3rd person POV.
Both Y/n and Houka are standing in the arena glaring at each other Houka was looking at his phone listening to Mako and Ira cheer for the two of them.
Houka: activating noise canceller I'd rather not hear the crooks of a beaten toad
Y/n: thank you no offense to Mako but she can be very distracting
Nonon: wow now she's being merciful to losers I wonder what our Queens up to
Uzu: don't be second-guessing lady Satsuki
Nonon: wow ever since you gone blind your intuition Scott and sharper and even more obnoxious
Uzu: if you keep doubting her you're going to find yourself in a world of hurt
Nonon: I hate to break it to you you guys don't know her half as well as I do
Houka kept looking at his phone analyzing the data on Y/n
Houka: how very fascinating you're completely calm your heart rate is normal and your breathing is also normal I expected you to be at least a little bit more excited to fight me
Y/n: oh but I am excited to fight you finally one of the Elite Four our battle will be legendary.
Houka: yes I am very excited see the power you hold up close and personal I'm also excited to see what you can do with your lightsabers as you call them.
Y/n: so you want to see the power of me and my lightsabers do you?
Houka: yes I do
Y/n: do you know the trouble of fighting someone?
Houka: no what is it?
Y/n: it's choosing which lightsaber to use against them oh boy I feel like John Wayne Gacy in a candy store
Houka: that is one disturbing analogy
Y/n: you know what just to be a sport I think I'll let you decide which lightsaber I'll use standard Hilt, curved hilt, or double bladed you choose.
Houka: let me see here you perform more acrobatic and extraordinary moves with the double bladed lightsaber then you do any other blade you own you're more precise and deadly with the curved hilt but at the same time you're more wild and unpredictable with the standard hilt so just to be interesting I'll choose the standard hilt.
Y/n: I like the way you think
Y/n unclipped is secondary lightsaber from his belt and activated its screaming blade
Houka: what a fascinating weapon tell me why does it scream?
Y/n: because a whole planet died to create the crystal inside
Houka: fascinating I'm not sure if I believe you or not but if you are telling the truth then maybe I should be worried about your mental health
Y/n: oh trust me I'm crazy all right what I'm sane enough to admit it
Houka: insanity is not something to boast about
Y/n: you heard what the little lady said I loved our conversation but it's time for you to die now
Satsuki: begin
The horn sounded indicating the beginning of the battle Houka's mouthguard closed and he began to transform into his three star Goku uniform.
Houka: three star Goku uniform probe regalia
The crowd cheered and hollered with excitement the air itself was Electric
Y/n: interesting it appears to be not meant for combat more for information gathering this will be over quickly
Ryuko: kick his ass babe
Y/n: don't worry my little Rebel I won't just kick it all completely incinerate it.
Houka began scanning his opponent trying to collect as much data as possible while Y/n got into his combat stance ready to fight.
Houka: yes his stage 1 battle mode this is how he always starts a fight
Y/n stood there waiting for his opponent to attack first but all he was doing was just doing a bunch of weird poses while typing on the keyboards all over his body
Y/n: is this how you fight or are you just High?
Houka: no this isn't how I fight this is how I collect data
Y/n: you earthlings are extremely strange oh well time to die
Y/n charged and his opponent with his lightsaber at the ready
Y/n Swang to the left so Houka Dodge to the right Y/n swing to the right show his opponent Dodge to the left Y/n thrusted his blade forward so his opponent jump backwards to avoid the oncoming attack.
Houka: he's even faster than I thought
The crowd continue to cheer on the two competitors
Houka continue to collect data trying to find a weak point and trying to protect his opponent's next move unfortunately for him he could not find any weak points for a chink in the armor but all you could do was just try to protect his opponent's next move
Y/n: you truly believe that I haven't seen your type before you can dodge my attacks predict my moves and try to find my weak points but here's a news flash for you I've dealt with hundreds of people who could do all that and more you're nothing new you're nothing special you're just a mortal man typing away at his keyboard
Houka: trying to provoke me are you into making me angry so that I will make a mistake I'll give you a hint it won't work on me
Y/n: Can't Blame A man for trying oh well is that won't work then I guess I'm just going to have to straight up kill you then
Houka: yes that's what I want show me your power how do you do it
Y/n: how do I do what?
Houka: everything you do manipulate objects without touching them shoot lightning from your fingertips control fire with your mind move at high speeds without getting tired I want to know all of it give it all to me and then some.
Y/n attempted to slash at his enemy but unfortunately his opponent kept dodging his attacks
Y/n: you think you're clever but you're not clever in reality you are nothing more than a Green Novice and I am the seasoned veteran.
Y/n disappeared and reappeared behind his opponent and attempted to cut off his head but once again his opponent dodged and this time he vanished Into Thin Air
Y/n: where did you go you little coward come on out and face me like a Sith!
Mako POV.
Mako: he disappeared
Ira: Inumuta's Goku uniform glistens it's like a white butterfly on a Snowman he didn't disappear it's Optical camouflage
Mako: there's no butterflies in the winter they die in the cold
Ira: you missed the point typical Mankanshoku
Y/n's POV.
Y/n stood in the middle of the battle arena looking for his opponent
Y/n: now where did you go you glasses wearing bastard son of a whore!
Houka: I've been meaning to ask what is a Sith Lord you call yourself bad but I have no data on the terminology
Y/n: if you want to know so bad come out and face me like a man instead of hiding like a scared little kid
Y/n suddenly got kicked in the face by an unseen Force and then punched in the stomach
Houka: when it comes to chaotic attacks the best strategy is to dodge them then when one counter attacks one can inflict greater psychological damage.
Y/n: wise words coming from a scared child
Y/n started getting attacked from all directions as if his opponent was the force itself attacking from all sides while being unseen
Houka: oh come on start giving me some interesting data or I will be very disappointed
Y/n: I wouldn't want to disappoint you now what I
Y/n now notice that he was on the edge of the Arena he was literally backed into a corner he smiled and realize that he had his opponent right where he wanted him he gathered the force within himself and pushed out words to give himself some space
Y/n: I do not need my eyes to see you
Y/n closed his eyes and began to reach out with the force trying to find his opponent after a few seconds of searching he finally found him Y/n managed to bypass his opponents Optical camouflage
Y/n: I have now
Y/n Force gripped Houka's leg
Houka: evade evade evade oh no
Houka's computers just kept saying the same thing over and over again "evasion impossible" Y/n starting to slam his opponent into the ground repeatedly eventually his optical camouflage began to fail revealing his location a giant crater was left behind by the slams Y/n walk towards his opponent with a Sinister smirk on his face.
Y/n: puny data collector
Houka: Mercy
Y/n: no that is not my reality in my reality there is no mercy
Y/n fired a torrent of Force lightning and his opponent causing him to rise and violently convulsed on the ground as he was being violently electrocuted eventually Y/n stopped the lightning Houka lie there on the ground completely defeated his computers short-circuiting Y/n extinguished his lightsaber and clipped it back onto his belt
Y/n: if you want data so bad here's a little tip about the Sith there can only be two no more no less now yield or die
Houka: I reached the limit of my processing capabilities
Y/n charged up one last blast of Force lightning when suddenly his opponent transformed back into his uniform
Houka: please please I yield I hereby forfeit this match!
Y/n: yes you do
Houka: I don't want to lose all the date I've gathered up at this point I don't care about winning what I want is data
Y/n: you vile Cur you sicken me get out of my sight before I change my mind about letting you live
Nonon: why that little nerd sauntering away like that
Uzu: I wonder why the lady Satsuki is allowing it
3rd person POV.
Y/n stands there in the middle of the Arena completely infuriated by the cowardice of his opponent when suddenly he feels someone tap on the shoulder he looks over to see his girlfriend ryuko standing there
Ryuko: nice work babe you really kicked his ass
Y/n: thanks my little Rebel the only thing I regret was that I didn't get to have more fun with him but what do you expect of a cur
Ryuko: whatever now shut up and kiss me
Y/n: does as instructed and kisses Ryuko
Satsuki stands on high from her Tower with a look of jealousy and anger on her face
Satsuki: Jakuzure prepare for battle!
Nonon: ha
Uzu: what's up you look surprised shouldn't be after all you've known her longer than the rest of us
Nonon oh blowing out your wait I'm up next aren't you going to watch
Uzu: nope I've got to break in my blade regalia Mk II I'm up after you you know
Nonon: was that supposed to mean you think I'm going to lose are you mocking me!
Y/n: I think that's a yes right Rebel?
Ryuko: yeah he's definitely mocking her.
Y/n and Ryuko starting to have a good laugh at their opponents expense making her even more angrier
Mako's POV.
Right now Mako is sleeping when she is awoken by someone sitting next to her this person is revealed to be Houka now wearing a tracksuit
Mako: oh my God what are you doing here?
Houka: what does it look like I'm doing watching the fights same as you
Ira: you know how I feel about forfeiting so I won't harp on you about your decision however why are you wearing a tracksuit have you no shame?
Houka: the loser is stripped of their Goku uniform but there's no rule stating you need to be naked knowing the rules Trumps snowing shame Mister disciplinary chair I'll forgive me former disciplinary chair
Ira: thanks for the reminder former information and strategy chair
Mako: uh oh it's starting to get hairy up in here in a minute these two are going to start throwing punches.
Out of nowhere Mako started to cheer for herself with a banner with her name and everything while talking in a mirror
Senkesu: apparently your friend is cheering for herself
Ryuko: classic Mako I wouldn't want her any other way
Y/n: Mako is quite the character
Senketsu: your pulse and respiration have returned to normal they're the key to getting you to calm down isn't that right
Ryuko: yep.
(A/n): (WORD COUNT 2148)
(A/n): I hereby dedicate this chapter to a good friend of mine ZanderMander8 you rock dude
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