The young four year old toddler had token a seat right next to lincoln.
And was waiting to be lecture by her elder brother.
Lincoln had brought his attention towards lily.
And was prepared to lecture the youngest of the loud family.
Lincoln was not completely sure of lecturing the young toddler.
Due to believing that lily had done nothing wrong to be lecture by Lincoln.
As well not having enough to lecture lily with for any misbehaviour either.
Lincoln had simply begun his lecture towards the young four year old girl.
And hoped that it will not be as long as the rest of his lectures towards his five youngest sisters.
Lincoln: ok lily, let's begin shall we.
Lily: oki doki big brother.
Lincoln: let's start with what you used to do as a baby, and all the misbehaviours you did as well.
Lily had reflected deeply of both her past and what her family members had told to her.
After a short period of time has passed.
Lily had spoken with a calm, yet shy tune in her voice.
Lily: well... mommy and daddy told me I used to poop a lot, even used throw diapers too.
Lincoln was speechless and amazed of what lily had said to him.
The young man with white hair did not know what to say to lily or how to respond back properly of what he had heard from his youngest sister.
Lily had a worried expression on her face.
Due to lincoln's silence and shocked expression on his face.
Lily had spoken to lincoln with a worried tune in her voice.
Lily: am I'm in big trouble big brother... i didn't mean to be bad, I'm really sorry big brother.
Lincoln had responded back to Lily with a calm voice.
In hopes of calming the young toddler from her state of fear and concern expression.
Lincoln: well... throwing a dirty diaper isn't cool or a very nice thing to do, but you were baby and didn't knew better back then.
Lily: are you angry at me big brother? I'm really sorry?
Lincoln: no lily, I'm not angry at you, like I said, you were a baby and things were different back then.
Lily had smiled and was happy once again.
Lincoln had a also smiled when he noticed the changed positive expression on lily's face.
as well happy to see the youngest of his sisters being both happy and cheerful once again.
The rest of the youngest loud sisters had also smiled as well.
Being happy for both lily and Lincoln for speaking and getting along very well together.
Lincoln had Resumed his lecture towards lily.
And spoken with a curious tune in his voice once again.
Lincoln: what else did you done as a baby and your current age? Besides throwing dirty diapers?
Lily had once again reflected on her past.
As well what her friends and family had told her about her days as a infant.
After a few seconds of silence and deep reflections.
Lily had spoken with a calm, yet concerned tune in her voice.
As well feeling hesitant to respond back to lincoln.
Lily: I... I one time thrown a dirty diaper on Lori's face...
Lincoln: you what!?
Lily had reacted in fear of lincoln's sudden outburst.
Though it wasn't very powerful or Forceful towards the young toddler.
Lincoln's tune was somewhat enough to scare the youngest of the loud family member.
As well the other young loud sisters inside of the dinning table room.
Lily was shaking in a slight state of fear.
Due to being somewhat yelled from Lincoln's light outburst.
The young man with white hair had noticed how afraid lily currently was.
And felt great pity towards the young toddler.
He placed his right hand on lily's right shoulder and spoken with a calm tune in his voice.
In hopes of calming the youngest sister of the family.
Lincoln: I'm very sorry lily, I didn't mean to raise my voice like that, I was token by complete surprise of what you had just said to me.
Lily had responded back to lincoln with a somewhat afraid tune in her voice.
Lily: i... I didn't mean to throw a dirty diaper at her back then.
Lincoln: what happened after you hit Lori with a diary diaper, did she got upset at you?
Lily: she was angry at me... and both mommy and daddy didn't like what I did back then either.
Lincoln could not begin to imagine how Lori and both of his parents would had reacted back then towards his youngest sister.
For throwing a dirty used diaper towards the Lori.
Lincoln had wondered how much he had missed during his absence from both his hometown and family.
As well wondering if he could had prevented every misfortunate things and events to happen to both his family and home.
Despite having many thoughts in his mind currently.
Lincoln had focused entirely towards lily and hearing the rest of her tale.
Lincoln had responded back to lily with a calmer, yet curious tune in his voice.
Lincoln: lily... look, you were just a baby back then, as I said before, he did not know what was right and what was wrong back then...
Lily: lori told me that a long time ago too.
Lincoln: she did?
Lily: yup, she said it was very mean and not a very nice thing to do either, but she forgive me after taking a hot shower later that day.
Lincoln was amazed of how quickly lori had forgiven lily.
Despite having a very unpleasant experience in the very day that had happened before.
The young man with white hair had responded back to Lily with a even more curious tune in his voice.
Lincoln: what else happened, besides lori forgiven you? What did mom and dad said and do when you throw a dirty diaper to lori?
Lily: mommy and daddy wasn't happy about it, but lori told them not to be to hard on me... so they put me in time out for a hour to think about how I acted to lori.
Lincoln had never doubted the parent skills of both rita and lynn sr.
He knew that both of his parents are kind and supportive people.
As well mature, very responsible and respectful middle-aged adults.
Since being a child, lincoln had never seen his parents being mean or harsh towards him or anyone at all.
His parents are very lovable and caring people.
As well always happy to help everyone around them.
Both their entire family and friends alike.
Lincoln had responded back to the youngest of the loud family member once again.
Lincoln: was mom and dad had calm down afterwards... when you weren't in time out anymore?
Lily: they weren't super angry, but were disappointed to me...
Being curious of what lily had said to Lincoln.
The young man with white hair had responded back to Lily once again.
Lincoln: tell me everything that happened and what mom and dad said to you, when you weren't in time out?
Lily: well... mommy and daddy had lecture me and told me it wasn't very nice at all... but then hug me after they finish with their lecture.
Lincoln: really?
Lily: yup, lori was there too, they talked and lecture me for a little bit, I felt bad for what I done and lori hug me... then both mommy and daddy did too.
Lincoln was amazed of what lily had told him just now.
He did not imagine his first born sister and parents to immediately forgiven and hug lily in the end.
The oldest of the loud Siblings had wondered how matured lori had become since he had last saw her as a child.
As well wondering how his parents were able to raise ten daughters at once.
And being great partners at the same time as well.
Lincoln had truly missed his family and friends.
As well spending time together with everyone around him as well.
Lincoln had spoken to lily once again, with a calm and positive tune in his voice.
Lincoln: I'm glad lori, mom and dad had forgiven you lily, it's hard to believe how they immediately hug and forgave you so quickly?
Lily: lori is a very nice and supportive big sister, she loves and cares for me a lot, just as much as mommy and daddy.
Lincoln: you know, both mom and dad, as well Mr.grouse had taught me and lori to be good and forgiven to others.
Lily: I know, lori, mommy and daddy told me about that too, they said they will always love all of us, and we are the most important thing to everyone too.
Lincoln had smiled and hug lily.
The youngest of the loud family had done the same without any hesitation.
The rest of the young loud sisters had smiled as well.
When both Lincoln and lily had separated from the hug.
Lincoln had spoken to lily and Resume his lecture once again.
Lincoln: is there any other bad things you did? besides the dirty diaper thing?
Lily: besides that... maybe there was that one time when I used the D-word thing too?
Lincoln had raised his left eyebrow and responded back to Lily with a curious, yet concerned tune in his voice.
Lincoln: what you mean by using the D-word... exactly?
Lily: well...
Just as lily was about to respond back to lincoln.
Lisa had spoken to lincoln with a calm and mature tune in her voice.
Lisa: what lily was about to tell you elder brother, is she misused the D-word for something else.
Lincoln had brought his attention towards lisa and responded back to the young toddler with a curious tune in his voice.
Lincoln: what happened exactly with this D-word thing about? is there something I should know?
Just as lisa was about to respond back to lincoln.
Lana had immediately Interrupted lisa when she was about to speak to Lincoln.
Lana: it's ok big bro... lily didn't say anything bad exactly... she kinda tried to say she wanted a donut, but...
Lincoln: but?
Like before with Lisa.
Lola had immediately spoken to lincoln just before lana was about to respond back to the young man with white hair.
Lola: it's a long and kinda silly story, you see... mommy and daddy wanted to have lily go to Preschool with Lisa back then.
Lincoln: let me gauss, someone Accidentally said the D-word through Frustration, am I correct?
The young Loud sisters were amazed of what Lincoln had just said to them all.
As well managed to piece everything together by himself immediately.
Lucy had responded back to lincoln with great curiosity in her voice.
Lucy: gasp... how did you find out so quickly? Can you read minds and see past events?
Lincoln: not quite lucy, I figured it all out from every details you girls were talking about and trying to explain everything to me.
Lisa had immediately responded back to lincoln in hopes not to be Interrupted once again.
Lisa: Fascinating... you managed to already understand both the story and in correct details as well.
Lincoln: i only piece everything together as much as possible, using what information i managed to both get and understand about.
Lisa: still... you are quite impressive and well organized to be both mentally calm and using your Intelligence as well.
Lincoln had immediately responded back to all of his young sisters at once.
In hopes to answer all of their questions and not to drag the lecture with lily any longer then necessary.
Lincoln: ok girls, let's not drag on with even more questions at once now, I still need to finish lily's lecture, and play those board games with you all still.
All five of the youngest loud sisters had immediately remembered about the promise that Lincoln made with them about the board games.
And spend more time together with the first born sibling of the Family.
Lana had spoken to lincoln with a somewhat concerned tune in her voice.
Lana: oh yeah... we still need to play plumbing bro together, you promise to play with all of us too.
Lincoln: i know lana, and we will soon, just need to finish with lily's lecture and we all can play together... have a little patience kido.
Lana was somewhat disappointed from Lincoln's response.
But did not argue or responded back harshly towards Lincoln.
She simply remain silent and had a somewhat grumpy expression on her face.
Lincoln had brought his attention towards the young toddler once again.
And spoken with a calm and pity tune in his voice.
Lincoln: sorry about dragging the lecture for so long lily, and getting side tracked too.
Lily: it's ok big brother... you were only doing your big brother thing and getting to know us better, we really like you as a big brother to all of us.
Lincoln had smiled and felt great happiness within his heart.
As well grateful to had met his five new sisters and quickly bonding with all of them.
Lily had noticed the happy expression on his face.
And quickly went to hug her older brother as tightly as possible.
Lincoln had noticed that Lily had hug him and was happy as well.
The young man with white hair did not hesitate to return the hug towards the youngest of the loud sisters.
When both Lincoln and lily had separated from each other's hug.
The young toddler had spoken to lincoln once again.
Lily: to finish the D-word thing, I didn't mean to say it back then, I wasn't used to saying words back then and it kinda went a bit... silly and misunderstanding at the same time.
Lincoln: it's fine Lily, I can tell you are a very polite and sweet little girl... in fact, you five are all unique and pretty cool in general.
The five young loud sisters had felt great happiness and proudness towards Lincoln's response.
And had form great respect towards the young man with white hair.
Lily had once again spoken to lincoln with a happy tune in her voice.
Lily: thanks big brother, also... back to the D-word thing, the big lady who visited here was pretty nice and she Approved me to go to Preschool.
Lincoln: big lady?
Lisa: i believed her name is Dr. Shuttleworth, she was the one that visited and spoken to both of our parental units.
Lincoln: did it all work out well in the end... right?
The five young loud sisters had explained everything that had happened between both lily and Dr. Shuttleworth.
As well the rest of the D-word that they had all spoken of.
Such as the loud sisters being very worried of the outcome with the Supposedly bad word that lily had Misused.
As well not being accepted at Preschool and having proper Educations.
Lisa had explained to lincoln of how they tried to make lily stop saying the D-word.
And hoped that they all had Succeed in the process.
Lori had texted her mother during that time.
When both of their parents were at the mall together for a minor Store shopping for a men's tie.
When rita had Received the text message from her daughter in that day.
Both rita and lynn sr. Had immediately returned home and spoken to all of their daughters together.
About the sudden situation with lily and her unknown reason for using the D-word.
After a short talk and trying to understand what was the cause to lily's unknown reason for using a bad word.
They tried to let lily see and hear more positive words and behaviors in hopes that it would succeed in the end.
After some time of trial and error, as well both patience and explanation from the loud sisters.
Lily had stopped using the D-word entirely.
And both rita and lynn sr. Had understood everything that their daughters had explained to them both.
While not pleased to what their daughters had said before in certain Frustration moments.
As well a being lecture from both rita and lynn sr. Afterwards.
The loud sisters had apologized and promised to never use any bad and Inappropriate words again.
Both parents were proud of their daughters honesty and accepting full responsibility afterwards.
When Dr. Shuttleworth had arrived to the loud family residence.
She spoken to both rita and lynn sr. Together for a short period of time.
The loud sisters were watching and listening to the entire conversation between the parents and Dr. Shuttleworth.
As well watching the young lily Loud and hoped everything would had went well in the end.
After some talking from the adults, as well a few tests that Dr. Shuttleworth had offered towards lily.
The youngest of the Loud family had succeeded in each test from Dr. Shuttleworth.
And was happily accepted to attend to Preschool.
Just as Dr. Shuttleworth was about to leave the loud house Resident.
Both rita and lynn sr. Had offered sweets for Dr. Shuttleworth in good Hospitality from the visit and interview.
Dr. Shuttleworth had happily accepted the offer and was about to leave the loud house resident.
Lily had approached towards Dr. Shuttleworth and spoken to her with the D-word.
The loud family were shocked of what lily had said to Dr. Shuttleworth right in front of her face.
They were worried for the very outcome and being rejected in the very moment.
The loud parents and daughters had immediately went and apologized to Dr. Shuttleworth.
About how lily spoken to Dr. Shuttleworth and using the D-word towards her.
Dr. Shuttleworth had explained of what lily had truly meant to say with the D-word.
Dr. Shuttleworth had explained that lily was saying she wanted a donut from her.
And happily gave a chocolate donut to the youngest loud family member.
Lily had happily accepted the chocolate donut from Dr. Shuttleworth.
And immediately hug Dr. Shuttleworth afterwards as well.
Dr. Shuttleworth did not hesitate to return the hug to the young toddler.
After both lily and Dr. Shuttleworth had separated from the hug.
Dr. Shuttleworth had left the loud house Resident and each one of the loud family member had wave-good bye to Dr. Shuttleworth.
Since then, lily had attended Preschool very well and was praised for her kindness and forming friendships with the other children in Preschool.
As well learning many new things in Preschool.
Lily had passed from Preschool with impressive results and intelligence.
When she attended kindergarten together with Lisa.
Lily was also praised and made new friends once again.
As well learning many new things together with Lisa in kindergarten.
The five young loud sisters had explained everything to lincoln as quickly and as clearly as possible.
As well seeing how impressed the young man with white hair was towards all five of the young loud sisters.
When the young loud sisters had finished with their explanation towards Lincoln.
The young man with white hair had responded back to each one of his five young sisters with a impressed tune in his voice.
Lincoln: well now... you girls sure had some Wacky Personal adventures and events in the past.
Lana: we sure do, pretty cool huh?
Lincoln: yup... and pretty impressive that everything usually turns out fine in the end.
Lily: that's about the last bad thing I did, or at least that I could think of... I really don't do bad things that much, I like helping out and making new friends.
Lincoln: I can tell... you're a pretty sweet and caring little girl, and pretty passionate in art too.
Lily: not just drawing, I like flowers and ice cream too, I like helping mommy in the garden.
Lincoln had smiled and was greatly happy to hear what lily had said to him just now.
When lily had mentioned about helping rita at the main front house garden.
The young man with white hair had a short flashback of his childhood past once again.
The young Lincoln and lori loud were outside in the main front garden together with their mother.
All three of the louds were attended the dandelion flowers together as much as possible.
Rita is very passionate of the main front garden and all kinds of plants in general.
Gardening was one of rita's favorite pass time and activity in the loud house Resident.
As well spending time together with her children and friends together.
As rita, Lincoln and lori were planting and cleaning the many flowers in the garden.
The mother of the loud children was watching them closely and smiled at both Lincoln and lori.
As well taking care of her beautiful garden.
As Time had passed, the mother and children had done great progress in the main front garden together.
As well spending time together and enjoying the calm and peaceful day.
Rita was covered greatly with pieces of dandelion flowers that she was cleaning by hand.
As well feeling somewhat tired after a hour of garden duty.
Rita had stood her back straight up and was stretching to feel better a little bit.
While Lincoln and lori had continued their current tasks in the main front garden.
Rita had smiled at her children and was greatly happy to spend propre time together with both her son and daughter.
As well seeing how both Lincoln and lori were getting along very well together.
Lori was a young toddler at the time, being three years younger then Lincoln.
As well being very supportive and living in nature.
As both Lincoln and lori continue their current tasks at the main front garden.
Rita had spoken to both of her children with a kind and loving tune in her voice.
Rita: what you kids think of gardening together?
Lori: it's a lot of fun mommy.
Lincoln: I like it mom, and it's a great pass time too.
Rita: i always love gardening together with my mom... she taught me a lot about taking good care of plant life.
Lori had brought her attention towards her mother and spoken with a curious tune in her voice.
Lori: mommy... do you think someday our garden will be beautiful like Gran-Gran garden too?
Rita had looked at lori with a smile on her face.
And responded back to her daughter with a happy tune in her voice.
Rita: maybe someday sweetie, our garden is already beautiful and well taken care of.
Lincoln: I hope the plants here will keep growing here... especially the very beautiful ones?
Like before with lori.
Rita had brought her attention towards Lincoln and responded back to her son with a happy tune in her voice.
Rita: it will Lincoln, it just takes time and hard work, just like everything in general.
Lori: our garden will someday be the greatest garden in the whole world... we're going to have roses, and blossoms, and pretty flowers everywhere...
Rita had placed her right hand on Lori's head and was rubbing the child's dark blonde hair.
When rita had removed her right hand from Lori's head.
The mother had responded back to lori with a kind and supportive mother's voice.
Rita: ok kids, I think we done enough garden work for today, let's go inside and clean ourselves up now.
Lori: but mommy... I want to keep gardening and help you out more.
Rita: I know you want to keep helping me out sweetie, but there's no rush in gardening... plus we been at it for a good hour now and both you and your big brother are pretty tired right now.
what rita had said to both lori and Lincoln were indeed true.
Both children felt greatly tired from a long hour of hard working together at the garden with their mother.
And somewhat hungry as well from a great Effort of assisting their mother for a long period of time.
Rita had stood back up straight and once again Stretch herself for a few seconds.
Both Lincoln and lori had done the same as well for a few seconds.
Rita had observed herself and both of her children.
And noticed all three of them were covered greatly of dandelion flowers and pollens.
rita was amazed of how much dandelion flowers and pollens had covered both herself and her children.
She simply wiped all the flowers and pollens off herself as much as possible.
Both Lincoln and lori had also done the same as well.
When both the mother and children had clean themselves by hand as much as they could possibly do.
Rita had spoken with a calm, yet a Casual tune in her voice.
Rita: alright kids... let's wash up wash up and get the rest of these dandelions off of us.
Lincoln had responded back to his mother with a curious tune in his voice.
Lincoln: hey mom, how is your book going right now?
Rita was amazed, yet curious of lincoln's sudden response towards her.
The loud mother had responded back to lincoln with a supportive tune in her own voice.
Rita: it's actually going a bit slow right now sweetie... but well so far.
Lincoln: mom, do you think we are taking up to much of your time on your book writing?
Rita: of course not sweetie... you kids are never taking up to much time of me or anything i do in general, why did you even say that?
Lincoln was somewhat hesitant to respond back to his mother.
Due to being shy and not knowing how to properly respond back to Rita.
Rita had simply knee down and placed her right hand on lincoln's right shoulder and spoken with a mother's caring voice towards him.
Rita: it's ok sweetie, you didn't say or do anything wrong at all, you only asked a curious question towards me.
Lincoln: I just hope we are not wasting your time on your book or other things you want to do more?
Rita: you and lori are not wasting my time... I love spending time with you both, you kids are more important to me then some book I'm writing right now.
Lori had approached towards her mother and spoken with a concerned tune in her young voice.
Lori: are you sure mommy? We just want you to be happy and follow your passion too, you deserve to be happy too?
Rita had hug both of her children and smiled with great joy within her heart.
And spoken with a mother's voice of caring and loving towards her son and daughter.
Rita: Lincoln, lori... you two, leni and your father are more important to me then anything in the whole world, we will always love you three and care about you all more then a book.
Lincoln: you promise to do things that makes you happy too? And spend time with us too?
Rita: I promise sweetie... and I always will.
Both Lincoln and lori had immediately returned the hug to their loving mother.
And were greatly happy to do so, as well grateful to have a loving and supportive mother in their lives.
When both Lincoln and lori had separated from the hug with their mother.
Rita had once again stood back up straight and spoken with a mother's loving tune in her voice.
Rita: alright kids, how about after we clean ourselves from all of these dandelions and pollens off of us...
Both Lincoln and lori had brought their attention towards their mother with a curious expression on their faces.
As well listen closely to what rita was speaking to both of the children about.
Rita: me and your father will make both of your favorite sandwiches for all the hard work you two did in the garden together with me.
Both Lincoln and lori had smiled and were happy of what their mother had said to the Both of them.
Rita was greatly happy as well... and grateful to have a wonderful family in her life.
Rita had opened the main front door and held both Lincoln and lori's hands.
And enter inside of their family home together.
After a long morning of hard work and spending time together with their dear and supportive mother.
Both children and mother had made a beautiful and heartwarming memory together.
Much like many others before and afterwards in their very lives.
Lincoln's Conscience had returned to the world of reality.
He reflect on his past childhood for a short moment of time.
And had a smile on his face and a happy feeling within his heart.
Lily had noticed how silent Lincoln currently was.
The youngest of the loud family member had spoken to her elder brother with a concern tune in her voice.
Lily: linky? Are you oki doki? Did I say something bad just now...?
Lincoln had responded back to Lily with a calm and caring tune in his voice.
Lincoln: I am lily. Sorry about that, I was just thinking about something back then as a kid.
Lily: really... what you were thinking about just now? Just a little curious big brother...
Lincoln: about the time me, lori and mom used to spend time together outside at the garden.
Lily had a curious expression on her face.
And responded back to lincoln with great curiosity in her voice.
Lily: do you like flowers too? And gardening in general... I like helping mommy outside at the garden and taking care of flowers too.
Lincoln: I do. I'm not a professional at gardening like mom, but I'm pretty good at it too.
Lily: that's really cool linky. We should do some gardening together with mommy.
Lincoln was even more happy then ever before now.
And responded back to the youngest of the loud family member with a caring tune in his voice.
Lincoln: I will certainly would love that, and I am very happy to do so too.
Both Lincoln and lily had once again hug each other closely.
And once again all five of the young loud sisters were filled with great happiness within their hearts.
When Lincoln and lily had separated from their close hugs.
Lincoln had spoken to lily with a calm, yet happy tune in his voice.
Lincoln: ok kido... our little lecture is finally over.
Lana had immediately spoken to lincoln with great Excitement in her voice.
Just as before lily had ever been given the chance to respond back to her elder brother.
Lana: can we please play plumbing bro now! Pretty please big bro...?
Lincoln had brought his attention towards Lana and responded back with a approval tune in his voice.
Lincoln: sure thing Lana. We can play with your board now, sorry the lecture had token so long.
Lana: it's ok big bro... no worries at all. Besides, we got the chance to know you better now.
Lincoln had smiled once again and responded back with a grateful and happy tune in his voice.
Lincoln: that's true... and thanks little sis. Thank all five of you for listening and sharing everything with me.
All five of the young loud sisters had Approached and hug lincoln once again.
The young man with white hair did not hesitate to return the hug to each one of his new five young sisters back.
Both the elder brother and five young sisters were greatly happy to had the chance to properly meet and bond together.
As well learning and getting to better understand from one to the other.
When Lincoln had separated from each one of his five sisters tight hug with him.
Lola had spoken to lincoln with Curiosity in her voice.
Lola: hey big brother. I have a quick question to ask... can we play my favorite board game too?
Lincoln had responded back to lola with a calm and happy tune in his voice.
Lincoln: of course lola. What's your favorite board game called?
Lola: it's called pretty pretty pageant queen.
Lincoln had raised his left eyebrow and responded back with a curious tune in his voice once again.
Lincoln: pretty pretty what...?
Lola: it's a beauty pageant board game. I'll show you if you want to?
Lincoln: of course lola, I don't mind at all.
Lola had walked outside of the dinning table room and went straight upstairs towards both her and Lana's shared bedroom.
When she entered inside of her bedroom.
Lola had begun to search for her favorite board game for a minute and few seconds.
When the young child had eventually found her favorite board in hand.
She Exit her bedroom and close the door behind her.
And had made her way towards the dinning table room once again.
When lola had returned to the dinning table room with her favorite board game in her hands.
She passed the light pink board game box to lincoln's hands.
And the young man with white hair had properly observed what Lola's favorite board game looked like.
The light pink board game box has two yellow stars, one in each side end of the title "pretty".
A large yellow star in the letter-Q of the title.
A drawing of a man's glove hands passing a yellow crown with blue gems towards a woman with light brown hair, red lipstick, a diamond sky-blue earring, a light pink dress and With a large mouth and teeth.
Lincoln had thought to himself that the board game he was currently holding was somewhat odd to him.
As well never seen or heard of such a board game even existing at all.
He simply looked at Lola and responded back to the young princess girl.
Lincoln: I never seen this kind of board game before? How does this game works?
Lola: I'll explain everything when we start, it's a bit of a learning curve. Even with the Instructions inside of the board game.
Lana: don't forget about plumbing bro. I want to play that board game!
Lola: well I want to play pretty pretty pageant queen with Lincoln first!
Lana: no! I want to play plumbing bro together with Lincoln first!
Both Lola and lana had begun a short argument to each other, as both loud twins were known for.
Lucy, Lisa and lily had simply rolled their eyes in annoyance.
knowing well how both their twin sisters had sometimes argued over just about everything in general.
While Lincoln had simply watched both Lola and lana arguing over two completely different board games.
As well who's board game should be played first over the other.
Lincoln had grabbed the plumbing bro board game with his left hand that was placed on the dinning table.
And observed both board games, while watching both of his twin sisters arguing.
Lincoln had spoken to both Lola and lana with a calm tune in his voice.
And hoped to stop the argument between both Lola and lana.
Lincoln: alright girls. That's Enough now... no need to fight or argue over board games.
Both Lola and lana had stopped arguing between each other.
And brought their attention towards Lincoln, as well responded back to their elder brother.
Lola: but Lincoln... I want to play my favorite board with you.
Lana: i want to play plumbing bro with you big bro! Plus you'll like my favorite board game more.
Lincoln had immediately responded back to both lola and lana.
In hopes to prevent both twin loud sisters from once again arguing to each other own two different board games.
Lincoln: girls...! It's just two simple board games, or at least I think they're simply board games? There's really no need to fight over which board game to play first with. We have plenty of time for both board games.
Lily had immediately spoken as well, in hopes to let both of her older sisters understand the circumstances and proper solution of the matter.
Lily: big brother is right... we can play both board games together, let's get along Like a real family that loves and cares for each other!
Both lola and lana had token lily's words to heart and mind.
And Understood well of what both Lincoln and lily had spoken to both of the loud twin sisters.
They simply reflect on what their elder brother and younger sister had said to them both.
And did not argue to each other again either.
Lincoln had simply responded back to both of his younger twin sisters with a mature and supportive tune in his voice.
Lincoln: tell you two what... if I pick which board game to play with first. We'll do one match and immediately play the other one... sounds good with you two?
Both lola and lana had looked at each other for a short period of time.
And imm brought their attention towards Lincoln and responded back to him once again.
Lana: ok big bro... we understand.
Lola: and we promise to be good and not argue to each other again, we really promise!
Lincoln: that's good girls, and don't worry, we'll play with both board games... but right now we need to decide which one to play first with?
Both lola and lana were silent and did not respond back to lincoln.
Due to not knowing how to respond back to their elder brother.
Lisa had simply spoken to lincoln with a calm tune in her voice.
Lisa: if i may speak and offer a suggestion. How about our elder brother unit toss a coin with a heads and tails on it.
Lincoln had immediately responded back to Lisa with a approval tune in his voice.
Lincoln: good idea Lisa. I actually had thought of that idea too... you sure are pretty clever and a quick thinker.
Lisa: your positive comment is greatly appreciated, elder brother.
Lincoln had grabbed a silver coin from his wallet and held it on his right palm in place.
The front of the silver coin had a very beautiful and well crafted designs and details.
It has a Asian writing on top of a English writing that says "unicorn".
All five of the young loud sisters were amazed of the silver coin that Lincoln is currently holding in his right palm.
Lola was the most impress and amazed of what she had just witness.
She simply spoken in great awe in her voice and expression on her face.
Lola: wow! That unicorn is fabulous and beautiful.
Lana: hey linc, what's that thing next to the unicorn supposed to be? It kinda looks like a dragon?
Lincoln had smiled and responded back to both lola and lana with a happy tune in his voice.
Lincoln: you're current lana. That is a dragon, it's called a qillin.
Lana had raised her right eyebrow and responded back with a curious tune in her voice.
Lana: a what now...?
Lincoln: a qillin... it's a dragon unicorn hybrid from Asian cultures.
Lola: a unicorn and dragon hybrid, that sounds pretty... well... how i put it?
Lana: very awesome and cool!
Lola: i was going to say unique... but that would work too.
Lincoln had smiled and flip the silver coin backwards.
Revealing a Asian dragon and Phoenix on the backside of the silver coin.
Like the front of the silver coin, the backside was also well crafted and designed very well.
Being well detailed and beautifully made at the same time.
The backside coin had a Asian serpent dragon at the right side of the coin, with a Asian Phoenix on the left side of the silver coin.
Like before, all five young loud sisters were amazed and looked at the silver coin in complete awe of it.
Just as one of the young loud sisters were about to speak once again.
Lincoln had simply spoken with a calm tune in his voice.
Lincoln: ok now girls... how about this, lola... you'll be the unicorn, since I noticed you like the other side of the coin, and lana, you'll be the serpent dragon and Phoenix side... sounds good?
Lana: heck yeah it sounds good to me, I want to be the cool snake dragon and fire bird.
Lola: and I Absolutely want to be the unicorn... it's so Elegant and a beautiful creature, like me.
Lincoln: alright then you two... heads, we play pretty pretty pageant queen first, tails, we'll play plumbing bro first... you two ready?
Both lola and lana had nodded their heads in Approval and awaited for Lincoln to toss the silver coin in the air.
As well Catch it and Determine who will be the victor in the process.
The young man with white hair had toss the silver dragon coin airborne.
And awaited for the silver Coin to descend downward for Lincoln to catch it and see what side of the dragon silver coin had landed in his right hand.
And see what side had landed and who was the victor in the end.
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