Lincoln was driving to were Bobby had suggested they spend time together, when they left Mrs.johnson home, they spoke a little bit more, along the way to the bar, lincoln and Bobby had continued the conversation they had before arriving to Mrs.johnson house.

Lincoln: did leni manage to go back to gus games and Grub again?

Bobby: Kinda, she can sit foot inside and sit down on one of the tables, and order something to eat there too, but some things there, like the games, especially the ones that both you and her use to play together with, she still has a hard and emotional time there, especially in those places in particularly, so she usually doesn't get close to that side of gus games and Grub.

Lincoln: I truly feel sorry for her, I hope she can face those fears and move past it all.

Bobby: i think I have a idea for that, if you what to try it.

Lincoln: what you have in mind, Bobby?

Bobby: i was thinking that you and leni should spend time there, at gus games and Grub, and help her go though her fears of that side of the restaurant, like the arcades and pretty much everywhere there, it might work if you're there right by her side too.

Lincoln was thinking of what Bobby had just said to him, and he agreed with his plan, with lincoln present there as well, it could very well help his dear second sister, after a moment of thinking, he responded back to Bobby.

Lincoln: you're right, with me right beside her, it could help leni go though her fears greatly, good thinking Bobby.

Bobby: thanks linc, by away, you what to know more about the others too, like luna dreaming of someday being a rock star.

Lincoln: of course, i like to know about everyone in general, even you Bobby.

Bobby: me, what you like to know about me?

Lincoln: what you plan to do in life, and what career you like to follow too.

Bobby: i, I really don't know, i haven't really thought of one yet, I do plan to go to a good college and study about something business related stuff, but I really don't know what to follow yet?

Lincoln: you have plenty of time Bobby, don't rush in life, take it nice and easy, and the right opportunity will come to you.

Bobby: i know, it's just that I'm worried my grades aren't good enough in high school, and I might not make it to college.

Lincoln: I think you'll will, Bobby.

Bobby: i don't know Lincoln, I sometimes have trouble in School.

Lincoln: is someone messing with you, in school?

Bobby: no, it's not like that, I sometimes have trouble Concentrating in class, I one time failed in class, and I don't know why I can't concentrate in class?

Lincoln: can you explain what happened exactly, in class?

Bobby: ok, I was class, writing my exam test, like everyone else in class, while everyone was doing alright, I was stressed issues and couldn't concentrate right, I was really full of anxiety and every time I try to do the stupid exam test, I just get really nervous and, and I, I just can't!

Lincoln: was it just this one time, or has it happened before?

Bobby: just once, it was last week, I tried to do my exam test, I really did, but I don't understand why can't I Concentrate in class?

Lincoln was in deep thought, but also pay attention on the road as well, after thinking about Bobby's situation, he had thought of something that might help his dear sworn brother.

Lincoln: what makes you happy and calm, Bobby?

Bobby: what you mean, lincoln?

Lincoln: I have a idea for you, what makes you Both calm and happy.

Bobby: well, I like to spend time with your family and mine, same with clyde and many others.

Lincoln: what else?

Bobby: i like to help out many people, and do some part time jobs.

Lincoln: is there any jobs you like in particular, something that makes you happy to do?

Bobby had thought for a moment, then quickly responded back to lincoln.

Bobby: before the rest of my family had moved here in royal woods, my grandparents used it own a mercado, it was right under the apparent building that my family used to live in, in great lake city.

Lincoln: I remember that place, it's a nice market store.

Bobby: it was, but my family had to close it down, since coming here, it wasn't doing so great, ever since a nicer grocery store opened close by, since my grandparents couldn't Complete with that store, plus both of them are pretty old and couldn't handle all of that hard work and responsibilities, they had to close it for failure, because of that nicer store.

Lincoln: I'm sorry to hear that, it must had been hard for them?

Bobby: it was, my grandfather worked there when he was just a kid, it was the family's store, for many years of casagrandes, but now, it's just a old memory unfortunately.

Lincoln: I'm am sorry for them, I truly do.

Bobby: it's ok lincoln, it was old and couldn't compete with the bigger and more successful businesses now a days, my family decided to move here and start a new, calm life, especially for my little cousins.

Lincoln: that's great, what would the rest of your family will do now, since moving here?

Bobby: my grandparents are trying to open a new store, they found a nice spot and thinking of trying there, plus your family is helping out too, my Abuela is helping out with your family's retirement, she's a great chef and good friends with Mrs.loud.

Lincoln: that's great, the other day, I was helping out with the restaurant too, but I haven't seen Mrs.casagrande there.

Bobby: she was looking at the spot I told you about, so she let your dad know that she couldn't come on that day, but she'll be there next time, my Abuela and Mrs.loud are doing great there together.

Lincoln: I'm happy for her, what about the rest of your family?

Bobby: Tia Frida Is working on both art and photography classes, she's really good at both of them, my tia and Tio Are actually working together in the same university, Tia Frida is a teacher in art and photography classes, while tio carlos is a professor of marine biology, they usually have different work Schedules, tia Frida usually finish first and head home, but sometimes they finish together and go back home together.

Lincoln: that's pretty impressive, I remember your aunt use to give me some art lessons, she is one of the reasons, why I'm passionate about art.

Bobby: yup, my tia is a pro of both art and photography.

Lincoln: what about Mr.casagrandes?

Bobby: my Abuelo is also helping out with your family's restaurant too, he even does musical classes with a guitar.

Lincoln: I remember Mr.casagrande is really good with a guitar, luna used to play with her guitar together with his.

Bobby: they still do actually, one time in Thanksgiving, both luna and my Abuelo play with their guitars and sing together, they were great on that day.

Lincoln smiled when Bobby had mentioned everything to him, Bobby had continued to with his tale.

Bobby: carlota is working together with leni, you remember i told you about the mall that leni works at.

Lincoln: carlota works there too, if I'm not mistaken.

Bobby: yup, she leni's partner there, Carlota does both clothes and makeup jobs in the mall, she and leni spends a lot of time together, both working and casual activities, carlota also became friends with Fiona, Miguel, Jackie and Mandee too.

Lincoln: that's great, glad leni and carlota are great friends together, they had been good friends since they were little.

Bobby: yup, leni and carlota are like sisters, they love to spend time together.

Lincoln: I remember they used to play a lot of games together, even made some clothes for both of our mothers.

Bobby: that's right, I remember both leni and carlota made a blue and red scarf, for Mrs.loud and my mom, they did a amazing work on them, both our mothers still wear them too.

Lincoln: it brings back a lot of memories.

Bobby: it sure does, last thing to bring up, is my little cousins, they all go to the same school with your little sisters together too.

Lincoln: how are they doing in school together?

Bobby: for cj, carl and Carlitos, they're doing pretty good in school, same with your little sisters.

Lincoln: that's good, I'm curious, do they all go to the same classes together?

Bobby: lily and Carlitos go to kindergarten together, lisa is in the first grade, lola and lana are in the same class together and carl is in the same class with Lucy, cj is in middle school with lynn, and carlota is in high school with the rest of your sisters, carlota and leni are in the same class together too.

Lincoln: does your younger cousins, get along well with my sisters well?

Bobby: cj and Carlitos are good friends with all of your family in general, they definitely get along well with them.

Lincoln: what about carl?

Bobby: well, carl is a bit different, he does get along well with them, but he can be a bit of a trouble maker, and a con man.

Lincoln: what does carl do exactly?

Bobby: anything that makes him money, he's really not a bad kid, but he has does moments, like whatever means and ideas that makes him money, he even has a bit of a crush on lori, and of course, people like, that ask him for a favor, has to be his con man self.

Lincoln: I see.

Bobby: he's really a good kid in heart, despite his flaws, I know carl is better then this, and I know he can be a good and supportive person one day, but I wish he wasn't sush a con man, sometimes!

Lincoln: I believe later on, he'll be a good and supportive person, he's still a young little boy, everything and everyone needs it's time in life, carl needs in learn in life, that the world doesn't revolve around to one person, not even him.

Bobby: easier said then done, he can be a bit of a difficult kid to teach in life lessons, he does learn from his mistakes and many other things in life, but carl still has his fair share of flaws, however.

Lincoln: he just needs time, and he'll grow up to be a fine and good man, only with Proper guidance and lessons of all life, can he become a good person in the world of life.

Bobby: that's a pretty good speech, and you're very much right, I know carl will be a good person later on, I just hope he'll learn everything soon.

Lincoln: he will, have faith with him.

Bobby: thanks lincoln, i appreciate your kind and understanding words, you really know what to say in every situation.

Lincoln: I'm really nothing special, I just to help people when it's possible, I say what must be said, and I do believe that carl will be a fine young man, someday.

Bobby smiled and was happy to hear all of lincoln's kind words, after a long talk together, they eventually arrived to the bar that Bobby had told lincoln about.

The bar is fairly large outside, it has a red outer wall color with the upper part of it white and with some windows, several tables outside and inside of the bar, several plants and a large green doors, that are currently open for people to enter inside and outside orders.

Lincoln was looking at the bar from inside of his car, and thought it was impressive and well done.

Bobby: what you think of this bar.

Lincoln: it looks really nice, they're quite a number people here, inside and outside.

Bobby: yup, this is not one of those types of bars that serve Alcohol, it's mostly tea, Café and a lot of non alcohol stuff, hope you don't mind that?

Lincoln: It's fine Bobby, I don't drink alcohol anyway.

Bobby: really, that's cool actually, because I don't drink alcohol either, or smoke.

Lincoln: same here, I like the way it looks, it's kinda like the ones in Europe.

Bobby: Kinda, it's still pretty good here, the people that owe this bar, are really nice people, and are doing well here too.

Lincoln: I can tell, this looks like a peaceful place too.

Bobby: it is, and you won't be disappointed either.

Lincoln: let's find out then.

Lincoln Park his car in one of the places that was available to park at, both lincoln and Bobby had exit the car and entered inside of the bar.

The inside of the bar, is large and well decorated, the inner walls are a sky blue color with white painted birds, the ceiling is white with a light in the middle, and white lines on the edges of the upper walls areas, several tables with chairs and benchs, large well decorated windows with plants, a large painting of the ocean with a sunset, a white floor boards and many more.

Lincoln and Bobby went to the bar counter and seen a man and woman in their Thirties, in the other side of the bar counter, both lincoln and Bobby had approached the counter and the man in front of them had spoken.

Bar owner: hello, welcome to Lucius sunset, what would you two like to order.

Lincoln: I like some lemon tea, please.

Bobby: I'll have some green tea.

Bar owner: of course, please take a seat, while we make the tea for both of you.

Bobby: thanks Mark.

Lincoln and Bobby had token a seat, close to one of the tables, that was right next to the large window.

Lincoln: this is a very nice bar.

Bobby: wait till you try the tea here.

Lincoln: you know the owners here?

Bobby: yup, that guy Earlier is mark, he and his wife, Elena, are the owners of Lucius sunset,

Lincoln: Lucius sunset, weird name for a bar?

Bobby: i think it's pretty cool the name, it's at least original for a bar.

Lincoln: what about mark and elena?

Bobby: mark and elena are from Missouri originally, they're very nice people and work pretty hard here.

Lincoln: I can tell, I'm watching them working now, they're pretty impressive of making and serving many orders at once.

Bobby: yup, I say about a minute or two, for them to finish making the tea, we ordered.

Lincoln: that fast?

Bobby: keep watching and see.

Lincoln was watching both mark and elena working on both the glasses of tea, that Lincoln and Bobby had ordered earlier.

Mark and elena are the owners of Lucius Sunset, they are a married couple in their mid Thirties.

mark is a well shape man, he has short black hair and light blue eyes, he is wearing a black t-shirt with light blue jeans and black shoes.

Elena is also well Shape, she has middle light long brown flat hair with green eyes, she is wearing a pink with purple lines on the collar, sleeves and end edges of her shirt, rose red jeans and blue shoes.

Both mark and elena are making many different drinks, for everyone in the bar, elena was cutting and crushing the lemons for everyone that ordered lemon tea, mark was doing the same with Peaches for peace tea, after they were done with the lemons and peaches, they started to make green tea as well.

What impressed lincoln greatly however, was the way they made them, the green tea they were working on, was Asian style of tea making, mark and elena had placed fresh green leafs inside of the boiling water, after a minute later, the water was absorbed by the green leafs inside, elena was pouring The glasses with fresh made green tea.

After they finished making all of the order drinks, mark placed all of the glasses of tea, on a tray and was carrying it with one hand, he went to all of the people that had made their ordered drinks, and place the glasses on their tables, mark eventually went and place the glasses of tea, on the table, that both lincoln and Bobby are currently seated at.

Mark: here you two go, sorry it took so long, I was still serving the other table's too.

Bobby: it's cool Mark, you don't have to worry about that, you and elena are always working hard here, and you guys always make some great tea here too.

Mark smiled and pat on Bobby's left shoulde, he was about to go back to the bar counter, then decided to speak with lincoln first.

Mark: are you good friends with Bobby?

Lincoln: am I'm, I'm good friends with his entire family in general.

Mark: really, I remember one time, Bobby brought his parents and sister here too, then after that, Mrs.Santiago brought her friend here.

Lincoln: was it a mrs.loud?

Mark: yes, both Mrs.Santiago and mrs.loud are very nice people, mrs.loud even work on my teeth one time, she's a very good Dentist.

Lincoln: I'm glad she's doing great as a dentist.

Mark: are you related to Mrs.loud, you kinda do look a little alike?

Lincoln: she's my mother.

Mark was looking at lincoln in both his face and eyes, and after lincoln had told mark, that he was Rita's son, he quickly understood and smiled.

Mark: that's great, you have a wonderful mother.

Lincoln: thank you mr.

Mark: please, call me mark, and what you think of the tea?

Lincoln took a sip of his fresh made lemon tea, and spoke.

Lincoln: It's very good.

Mark: thank you, me and my wife grows everything here, where we live, we have a good landscape to grow lemons, peaches and more.

Lincoln: can I ask you something about the green tea.

Mark: of course, what you like to know.

Lincoln: did you two learn Asian tea making skills?

Mark: we did, the green leafs are aisan plants, that we bought in a here, we grow them and use both Chinese and Japanese styles together, we even visit Japan one time.

Lincoln: I recognize the style you two did, it's a traditional family tea offering.

Mark: it is, we learn it there once, glad you and Bobby are enjoying them, if you need something, please tell me and my wife.

Bobby: we will, take care mark.

Mark: you to Bobby, same to you Mrs.loud.

Lincoln: I will, you can call me Lincoln, it's nice to meet you mark.

Lincoln moved his right hand up, for a handshake, mark did a handshake with lincoln and responded back.

Mark: It's nice to meet you too Lincoln, please be well to the both of you.

Lincoln: same with you two as well.

Lincoln and mark had release their hands go from the handshake, mark returned to his wife's side, leaving Lincoln and Bobby to continue with their tea and Conversations.

Lincoln: hey Bobby, since you were telling me about your grandparents, aunt, uncle and all of your cousins, what about your parents, how are they doing these days?

Bobby: mom is still working hard as a nurse, she is one of the top nurses in royal woods, my dad is working as a physician doctor here, both for people and animals, he got his own place in royal woods too.

Lincoln: I have a question, but I'm not sure i should ask about it.

Bobby: you what to know why my parents are divorce.

Lincoln was quiet for a moment, but Bobby continued.

Bobby: my parents used to argue about their jobs choices, since my dad was part of the world medical company, that has people like him, traveling a lot, in places like Peru, things got complicated between my parents, and it only got worse, as time past.

Lincoln: I'm sorry to hear that Bobby, I can't imagine how hard it was back then.

Bobby: my parents don't hate each other, they still do care and help each other out a lot, but they will never get back together, they will stay as just friends now.

Lincoln: how long have they been divorce now?

Bobby: a long time, I was ten years old, when they separated, ronnie anne was thirteen year old at that time.

Lincoln: I'm sorry for both of you, I'm glad that both of them get along well, at least.

Bobby: thankfully, most divorced couples will have nothing to do with each other, a least my parents act like mature grown adults, that respect and treat fairly with each other, instead of trying to be Vendative and Selfish.

Lincoln: you and Ronnie anne are so lucky to have parents like them, I know both of them will always love you two, and always be there for both you and Ronnie anne, they are great and supportive people.

Bobby: same with yours too, you're pretty lucky with your family too, your whole family are amazing people, my mom and your mom always love to spend time together, that's how you and ronnie anne first met together.

Lincoln: I remember, it was early after noon, lori was just born on that day.


The three and a half year old lincoln, was sitting next to his mother, rita was holding her new born daughter, she smiled and was very happy to have another child in her life, rita noticed that lincoln was curious about the baby, and tried to see her face.

Rita lowered her arms, and let lincoln see the baby's face, lincoln saw how happy his new born sister was, he smiled and held her right hand gently.

Lincoln: she's really happy, mommy.

Rita: she is, and she loves to see you too Lincoln.

Lincoln noticed that the baby wanted to hold on to him, rita noticed as well, and spoke.

Rita: looks like your new little sister, what's to hug you sweetie.

Lincoln: can I hold her, mommy?

Rita: of course, give your little sister, a big brother hug.

Lincoln took the baby from his mother's arms, and hug her, the new born child had returned the hug, lincoln smiled and was very happy to hold and hug his little sister, rita smiled and laid her left hand on lincoln's left shoulde, she pulled him gently for a hug.

Lincoln: she's really happy, mommy.

Rita: just like you lincoln, when you were just a new born baby too.

Lincoln: was i like her, mommy, when I was a baby?

Rita: in every way, except you didn't cry, you were born with a happy and loving smile, you were the happiest thing that happened to us, now your sister is also the happiest thing that happened to us again, we are so happy to have wonderful kids like you two.

Lincoln smiled and turned to hug his mother with one hand, the baby also hug her, rita Immediately hug both of her children, and had a small tear that fell from her left eye, she was very happy and blessed, to have both her son and new daughter with her, rita never lost her smile.

Some time later, there was a knock on the main front door, lincoln was still holding the baby, rita stood up and went to answer it, when she answered the door, rita saw her sworn sister in front of her.

Maria: hi rita.

Rita: hi Maria, how are you.

Maria: I'm fine rita, haven't seen you since your new daughter is born, and since it's my day off today, I wanted to visit you all and have Lincoln meeting my daughter.

Rita noticed that Marie's daughter, was hiding behind her, rita got down on one knee and spoke.

Rita: hi Ronnie anne, how are you sweetie.

Ronnie anne was still hiding behind her mother, she was hesitant to respond back, maria place her right hand on her back and spoke.

Maria: It's ok Ronnie anne, this is your God mother, she is very nice, don't be afraid to say hello, sweetie.

Ronnie anne took a step forward, and responded back.

Ronnie anne: hi Mrs.loud, I'm fine, I'm sorry for hiding Earlier, I never been here before, and I haven't seen you that much, I just felt a little shy.

Rita: it's ok sweetie, I know the feeling when I was little, do you like to give your god mother a hug.

Ronnie anne smiled and nodded her head, she quickly went to hug rita, without any hesitation, maria was very happy to see her daughter, hugging her best friend.

Lincoln was watching and listening to everything that was happening in the main door entrance, he was very curious of what his mother was doing, and who was the girl she was hugging with.

lincoln was still holding his baby sister, close to him, when rita separated from the hug with ronnie anne, she stood up and turned around to face Lincoln, rita still had a smile on her face, and spoke to lincoln.

Rita: sweetie, can you come here with your baby sister for a moment, there's someone that what's to see both you and your little sister.

Lincoln did as he was told, he stood up from the couch and went to his mother's side, he brought the baby with him and saw a another woman and child with her, the small girl with his god mother, is the same age as him, as well being same hight.

Rita took the baby from Lincoln, and pass her to maria, she took the baby in her arms and spoke with a smile.

Maria: hi sweetie, you are such a adorable little girl.

The baby smiled and even laughed, maria was happy to see the baby, and seeing rita with another blessed child in her life, maria pass the baby back to rita, and spoke.

Maria: I'm very happy for you rita, you have a wonderful and blessed life, a great husband, wonderful and blessed children, and a amazing family.

Rita: same to you Maria, you have a amazing family too, a good and kindhearted husband, and a wonderful daughter, I think lincoln and ronnie anne are ready to finally meet together.

Maria: I agree, and thank you rita.

Both maria and rita had hug together, when they separated from the hug, both mothers had spoke to their children.

Rita: lincoln, this is Ronnie Anne, she's Maria's daughter, you remember Mrs.Santiago?

Lincoln: I do, mommy, she's really nice, and she's my second mommy.

Rita: not quite sweetie, she's your God mother, and Maria loves you too, as her own child.

Lincoln: what's a god mother?

Maria: a god mother, is someone that sworn to take care and raise the children of someone, if something ever happens to your mother and father, i will be your guardian and take care of both you and your little sister.

Lincoln smiled and hug Maria's right leg, she got down on one knee and returned the hug as well, lincoln noticed that ronnie anne was still hiding behind her mother, she was very quiet and afraid.



lincoln was confused of why ronnie anne was so afraid and hiding from him, when Maria separated from the hug, she turned her attention to ronnie anne and spoke.

Maria: It's ok sweetie, this is lincoln, he's a nice and sweet little boy, he's your God mother's son, you two are about the same age, why don't you introduce yourself to lincoln.

Ronnie anne was still hesitant to move, she's simply held her mother's back side, maria place her left hand on ronnie anne's right shoulder, ronnie anne saw that her mother smiled and nodded her head in approval, she let go of her mother and moved forward.

When ronnie anne was close to lincoln, she had her head down and hesitate to speak, maria spoke to Encourage her daughter's shy and worried heart.

Maria: you can do it sweetie, you have nothing to be afraid of, lincoln is a very good boy with a kind heart, and you two can be good friends, just be yourself sweetie, you are stronger then you look, be more confident, be more open with your heart.

Ronnie anne took her mother's words very close in her heart, she took a quick deep breath, ronnie anne raised her head up, she was facing Lincoln's face now, after three seconds of complete silence, ronnie anne had broken the silence.

Ronnie anne: hello, I'm ronnie anne.

Lincoln was also hesitant, like ronnie anne, lincoln was silent for a very short moment, both his mother and maria had smiled on both of them, after seeing both rita and Maria's faces, and then ronnie anne's, lincoln found his courage, and responded back to ronnie anne.

Lincoln: hi Ronnie anne, I'm lincoln, it's nice to meet you.

Lincoln smiled and had his hand out, to preform a hand shake, ronnie anne smiled and held his hand, while shaking hands together, ronnie anne responded back to lincoln.

Ronnie anne: it's nice to meet you too, lincoln.

Both lincoln and ronnie anne had let go of their hands, they're smiles remain on their faces, both rita and maria were very happy to see both of their children, getting along and becoming fast friends, they were proud of their confidence and courage to face both of their fears and shy hearts, as well being kind to each other.

Maria stood up and went to her daughter's side, rita did the same with her son, both mothers then spoke to their children.

Maria: see sweetie, he's a nice and sweet boy, and it looks like you two are already friends now.

Ronnie anne: I think so too, mama.

Rita: do you like ronnie anne to be your friend too, lincoln.

Lincoln: I do, mommy, she's really nice.

Rita: how about you and ronnie anne play together in the backyard, for a little bit, you can share your toys with her.

Lincoln: ok mommy.

Ronnie anne: can I play with lincoln, mama, can I?

Maria: of course sweetie, me and mrs.loud will be inside the house, if you need me, just call me, sweetie.

Ronnie anne hug her mother, and Maria quickly returned the hug, when they separated from their hug, ronnie anne followed behind lincoln, both children went to play together in the backyard, leaving rita and maria alone with the baby.

Maria entered inside the loud house, rita was making Coffee for both of them, while rita was Preparing the coffee, maria was holding on the new born baby, when rita finished making two cups of coffee both herself and Maria, she placed them on the main dining table.

Maria return the baby to rita, then rita had place her baby daughter, to her own personal seat, for a infant, after rita had well seated her daughter, she took her cup of tea, and started taking small sips of it.

Maria: I'm happy for you rita, having another wonderful child in your life, and being a good mother role model for both her and lincoln.

Rita: thank you Maria, I appreciate your kind words, and I'm happy that both my son and your daughter had become friends already, and even playing together right now.

Maria: I'm glad that both of them are playing and being friends together, either lincoln nor ronnie anne had any one to spend time together with, ronnie anne doesn't have any friends at all, and since lincoln doesn't have any friends either, I hope that both lincoln and ronnie anne will form a friendship together, and not feel lonely, all of the time.

Rita: I know what you mean, lincoln really doesn't have any friends at all, and it's a pity that both lincoln and ronnie anne have absolutely no friends, they should spend time with other kids in their own age, and I do agree that both lincoln and ronnie anne, should be good friends together, it's also very good for both of them too.

Maria: Ronnie anne gets shy with other kids, I hope her spending time with lincoln, will be good for both of them, i think lincoln has that problem too?

Rita: he does, he often does talk with other kids, he gets nervous and afraid, ronnie anne also has that problem too.

Maria: I know they are still three years old, but I hope both of them, will have friends that they will care about both of them.

Rita: I know they can do it, and being friends together, is a very good start for both of them, I like ronnie anne, she's a nice and very sweet little girl, I think lincoln and ronnie anne will get along well together.

Maria: I think so too, what about the baby, have you and lynn had thought of a name?

Rita: we are still thinking a good name for her, we have thought of a few, but we haven't thought of which name to use yet?

Maria: I'm curious rita, what names you and lynn have in mind for the baby?

Rita took another sip of her cup of coffee, then spoke all of the names, that both her and lynn sr. Had thought for the baby.

Rita: Alice, hera, daisy, rose, cera, Trixie, there's a lot more, we are still thinking a bunch of names for her, and which one to use for her too.

Maria was in deep thought, she was thinking a name for the baby as well, after hearing all of the names, that rita had told her about, she tried to think which name will suits her, after a minute of thinking, she thought of one name, that rita will love to use for her new born daughter.

Maria: how about lori?

Rita: lori?

Maria: I just wanted to help you out finding a name for your new born daughter, I hope you like that name?

Rita smiled and responded back.

Rita: I love it, it's a perfect name for her, thank you very much maria.

Maria smiled and was happy to helped her sworn sister, after both women took another sip of their coffees, rita spoke.

Rita: I wish I could repay you Maria, for helping find a name for her.

Maria: seeing you happy and well, is more then enough, you don't own me anything, rita.

Rita: I know, but I really do what to help you out too, I really do.

Maria: It's fine rita, as long is you're happy, and I'm happy too, and you are my sworn sister, I'll always be there for you, lynn, and both lincoln and lori, always.

Rita: thank you Maria.

After they took another sip of their coffees, rita spoke again.

Rita: hey Maria, I have a question, if you don't mind me asking about it.

Maria: I don't mind rita, what's on your mind.

Rita: do you and Arturo plan to have more children together, i was curious about that, for a while now, and I hope I didn't say anything Awkward about it?

Maria: It's ok rita, you didn't say anything awkward at all, me and Arturo had been talking about having another child lately, and we might go with it.

Rita: I do believe you're a amazing mother, maria, and ronnie anne would love to have a younger sibling too.

Maria: thank you rita, the truth is, I was inspired by you.

Rita was somewhat confused of Maria's response, she quickly responded back to Maria with a curious tune in her voice.

Rita: me, I, I don't understand?

Maria: seeing you being happy and supportive, raising lincoln, and being a strong and living mother to him, and bringing another wonderful child in this world, which you will also be a loving and supportive mother of her, it inspired me to bring another wonderful child in this world as well, and being a loving, supportive mother of two children.

Rita smiled again and went to hug Maria, both rita and maria were very happy, when they separated from the hug, rita brought the empty cups of coffees to the sink, both maria and rita had continued with their conversions together.

Rita: have you and Arturo had thought of a name, when you two have another child together?

Maria: I have a few in mind, I hope they will be good names, when we eventually have another baby.

Rita: I'm curious, do you like to have another daughter, or a son?

Maria: to be honest, I would love to have a son too, I do love ronnie anne greatly, and I will always love her in my heart, after having a daughter, I would love to have a son too, just like you have both a son and daughter now.

Rita: I'm very happy for both you and Arturo, I hope you two will have another amazing child too.

Maria: thank you rita, thank you so much, I like to ask you something, as my sworn sister.

Rita: anything maria, please ask away.

Maria: like ronnie anne, i would love you to be my second child's guardian as well, if something happens to me and Arturo, as well all of my family, please look after both of them, and guide them in life, as well.

Rita: I will, and I know you'll do the same for my children too, just as you are my son's guardian too, and I know both lincoln and lori will be in good hands, if something happens to me and lynn, same with both my family and Lynn's family too.

Both mothers were speaking from their hearts, rita and maria are close friends, that sworn sisterhood to each other, and always have each other's back, from the most difficult and dark times.


Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were playing together in the backyard, lincoln was showing his toys to ronnie anne, they were playing with toy trucks, racing against one of the other, sometimes lincoln had won, and sometimes ronnie anne had won the toy truck's racing.

After they were tired of playing with toy trucks, lincoln brought a throwing ball, both children were playing Catch together, for two minutes, lincoln and ronnie anne were having fun with the game they were playing together with.

When ronnie anne caught the ball, she stare at it for a moment, lincoln being worried for ronnie anne, he went to her and spoke with a concerning tune in his voice.

Lincoln: what's wrong ronnie anne?

Ronnie anne: I was just thinking about my mama.

Lincoln: do you what to see your mommy?

Ronnie anne: I'm sorry lincoln, I didn't mean to look sad, I'm used to play with my parents, and i, I never played with someone else before.

Lincoln: me too, i usually play with my parents, I don't have any friends.

Ronnie anne: are you sad about not having friends?

Lincoln: I don't know, I never thought of it, i don't know what having friends is like?

Ronnie anne: me either, I don't have any friends, I wish I had friends, but I never could.

Lincoln: how come Ronnie anne?

Ronnie anne: I get really shy, when I'm around other kids, they usually ignore me, and what nothing to do with me?

Lincoln: why they ignore you, you did nothing wrong?

Ronnie anne: I don't know, I don't understand what's wrong with me?

Lincoln: I think you're fine, and I'm very sorry for you Ronnie anne.

Ronnie anne: it's ok, I'm use to it, but I really do like to have friends, like everyone else here.

Lincoln: I like to be your friend, ronnie anne.

Ronnie anne: you like to be my friend, are you sure, i don't what you to feel forced, just for me?

Lincoln: I really do like to be your friend, you are really nice, and I like being friends with you too, ronnie anne.

Ronnie anne smiled and hug lincoln, she was very happy to had finally found a friend of her own, Ronnie anne responded back to lincoln.

Ronnie anne: thank you lincoln, thank you for being my first friend, I hope we will stay as friends, and never stop being friends together.

Lincoln: we will, your a very nice girl, Ronnie anne, and a great friend too, you're my first friend too, and we will stay as friends together.

Ronnie anne smiled and hug lincoln, lincoln did the same as well, after they Separated from the hug, they continued to play ball together.

Both children played many games together, tag, hide and seek, guessing games and more, after a hour and a half of playing together outside of the backyard, both children entered inside of the house, and went to the kitchen.

Both rita and maria had seen both of their children entered the kitchen, they greeted lincoln and ronnie anne, with smiles on their faces.

Rita: hey kids, did you two had fun playing together in the backyard?

Lincoln: we did mommy, me and Ronnie anne played a lot of games together, we started with toy trucks, then ball, tag, hide and seek, and the guessing game we play together with, ronnie anne is great at everything.

Rita: that's great sweetie, glad you and ronnie anne are having a lot of fun together.

Ronnie anne: mama, lincoln became my first friend, we promise to be friends and stay together as friends too, I have a friend now.

Maria: that's wonderful ronnie anne, I'm happy you and lincoln are friends now, and I know you too will be best friends too, I'm proud of you and lincoln, and I believe you two will be Unseparable too.

Ronnie anne: you really think so mama?

Maria: I believe so, and you'll have more wonderful friends, later on, same to you lincoln, you two will have many great friends, someday, and now you two are friends, even best friends now.

Lincoln: what's a best friends?

Rita: best friends is the most special and closest friendships, is when two people become very close together, and always have each other's back, always being there for each other, and always being close and supportive, friendship is always special to everyone, but being best friends, is unbreakable and always special for life.

Lincoln: really, is me and Ronnie anne are best friends too.

Maria: yes, me and your mother, are like sisters, sometimes being best friends, is like being siblings to each other, though me and your mother, doesn't share blood, our friendship is strong and unbreakable, me and rita are like sisters, we sworn sisterhood, and promise to always be there for each other, no matter what, she is, and always will be, my best friend, my sister.

Lincoln and ronnie anne were amazed of what Maria had said to them both, they were very impressed of her words, rita was right next to Maria, both mothers being proud of their children, and forming friendships of their own, Ronnie anne then responded, and was curious to know more of what her mother at said to both of them.

Ronnie anne: does that make lincoln, my brother too?

Maria: not exactly, it's like a siblings bond, being best friends is like being a siblings to each other, because of being close and always being there for each other, it's the most special of being friends, always helping and being there in the hardest times for each other too.

Rita: and always being great friends too, maria was there when I give birth to you and lori, just as I was there, when Maria give birth to you ronnie anne.

Ronnie anne: really.

Rita: yes, after me, lynn and your father were allowed to visit your mother, we saw you in her arms, it was the happiest moment in your mother's life, you are the best thing that happened in that day.

Ronnie anne was very happy, she went and hug both rita and her mother, both women returned the hug, lincoln spoke next and was also for Ronnie anne as well.

Lincoln: that's very good, ronnie anne has a great mommy and dada, and you being there too, but was i there too, mommy?

Rita separated from the hug, and responded back to her own child.

Rita: papa and grand-grand were watching you back then for me and dada, you were still a baby back then, and we needed to be there for Maria, when she give birth to ronnie anne, so I called papa and grand-grand to watch over you, while me, dada and Mr.Santiago were there in the hospital, for Mrs.Santiago.

Lincoln was happy to hear everything his mother and maria had said to him, then he remembered that his mother had mentioned a name, known as lori, lincoln being curious, he asked about the name, lori, to his mother.

Lincoln: mommy, who's lori?

Rita: lori is the name of your baby sister, while you and ronnie anne were outside playing together, me and maria talked about a name for her, and Mrs.Santiago thought of a wonderful name for her, and we decided to name your baby sister, lori, what you think of the name, sweetie.

Lincoln: It's a really pretty name, i like it.

Rita: I'm glad you do, you and lori are the best things that happened to me, and I will always love you two, no matter what, and you two will be great siblings, and you will be a great big brother too.

Lincoln went and hug his mother, rita happily returned the hug as well, ronnie anne saw how happy everyone were, then looked at lori and thought she was both happy and calm, then she thought about after rita had given birth to lori, she wondered if her own mother will have another child as well.

Ronnie anne face her mother, she gain Maria's attention, from taping her mother's left leg gently, and spoke.

Ronnie anne: mama, are you going to have another baby too, like Mrs.loud?

Maria was token back of what ronnie anne had said to her, she did not know if to tell her daughter, about both her and Arturo speaking about having another child.

she thought of telling ronnie anne later on, as a surprise when the time was right, after a moment of silence, maria responded back to ronnie anne.

Maria: well, me and your father had been talking about it, for a little while, but it's nothing to get worried about, ronnie anne, also, your to young to hear about this stuff.

Ronnie anne: I don't mind having a little brother or sister, I'm happy about it, and for you too, mama.

Ronnie anne hug her mother again, maria return the hug as well, when lincoln heard about maria planning to have another child, he was curious about it and asked his mother about babies.

Lincoln: mommy, where do babies come from?

Rita was surprised of what lincoln had said to her, she did not wish to explain such details to her three year old son, lincoln was to young to know or even understand such information, rita thought of what to say to lincoln, rita responded back and hope her son, will not press on the subject of babies.

Rita: it's a bit complicated lincoln, your to young to understand this stuff.

Lincoln: did i say something bad, if I did, I'm sorry mommy?

Rita: oh sweetie, you said or did nothing wrong, it's just not something you or Ronnie anne shouldn't worry about, you two are still kids, this isn't something kids your age should know about.

Ronnie anne: I thought big storks Birds, deliver babies to everyone?

Maria: well, it's not quite like that.

Ronnie anne: really mama, where do babies come from?

Rita: when you and lincoln are older, me and your mother will tell you two, where babies come from, but not anytime soon.

Lincoln: you promise mommy?

Rita: I do, plus this is something grow ups, like me and maria are going to have to tell you two about, later on in life, there's need to worry about about stuff now, you two are kids, you should be playing and enjoying both of your childhoods, while you can.

Maria: she's right, you two have plenty of time to enjoy being kids, that stuff comes later on, so no need to worry about now, just be friends and have fun together, playing games, watching cartoons, just being kids in general.

Both lincoln and ronnie anne had once again, hug both maria and rita, both childrens and mothers had hug and were happy, after everyone had separated from their hugs, rita had spoke to both lincoln and ronnie anne.

Rita: I think your favorite cartoon show is on now, lincoln, how about you and ronnie anne watch the loud rabbits show, together.

Lincoln: oh yeah, thank you for telling me that, mommy, hey ronnie anne, do you like the loud rabbits show, it's my favorite cartoon show.

Ronnie anne: I watch it with my mama, I like that show too.

Lincoln: really, that's great, let's watch it together.

Ronnie anne: I hope the new episode, will have the sisters helping out warren With the badger bully, he's such a big meanie, and Warren is a nice and supportive hare, his sisters are always supportive of him too.

Lincoln: they will, and they will teach that big meanie a lesson too.

Lincoln and ronnie anne were watching the loud rabbits show together, they greatly enjoy the children's animated series, maria and rita saw both of their children's happy and enjoying the television series, while their children were watching the their favorite tv series, both mothers continued with their conversions together.

Maria: I decided that if I have a son, I will name him Roberto.

Rita: that's a very pretty name, I hope you and Arturo will have a another wonderful child together.

Maria: I hope so too, we were talking about it a lot lately, and after I said earlier, about being inspired by you and your children, and having ronnie anne in my life, I really want to try it, I what to have another child, and have ronnie anne a older sibling, just like lincoln.

Rita: I truly believe in you maria, I truly do, you're a amazing mother and woman, and a great friend, I will be there for you, when you need me the most.

Maria and rita had hug together, they were happy to be great friends, and sworn sisters, after they Separated from the hug, rita spoke again.

Rita: I have a question Maria, since ronnie anne spinach name is ronalda, what English name you what Roberto to be?

Maria: I was thinking to have a name that starts with the letter, B.

Rita: how about Bobby?

Maria thought of the name, for a short moment, and very much liked it greatly, maria responded back to rita.

Maria: I truly love the name, thank you very much rita.

Rita: your are most welcome, but why with the letter B, isn't the English version of Roberto, is Robert?

Maria: it is, but i what to give a more unique English name, plus I like the name Bobby better.

Rita: both names are very nice, but I think Bobby, sounds better too, I think it's a perfect, if you do have a son, one day, and I hope you do have a another amazing child.

Maria: I hope so too, and thank you for all of your kind words, and helping me find a great name too.

Rita: any time maria, and thank you for everything too, you are, and always will be, my best friend, my sister.

Both maria and rita had hug once again, they were very happy and grateful of everything that happened today, when they separated from the hug, both mothers had joined with their children, watching the television show together.

They watch the children's animated series together, enjoying the rest of the day together, hugging their childrens close to them, and looking forward for the future together, as well.


Lincoln was still staring at his glass of tea, he saw his own reflection and was still in deep thought, Bobby noticed that lincoln was quiet for a little while, he was worried about lincoln and wondered what he was thinking about, he simply placed a hand on his shoulder, and spoke.

Bobby: are you ok lincoln, you were quiet and kinda Distracted for a little bit, is everything alright?

Lincoln: I'm fine, I was just thinking about back then, when lori was a newly born baby, she was about four days old, your mother and older sister had came and visited me and my mother, Mrs.Santiago wanted to see Lori, and have ronnie anne meet me too.

Bobby: that's the day, that you and ronnie anne became friends.

Lincoln: yes, both my and your mother, were talking together, while me and Ronnie anne were playing together, after that, we talked together with both our mothers, me and Ronnie anne were watching the loud rabbits show together, and both our mothers, were talking about you.

Bobby: me, what you mean?

Lincoln: your mother wanted another child, and were thinking a name for you, your mom thought of the name Lori, and my mom thought of calling you Bobby, it's pretty wild huh, my mom thought of your name, and your mom thought of Lori's name too.

Bobby: I remember my mom and ronnie anne told me about that, and it's pretty wild alright, it's pretty neat actually, both our families had always been there for each other, and always helping each other's out.

Lincoln: your family is always good and kind to mine, same to my with yours, Mrs.Santiago is my God mother, always smiling and being supportive of everyone, just like my mother is your God mother too, we both have amazing and kindhearted mothers.

Bobby: we sure do, my whole family is everything to me, just like lori is everything in my heart too.

Lincoln: I missed it all, your family, my family, my home town, my friends, everything in my past, I get to have another chance, and start over again, and this time, I will be there for everyone, even you Bobby, I promise you that.

Bobby smiled and was happy to hear everything that lincoln had just said him, after lincoln was finish talking, both Bobby and lincoln had continued to drink their glasses of tea, and simply relax the rest of the day together, and awaited for lori to call one of them, to return to the loud house, and start a great reunion, for the man that returned home.


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