Chp 6

Things would seem like they were settling over the next few days. Until Mike came home as the sun rose looking like utter shit. Lucy was sitting on the porch with a cup of tea waiting for him. She wanted to talk to him about his behavior and treatment of Sam and Liana. Mike opened the door to step inside, but his mother stopped him, "Michael. We need to talk." Lucy was not going to let this go on any longer. Mike slams the door shut and faces her, "I'm tired mom. Can't this wait."

What he said came off snappier than ever. Lucy set her tea down, "No, it cannot. You have been going out every night, coming home hungover or still drunk, and you blatantly disregard your responsibility to your brother. What has gotten into you?" Lucy had stood at this point and moved closer to Mike. Liana was in the kitchen with Sam cooking breakfast, the both of them half-listening to make sure Mike doesn't do anything he'll regret.

Mike was tired, still a little drunk, and needed a shower before crashing until sundown. "Nothing mom. I'm fine!" Lucy waves her hand in front of her face to fan away the stench of alcohol Mike practically breathes on her. "Yeah, you smell fine. From now on, if you want to go out, you can walk. No bike, no driving my car, or your grandfather's. Understood?" Mike huffs, "That's not fair. I bought that bike with my own money. You can't take it from me." Lucy is fed up, "I can, and I will. You can either leave it in the garage or I'll have Sam dismantle it, you choose."

Mike had enough of listening to his mother, pushed past her and went inside. He moved through the kitchen but stopped when he saw Sam and Liana at the table. Mike moved closer to them, not wanting his mother to hear what he said, "If either one of you touch my bike, I will kill you." Both Liana and Sam smirk. They knew Mike is not as strong as either of them. Liana stands up and gets in his face, "You even try something like that, and I'll rip your throat out...With my teeth." To make her point, Liana gives Mike a devious fangy smile. Mike doesn't say anything, he just leaves to his bedroom. Sam is disappointed in his brother.

As the sun was going down, Lucy and Liana were leaving the video store. The sound of motorcycles getting louder as the two women walk toward the parking lot. They did not expect to be circled by four guys on motorcycles taunting the two of them. What the Lost Boys didn't expect was the two women standing stoic with their resting bitch face on full display. Liana even picked at her nails in boredom at one point.

Getting tired of their bullshit, Liana says something, "You done?!" The Lost Boys stopped their bikes and rev their engines. David is directly in front of Liana, not taking his eyes off of her. He wanted a reaction out of Lucy or Liana, but he was sorely disappointed. Their staring contest was broken by a car door shutting, "Is there a problem?" Lucy looked and gave Max a small smile, "None at all. We were just leaving." Liana and Lucy walked between David and Paul's bikes and left.

Liana could hear Max telling his boys, "Do not ruin this for me." "We're not. Mike is a half already, just waiting for the hunger to kick in," David blew smoke in Max's face before they started their bikes up and left. Liana turned to Lucy, "Max is definitely not human. Be careful around him." Lucy nodded her head then she had a big smile on her face, "That guy is into you. He couldn't keep his eyes off you." Lucy teased Liana and if the Heretic could blush, she would be bright red. Of course, neither saw Dwayne looking at Liana the same way that David was.

After nightfall, Liana and Sam returned to the Boardwalk to hang out away from the house. Grandpa was still bitter about Sam breaking his curse. They wandered through the shops completely avoiding the comic shop. Sam didn't want to get into a fight with the Frog brothers and accidentally kill one of them. The two of them ended up on the carousel and before the ride was over a group of Surf Nazis crowded them.

The lead guy leered at Liana but then grew angry. He knew his friends were last seen picking a fight with the kid next to this chick. "You're the bitch that hurt my friends," He spat the word bitch. Liana wiped the spittle from her face. She got off the horse she was riding and stood in front of the guy. "What's it to you?" Liana snapped. The guy grabbed her by the collar of her jacket, "They haven't been around since that night."

Sam pretended to struggle against the guys holding him back. He was losing his patience with these guys, losing the battle to hold his wolf back. Liana knocked the guy's hands off her and straightened her collar. "Not my problem. If that's all then have a good night gents," She pushed through the group, grabbing Sam on her way out. But the Surf Nazis weren't done so they followed Sam and Liana.

They could sense the Surf Nazis behind them but kept walking. If the Nazis weren't going to leave them alone then they would be led somewhere secluded. Liana couldn't stop the smirk when she held the guy, "Hey, Bitch! I wasn't done with you." The area of the boardwalk they were now in had hardly any light or people...Perfect.

Sam stepped to the side as Liana spun around and punched her hand into the guy's chest and pulled his heart out. "Jesus!" One of the other Nazis yelled. One was frozen in shock, one ran away, and the last guy was puking his guts out. Liana dropped the heart and whooshed in front of the guy running. He screamed like a girl, turned around, and ran back the way he came from. Only for his head to be swiped from his neck, landing on the ground with a thud.

The two guys that were alive didn't stay that way. Liana broke the puking guy's neck and then drained the other guy. Sam sighed, "What a mess. Let's dump them then go home." Liana wiped her mouth and hands cleaned of the blood, "Yeah. I was hoping to find Mike and talk some sense into him, but it will have to wait." Sam easily threw one of the guys over the side of the Boardwalk into the water, "What about those guys he's hanging out with?" Liana tossed her guy, "I don't know. Even if they were influencing Mike, your brother should know better." Sam knew she was right; Mike wasn't an angel, but he never partied like he has been. Something is not right.

Mike sat on his bike with the Lost Boys and drank. He had snuck his bike out by walking it down the driveway before taking off. Paul handed him a joint they were passing between them. "So, Mikey? Is your sister single?" Paul asked. He was just fishing for information thinking Mike may be fucked up enough to answer. Mike scoffed, "She's not my sister." His words were a little slurred, "Liana is just somebody that attached herself to our family." "That doesn't answer Paul's question. Is she single?" David asked. Mike shrugged, "Don't know. She hardly goes out and when she does, Sam is with her since I don't want him around me."

The Lost Boys couldn't help but think Mike was being a douche. Laddie told them how Sam made him, and Star laugh to the point their stomachs hurt. Mike coughed from the hit he took and passed it to Marko. He needed to get home before his mom got any more pissed, "Well, I'm heading home. Mom's pissed at me as it is." The Lost Boys snickered, Paul made a comment under his breath, "Momma's boy." Mike wasn't listening, he was thinking about how he was going to get into the house without getting caught.

Mike was so wasted he didn't remember that Liana and now Sam could hear his heartbeat. He walked his bike into the garage then, with great effort, climbed into his room through the window. As he landed with a thud under his window, his bedroom light came on. Mike looked up and into the very angry face of his mom. "Until you turn 18 you are to abide by my rules. This coming home intoxicated is going to stop. It's one thing to let loose once in a while, it's totally different if it is every night, Michael Levi Emerson."

Sam and Liana were listening from his room. "Uh-oh, she used the full name. Mike's in bad trouble," Sam giggled. Liana giggled alongside him. She was happy he was feeling better. They continued to listen as Mike threw a fit, "I am almost 18, mom. I am too old to be told what to do." They heard what sounded like a swipe and then shattering. "Very mature, Michael. You're going to clean this up right now, but first, hand me your keys." Lucy held out her hand. Mike's nostrils flared in anger, he took his keys out of his pocket and slapped them into Lucy's outstretched hand.

Liana heard Lucy wince and went to check on her. Mike was still standing there huffing like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. Lucy had one of the keys stuck through her hand. "Sam, come help your mom," Liana kept her eyes on Mike. Sam led his mom out of the room by her uninjured hand, she had tears in her eyes. Lucy was hurt; physically, mentally, and emotionally. She kept wondering where she went wrong with Michael. But Sam seemed to be alright, not as angry as his brother.

"If you're going to yell at me too, then you can get out of my room," Mike pointed to the door behind him. Liana sneered at the boy, crossing her arms, "Need I remind you; this is my house. I literally built the place. You need to get your shit together, stop being a dick to everybody, and grow up." Mike was in her face, "You are not my mother." "No, but I'm not the one breaking her heart," Liana coldly stated. Mike stepped back, shook his head, then pushed past Liana, and left the house. He walked to Hudson's Bluff, climbed down into the darkened cave and crashed on their broken couch.

Sam leads his mom into the main bathroom where the first aid kit is. He carefully pulls the key out of her hand. Lucy hisses in pain, trying to quiet down her sobs but she can't. Lucy is utterly heartbroken that her eldest son could be so cruel and thoughtless. He didn't even look apologetic for his actions. "This is going to sting, mom," Sam washes the cut in her hand with antiseptic soap, dries it, then wraps it in bandages. Lucy holds her hand against her chest and tries to smile at Sam. He gives her a sad smile as he cleans up the mess.

Liana stops Lucy in the hall, "Hey, Lucy. You okay?" Lucy looks at Liana, "I'm not. I just don't know what to do about that boy. I'm at my wit's end." Liana sighs and shakes her head, "Yeah. I think there's something wrong. Something is influencing Mike, but I think it's more than just those guys he hangs out with." Lucy huffs, the sadness being slowly replaced by hurt and anger, "Whatever it is, he better straighten up. I will not put up with it anymore." Liana nods her head and lets Lucy go into her room to rest.

Sam exits the bathroom and watches his mom close her door, "You going after Mike?" Liana shakes her head, "Not right now. Going to cook a very late dinner. What are you up for?" Sam smiles, "Anything really. But I have really been wanting your famous steak fajitas." Liana ruffles Sam's hair, "I can do that." Sam pouts, "Watch the hair. This look took forever." They both laugh as they descend the stairs into the kitchen.

The Lost Boys were pissed that Mike invited himself into their domain. They were going to taunt him and his brother but not now. Instead, they are going to have a little fun with the kid. And then maybe taunt Mike's little brother and Liana. Marko kicks the couch Mike is half falling from, startling him. Mike falls off the couch onto his back, seeing the unhappy faces of the Lost Boys. "Hey, guys," Mike sheepishly waves.

David sits in his wheelchair/throne and lights a cigarette, "What are you doing here, Michael?" Mike sits up on the floor, "I got into a fight with everybody at home. I...uh...accidentally stabbed my mom." "Dude, not cool," Paul yells at Mike. David asks, "How did you "accidentally" stab someone?" Mike is getting agitated, "She wanted my keys so I couldn't take my bike, and I shoved them into her hand and stabbed her with one of the keys. I didn't mean to, but I was so angry with her. With all of them. Then I threatened to kill Sam and Liana if they messed with my bike."

By now, the Lost Boys were sure Mike did not belong with them but had to follow orders from Max. Mike should be feeling the pains of hunger by now, not all this aggression. David decides to push that aside for now. He was going to continue to follow Max's orders, even if the others were against it. David tosses his cigarette and stands, "Come on boys. Train's a coming." The Lost Boys loved doing this but did not want to share the experience with Mike, so they faked their enthusiasm.

Mike felt so embarrassed. He had to ride backpack with David. They all trekked along some train tracks overlooking a bridge. Mike asks, "What's going on?" David laughs, "Mike wants to know what's going on. What's going on, Marko?" "I don't know. What's going on, Paul?" Marko walks next to Dwayne. "Wait a minute. Who wants to know?" Paul balances on the track. Marko and Dwayne answer together, "Mike wants to know." David throws his arm over Mike's shoulder and stops him from walking any further. Turning himself and Mike to face the others, David gestures to Marko, "Marko." Mike could only watch as Marko jumps off the bridge, since David is holding him in place.

Marko gives a little finger wave, "Goodnight, Michael. Bombs away!" Marko disappears from the bridge. Paul steps up to where Marko just was, "Bottoms up, man. Yow!" Dwayne gives a double finger gun salute and follows the other two. David moves away from Mike, "Come with us, Michael." David casually jumps from the bridge like it's an everyday thing. Which to them, it is. Mike stands there in shock until he hears them laughing and hollering.

Mike drops down to look under the bridge and sees the Lost Boys hanging from the underside of the rail bridge. David looks up at him, "Join us, Michael." Mike could hear Paul and Marko taunting him to join them, "Yeah, Mikey." "Join us, Mikey." Mike carefully climbs down and gets a grip on a metal bar stretching across the bridge. David smirks, "Fun, huh?" Mike was not having as much fun as them but at least he wasn't bored.

Soon the situation became intense as the horn of a train could be heard and the tracks rattling and vibrating. Paul, Marko, and Dwayne were hollering and having a blast. David was laughing as he told Mike, "Hold on!" Mike almost loses his grip, "Jesus Christ! You guys are crazy!" Mike watches in horror as they all start to fall from the bridge starting with Paul. Marko even told Mike, "Don't be scared, Michael." Before he fell into the fog forming under the bridge.

Dwayne was being dramatic as he screamed as his hand lost its grip on the bar he was hanging from. David kept his eyes on Mike, "Let go. Michael, let go. Be one of us." Mike's eyes widened even more than he thought they could, "What?!" David moved to let go, "Let go." He let go and dropped into the fog. The train finally passed over the bridge, the area was quiet except for the laughter of the Lost Boys, and their taunting. Mike could hear David clearly, "Michael. Michael, let go."

Mike tried his best to hold on but the muscles in his arms were burning from holding his weight for so long and he let go. He didn't understand what was going on. He was falling and falling and falling but never hit the ground. Mike kept screaming in fear thinking he was going to get seriously hurt or die. The fear of dying had Mike passing out and his limp body was caught by Dwayne and Paul. They flew the boy home and shoved him through his bedroom window.

Liana heard them dropping off Mike but didn't bother to check on him. Paul and Dwayne had flown off before they were seen by anybody. Liana will deal with Mike later, for now, she is finishing painting her toenails. She didn't want to ruin the pretty Azure blue that she bought recently. The rest of the house was in bed, so the only one awake was Liana. After her toes were dry, she went to get some water from the kitchen then went to bed. She could feel eyes on her from outside but paid them no mind. She soon fell asleep thinking about Lucy's date with Max.

The next night, Lucy and Liana were in the kitchen cooking spaghetti with meatballs from scratch. Liana had made Tiramisu for dessert. Lucy wanted to impress Max. She knew he wasn't human, but she liked the guy. Max had been such a gentleman; Lucy was willing to try and have a good time with him. On the condition the date would be at her home. Max internally smirked when he realized he would be invited into Lucy's home. He quickly agreed with this condition.

The time for Max to show up grew near. Lucy was nervous for the first time in a long time. Mike had avoided his family for the most part. Sam, Liana, and grandpa would glare at him whenever they saw him. Mike was putting on his leather jacket and getting ready to leave. When he opened the front door, Max was standing there with a bouquet of flowers. Max gave the eldest Emerson boy a smile, "Oh, hello. You must be Michael?" Mike smirked, "You must be Max."

Max had an image to keep up, so he shuffled his feet, "Are you going to invite me in?" Mike was too irritated to care, "Sure, come on in." Liana heard everything from the kitchen and face palmed, "Idiot." She looked at Lucy and watched as the woman cooked with a smile and decided to keep what she heard to herself. She will be at the dinner table with them and Sam so Lucy would feel more comfortable. This made Liana feel anxious. She had a feeling tonight was not going to end well.

Max came into the kitchen and spoke to Lucy. He gave her the bouquet and kissed Lucy on the cheek. Liana excused herself to go get Sam. The teenager was not looking forward to this dinner but promised to behave for his mom. Liana knocked on his door, "Hey, dinner's ready." Sam opened the door, pulled Liana inside, and then shut it, "Do I have to?" Liana snorted, "If I do, then you do. Plus, we need to be there for Lucy." Sam sighed but nodded. The two of them joined Lucy and Max in the dining room. Grandpa had taken his dinner in his taxidermy room.

The dinner was going smoothly. A pleasant conversation between Max and Lucy about the video store and its second location. Liana listened intently. She was trying to find a fault in the guy but couldn't physically see any. It was just her magic, and vampiric instincts telling her this guy is bad news. It wasn't until dessert that Sam noticed something off. With the aroma from the dinner cleared away, Sam was able to get a scent from Max. A scent of death and musk. Like Max was trying to cover his true scent with musky cologne. Sam's wolf is wanting to come to the surface.

Liana notices this. She knew what that meant. Max was a vampire, werewolves' mortal enemy. A growl was heard from Sam. He was glaring at Max with Amber eyes. Lucy is a little scared, "Sam? What's with you?" He didn't answer, just continued to growl at Max. Max turns to Lucy and gently says, "I think I know what's wrong." Lucy felt her face drain of color as Max reveals her vampire visage. He was going to attack her and turn her at the dinner table.

Sam had jumped from his seat and tackled Max away from his mom. Unfortunately, Max was stronger than Sam and had the werewolf pinned to the floor. Before Max could hurt Sam any more than he has, Max was forcibly thrown away from him. Lucy had used her magic to throw Max away from her son. But she still hasn't used magic that much, that bit of magic tired her out quickly.

Max recovered and stood to attack again. This time Liana used her magic to push him out of the dining room where grandpa was waiting with a stake. But the old man wasn't fast enough. Max tore Grandpa's throat out and dropped him on the floor. Liana was able to reach Max and swiped his head from his shoulders. She huffed under her breath, "Stupid half-breed." Now she knew what the others were, and she would deal with them.

Lucy held her father's head in her lap as he took his last gurgled breath. Sam, Lucy, and Liana sat and cried over everything that has happened since moving back to Santa Carla. Inside the cave, Star, Laddie, and Mike felt like a weight had been lifted from them. So did the Lost Boys, they had felt Max die. They weren't as heartbroken as they thought they'd be. He was their head vampire but not their leader, that was David. They watched as Mike left the cave with Star. Laddie was to be taken back to the home he was kidnapped from by Max months ago. The little boy would miss the vampires, but he knew he didn't belong with them anymore.

Mike and Star walk into a mess. Liana and Sam had built a bonfire outside for Max's body. Lucy was caring for Grandpa's body. Of course, when Mike saw this, he flipped out and attacked Liana, "You were supposed to protect this family! You failed us!" Liana shoved him away, "No! You are the one that failed! You invited Max inside! Max attacked Lucy, wanting to turn her! He was one of those off-breed vampires! Grandpa tried to stake Max and he got his throat torn out before I could kill him! You caused this!"

Star stood behind Mike uncomfortably. She just wanted to be human again. Star tugged on Mike's jacket, "Mike. It's over. We're free from Max." Mike turned to Star, "I know baby. Let's get out of here." He turned to leave but was stopped by Lucy, "I don't think so young man. You're going to help clean this mess up." Mike was going to protest but one look at the death stare he was receiving from Sam and Liana shut him up. He took the mop and bucket from Sam and started cleaning the blood. Lucy had Star sit at the dining table and have some food.

A few hours later, the house seemed to be back to normal. Beside the wrapped body of Grandpa Hughes. He was to be buried in the backyard per his request in the Will he wrote years ago. Lucy was a mess. She has lost two family members only months apart. Mike wasn't as sad as his brother and mom, but he finally broke after reality sunk in. Sam held his mom as she cried. Liana and Mike worked to dig the hole in silence. Liana didn't have a strong connection with Grandpa, but he was still an Emerson. She will miss his snarkiness.

Grandpa was laid to rest as the sun rose. The rest of the Emersons plus Star were exhausted and dragged themselves to bed. None of them realized they were being watched most of the night and heard everything. David and his boys will confront Liana soon.

A week after the death of Max and Grandpa, Liana and Sam were on the boardwalk. Liana wanted to fresh feed, and Sam just wanted out of the house. They split up after a bit. Sam walked through some shops waiting for Liana to meet back up with him. He was soon face-to-face with Edgar Frog. Sam was in no mood, "What do you want? Another beating?" Edgar didn't say anything, just glared at Sam. Sam shook his head and walked around Edgar but was hit over the head with a bat and knocked out.

Sam woke up in a dingy apartment tied to a chair. The ropes he was tied with weren't that strong. He could rip himself free but wanted to see what happens with these idiots. Sam was also worried Liana was going to flip when she couldn't find him. Liana was probably done with her food by now and looking for him.

A chair scooting across the floor and being placed in front of Sam drew him out of his thoughts. Edgar sat on it backwards, trying to look intimidating but it only made Sam laugh. "What's so funny?" Alan asked from his place next to his brother. Sam looked back and forth between them, "You guys. That's what's funny." Edgar brought out a squirt gun and shot Sam in the face with Holy Water.

The Frog brothers stepped back when there was no reaction. "What was that?" Sam really wanted to wipe his face off but had to wait. Edgar finally said something, "You're a vampire. You're supposed to burn!" Sam burst out laughing, "Come on, guys. Vampires aren't real. Seriously need to stop sniffing the ink." Alan smacks Sam across the face. Sam's face jolted to the side and stung a little. He faced Alan, "You hit like a bitch." Edgar punched him this time.

Sam couldn't hold back any longer and broke his bindings. He stood up and launched at them. Sam wasn't going to kill them, but he did beat them pretty badly. Then he threatened, "Come near me or my family again and I will personally add your faces to the missing posters." The Frog brothers watched through almost swollen shut, bloodied eyes as Sam's bruised face heals.

Liana had compelled her victim to walk away when she heard the sound of bikes pulling onto the boardwalk. She knew she should avoid those guys, but she wanted to make sure her family was safe. So, she slowly ventured to their spot. Liana caught their eyes as she drew closer, "We should talk." David lit a cigarette, "To the point, I see. Fine, not here though." Liana nodded her head, "Meet here, tomorrow night." She left before they could stop her. She went to find Sam and then headed home.

Sam had told Liana what happened with the Frog brothers. It made her laugh at their idiocy. They had stepped onto the front porch when Liana sensed they were being watched. Liana sighed, "Go inside, Sam. Don't come out until I tell you." Sam looks around, "Why? Who's here?" "Just go inside, Sam. Please," Liana held the door for him. Sam huffed and stomped inside but perched by the window.

Liana didn't even flinch when the Lost Boys dropped from the sky and surrounded her. She had moved to the front yard and waited for them. David stood in front of her, "Well, we didn't want to wait until tomorrow night." Liana scowled, "Back up." They all laughed. David puffed on another cigarette, blowing the smoke in her face, "Or what?"

The action was so sudden. The Lost Boys found themselves on the ground several feet from Liana and each other. "If you're smart, you'll keep your distance," Liana hasn't even moved. David doesn't listen and gets in her face, "You're a witch!" Liana dryly laughs at him, "No. I'm something else." She brings her vampire visage to the surface, "You boys have caused quite a bit of trouble for my family. I suggest you leave them be. They have been through enough."

Dwayne, Marko, and Paul were fascinated by Liana. The three of them approached her slowly and stood a few feet away. David still stood toe-to-toe with her, "I won't ask again. What are you?" Liana smirked, "I'm both a vampire and a witch. You are nothing more than a piss poor copy." Paul was offended, "Excuse me!" "Oh yeah. Your breed of vampire was created by a witch a little under two hundred years ago. He tried to create a creature stronger than the Originals but got this instead." She laughed at their shocked faces.

David was furious. How dare this little girl insult him? He grabbed Liana by the collar of her jacket and was going to scare her but was knocked on his ass again. "Foolish boy," Liana was fed up with him. "Boy?! Bitch, I'm 100 years old!" David yelled. "Awe, so young. Just a babe. I turned at 17 in 1864," Liana once again shocked the Lost Boys. She clasped her hands in front of her, "Now, we can talk like civilized people, or I set you on fire?" David backed away and nodded. The rest of the night was spent talking about the differences in their breeds.

Sam was rolling on the floor laughing when Paul and Marko asked the stereotypical questions.

"Holy Water?" Paul asked. Liana smiled, "Drinkable."

Marko asked the next, "Garlic?" "I cook with it on the daily," Liana picked the dirt out from under her nails.

"Mirrors?" Paul turned to the windows and saw only her reflection. "Myth," Liana was having fun now.

"Sunlight?" David asked this time. Liana wiggled her fingers on the hand with her Daylight ring, "Spelled jewelry."

"Holy ground?" Paul asked. "I can go to church and not burst into flames. It's not my scene though," Liana scoffed.

"Stake to the heart?" Marko chewed on his thumbnail. "Who wouldn't that kill?" Liana answered.

Then it was her turn, "I know you're affected by the things you asked me. What else is there?" They all shook their heads, "That's about it. Except during daylight, we fall into a death sleep." David asked one final question, "Is there anything you're weak against?" Liana answered without really thinking, "Vervain. It weakens us. But I have been taking small doses every day to build up an immunity."

Their conversation somehow got onto the topic of turning the Lost Boys to her type of vampire. The deciding factor for most of them was when Liana told them, "I don't have to kill to feed. I practice snatch, eat, and erase. The victim will just feel like they partied too hard the night before. Instead of bodies piling up and drawing attention." Something Paul remembered, "Like that one time a village was destroyed in 1912?" Liana winced when her brother was brought up but kept it to herself.

Liana told them, "Take some time to think it over. Once it's done...That's it. There's no going back." Marko and Paul wanted to decide right then but David stopped them, "We'll discuss it and get back to you." They left shortly after that. Dwayne lingered behind for a moment after Liana went inside. He has made up his mind, just like Marko and Paul have. And so, the Lost Boys and the Emersons went about their lives for the rest of the summer.

At the end of summer, each of the Lost Boys transitioned into a vampire like Liana. Dwayne is inadvertently sired by Liana.

AN: I sped up the plot a bit. Liana will be with both Dwayne and David for a bit. But David is toxic, so we'll see. Long chapter. Sorry for taking so long to update. Again, none of my stories are abandoned.

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