Chapter Four: Welcome To The Very Scary Camp "My Lady"

Schist! My weird dream is becoming real! All that went through my head for the entire ride. Wait! What if-NO! IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Please...

Around dusk, we got to Camp. As soon as we were there, we landed near the boarder, by what I knew was Thalia's Pine Tree. Don't squeak. Don't squeak. Don't squeak! "Eee!" You squeaked. It's Thalia's Pine! I can't believe it! "Don't judge me, Pottah." I said to Hailey, seeing her giving me a look.

She was the only one of my friends (save Annabeth) that liked Harry Potter. She was Harry, the one that would do something stupid then ask Hermione for help, and I was Hermione, the smart one that helps. I was probably closest to her.

The three of us were like sisters. I was the oldest, bookworm, and highly protective one. Kristiana was the youngest, fun but mature and knows the world. And Hailey was the second oldest. The one that I was so close to, we were inseparable practically. I was one that scolded the others and kept them safe.

    Me and Hailey were always proving a place to vent or talk things through with. And then we had each other for the same thing. We talked to Kristiana, but the hardest things were with each other. I can't lose them. Especially not her.

"Yeah, Hermione." She teases back. Yep. Me and my friends have a beautiful relationship. (Sarcasm) I got a confused look from Percy and Grover, and a smirk from Annabeth, but shrugged Percy and Grover off.

I took a deep breath, and walked through the barrier. The moment I passed through, calm flooded me. A weight I hadn't even noticed lifted off my shoulders. But I turned to my friends hoping that they could could be spared a Hero's Fate. Kristiana tried to walk through first after me. She went right through.

I started to softly cry, but I pulled her into a hug, trying to suppress the panic attack that was rising inside me, even though the whole time I thought that it's not fair. Hailey was next.

Easily as Kristiana.

A small sob broke free from my chest. Two of my best friends were probably going to die. Hailey came over to us. We stood there for a while, before Percy led us to a big blue farmhouse.

I'm going to lose them. I'm going to lose them. ran through my head over and over, taunting me. Driving me crazy. I took a deep breath as I began to take barely steadied steps.

We still huddled close together as we walked, the two Pegasi led to the sables. Annabeth and Grover followed closely behind us. At first anyway.

    Then Annabeth came over and started quizzing me on how I knew about Celestial Bronze, her, Percy, and Grover, how I knew about the Chimera and Enchinda, why I was so shocked around Blackjack, and if I wanted to get the Stolls to find us a CD of Harry Potter to watch in the Big House's Rec-Room.

I said yes to the last question immediately, of course.

As yes, our good old game of Twenty Questions. I do actually enjoy it. She's also the only other person I've talked to that has actually read the Harry Potter series. Seriously! She didn't even know about the movies until we binged them over the weekend with Hailey! Although she refused to touch the remote, not that I blame her. She is a demigod after all. We finally walked to the porch, and the door was opened by none other than Chiron himself.

I saw a man in a wheelchair and another in a loud tiger print Hawaiian shirt. The man in the wheelchair had a scruffy beard and a frayed, tweeted jacket, that kinda smelled like coffee. "Chiron?" I asked, my voice's stability was surprising to me. He seemed caught off guard.

"Why, yes. That is me. How, how did you?" "Please, I know everything. Nice to meet you, Mr. D." I said, referring to the plump, purple-haired, red-nosed, man in the tiger shirt.

"Yes yes, that is my name. What might you need, Illia?" I his response made me jump, but only slightly. No one new my real name. No one. Not even Hailey. I wasn't embarrassed by it, but it was always so hard to tell little kids, and they would make fun of me for some reason. It was a weird name, but still. And really, Lila was just so much easier to say or spell. And really, people got it wrong reading it every time. Not even kidding.

"Umm, sir?" Hailey said. "Her name isn't Illia." "Yeah," Kristiana piped up. "It's Lila."

"No, it's Lila" and "Mr. D, why do you always say our names wrong?" were some of the statements made in the room by others. "No no, it's Illia." Well that shut them up quickly.

"Lila is just what I used because little kids can't say it well, and people got it messed up anyway, so it's just what we claimed my name was. I'm not embarrassed by it. In fact, I like it better. It means Trojan in Latin." Everyone in the room (minus Mr. D) was surprised.

Tears had dried onto my face from my small allowance earlier. My chest was still hollow and I had a bitter taste in my mouth. I still didn't act like anything was wrong. Better to let them think that the shock of the day was giving me a delayed reaction.

Clomping was heard near the door. I rose, shaking, and walked to the door. I opened it to see Antiqua. She used her head to pull me to her neck, letting me wrap my arms around it. After a few seconds I let go and walked inside. She followed, and I closed the door.

I sat back down, but this time on the floor and she kneeled next to me. I stroked her mane, ignoring stares. Percy still looked awestruck, and seemed to be putting pieces together in his mind.

"I just want to go to sleep, okay? And not in Hermes Cabin if that's okay, I'd rather just stay here, if that's okay with you." Chiron nodded and Mr. D looked, relieved? Like someone who just escaped a situation that would have ended in a punishment. Strange. So, he knows something I thought.

    For some reason, I broke down laughing. I think I was hysterical, wouldn't be surprising.

"What is it?" Annabeth asked. "I-I! Hahahaha!" I kept laughing, but said, "Nothing. It's nothing." Then laughed hard again. "I think I'm hysterical. That's all." It died down after a few more seconds, and conversation went back to "normal."

I began putting a few braids in Antiqua's hair. Braiding was a nervous habit of mine. She didn't seem to care, and instead seemed to notice that it was an anxious tick.

"Can we stay too?" I heard Kristiana ask. "We're like a family. We don't want to be separated, and we've spent the last month in New York City with each other. I mean, my aunt was in an apartment down the hall from us, but really that was it.

She didn't really watch over us the whole time we've been there. "We've been together and watching each other's backs, we've been friends since second grade, and we've been each other's support systems for years. We don't want to be separated." Wow. Kristiana is normally the quieter one of our three, less likely to speak out. I'm proud of her.

"Very well than. You may all sleep on the second floor in the spare rooms." "Room, please. Some of us can sleep on a bed roll or in a somewhat comfortable chair." Hailey offered.

    "We want to be together." I spoke up this time. I wanted to stay with them. "Well then, now that that's settled, you may go to your room. I'm sure we can get another two beds in there easily. " Chiron said.

We all nodded. "Very well then. Do any of you need pajamas or should we find some?" I shook my head no. I saw out of the corner of my eyes that Hailey and Kristiana were doing the same. We can sleep in what we're wearing.

I finished putting small braids throughout Antiqua's mane. I bowed my head to hers and rose, her coming with me. She went to the door, and I opened it so she could return to the stables.

I turned to Kristiana and Hailey. "Okay, let's go upstairs. I have a feeling that we're all pretty tired." I think that they were about to answer with words, but I got yawns instead. "That works as an answer too." I smirked. We said goodnight to Grover, Annabeth, and Percy, as well as Chiron and Mr. D, who actually seemed to care that I still had puffy, red eyes and a wet face.

As soon as we were in the room, we got ready to sleep, I didn't take off the jeans that I wore, I didn't care, and I never will. Jeans are comfy to me. Hailey was fine, she just removed the extra sweatshirt she was wearing. Kristiana just flopped face first on a bed, not needing to change either. I followed her lead, stretching out on the twin. I heard some pops in my back, and relief was instant.

It took us hours to fall asleep, one was taken up by me trying to explain why I was so upset earlier. I told them that the life of a half-blood was dangerous, and usually very short. "But why did us coming into Camp scare you so much?" Hailey asked me.

"Because this is Camp Half-Blood. Only demigods can enter, unless someone gives a mortal permission to enter. Gods can come in too." "But why were you so upset?" "Because no one gave you two permission." They both paled at that, and said nothing more. An uncomfortable silence and understanding settled over us. We started playing Truth or Dare, always weird with us.

After a few rounds it was Hailey's turn."Lila. Truth or Dare?" Hailey asked. "Truth." I stated, smirking, but prepared for what I knew would be the question. "What do you want us to call you? Do you still want to be Lila, or Illia?"

"I would rather Lila for now. With this all being so weird and abnormal, I'd rather have this one normal thing, other than you guys of course!" I added, seeing their faces, giving Hailey a playful shove. "I hate you too!" She says, giving me a sarcastic, toothy smile. I return it back. It's a joke we've had since eight grade. Don't ask.

I stuck my tongue out at her and continued the game. "Kristiana, Truth or Dare?" I smirked.

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