The adventure of the road trip.
//So this chapter is different. Though I don't really want to call it a chapter since Tord and the reader will not be in this. You really don't half to read this part. If you only read for Tord, this chapter is not for you.
There is nothing in this chapter that is important to the actual story line I have with the Reader and Tord. So, don't worry.
If anyone is interested in learning about the new characters I've added in this story then you'll have fun reading this! Cause this bull shit. It gon' be looooong.
For real though, this is going to be a long chapter.
Thanks for reading. - Fan_girl76 //
//third person pov//
Everyone was gone. Not a single person was in the buildings anymore. only the security.
Jay, Samual, Kate, Shay, Agatha and Katherine were all outside, packed up and ready to go.
After finding three familiar enemies on the security cameras days ago, everyone had to move immediately. Take everything and leave. Basically running away.
But Tord knew that they would come unarmed. Ah yes, maybe he was a little afraid of them taking him down but he just had this gut feeling to tell him to finally leave. Plus, he was needed at the other red army base.
They had two vehicles. Obviously Jay and Samual would drive together.
They were throwing the luggage in the trunk, fitting in everything.
Jay and Samual were all set and waited for the girls to do their' thing. They waited at the back of the car, leaning on it side by side.
The girls did take long with leaving.
Samual watched Jay tap his arm while they were crossed. He looked annoyed and inpatient. "The girls sure take so long just to put bags in a car." Samual said, trying to cheer up Jay a little more with a conversation.
"Do they." He agreed. "I'm glad I'm gay." He said, still seeming a little inpatient and angry. Samual silently pouted, not knowing how to cheer him up.
Samual did not know what to say to Jay to cheer him up. When he's at this state, Jay is never in the mood for anyone. Or anything.
"Look, just flip it side ways and—" mean while with the girls, Kate tried saying to Agatha, who was having trouble placing her bag in the right spot.
"My water bottles might spill!" She yelled at her, clearly her anger and frustration was building up.
Shay scoffed while she leaned on the car, crossed armed as she waited for the girls to finish. She was leaning against the driver seat door, looking off at the distance while listening to them trouble with their things.
"Wait?" Katherine stopped Kate and Agatha. "Your stuffing your bag there? Then where am I gonna put my suit case?" She winded, frowning her eyebrows at the both of them in confusion.
Jay's face scrunched up in anger. Samual watched as that was happening and started to get nervous. Please don't have another outburst! Samual thought.
Jay's finger tapping started to quicken, showing how inpatient he was. He even started to tap his foot.
"Are you kidding me?!" Agatha yelled. "What's in the suit case anyway?!"
"M-My work supplies!" She said to her, fear drowning her voice.
"Office supplies?!"
"Alright! I have had it!" Jay leaned up and stomped his way over to the girls angrily.
"Jay, please!" Samual whined. "Remember what happened last time!"
Last time when he had an outburst was when someone stolen his cheese cake ice cream from the fridge. He got really angry and went straight to Shay, who he still blames for taking his ice cream when really it was actually Nicky from security.
He threw a chair out an open window.
And that was only last week.
Jay walked right over to the girls, grabbed Katherine and Agatha's bags, leaving them confused and walking back over to his car.
"There is literally plenty of room in the other car!" Jay yelled, walking over to the trunk. Samual walked away from Jay, knowing he was angry and frustrated. He opened the trunk and threw them in there. He slammed it shut. "Can we leave now?" He asked, trying to be a little more calm as frustration clearly was going through his voice.
The girls looked at each other in confusion.
"Yeah, sure." Shay agreed.
Kate sighed and went and sat in the passenger seat, clearly not wanting to deal with all of this.
Katherine and Agatha looked at each other. Katherine was of course nervous and clearly didn't know what to think, Agatha still looked angry and confused.
"Whatever." Agatha said, sighing and walking over inside the car.
"Thank you, Jay." Katherine said, slowly walking over to her side of the seat. She waved at him and he smiled, showing appreciation.
"Finally someone is thankful." He said, his mood gadfly changing by her appreciation. "You're welcome, Katherine." He said, then flashing a cocky smirk to himself.
Samual smiles and let out a laugh of relief. "Okay, it's about time we leave." Samual said, joy and relief going through his voice.
Samual went and opened the passenger seat door, while Jay went to the drivers seat. Before Jay could even open his door, someone yelled. "Wait!" They shouted.
"Don't leave yet!!" Another voice yelled, more Norwegian accent to it.
"Ugh!" Jay groaned, grinding his teeth even more. He turned around and yelled. "What is it!?"
Two of security came running out, holding two briefcases and two other bags. All clearly packed overly.
"What the hell do you two want?" Jay asked, frustrated of seeing the two already.
Simon and Yoon.
Where they went, trouble followed.
Simon and Yoon were assigned to watch the security cameras, like all time. The big mistake was that making them partner.
Twins. They were also twins.
"Jay Smith! Samual Jackson!" Simon called out. He was running as well.
"Wait! We need to tell you something!" Yoon yelling out.
They got near to the two next to the red army vehicle.
Yoon followed behind Simon but he stopped in his tracks when he noticed he had to stop running since he was near. Yoon however, didn't know that.
"What the—!" Simon tried to yell, falling over when Yoon ran into him.
"Ahh!" Yoon also yelled.
They fell over and Yoon was on top of Simon in an uncomfortable position. Simon landed face first while Yoon laid on his body.
"I'm okay!" Yoon said, lifting his head over to the couple.
Jay looked at them with confusion and annoyance. What the heck was happening just now?
"Oh, hello Simon. Hello Yoon." Samual greeted.
"What do you idiots want?" Jay asked, crossing his arms in waiting for an answer.
"Yoon! Get the fuck off of me!" Simon whisper shouted, kicking his legs up and down while struggling to get up when Yoon was still laying on top of him.
"Then stop kicking me!" Yoon said, loader.
"Stop yelling! There are girls here!" Simon warned threw his grinding teeth.
The girls in the other car had seen this happen. They all watched as they brought themselves up, finally. "What the hell do you two want now?" Agatha asked, poking her head out her window, groaning with her words. She clearly wanted to rest.
Simon and Yoon dusted themselves off as the bags they were carrying were on the ground. "We are terribly sorry Jay, Samual and ladies!" Yoon yelled out, cupping his hands together. "We were told to run here and ask for you to not leave yet." He told, worry and concern in his voice. He also had a really thick accent like Tord did. Only thicker like Lee's accent was.
Yoon has this innocent look to him. He was sweet, kind, caring and outgoing. Though, there was one thing to him. Him and his brother, they knew how to handle guns, knives, booms, anything dangerous basically.
They were skilled but not in combat. Simon was a freak for guns, and Yoon really liked throwing knives and explosives.
"Who's coming?" Samual asked, going over to stand next to Jay. They were side by side, and Jay huddled with Samual for a moment and went back to the boys.
"The chef of this army. What's him name again? Stanley? Stan—" Simon explained, only to be cut off.
"Oh! You mean Lee?" Jay called out, his tone happier then before. He seemed to be in a good mood just by the name Lee.
"Yeah, that's him name!" Yoon shouted, clarifying his answer.
The sound of a door creaking loudly and a big slam of double doors were heard from behind.
"Simon! Yoon! Got my bags off the gross ground!" Lee yelled, irritated by seeing his bags on the ground. Mostly because those bags were expensive and had rare leather.
"Yes father." Simon lazily joked, walking over to the bags, slouching. Yoon was always in a chirpy mood. He just smiled and did as told, humming under his breath.
Jay walked away from the car and over to Lee who was standing by the doors still. "I thought you left already?" Jay asked, crossing his arms.
"I needed to stay back for a moment. I think Shown and Nikki miss heard me when I told her that I was coming. She and the others had left without me." He told, a small hint of annoyance mixed with his accent.
Samual smiled widely. "You can ride with us!" He said with a cheeky smile. "I packed yogurt."
Lee looked over at the girls car, seeing that Kate had stuck her head out the window to wave at him. He smiled, then seeing Shay look at him as well.
Shay and Lee didn't get along. Heck, the only thing they had in common was that they both liked the colour purple.
Shay's hair was purple too.
"Okay." Lee said, clearing his throat.
"Hurry up! We're only at 1520 fucking words right now! We half to go!" Agatha yelled from her window, behind the front seat where Kate was sitting. "A bitch is starving!"
After all of this, the two boys went off to do security duty's, and the rest were finally ready to leave after twenty minutes.
//Time skip//
Lee really wanted to sit with Kate.
Samual really wanted to be in a car alone, but he was nice enough to let him sit in the front seat while he was in the back. Eating yogurt.
Samual didn't have a problem with Lee. In fact, they were friends. They were just complete opposites: Samual was a happy type of person. Lee was a quiet, brave, well mannered, and a really strong guy. While Samual was a small and weak type of person.
They didn't even like the same music.
Lee was listening to a song called
In A Black Out by Hamilton Leithauser.
Samual had only heard this song once in a show called Lucifer. Was a touching moment. The song wasn't horrible, just not his taste.
Jay drove, while Lee read a book.
And Samual did nothing. Just, eating yogurt.
He sighed and leaned on the glass window, then looking back at the road they were passing. The girls drove in the back, they looked peaceful and just talking.
I wonder what they're talking about. Samual thought.
//meanwhile with the girls.//
"God dammit!" Agatha screamed, rummaging in the back to open her bag.
"Ag! What is it?!" Katherine panicked, going over to rush to her side and giving her the little nickname she just came up with. She got on her knees and leaned against the backseat.
Agatha was going through the luggages, looking for her curtain bag. "My water bottles are in Jay's car!"
"For fucks sake." Shay said, shrugging in her seat as she drove. "Well, we're going to half to wait till tomorrow because I'm not gonna stop Jay." Shay said, flipping her hair back.
Shay has that classic lesbian look: long hair, shaved head on the right side, dyed purple by the tips of her hair, left eyebrow pierced, a gazing dark look in her eyes. She did not like wearing makeup though, she had it in her natural beauty.
Normally people would need to shave their hair in war, but it was different in this army.
The real season is that Tord doesn't want a hair cut.
"Can I play music?" Kate asked, already getting bored of just sitting there, doing nothing.
Shay looked over her shoulder and smiled sweetly at her best friend. "Only if it's rock." Shay "suggested" to Kate.
"What about you girls?" Kate asked the two in the back, turning her head and leaning on her seat for more eye contact, easier to communicate with them.
Agatha and Katherine settled themselves in their seats' properly, Agatha's arms crossed and constantly grumpy. By one look, you could tell that she's not in the mood for anything.
"I'll listen to anything but rock." Agatha said. Shay sighed in disappointment, choosing not to argue with her.
Because last time they argued, it lasted forever and they were caught by the Red Leader himself. Punishment: Shay had to train twice as hard for a week, and Agatha was on clean up duty for a week as well.
"I like more calming music. Like an acoustic guitar type or the piano." Katherine said, smiling over at Kate as she looked over to Katherine for her answer she just gave.
Kate smiled. "I do to!"
Again, Shay sighed in disappointment again.
"Is anyone into Twenty one Pilots?" Kate asked, pulling out an old iPod from her pocket as she did not want to listen to it on the radio.
"Yeah." Everyone responded at the same time.
No one knew how react.
// Jay's pov.//
Driving. Just driving.
Not a noise is made but the flipping pages of Lee reading his book and the little cute gulps Samual is making with his banana yogurt.
Sounds dirty, I know. Jay laughed in his head.
Jay noticed Samual looking at the back window multiple times.
He's bored. Little sucker.
Jay slightly grinned, amused that Samual is losing his patience and his boredom is growing bit by bit.
Samual could've just started up a conversation. I don't even know what to talk about, I'm so bored.
I thought Lee was going to be a little talkative during this drive. But noooo! He wants to read a stupid book!
Jay started to feel a little pissed, bored just over powered by the bit of frustration and annoyance he was instantly going threw.
Jay had no idea of why he had this really bad temper. He couldn't really seem to control it, the anger he felt all the time.
Wait, why am I pissed off again?
Oh yeah, I'm just bored.
Jay shrugged at his boredom, trying not to get a little angry just by being bored.
"Hey Sam?" Jay called to him, not taking his eyes off the road still. "Uhh, What song you wanna listen to?" He asked, wanting to make little communication with his boyfriend.
Bet he's gonna say—
"Dead inside by Younger Hunger!" He said, leaning up to say it in his face. Jay still didn't want to take his eyes off the road but he knew that Samual had a big, toothy smile.
Jay looked back for a second and saw more then he expected.
He really enjoyed looking at Samual, and Samual thought the same about Jay as well.
He loved everything about him. His scruff golden blond hair, his smile, the gap in his teeth, and those glorious dark brown eyes. Samual really liked the colour yellow.
Samual was actually the one to show Jay that he was actually gay. All this time of just being in the streets.
A gay pride parade was happening on the streets one time about five years ago.
Jay was that type of person on the streets. Well, in a small gang of five people. He had stolen a lot of things, he broke a person's knees, always had a bat on him, knives, hurting people.
Killing people. And extremely homophobic because he didn't like being called "gay" by his gang members.
He only ever killed one man. For a guy who didn't feel the same way about him.
They were in an empty alleyway, just five guys.
Jay was shoved up against the red bricked wall behind a dumpster. Other two men held him down, laughing at the struggle he was in while the other member was just watching Jay kick and push.
Jay looked at his leader in front of him, scared and confused. "What did I do!?" He yelled, still really confused.
"Jay, Bravery , O'Neil," the man used his full name, holding Jay's bat with him. "You see that parade over there?" He asked, in a calming voice.
Jay couldn't see from behind this dumpster, but he could hear it. Even the little chants of people shouting about gay pride.
He didn't understand.
"I don't understand—"
Jay was constantly being hit, kicked and punched by his boss, and his old "friends" just watched.
He didn't even have the chance to breathe.
He fell to the ground, laying flat on his stomach.
"You belong with those people. Those fucking fags." He hissed, stepping on Jay's left arm with his combat boots.
"Don't ever fucking touch me again." His boss growled.
He then stepped harder, and harder. Till Jay felt like his arm was going to—
Jay scrammed in agony, the pain pierced his arm and felt as if he was going to die. He yelled so hard that his throat started to hurt a lot.
He couldn't move. And his foot was still on his arm.
It's not that he was weak. It's not that he was scared. It's that, he had a little attraction towards his Gang leader/best friend.
Jay didn't even know how much he liked him till now. Till he felt a lot of betrayal and anger in him.
He actually, loved loved him...
And now look what happened.
Is this what he gets? Is this what he gets for having these feelings for the same gender? Is it all bullshit?! Is this a bad thing to feel?! This isn't normal then. Jay feels like a fool, he feels pathetic.
He's feels angry. Even with himself.
How could he? How could Jay not notice the feelings he had!? How could he let himself love a man like him?!
From where he was laying, he could see the Gay Pride Parade walking with signs, rainbows and smiles.
That looks better then this right now... Jay thought.
Then he made eye contact with a yellow boy, standing there with his sign as he analyzed the situation that was happening in front of him.
How did no one hear the scream? The yelled boy thought.
The yellow boy looked really confused.
What was happening? Samual thought, thinking over what was happening. He dropped the sign he carried, which said: "Gay pride LGBTQ." In all different colours.
Jay felt weak. He knew he needed help. He saw his boss kill a man before, and Jay killed a man for him at one point. Bad idea. He feels like a peace of shit after that now.
Jay reaches his hand towards him, silently asking for help by the stranger.
Samual wasn't just going to keep walking. He wasn't just going to watch a person—
Something twinkled in the sleeve of Jay's black leather jacket. Something that shinned bright in Samual's eyes.
Yellow seemed to shine the brightest.
There's also blue and green...
The orange and purple twinkled.
Red shinned along side with yellow.
A little broken heart hung off of it, the same colours and the same shin.
Samual knew what that was. He was wearing the same kind.
Gay pride bracket, he's hiding it under his sleeve.
"Hey!!!" He screamed, running over to group.
Jay knew how small he looked.
"Oh god," Jay thought. "Just call the fucking police!!! Don't try to fight them! They'll kill you!!" He yelled in his head, to tired to actually yell. He mumbled a little, feeling pain in his throat from the yelling.
He was to beaten up to help him.
He thinks his left arm is broken though. What a sham, honestly. Jay has never actually broken a bone before.
In Samual's eyes, he saw the leader smirk. He still had his foot on his arm.
Yes, Samual was small, not muscular, and didn't have any fighting skills. He did have pepper spray.
And played a lot of baseball in middle school going up to high school.
If I could just get my hands on that bat! Samual thought.
Though Samual didn't have the perfect plan. Well, he didn't have a plan at all, honestly.
Obviously, the boss was not intimidated.
Jay knew him well. Jay knows his boss wants to laugh at this yellow boy, walking right out of the LGBTQ parade. He knows that his boss won't fight him, he'll let him fight first. Just to see how weak or strong this guy was.
Samual didn't have any weapons whatsoever. Well, that's what he thought.
When Samual was near enough to them, he pulled out a little can in his pocket, and instantly pepper sprayed the un-intimidated gang leader.
He screamed in agony as Jay watch what he did, surprised at what this dude just pulled.
His boss immediately whet to rub his eyes, dropping the bat in the process. He stepped off of Jay's arm, a little bit of relief came over Jay.
Just a little.
Samual didn't hesitate to make another move though.
"Ah!" Samual yelled as he immediately, with all force, kicked him in between the legs.
The boss let out a breathless yelp, and fell to his knees.
That's amazing... Jay thought.
Samual grabbed the bat and swung it at him, head first and instantly knocked him out right next to Jay.
C-carp! I hope I didn't kill him at gay pride!
Jay looked up at the boy, a gap in between his lips and his eyes wide.
Samual backed up away from them, holding the bat and pepper spray in a threatening way. He aimed over to the other three, waving the bat and arming his pepper spray at them. "Stay away! I've already called the cops in the parade! You better go now!" He yelled, not a drop of fear in his voice.
Jay surprisingly forgot about the other three. He frowned.
I hate you guys.
Jay tried to push himself up, his arm were shacking from the force he gave. He managed to get up, though failing with using his left hand but he still managed to get his chest off the ground.
"Just leave you fucking idiots!" Jay managed to turn his head, giving them the side eye and anger. He said it though his teeth, only because they were clinched. He was angry just by seeing their faces.
The three backed up in hesitation, only for one of them to yell at them both. "You fucking fags! We're not just gonna?!—"
Wyatt was shut up by Chance's yells. "Wyatt! Shut the fuck up! We need to go, let's just leave them." He demanded, raising his fists to block him from trying to fight.
He hesitated, and Chance decided to just run without them, letting them choose if they wanted to stay or not.
He basically had a head start for himself.
Wyatt swore at himself for choosing to run along side with Chance, leaving Neil behind.
Jay glared daggers at Neil. Silently telling him to leave. Right now.
Neil gave a sympathetic look, throwing Jay off guard for the look.
He feels sorry for me... Jay thought again. I feel sorry for me...
"I'm so, so sorry, Jay." Neil said, taking a few steps back and finally turning to run.
Nothing but the pride parade was to be heard now.
The sound of something hitting the ground made him jump where he laid, turning his head back to where his boss was.
Oh, how could he forget.
The boy went to his aid, crouching down next to the stranger on the hard concrete. "Holy molly, that was scary!" Samual said, finally the panic caught up to him.
Jay thought: Wait? Now he's scared? But he just kicked everyone's ass!
"Don't worry, J-Jay! I'm gonna call an ambulance!"
No one has ever treated him like that. No one has ever protected him like this. On one has ever stuck their necks out for him.
In this short amount of time of knowing this boy, his feelings went haywire again.
This is a different feeling from the boss...
"Jay! Keep your eyes on the road!" What was once the face of Samual with a face of bravery, was now a fearful face of Samual yelling at him to keep his eyes on the road, fear running in his voice as well.
Jay turned his direction to the road, seeing that he was nearly driving them into the trees.
"Shit!" Jay yelled and drove them back on the road, a little to fast and the car did a drift in a half circle way.
Jay slammed the breaks and there was a huge popping noise while Samual flew back at his seat, and the back end of the car started to set down on the left side, dropping a little and making Samual fall to the side a little and hit his face on the window.
Lee seemed to be really shaken up about the whole thing, he even saw Samual slam his face against the window.
Lee made a mental note to himself that he will never forget.
"Always wear your seatbelts..."
I told you this was gonna be killer long lolol
To the people who actually made it this far and enjoyed, hi. There's a part two whither you like it or not.
The majority of me writing this is when I was high, some was when I wasn't. Just though I'd put that out there...
Also a new update is coming to the next chapter. REALLY SOON. I've been working on it while working on this to.
Sorry it took so long just for a new chapter lol wouldn't it be crazy if I posted once a month?! That's just lazy of me!!! Lol!
And I've actually took a small break from writing for a little. Everyday, and when I say every, I actually mean EVERYDAY I've been thinking about this fanfic. Like, holy shit! We hit over 10k!!!
Not gonna lie but I forgot that happened and just remembered at this very moment....
I'm on the toilet, no joke...
ANYWAYS! I posted an announcement (which I feel like less people saw) and said that an update was coming to my Edd x Reader fanfic. I said it was soon, but man. It's still taking forever.
I just didn't expect me to take to long with it. The chapter I mean, it's long. Not as long as this doe lol
Anyway, this is me. Signing the hell off. Love you all, stay safe and okay♥️
Love - Fan_girl76 ~~~
P.S - I came out as non binary and bisexual openly. Yes I know my name has the word "girl" in it. I not gonna change my name lol byyyye~
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