Chapter Six: Dam it All
Thank you to TheRedSourPatchKid and Jenny6445 for always reading!!!! They have such good stories, I would highly recommend reading them!!!!
Also, I'm really sorry for that weird ending note and ditching you guys for like a week or something. I promise I'll try to make sense of it all later, okay?
I ran.
I couldn't help it. I probably cut Chiron off from introducing my title/parentage, but who cares. It would have been 'Lila McFlynn, Descendant of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Crafts, Warfare, and Poseidon, God of the Seas, Earth Shaker, Father of Horses.' I don't care! Why should I! I took off, pushing myself hard as I could, then harder. I had to get out of there. I ran to the Big House, and straight to the room that we had stayed in the night before.
I cried my eyes out, unable to stop. I was hyperventilating, so terrified and lost that I didn't notice Hailey and Kristiana step into the room. I only realized when they draped their arms around me and I fell into the embrace, sobbing into someone's torso. They all just let me cry it out. I really don't deserve them. They're amazing, and sticking with me through my near- nuclear meltdowns and letting me be myself around them.
"Lila?" I heard Kristiana ask. I looked up to see that she was the one I was crying into. "What is it? What did those symbols mean?" "You left before Chiron could say anything, huh?" "Yeah." Hailey replied. "Right after you ran, we came after you, but I heard him start to send everyone off to their cabins. I think he kept Percy and Annabeth, though." Kristiana finished.
"Thank you for coming after me. The thing is," I had to stop for more sobs that forced their way out. "Those symbols mean I was Claimed. We didn't get to talk about that too much yesterday or earlier today. It means you godly parent is declaring that they are your parent." "But, why were there two parents then?" Hailey asked in such a delicate tone, I think she thought I was glass. But honestly, at the moment, I was. I was that fragile.
With a shaky breath, I started to answer. I had to admit that my life was different. No going back now. "It means that my I have two godly parents." "But that means-" Kristiana started. "Yep. That means I'm a legacy. Of the two that hate each other the most." "Jeez," Kristiana said. "Some Kardashian-esque drama is about to go down on Olympus." (Thank you for this idea TheRedSourPatchKid !!!!!! I *W H E E Z E D* when I read that!! XD!!!! Yes I am calling you twice in one chapter hahaha)
We just stayed there for hours. We just kinda cried, and we let ourselves. We sat there in a thick silence. "We're all a bunch of hot messes!" Hailey choked out after a couple hours of the quiet that was starting to hurt my ears. We all started laughing, our voices raw and wet from our crying. "Yeah!" I said. We went from crying to laughing hysterically. Thank you Hailey!
"Wow. It must be midnight by now." I said, looking out the window, into the inky black, star-speckled sky. "It's beautiful."I breathed. "I think, I think I'm going to go get some air." I stood, and walked downstairs, my friends following, in a confused dazed at how I just changed so drastically.
I walked past Chiron and Mr. D, leaving them both in a confused stupor. They stared to stand and follow, Mr. D shockingly included, when my friends waved them down. I wasn't paying attention though. I walked to the door, pushing it open. As soon as I got outside, I breathed in sharply. The sky was beautiful! It was like it was out there just for us to watch.
I stared walking, but that became a sprint. I went to the strawberry field and sat down right in the middle, my friends joining on each side. "It's incredible." I said. I think I saw them smile in the dark at my wonder. "The deck at my house had a great view to watch the stars, but the warehouses and town gave off so much light pollution that it was never truly clear. But this! It's magical."
I saw the looks of amusement and calm at my behavior, and couldn't help but smile myself. I laid back, them mirroring me. "This is going to be a lot to explain to Camp, huh?" "Heck yeah it will. Hermione." Hailey answered. I let out a small laugh/sob. I love that joke. "Pottah. Guys, will you do me a favor?"
"What is it?" I heard them respond in sync. I laughed and let out a snort at them. "Don't act weird about it, okay? Let's keep our semi-normalcy. I love you guys. I don't want to be put on some stupid pedestal away from you. I need you guys. Don't leave me?" I know my voice cracked and wavered, the emotions barely kept at bay.
"Are you crazy! There's no way we would leave you!" Kristiana cried. "Lila, I think you're going crazy." Hailey said in a calm, mildly sarcastic tone. "Oh, you think?" I said back laughing maniacally. "I think I'm scared of you." "Good!" I cackled back at Hailey, who was currently wheezing.
"Oh. One more thing. I was thinking-" I told them my idea. They all thought that it was a good idea. It would be weird for a day or two, but what do we care? It's gonna be a weird couple months! Years, if I'm being honest. And I really do hate lying. We fell asleep next to each other, and watching the stars. We were safe, so long as we were together.
We were also in a field, so that was one pretty dam itchy wake-up. Still fun to sleep in a field though. It smelled nice. Wait, what was I talking about? Oh right, ahem-
The next day, or later that same day I should say, because had been well after midnight, we went to Chiron with our idea, after explaining that we slept in the strawberry fields. I think we'd scared him a bit, but he's lived this long. He'll live a lot longer too. Most likely. (Before I get like 50 billion messages, NO I WOULD NEVER KILL CHIRON.)
He said that he would introduce me to the Camp today at breakfast. I would sit at the head table, with him, Mr. D, and a few saytr. I insisted that my friends sit up there with me. He, rather understandingly I might add, agreed.
We walked up in the clothing that we arrived in, cleaned of monster dust, and sweat. We steadied ourselves on each other, walking on legs so shaky it's a miracle that we actually got up to the table without falling. Gasps filled the pavilion as we sat down, some at me, others at the fact that not only was one new person sitting at the head table, but also two unclaimed demigods. And some gasped at both.
Some were just yawns disguised as gasps. Nightmares probably, I thought. SAME GUYS!!!!!!
After everyone was in the dining pavilion for breakfast, Chiron rose. He clapped twice, not insanely loud, but enough that, combined with the respect (and fear of his threat from last night) every camper had for him, the room became instantly silent. Everyone stared at the table, looking at him, and, well, me and my two sisters. It feels good to call them that, I decided. That's what I'm calling them, from now on.
Chiron spoke. "Well, as we all know, there was a very, ah, eventful, game of Capture the Flag last night. Lila-I mean, Illia, please stand." I took a shaky breath, and glanced at my sisters. They all gave me reassuring expressions, and I rose on shaky legs. I felt my breathing becoming more and more rapid, until I was hyperventilating, when I felt their hands on my wrist and forearm. They were the best. I took a breath, nodded to them, and gave them a small smile.
I looked at Chiron, who resumed speaking. "Hail Illia, Decendant of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Warfare, and Crafts, and Poseidon, God of the Seas, Earthshaker, Father of Horses." The camp knelt. Knelt to me! Me!
Why again? Right, traditional thing or what. I already hate that feeling. It feels like my skin is trying to literally crawl off my body. Yuck. Wait, I forgot what I was talking about again. Okay I don't sleep much, cut me some slack here.
I saw my friends start to kneel, and I glared at them, then pulled them up. I forced them to stand, making them my equals, not anyone beneath me. Nothing is gonna change this. Ever. If it does, I will stab Zeus. Even if he isn't part of it. I'll just doa little stabby-stabby.
Gods of Olympus why are they still kneeling!?!?
Then pulled my friends into to my sides, nearly crushing their hands. Holding into someone that I'm close with helps me fight off panic attacks. I noticed the gasping after about thirty seconds. I pulled away, wiping the tears I just realized leaked out, when I saw it. Glowing symbols above them they were being claimed.
Then I realized that Hailey had two symbols too. She was like me. And I couldn't stop the small smile creeping across my face. Then I saw who her symbols were for.
Oh shit. My anxiety is back.
I actually looked it up, and Oizys is the goddess of anxiety, depression, and misery. So, how was my impression of Riordon with my last chapter? Sorry for updating a lot then ditching for a week 😅 I'm watching animatics for Epic: The Musical and what happened to Polites IS STILL NOT OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO, the way that the Lotus Eaters as animated was too cute it should be illegal or something.
I MEAN HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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