The Unwanted Child (Ch 17)

"I can see her breath she isn't even in Midgard yet," Sindri said worried as her fever was getting worse but she was freezing cold.

"What is going on with her she was fine when I saw her last," Atreus informed as they hurried to Midgard.

"It's complicated, Atreus. All of it is complicated," he said softly as he adjusted Hilda in his arms.

"I want to help her! What happened to her Sindri!" Atreus almost yelled as they got into Midgard.

"Atreus, control your emotions, you being upset will not help Hilda get any better," Kratos informed.

"Brother he's a child and his friend is dying," Mimir informed.

"She is getting to cold we need to keep her warm, can we keep her at your house?" Sindri asked.

"Yes it is not to far from here," Kratos informed.

"Why aren't you explaining why Hilda is like this! Did Odin do something to her mother's spell?!" Atreus asked.

"No... this I knew this was going to happen ever since she was born. Hilda is Odin's illegitimate child. Odin gave her mother a dangerous love potion that was supposed to kill anyone that it was given to with in a couple of hours unless given an antidotefor it," Sindri informed.

"Is that why Odin had her mother killed?!" Atreus asked.

"Odin that bloody bastard, anything to get his way," Mimir muttered angerily.

"Her mother's real name was Iðunn, she was in charge of a large garden in Asgsrd. Well when Odin went to sleep he thought she would sleep threw the night after the antidote was given to her. Iðunn wasn't supposed to remember anything of that night at all but since she was part giant she could remember bits and pieces of what happened. Iðunn woke up and escaped asgard, she was a big advocate for the Giants at the time and wanted to help them escape Odin's wrath but she could never find them which was probably for the best.

Me and her mother met by a lake side in Midgard. It was completely on accident and at the time I didn't know she was pregnant with her until she got bigger. Anyway when Hilda was born her mother made a barrier just like the one your wife did Kratos but as hilda grew up her powers grew stronger. Her mother was terrified that Odin would somehow find her and have her killed or take her and train her to hurt and kill innocent people at his will.

So she put that spell on Hilda, it not only suppressed her powers but it made her mother weaker. I visited her a lot and we talked when Hilda was asleep but my visits grew less because she asked me to visit less. Iðunn didn't have anything against me but she was worried that Odin would find out her and didn't want me to suffer the consequences of knowing her. Iðunn gave me a letter explaining what she did and asked me not to tell Hilda until she was gone for five whole years. I thought she was crazy at first but after not visting her for a month i went to her house and saw blood.

There was so much blood, her animals were dead and there were drag marks leading outside. I looked everywhere for Hilda; every realm except asgard. I was afraid she was killed and I was devastated. I lost both of them and Brok knew how much i loved them both. I...i was thinking about proposing to Iðunn but i was afraid she would say no so i never did. When i saw Hilda i was shocked and so angry at myself for not looking harder but the blood. There was just so much, her mothers body wasnt even there. Today marks the five years she was gone and she told me to tell her today. I don't know why today but I did what she asked me to.I didn't want to tell her because I knew breaking the spell would hurt her but I never imagined how bad it truly was going to be," Sindri explained sadly as they made it to Kratos's home.

"Sindri I'm sorry," Atreus said as Kratos lit the fire place and Sindri laid her down on on the floor.

"I just... I just hope some how she can forgive me. I pretended not to know what was wrong with her when she started to cough up blood, not to know anything about her mother, who her father was, not finding her and letting her be by herself for so long. I got to go find Fraya Brok is taking to long. Please if anything happens take her and run; Odin will do what ever it takes to get to her. I don't know how he found out he got Iðunn pregnant but I promised her that I wouldn't let Odin take her or hurt her," he said as he quickly went to look for Fraya.

Hilda was still bleeding and Atreus went over to Hilda and held her tightly in his arms. Now knowing what was making her ill Kratos knew she didn't have long to live. If Fraya refused to help her because of what they did to her son he would never forgive himself. Seeing Atreus heart broken like this reminded him of when Atreus was sick and almost died.

"Is-is this how tou felt when I got sick father?" Atreus asked as he was trying not to cry but Hilda was so cold and pail yet her head was burning with a high fever.

Hilda coughed and more blood spattered on her armor. He put her on her side as she started to shake violently again and Kratos held her feet still while Atreus was trying to keep her from hurting her head. Tears started to run down his face as a pool of blood started to form under her head.

"Please Hilda you got to stop!" He begged as her thrashing continued.

"Lad she can't help it, even if she can hear you she can't just stop it. Her body needs to want to stop," Mimir informed as Atreus started crying.

She stopped shaking for a couple of minutes but then started up again. Blood was on his hands as well cloths from her and Atreus was trying hard to control of himself but he never been so scared in his entire life. Hilda stopped shaking as Atreus started to cry more and couldn't stop. He was scared and he didn't know what to do or if this was it. All the adventures he had planned for them were gone, all the things he wanted to show her and wanted to learn from her were gone in an instant.

Her laughter and smiles littered his mind as the pain of losing another friend started to consume his being. He couldn't belive he knew her less then a month but she went from wanting to kill him to jumping off a light bridge at a moments notice. Even when she wasn't at her best she still reassured him that she was going to be okay but she was far from okay.

"I'm so sorry," he said as he was losing control making his powers start to act up.

"Atreus you have to maintain control over your emotions!" Kratos said as Atreus had to back away from Hilda.

"I can't! I don't want her to die!" He yelled as he was trying to desperately fight his powers.


"Pottery?" Atreus asked as he was trying to control his powers.


"Don't let your emotions control you, you control them!" Kratos said.

"The lad is trying to his friend is bleeding out in front of him! He's just a boy Kratos not a hardened soldier," Mimir informed.


Atreus was trying hard but nothing seemed to work and the stange words that were popping in his head weren't helping him at all. He tired to think of something; anything at this point to make himself stop panicking but nothing came to mind.


"Atreus, take control of your emotions. Breath," Kratos informed.

As he realized Hilda was trying to help him or at least his mind was trying to give him things that made him calm and happy.

"Stop being so rough with the bowl Atreus you got to be gentle with it!"

"I will never be able to do this. You make it look so easy."

"I have had practice come on do what I do."

Atreus finally let go of his fear of turning and cal.ed himself down even though Hilda was bleeding out and there was nothing he could do about it. She was still alive and not dead yet and he knew that if he was where she was Hilda would be finding Fraya even if it ment her death. Odin may want her dead but he didn't and was going to do what ever it took to make sure she stayed alive. The door opened quickly to reveal Fraya as well as the dwarfs. Fraya had her sword on her and looked angerily at Kratos and Atreus but took a deep breath.

"You two killed my son, she didn't do anything to him. I am calling a truce until she is well. Do not speak to me unless we are about to be attacked or unless it is about her health. If you say anything more I will kill you," she threatened as Sindri quickly walked passed her and so did Brok.

"I understand," Kratos informed as Fraya nodded.

"Good," she said as she quickly went over to Hilda and looked her over.

"She need the heart of a guardian in Helheim, soul flowers from there to, twilight stone, poppy flowers, to name a few. It's worse then I thought it was. Her body is dying, you two need to go to Helheim now. Sindri and Brok I have other things I need you two have to get. I will try to stabilize her but it maybe to late for her," Fraya said.

"We will get you what you need, keep her safe," Kratos said.

"Don't worry, if I see Odin he is as good as dead. Worry about yourself," she informed as they quickly took off to go the gate.

Once they got to Helheim Atreus quickly started to look for the soul flowers that they needed. His tears were freezing to his face but he whiped them off as he found a couple of soul flowers.

"The guardian shouldn't be to hard to find around here," Mimir informed.

"I found a dozen flowers that should work," Atreus informed holding the small flowers in his hands before putting them in his bag.

"You need to focuse on controlling your emotions. They will cause you to make stupid mistakes," Kratos informed as Atreus looked at him angerily.

"Controlling my emotions! She is my friend and she is DYING AND I CANT FIX IT! I CAN'T MAKE HER FEEL BETTER ALL I CAN DO IS WATCH HER CHOKE ON HER OWN BLOOD! I care about her! You may not care about her but I do! I want her to be okay! Sindri and Brok love her more then anyone else and if they lose her it will be like us losing my mother again! I don't want to fell that again!" Atreus yelled as he went off to go find the guard.

"Kratos you have to easier on him, Hilda might not make it. If she doesn't make it you can guarantee that Sindri and Brok won't be the only ones grieving over her loss," Mimir said as the cold air rushed passed them.

It was easy to track the guard down and quickly kill it. Atreus was still upset but tying his hardest to not to cry anymore since his father was right. It didn't help anyone also he needed to close off the pain he was feeling to get the job done. But he really cared about Hilda, this entire time she was dying and neither one of them had any idea except the dwarfs. There was nothing they could have done to stop it; if they tried to do it sooner she could have not handled it at all and died within seconds of the first cuff breaking.

"When you asked me if your feelings were the same as mine when you were sick; yes they were. I was afraid I killed you with my stubbornness and my unwillingness to tell you the truth. Hilda's pain comes from what made you ill as well but her powers were suppressed by force. Prepare for the worst but hope for the better," Kratos informed as Atreus sighed weakly.

He couldn't do that he really cared for her and even though she wasn't gone all he could think about what Hilda would be doing right now if it were him. What they did before the cuffs exploded, how he struggled to maintain his emotions when she was around him. Now she wasn't there, she was dying at his house while they were in Helheim trying to get ingredients to make her better.

"It's my fault, I asked her to use her powers because I wanted the line back to be free. I didn't think about any of the consequences of her using them, or what it would do to her," Atreus said they quickly headed to the gate.

"Lad you had no idea, it wasn't your fault her powers would have done the same thing to her maybe. You can't blame yourself for something that is completely out of control," Mimir informed as they headed back home.

"Hold her still!" Brok yelled as they entered the house and Hilda was shaking violently.

"I am trying!" Sindri informed as Fraya was making the medicine with what she got from them.

"Here we got the heart and the flowers," Atreus said as Kratos gave her the heart and Atreus gave her the flowers.

"Not a moment to soon she is fitting worse," Fraya said as she quickly turned it into a powder and quickly went over to Hilda.

She started to do a spell and Atreus was getting more and more stressed out and worried for her. He would give anything to make her better but it was up to her body now. He didn't want to burry another friend especially not her.

"Okay Sindri you know what to do, as I explained before you need to tell her the truth her body should heal if she excepts what you have to say," Fraya informed.

"If it's alright I- I want to see if I can help," Brok informed.

"Both of you have a lot of explaining to do," Fraya informed as she went outside to wait and Kratos as well as Atreus fallowed.

"Thank you Fraya," Atreus informed as she looked at him angerily.

"I didn't do it for you I did it for her mother and for the dwarfs. I promised her mother I would heal her the best I could when her spell broke," she informed coldly.

"Did you know her from Asgard?" Atreus asked.

"Yes, she was very kind and avoided Odin's advances. She even told me about them because she felt like I had the right to know. Me an Odin were in a rough patch in our relationship at the time then he banished me here and made sure I couldn't leave Midgard," she explained.

It felt like a half an hour or more passed by as they waited outside and Atreus was trying to be patient but Hilda wasn't in great shape. He couldn't belive any of this was actually happening. Hilda was Odin's daughter and he wanted her dead or wanted to use her to hurt people. But after he was done with her, he was going to hurt her maybe kill her.

"Atreus she is a stong girl, we need to be patient that's all," Mimir informed.

"Fraya!" Sindri yelled in panic making them rush back into his house to see a gold fog covering the floor.

Raiders were coming from the fog and quickly started attacking them. It didn't make any sence why this was happening but maybe it was Odin who was trying to take her from the house. They started fighting the Raiders but with everyone that they hit another one would come to replace it. One pinned Atreus to the wall and was trying to break his neck with its staff. He tried to fight it off but he couldn't push its staff back.

"Atreus!" Kratos yelled as he was getting surrounded by more and more Raiders.

"Pottery!" Atreus yelled making the Raiders disappear and pots started float around.

"Gently! Atreus you got to be gentle!" Hilda laughed as he saw them both making pottery.

"Sindri I can make you some bowls, these need to be replaced," Hilda said.

"Well if you want you barely have been sleeping," Sindri informed.

Hilda was pinned to a table by a dwarf about her age but Hilda broke a pot over his head and quickly picked him up and slammed him down into the table.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again! I will fucking beat the shit out of you and your little fucking friends to if you do! Do you understand me!" She screamed.

"Yes! Yes! We won't do anything again!" The dwarf yelled.

"Good! I hate men, for now on if any man flirts with me they will get a fucking axe to there head! I wish I was a man!" She growled.

"What is this?" Fraya asked.

"She's dreaming," Atreus informed.

"Dreaming? Hilda is dreaming? Doesn't feel like a bloody dream," Mimir pointed out.

"She said she felt like she had been in Alfheim before but she never was there. She said she pulled someone out of the light but I did that. Then she was talking about Olives but I never heard of those so my father must have been thinking or dreaming about them. Hilda never actually slept since her mother passed away. Hilda was in our heads without even knowing it. She could sleep for a couple of minutes and feel like she slept threw the night. Every nightmare she had was to make sure she never actually slept otherwise she would get trapped and not be able to get out of the dream she was in," Atreus said poking a pot.

"Wow, no wonder she knew where my tool set was. It was a gift and special so I kept it hidden from Brok. I couldn't find a tool ans she was able to give me what I was missing," Sindri informed.

"We have to wake her up, it will not be safe here much longer," Kratos informed.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Atreus said as he saw snakes and spiders forming in the fog at his feet.

"We don't have a choice here," Fraya informed as she walked to Hilda but a bear quickly came out of the fog and let out a farce roar.

"Rabbit!" Atreus yelled as it tried charging at Fraya but quickly turned into a rabbit instead.

"Hilda I know you are scared but we miss you, we want you back please wake up," Sindri said.

"Come on kid, imagine a door and come threw the door," Brok said.

"We have company," fraya said as she looked outside.

"We will take care of the enimes wake her up!" Kratos informed as the fog disappeared quickly.

Kratos and Fraya quickly started to take down Raiders and nightmares as well as trolls that were heading for Hilda. However a Valkyrie showed making things a lot more difficult. There were to many enimes common at them at once so Sindri and Brok joined in leaving Atreus to try to wake up Hilda but nothing was working. He looked outside and sighed weakly.

"Come on Hilda, you can do it, just fallow the noises," Atreus said as he went outside to fight.

"Hand over the girl Fraya I know she is here!" The Valkyrie ordered.

"You serve the wrong leader!" She yelled as she tried to clear a path to get to the Valkyrie but there were to many.

It was a small army for sure but that didn't stop them from trying to protect Hilda from getting taken or killed. Hilda woke up to hear yelling outside and things exploding outside. Hilda weakly got up and grabbed her sword that had been placed by her axes. She looked outside and noticed they were getting out numbered quickly. There was no way she could help them much in the state she was in but there were somethings that could help. She looked at her hands and a soft gold glow came from them making her smile.

"Brok behind you!" Atreus yelled as Sindri took out a knife and stabbed a Raider in the neck.

"They're to many! Take Hilda and go!" Fraya yelled as she was trying to fight the Valkyrie.

The Eninrjar started to appear making this fight almost impossible to do now. Atreus was knocked to the ground and pinned down to the ground by a Raider. The Raider smiled as he held was close to stabbing Atreus in the throat as Atreus was trying his hardest to keep it away from him.

"Your time is up boy! You should have giving us the girl!" He said as a gold spider knocked him off of him then lached on to his face making the Raider scream in terror.

The spider bit him and started ripping off parts of his face as Atreus backed off seeing more gold spiders coming for the Raiders. Hilda quickly killed a Raider then made a version of lady once the spiders started to die off. But thanks to the spider distraction kratos, Fraja, the dwarfs, and Atreus were able to fight off the army killing them off quicker then they were before. Fraya killed the Valkyrie once she saw there was no reasoning with her. The battle was long but what after felt like hours fighting all the bad guys were gone. All of Hilda's magic animals were distroyed and everyone was tired from fighting so many enimes.

"Hilda!" Atreus yelled seeing Hilda pull out her sword from a trolls body then sit down from the sheer exhaustion.

She looked up and waved weakly as she tried to catch her breath. He ran to her and got on his knees and hugged her tightly making her smile.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" Atreus ordered as she hugged him back.

"I can't promise you that and you know that," Hilda said he was trying not to cry again but he was so happy that she was alive he couldn't let go of her.

"Are you about to cry? Atreus I'm fine, I'm not worth crying over you know," she said as Sindri and Brok went over to her.

"Kid, you're okay! I thought you weren't going to make it!" Brok informed as he huged her tightly as well.

"Way to show your confidence in me," she smiled as Sindri hugged her to and started crying.

"I'm so sorry Hilda, I thought I killed you. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you," he said as Fraya sighed.

"My job here is done, remember Kratos next time I see you I will kill you," Fraya informed as she headed off back to her home.

"Sindri, Brok, no matter who my biological family is I don't care about them, except for the people that raised me that includes my mother. You two are my fathers Odin will never be even if I'm related to him. You two raised me okay?" She said as Sindri looked at her.

"So you aren't mad at us?" He asked.

"Why would I be mad at you, you two were being parents and trying your best to do what's good for me. I'm just glad my mother could trust you both with me. I am part god you know, very hard to handle," she smiled.

"We need to get out of here quickly, her mother was right Odin was her badly. Either to kill her or to brain wash her into doing his bidding either way we can't stay here," Mimir informed as Kratos looked at the group surrounding Hilda.

Kratos was happy that she didn't die, he didn't want to burry another child or burn another body. He knew he was being hard on Atreus but if he wanted a war he had to be prepared for losing who was closest to him that included Kratos. Kratos wasn't going to be able to protect Atreus from everything and soon Atreus was going to be a man and won't need Kratos around anymore.

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