Rules of The Lost Heir
Check out the new cover above!
More on The Lost Heir world:
All Empaths: connect with others, feel other's emotions to varying degrees, sense the change of the seasons, sense the time of day, communicate and see elementals on varying levels, sense emotional echoes of the past (imprints from spirits or ghosts) – faintly for most, weave (or manipulate) emotions -- forbidden
Intuit – To feel the emotions of others, which includes sensing danger and feeling the climate of a situation easily; this ability can seize you or you can simply learn to read it and feel it gently enough that it does not harm you when you grow. Some empaths carry this sense so strongly that he or she needs to wear a protection charm to harness or focus the impact. Family seal rings and necklaces typically double as this type of protection charm.
Weave – In the Empath Society, weaving is the ability to manipulate an element or a sense. Weaving also involves telempathy, which is passing your own emotions to another person. All empaths have the ability to weave at least one of five entities in some way. Empaths are forbidden to use this ability for personal gain, harm or without the other person's knowledge unless under threat or attack. Elemental weaving is permitted more flexibly and can be used for recreational fun as long as conducted safely and away from non-Society members. The five entities:
Emotion – Joy, Contentment/Serenity, Love, Sadness, Rage
Thoughts – Pain, Logic, Reasoning, Memories
Elements – Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Magic
Wishes – Desires, Hopes, Plans for the Future
More on weaving, which is basically any form of manipulation
To induce emotions, including happiness, sadness, rage, fear, etc., causing short-term change in emotions, exact length of the effect depends on both the users skill and power and the targets mental state. Extreme restrictions are placed on weaving and it's generally forbidden.
The user has complete control over all five senses of oneself and others including balance, pain, etc allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them. A user with this power has the ability to make two or more peoples' senses as one and extreme amounts of emotion can also be shared. They enhance, reduce or remove them temporarily or permanently, protect them from being overwhelmed, cause target to sense things that aren't there or prevent them from sensing things that are, cause/remove sensory aliments, etc. Their ability to be completely undetectable and imperceptible. (By Superhero Wiki).
Tracking- The power to track people/objects with one's mind and/or create mental maps of an area. Torture inducement the user is able to induce and torture the victim's mind with tormenting illusions and thoughts from the past, present, and future. It may induce in all degrees of intensity, from mild to intolerance to physical suffering. These people is mostly used with illusions. The scale of this power can vary from a single person to a population and the time can also vary from few minutes to eternity. (By Superhero Wiki).
Energy Blast - Ability to harness all energy into a blast of protection. Most Empaths can do this. Diadems and their cohorts are especially adept at it.
Energy Shield - The ability to create a shield out of energy and necessity. Guardian Empaths are better at this than most.
Emote Visuals – That is turn feelings into visual pictures
Secret Snatch - Obvious
Encryption – More rare but some empaths are excellent at encryption and decryption
Light Harness – Extremely rare but some have the power to snatch other's light
Clairempathy – Ability to conduct your specific empathic traits from a distance
Empathic Healing – Only harnessed by sages
Lie Detection – Empaths can always tell when someone is lying. That is, unless that other person is another empath who is either skilled or very protective of his or her feelings.
Clouding -The ability to block your own emotions from another empath.
Not every empath can do all of these things as you can imagine!
Everyone knows that the Diadem Crown is one of the symbols of empathy and relates to something bigger than anyone really knows. Most consider a symbol of goodness and connected to a higher power and the universe. They also believe that a real Diadem crown exists and that the person who finds it may become all-powerful, but no one really knows for sure. – The prophecy will change things in Book 3. This age of empaths doesn't know much. They went through a sort of Dark Age and were not banded together for many centuries. (See the section on the Wanders to find out a little more on this.)
The Light Council (The Group the Parents, Granny and Theophilus are in)
The Light Council is a group of people sworn to protect the violet fire and any derivative of that fire. This means that they are also tasked with protecting empaths from going against the light. Any empath who loses his or her light must either be confined for life or destroyed when no other options are necessary. Someone who has lost his or her light is no longer an empath but has the ability to mimic empathy more powerfully than any regular narcissistic personality. The result is generally a very dangerous person who will eventually destroy society. They are also protectors of the Dawn (not to be revealed until later).
-An empath who commits and act of bravery in the name of the Council or for any mission on behalf of the Council is granted entry into the Knights of the Council as a trainee. Weapons are earned the first time a trainee saves a life (the weapon appears to the member and is based on his or her empathic traits and core persona as well). Once the weapon is earned, the trainee becomes a Knight and receives a Council pin. **The Elder Council Members are actually no longer Knights. They are a step above that rank. These seats are earned by election, years of service, and merit.
Empath society symbol is a heart. Inside the heart is an octagram (an eight-pointed star - symbol with yin and yang meaning) depicted with no lines running through the star with a small diadem crown at the center. When in color, the heart is gold. The octagram is red. And the diadem is also gold.
The Light Council symbol will be an orle (means protection) shaped symbol with vine (friendship and loyalty) running either through its shape or at the top of the shape and at its center - a (very non-Olympic looking) torch (keeping watch, intellect, bravery) with a violet flame bursting from it. When in color, the orle is golden, the vines can be green and the flame is violet. Some of the time this is engraved in a wall as you know.
**Other warrior clans and councils also exist in other Empath Realms throughout the world. Will reveal later.
**There are other groups in the Empath Society/World as well; here are a few:
The Midnight Brotherhood: Some members of the brotherhood are actually secretly Council Knights or honorary Council Knights. This is a subterfuge organization that works with the Light Council to ensure safety of empaths as well as for others if they so desire. They are keepers of secrets and can hide anything. Their skill, cloak and dagger and memory wiping.
The Jack Boots: A rough-neck group of younger empaths – late teens/20s
The Masters: This is a group of top artists, writers, musicians, philosophers and scientists who use their empathic ability to create wonder for the world. They typically live above ground but a few own dwelling space/or a studio below the city.
The Wanderers (later in series): One of the oldest groups of the society, The Wanders are travelers who nomadically explore the earth for clues about the ancient Empaths of the world. Little is known about them other than what has discovered since the recreation of the Modern Empath Society during the Victorian Era. Similar to archeologists, the Wanderers consider themselves both explorers and historians. They keep and send records of their findings to the Empath Network on an on-going basis.
The Troupers and Bards (later in series): Empath thespians and singers who perform for the Society in a variety of places. Some prefer to stay underground. Many seek glory up above on stage and screen. The Roaming Bard is a notorious member of this group. He lives to tell stories in a wildly theatrical and entertaining way, but one must be careful telling one's own story around him for he will steal it away and retelling to anyone he meets in a way that will make them listen.
The Sages: These older men and women provide advice to other Empaths. Their vast empathic ability is keen with sight, sentience, cognizance and audience. When a doctor is not on hand, these menders can also use their empathic shamanistic abilities to heal others. They have vowed to never enter into battle or commit an act of violence.
The Morphling: They are nether creatures, somewhere between fair folk and Empaths. Most of them are extinct but they usually morph into either a raven or a magpie. There are exceptions to the rules such as noxies and the Bahrguest.
The Avenue: It is the main street of the Empath world. It is full of shops, Bullet Cars, and the center of Winter Solstice is located at this location.
The Testoons: A coin currency in the Empath World.
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