pop's?

Rita: oh it was fine sweetie. How was your day at the mall?

Lynn Sr got a good look at lincoln, lori, lynn, lucy, lana, and lisa's new attires.

Lynn Sr: and I gotta say you guys are rockin' those threads mate. (Spoke in a failed british accent)

Lincoln: (smiles) thanks dad and we had a good time at the mall.

Lana: we bought a lot of stuff.

Lola: (jealous) I wish I could of gone to the mall.

Leni: can I go with you next time lori?

Lori: (frowns) yeah... there's a bit of problem with that.

Leni: like what?

Lori: when we were done shopping... when we were about to go home... the mall was engulfed in flames and exploded.

Lynn Sr, rita, lola, luan, lily, and especially leni gasped in horror.

Leni: (fell to her knees and scream in a dramatic fashion) NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Lynn Sr: (worried) are you guys alright?!

Rita: (worried) you didn't get hurt, did you?! And where's luna?! Don't tell me she-

Lori: mom! We're fine and luna's  okay too, she's up in her room right now and she isn't too happy at the moment.

Lynn Sr: why?

Lincoln: (lied) because the new mick swagger album she bought got caught in the fire.

Lynn Sr: (fell to his knees and scream in a dramatic fashion) no... no.... no.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! NOT THE NEW MICK SWAGGER ALBUM, I HAVEN'T LISTENED TO IT YET, IT WAS SO YOUNG, WHHHYYYYYYY!!!!! (sobs dramatically)

Rita: (rolls her eyes at husband) okay... (to lori) but you are okay right?

Lori: yes.

Lana: and you won't believe what happened there. Just as the mall was erupting in flames and people were running out of there, those seven superheroes who were fighting that spiked armored maniac yesterday came to the rescue and got all of the people out of the mall before it exploded. (Smiles widely)

Lynn Sr: you mean those seven costumed crusaders?

Lana: yeah!

Lincoln: they were on the news as they address themselves as the new protectors of royal woods, they called themselves the symbi-warriors.

Lynn Sr: symbi-warriors hmm? Catchy.

Rita: as long as they live to protect royal woods and its people then I'm okay with them.

Lynn Sr: well I'll get dinner started. (Walks into the kitchen)

Lynn: well I'm gonna watch the sports channel. (Hops on the couch and watches television)

Lori: well I'm gonna go text bobby on my new phone. (Walks upstairs)

Lucy: sigh... I'm gonna perform a ritual with my new spellbook. (Walks upstairs)

Lisa: I must attend to my scientific studies. (Walks upstairs)

One after another the loud siblings (sans lynn) went upstairs to their own rooms to do their usual activities until dinner is done.

Narrator: with luan and luna.

Luan entered her and luna's room to see her sister's bags of stuff she got from the mall next to her beanbag chair. Luan then sees her rocker sister laying down on her top bunk, her back turned to luan as the comedian tries to cheer her up.

Luan: hey luna what's up?

Luna: (her back turned to luan) (spoke in a deadpan tone) I don't know what's up luan?

Luan: the ceiling, hahahaha! Get it?

Luna: (in a bored tone) booooooooo.... got off the stage.

Luan: I see you got a new change of clothes huh?

Luna: yep. How was your day at pop-pop's?

Luan: oh it was good. Anyway I want to talk to you.

Luna sat up and looked at luan.

Luna: okay you got my attention sis.

Luan: I was told about the mall burning down and those seven costumed heroes saving people down there, I'm glad you and the others weren't hurt and lincoln told me why you were upset.

Luna: (in her mind) oh no please tell me he didn't found out! (Gulps and spoke to luan) he did?

Luan: yes... I'm sorry that you lost your new mick swagger album in the fire.

Luna looked at luan in confusion then realization hit her as luna went along with the lie lincoln told luan.

Luna: (acting upset) y-yes I was waiting for the new album of mick swagger since forever and now they're all burned to the ground.

Luan: it's okay luna and who knows maybe they'll have another batch before you know it.

Luna: yeah. You're right.

Luan: well I'm gonna go scare leni with my fake spiders. (Goes through her box of prank props and pulled out her fake black widow spider dangling on a string tied to a stick) dinner will be ready in a few minutes.

Luna: thanks lu but I'm not feeling like eating tonight, I'll turn in for the night.

Luan: okay have fun "lion" around, hahahaha! Get it?

Luna: (chuckles) that one was pretty good.

Luan: see ya. (Heads out the door)

Luna's smile faded as she lays back down, thinking about how she's gonna tell lincoln the truth about sam tonight.

Luna: okay when everyone goes to bed, I'll head to lincoln's room, wake him up and tell him... yeah it won't go wrong, I'm not even nervous.

Narrator: 11:59 pm.

Luna: (whispers) I'm completely nervous...!

After the whole family (sans luna) had dinner, they all went to bed. As everyone was asleep, luna quickly climbed off her top bunk and tip toed her way out of the room carefully without waking luan. Then luna tip toed her way across the hall trying not to wake up her sisters as she finally reached lincoln's door. She stood there for a moment before reaching for the door knob, she hesitated as she was sweating nervously. Why is this so difficult? This was her brother and her closest sibling here, luna knew she could tell lincoln anything without a problem arising (sometimes) and trust him to keep it a secret. The rocker breathed in and out before reaching for the door knob and turns it, entering lincoln's room and closing the door behind her. Luna looked at her sleeping brother as she sits on the side of the bed as she gently shakes him to wake him up.

Luna: (whispers) lincoln... lincoln wake up bro...

Lincoln groans and wakes up with narrowed eyes looking at luna.

Lincoln: (tired) (whispers) luna? Do you even know what time it is right now? Why'd you wake me up?

Luna: (saddened) I'm sorry dude it's just that... I felt bad about going off on you and the others today and I wanted to apologize for it.

Lincoln: apology accepted.

Luna: okay... listen linc, you're my lil bro and I can tell you anything right?

Lincoln: (raised an eyebrow) okay.

Luna: and I can trust you with anything because what I'm about to tell you has to stay between us okay?

Lincoln: okay luna I understand.

Luna breathes in and out before looking lincoln right in his eyes. Lincoln could see the fear in luna's eyes, whatever she's going to tell him, lincoln hopes to help her out.

Luna: (in her mind) okay... this is it... now or never.

Luna: okay when we were saving people from being burned alive in the royal woods mall fire, I saw... my crush sam in that fire...

Lincoln: (eyes widened in worry) oh man, luna is he alright? He's not completely hurt, is he?

Luna: no he's fine, his legs were crushed underneath the concrete from the ceiling in the music store but I saved him and got out before the mall exploded and I gave him to the paramedics.

Lincoln: okay. (Sad) I'm really sorry that he got hurt, you must really love him?

Luna: yes... I really love her...

Lincoln: her? Don't you mean you love "him"?

Luna: lincoln... bro.... I think it's time I told you the truth about sam. You see sam's not really a boy... (gulps as she fought back the tears coming out of her eyes) s-sam's a g-girl...!

Lincoln's eyes widened in complete shock as his jaw dropped. This whole time, luna was actually dating a girl named sam? Lincoln didn't know what to say as he was frozen in shock. Luna looked at her brother's reaction and tries to snap him out of it.

Luna: (voice trembling) l-lincoln...

Lincoln remained silent in shock.

Luna: (tears slowly fell from her eyes) bro....?

Lincoln remained silent in shock for another moment before finally speaking.

Lincoln: (surprised) luna... are you... gay?

Luna got offended by that.

Luna: (upset) dude I'm not gay, I'm bi.

Lincoln: bi?

Luna: it means I like boys AND girls.

Lincoln: (surprised) luna....I....

Luna grasped lincoln in her own and looks at him with tearful, pleading eyes.

Luna: (voice trembling) I-I know you think I'm a freak for dating a g-girl but I love sam and was k-killing me inside that if I told you or the others, I was a-afraid that you guys would hate me for being bi... and would disown me as your sister. P-please don't hate me bro... sob... please don't hate me for this. (Hugs lincoln and sobs on his shoulder)

Lincoln returns the hug as he spoke to luna.

Lincoln: luna... though I am completely shocked about this... I don't think you're a freak.

Luna breaks the hug and looks at lincoln.

Luna: *sniff*, y-you don't?

Lincoln: no I don't, it doesn't matter if you're bi, you're my big sis and I would never hate you or disown you for dating a girl as long as you two are happy together, I accept your relationship with sam. Love comes in all shapes, sizes and forms. I mean, look at clyde, he has two dads.

Luna: (lightly chuckles) oh yeah... I forgot about that.

Lincoln: the point is luna that you're my big sister and my closest sibling. I will always love and accept you for who you are and don't think your bisexuality would ever made me hate you.

Luna had tears coming out of her eyes while having a warm smile on her face as she pulls lincoln into a strong hug, crying tears of joy and relief.

Luna: oh thank you bro, I knew I could rely on you. You're the best brother a sister could ask for!

Lincoln: you're welcome and I promise to keep it a secret from the others. And if you want to tell them when you're ready then I'll leave that up to you.

Luna wipes away her tears and smiles.

Luna: thanks lincoln. I will tell them when I'm ready.

Lincoln: good.

Luna: hey bro... do you mind if I bunk with you tonight?

Lincoln: normally I would say no after letting lynn sleep in here and that was a disaster, (flashbacks to the events in space invader) (shivers) but I'll make an exception so yes you can sleep in my room for the night.

Luna: (smiles) alright be right back bro.

Luna unlocks the door and heads to her room and for a few minutes, she came back with her pillow and blanket. Lincoln laid back down on his bed and scooted over to make room for luna as the two got ready to go to sleep.

Lincoln: luna.

Luna: yes lil bro?

Lincoln: if you want, you and I could go to the hospital to visit sam tomorrow. To see if she's feeling better?

Luna: you know what? (Smiles) that's not a bad idea. Plus, I told her so much about you and she would love to meet you bro.

Lincoln: okay. I hope to meet her tomorrow as well. Goodnight luna.

Luna: goodnight bro.

The two loud siblings went to sleep.

To be continued...

(Chapter 10 is finished! Comment on the chapter and tell me what you think. Next chapter lincoln and luna visit sam in the hospital and lincoln meeting sam for the first time. Until we meet again, this is omegacrow fading to black...)

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