Chapter 13
"Did you get anything from him. Besides a cold shoulder." Tony asked squeezing his head into the crack of my door.
"Actually Tony He was pretty warm to me. He gave me what I asked for no hesitation even gave me stuff on my father." Tony looked shocked.
"Do you know who they are have you read what he gave you."
"No I haven't read them and I was about to before you came."
"Do you mind if I read them with you?"
"No thanks Tony, I kinda wanna find out about my parents in solitude if you don't mind. I appreciate it though."
"I understand Sky take all the time you need." walking over to the box sitting on the other side of my room.
What would happen if everything was different. If I hadn't found out about my powers. Maybe when I find out who my parents are everything might change, or get worse. No turning back now I guess.
I brought the box onto my bed. I don't know what to go through next. This letter with red print caught my eye. My hand ran over it. It seemed old but not so old that it would turn to dust in my hand. It had creases and folds like its been opened over a million times. Ive never been so nervous to open a letter. I couldn't do It not on my own.
"Peter." I called out, a couple seconds later there was a slight knock on my door before Peter came in.
"Sky are you okay."
"Yeah I just want you to read something for me please."
"Are you sure Skyler." I nodded. He sat at the edge go my bed as I laid back.
"Dear Bruce Wayne " Peter started reading .
" I'm sorry for dropping you this unexpected surprise this isn't your child no where related to you but Tony would not accept her not in the work we do. He doesn't even know she exists I've been hiding it from him. She's the result of a drunken one night stand, I can't take care of her and he can't know. So please take care of my little one. She doesn't have a name I think you would name her beautifully. I left her my necklace I hope you would allow her to keep it and grow up knowing that her mother loved her. Thanks for taking care of my Daughter'
"Tony..." I stood in shock.
"It can't be this Tony they were never specific. And that applies with Wanda." I tried to reason with myself.
"Well we can be certain." Peter pulled out a file that was under the letter that read Wanda and Tony. I took the the papers from his hands. The file wasn't super thick it seemed like it had like two papers in it. I opened it
Wanda Maximoff
status: Alive
brought Skyler to Wayne manor for a better life afraid her father Tony Stark would not accept her. After a one night stand she retreated back to her home country for nine months and gave birth in Gotham City. Occasionally sends letters to her daughter. Left her red pendent necklace for her daughter who hasn't taken it off since she arrived. hasn't seen her daughter since the memory wipe.
I stopped reading
"Wanda." I don't know wether to cry or yell.
"Im sorry Sky." Peters been reading the file on my father.He passed it to me along with a picture of Tony stark.
"Fuck." I buried my head in Peters shirt bawling my eyes out.
"I have to do something." I wiped my tear stained cheeks. I got up grabbing the files on the bed walking out of my room Peter yelling my name behind me.
"You knew, you let me sit here and wonder who my father was and, you knew."I slammed the files in front of Dr. Strange.
"You needed to find out for yourself Skyler. This was your journey."
"I don't care about my Journey my parent were right in front of me." I was on the verge of tears it was hard to contain in anyway. Tony walked into the room right on time.
"You found out who your parents were. Im so happy for you kid. Who are they." Tony came to give me a hug but I pushed him away from me.
"What's wrong kid." I handed him the folder on the table.
"You should talk to Wanda. Im going to talk to Bruce or something I just have to leave." He opened up the file to see the a picture of him and Wanda a night he remembers so well. It was one of the night he go so drunk and he was with Wanda and they went to a hotel and... the picture was of him and Wanda checking into the hotel with a hat and sun glasses on.
"Shit. Fuck." He looked over his shoulder to see if Skyler was still there. He has a kid. He went to Wandas room.
"Yeah Tony what do you want." she looked like she had just got out of bed.
"When were you going to tell me I had a kid. When were you going to tell me that she's been living with me for about a month now. Were you just not going to tell me." Wanda looked shocked. Tony pushed the documents into Wandas hands walking away to find Skyler.
Skylers pov
I got on the phone with dad. I need to go back home for a while.
"Dad can I come home. I can't stay here not anymore."
"Of course Skyler we've been missing you. Your always welcome here."
"Thanks dad, I appreciate it."
"Do you mind if I pick you up from there." I smiled
"I would love that so much dad."
"ill be there in 15."
I threw my clothes in my back pack. Hopefully when I go back things might be different. I need it to be I can't face Tony right now or anyone in the tower beside Peter maybe and I don't even think I can look him in the eyes.
"Sky why are you leaving Tony hasn't even said anything." Peter said standing by my doorway.
"Its not that he hasn't said anything, it's not even because of him. I just need to think, I can't be here right now."
"Then come home with me. Don't go home please." I shook my head no, I can't stay with him I can't put that burden on him.
"No I need to go back home just for a bit."
"What if you go back and things gets worse."
"Or what if things get better."
"Or it goes back to normal."
"Id rather everything go back to normal right now Peter!" I yelled, he got quiet. Right now my emotions are controlling me more than my own mind.
"After everything they did to you Skyler you want to go back."
"Their my family Peter. Their all I have. Their all I know. If It wasn't for these powers that mind you I never asked for we would be in my room or I might be shopping with Damian or Jason or any of my bothers. Now look where I am Peter. I have no one."
"You have me Skyler." I shook my head.
"Peter just trust me please. I have to do this for me." His head hung low he eventually gave in.
"I trust you Sky."
"Thank you." He wrapped his arms around me. He played with my hair till my phone started to buzz indicating I had a message.
"That's probably Dad. Can you walk me down please." It was he said my brothers were with him.
"Okay I'll get your backpack." We walked out to the living room where no body was surprisingly, I at least expected strange or Tony. I left Tony and Wanda a note telling them why I left and how I need to handle this by myself and obviously they need to sort out what they wanna do. That I'm not asking them to parent me or raise me that I've already been raised and don't need parents. I just want to know about my powers where I get certain traits from. And if I might be a danger.
When I walked out at of the tower I was greeted by a hug from all of my brothers even Dick who's black eye was now about a pinkish purple bruise.
"Skyler Im sorry I shouldn't have done what I did." I was taken aback.
"Its ok Dick I forgive you." A cough came from behind them. I pushed them aside to see Alfred and Dad standing by the car. I ran over over Alfred tackling him in a hug.
"Ive missed you to Miss Skyler." I let go of the man I looked up to as my grandfather. Looking over to Bruce, the man I grew up with as my father. I hugged him a little to roughly making him push into the car.
"I've missed you too Sky. Let's go home." Everyone got Into the car leaving a space in the middle for me.
"I'll be back guys." I walked over to Peter who look worried.
"Hey don't worry about me. Im going to be okay."
"I know. Im just worried about you."
"Hey you can always come to the house your always welcome there."
"Then you know Im always gonna be there when I can."
"I hope so." I gave him a quick peck on the lips. Then dived into the backseats of the car falling into all four of my brothers laps.
"Im just gonna sleep right here wake me up when were home." they all ironed complaining about me being fat jokingly.
I drifted off to sleep preparing myself to go back home. Hopefully back to my normal life as normal as it can get.
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