Chapter 1: The space rock

It was a very rainy day in royal woods. The storm was intense as lightning flashed, thunders roared, and high winds howl while the city was being drenched in rain. As the storm continues, we turn our focus to the loud house, the home of Lincoln loud and his ten sisters who are up to their own antics, their family known for one thing and that is chaos. The parents were out, meaning lori, the first oldest of the loud family was in charge and the rest of the loud siblings knew how strict lori is with her authority when put in charge and try not cross her. We focus to the living room where the loud sisters were doing their usual activities. Lori was having a long conversation on her phone with her boyfriend Bobby. Leni, the second oldest and the ditzy yet kind hearted fashion artist of the family was reading a fashion magazine. Luna, the third oldest, the loudest, and the passionate rocker of the family was shredding on her axe guitar, playing a loud rhythm through her music amps. Luan, the fourth oldest and the family's joker was telling jokes with her ventriloquist dummy, Mr. Coconut. Lynn Jr, the fifth oldest and the family's rough, tomboyish, and ready to win athlete was playing football in the house. Lucy, the fifth youngest and the quiet, spooky, and poetic goth of the family was writing her next dark poem in the shadows of the fireplace. Lana and Lola, the fourth and third youngest twins, opposites, lana being a down n' dirty tomboyish girl, and lola being a proper, spoiled, beautiful pageant girl, were fighting over who knows what as usual. Lisa, the second youngest and the family's genius was upstairs in her room conducting another one of her crazy experiments. Lily, the first youngest and the baby of the family was happily asleep in her crib in her and lisa's room. And finally we focus on the middle child, the man with the plan of the family, and the brother of ten sisters, Lincoln who was in his room reading a marvel comic in his underwear. Lincoln looks at the readers.

Lincoln: hello everyone. Lincoln loud here. As you can see there's a huge storm outside and our parents are out so Lori's in charge. In a family as big mine, they tend to bring the chaos. (Looks at the marvel comics and back at the readers) I know what you're thinking, "Lincoln, what kind of comic is that?" Well this a marvel comic. Clyde told me about this two days ago, about marvel superheroes like Spiderman, iron man, wolverine, the hulk, fantastic four, the avengers, and more. At first, I wasn't interested because I only read ace savvy comics but I decided to try them out and they aren't that bad at all.

Lincoln shows his marvel comic to the readers. It was a spider man  comic.

Lincoln: (smiles) I love the spider man comics especially. This comic is called Spiderman: back in black, where he has deadly encounters with the monstrous  symbiote venom. I can't wait to see the rest up to the end so if you excuse me I have to get back to the wonders of this comic.

Lincoln turns away from the readers and goes back to reading his comic. As he just enjoying the comic, lincoln was utterly startled falling off his bed to the floor with a yelp hearing a huge crash coming from outside. Lincoln got up and heard his sisters frantic yelling and screaming downstairs. Lincoln quickly puts his orange apollo shirt, blue jeans, socks, and shoes.

Lincoln: (confused) what the heck was that crash?! (Grabs his umbrella) it came from the backyard.

Lincoln went out out his room and ran downstairs, passing through the living room to the kitchen seeing all of his sisters who were either freaking  out or trying to look outside to see what's going on. Lincoln quickly went pass them to open the back door. But before he could, a loud whistle can heard around the kitchen, courtesy of lori as the other siblings stopped freaking out and looked at her.

Lori: (spoke with authority) attention!

All siblings (sans lori) oldest to youngest lined up single filed facing lori.

Lori: alright everyone remain calm. I going to see what's happening in the backyard.

Luna: what do ya think is out there dudes?

Lana: (scared) m-maybe it's a monster.

Lola: (scared) m-monster! I don't wanna go out there! (cries) I'm too young and beautiful to be eaten!

Lynn: oh please. Monsters aren't real. It's probably a burglar.

Lucy: (appearing out of nowhere, scaring her siblings) I highly doubt it.

Luna: (angry) dude! Don't do that!

Lola: (angry) are you trying to give us a heart attack?!

Lucy: sigh... sorry. I was informed by great grandma Harriet to warn you about ominous presence in our backyard. Whatever it is, its not from our world.

Lisa: I highly doubt that supernatural activity is the cause of that crash. According to science, it's completely impossible for ghosts or monsters exist.

Lori: Well whatever it is I'm checking it out and then I'll call the cops.

Lincoln: I'll go too.

Lori: alright but stay behind me. I don't want whatever's out there getting you guys.

Luna: we'll all be behind ya sis.

The other sisters nods in agreement with their umbrellas in their hands. Lori grabs her umbrella and a golf club before she slowly opened the back door and heads outside with lincoln and the other sisters following right behind her. As the loud siblings exited the house and enter the backyard in the rain, lightning flashes  causing lily to get scared along with leni who was trying to comfort her baby sister. Lola and lana were hiding behind luna, lucy showed no fear, neither did lynn, lisa, and lori. Luan, luna, and lincoln were a little scared but tried not to show it. The louds eyes widen at the huge crater in their backyard with smoke coming out of it. They stepped closer toward the crater trying to find the cause of the crash. As the loud siblings got closer and closer, they saw it; a medium sized, black, spheric meteorite. The loud sisters and brother were shocked about this but lisa, on the other hand, had a wide yet creepy smile on her face.

Lisa: (astonished) sweet mother of discoveries, a meteorite has made a collisional impact into our backyard.

Luan: did someone say, "meatier". Hahaha! Get It?

The siblings (sans luan) groan.

Leni: (confused) like, what's a meteorite.

Lisa: a meteorite is a meteor that survived through earth's atmosphere through its passage. The remainder of the meteorite consists wholly or partly made of nickel and iron,while 90 percent of meteorites are made of rock as parts of it strikes the ground.

Lynn: (annoyed) ugh! In english lisa!

Lisa: (sighs in annoyance) fine. It's a space rock that fell out of the sky from space.

Leni: (confused) wait it like, fell out of the sky (gasps) does that mean the sky is falling! (Hugs lily and panics) we're doomed!!!

The sisters and lincoln facepalmed.

Lori: (annoyed) no leni. The sky is not falling. The meteor just came from space.

Leni: oh.

Lincoln: so what do we do with a meteorite in our backyard?

Lynn: yeah if mom and dad see the meteor and the crater, they'll freak.

Lori: I'll call the cops to get someone to take this off our hands.

Lisa: that won't be necessary first eldest sibling. I plan to take the meteor in my possession so I can run some tests. Normally I don't associate with human emotions but (excited) this is the best day of my life, I could win the nobel prize for this discovery like the other famous scientists I look up to! (Squeals happily)

Lori: there's literally no way you are bringing a meteor into the house, especially for another one of your twisted experiments. Mom and dad would literally ground you until you're fifty.

Lisa: (upset) this is my chance to analyze and add the notes on my studies on meteorites, trying to find out the existence of what galaxy it's from. This is a meteor I haven't seen unlike the ones I observed in my science biology books. This one is unique and I won't let you take it away!

Then a creepy, crooked, smile appeared on lisa's face.

Lisa: unless you want to be my first test subject in transplanting my special obedience chip in your brain.

Lori: (angry and slightly afraid) you wouldn't dare!

The eerie smile never left lisa's face meaning she wasn't bluffing. Lori felt chills running down her spine at the mere thought of her strapped to a table at the mercy of lisa as the 4 year old child prodigy cuts her head open to put a chip in her head for another one of her crazy experiments. Lori groans in defeat and annoyance.

Lori: fine. You can have the stupid meteor. I literally don't want you anywhere near my brain.

Lisa's eerie smile vanished into a small smirk.

Lisa: thank you first eldest sibling. I assure you, you won't regret this.

Lori: I better not.

Lincoln: lisa how actually are you going to hide a huge meteor from mom and dad?

Lisa: I've already acquired a plan for that.

Luan: what about the crater? How are we gonna cover that up?

Lisa: I already have a plant growth serum that will cover up any evidence  of the crater's existence.

Lucy: I'm not sure you should keep that meteor lisa. I sense something... ominous in that thing and not the kind of dark things I like.

Lisa: there's nothing to fear lucy, it's all in the name of science.

Lucy: sigh...

Lana: this meteor looks cool, I say we keep it.

Lola: (unimpressed) what's so special about it. It's just a big, dumb rock.

Lana: (annoyed) lola it came from space. It is special. What did you expect it to be, a ball of diamonds?

Lola: well... yes!

Luna: I don't mind keeping meteor around, it just give me an idea for my next song.

Lisa: excellent I have my butler unit retrieve the meteorite and have it transported into my and lily's room.

Leni: I think for like, lily's safety, maybe she should stay with me and lori.

Lori: I agree. I don't want lily around that thing.

Lisa: I suppose you're correct about lily's well being. So I'll have lily's things transported to yours and leni's room while I start my research without any interruptions.

Lincoln: well that's settled. Let's go back inside, the storm's getting worse.

The sisters agreed as they all ran back in the house as lisa prepared her robot butler unit to retrieve the meteorite. When the back door closed shut, we turn our focus to the meteor, and unbeknownst to the loud siblings before they went in the house, a faint crack spourted on the meteor and looking inside of the crack, something was moving and slithering inside of it as the lightning flashed and thunder roared while the screen fade to black.

To be continued...

(There's my first chapter. Hope you like it and I'll be sure the next chapter rollin'. And again, I do not own the loud house or marvel, only the ocs. There will be ocs in the future. This is omegacrow fading to black...)

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