The Start of a New Life

Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 23

Species: Sinner

Height: 6 feet tall

Status: Demon Overlord

Appearence: Your choice.

Powers: Imagination turned reality

How they work: You think hard about what you want and it happens, whether it's making things appear out of thin air or making modifications to yourself, others or things around you.

Likes: Caring for good sinners, having fun, his harem, his friends, the Hazbin Hotel, messing with bad people, cracking jokes.

Dislikes: Valentino, exorcist angels, Adam, trespassers, sinners with no remorse, being disrespected.


Charlie Morningstar


Angel Dust

Cherri Bomb



Lilith (possibly)


Carmine family

Y/N: *Narrating* "My name... is Y/N. And I'm here to tell you a story about how I came to be. See, in life, I was born to a mom who had no husband... just an ex-boyfriend who left her after he had her for a one-night stand and quite frankly... I hated him for that. At first, my childhood was normal, decent grades, had fun, etc etc.

I wasn't perfect by any means, but... I was decent. The only thing that was unique about me... was my imagination. As a kid, I've always pictured myself in my own fantasy lands, having loads of fun and spreading it wherever I go, the usual kid stuff. Of course, I've had trouble with bullies who mocked my imagination. But I stood up for myself and told them they didn't have enough brains to be imaginative.

I even had the backbone to deal with them... physically. I didn't believe in being a wuss when it came to bullies. 

By the time I was 18, I worked part-time at a fast food joint and moved out of my mom's house once I had enough cash saved up. I did college for about 2 years, got my Associate's degree, yadda yadda yadda, basic normal crap and stuff like that.

When I was 23, things changed. I mean, I had just gotten home from another work shift and was about to relax and enjoy a nice, quiet night to myself before hitting the hay. When I fell asleep, I dunno how it happened, but somehow... I wound up in Hell. Like... why? Why me? What did I do to deserve a one-way ticket to nowhere?

It wasn't until I'm visited by this... lady with long, blonde hair, wearing a sun hat that I found out that she brought me into Hell. So now, here I am... about to get some answers.

[End of narration]

Y/N: "Who... Who are you?"

???: "My name's of no importance. What's really important is that I brought you here for a specific reason. Sorry if it's inconvenient for you, but you need to hear this."

Y/N: "O...kay?"

???: "Y/N... in the coming years, Hell's going to face its biggest, toughest crisis yet and with your potential, we might stand a fighting chance of overcoming this obstacle."

Y/N: "Potential? Me? Uh, I don't know if you know this, but we're in Hell, I'm just a human being. Exactly what kind of potential do I have?"

???: "You're about to find out now. Close your eyes."

Y/N: "Why?"

???: "Just do it, time is of the essence."

Y?N: "Alright, alright." *closes eyes* "I still don't see why I gotta--"

Before you could finish your sentence, you feel her cup your cheeks and then capture your lips with hers. Of course, your eyes shoot wide open and feel her tongue slide in your mouth. You tense up like crazy, unsure if you should hold her while she's... endulging. But then, while she's swapping spit with you, your body is glowing brightly for a moment and once it dims, she pulls away from you.

???: "There. Now you'll have all the power you need."

Y/N: "So, basically the power of boners is real?"

???: "No, but... *lowers sunglasses, grinning seductively* Maybe one day, I'll stop by and see how you're doing. Maybe I'll even... offer you a little something more. *drops facade* But for now, I need to be somewhere, so good luck in Hell, Y/N."

Y/N: "Wait, what kind of powers do I have?"

???: "Use your imagination." 

And just like that, she left, leaving you with a serious case of blue balls, but... you shake off the disappointment and take a look at your hands, trying to find out what you got.

Y/N: "Well, she sure was cryptic about my powers. "Use my imagination?" What the fuck does that mean? Am I supposed to, like, use my mind to make it poof out of thin air?" *chuckles* "Yeah right, like it's that simple just wanting a slice of pepperoni pizza."

Suddenly, a pizza slice appears in your hand. You look and gasp, stumbling backwards and almost fall.

Y/N: "No way! It worked?!" *inspects it, then takes bite* "It tastes... just like a regular pizza. Did... Did I seriously just poof a pizza out of thin air with my mind? There's... There's no way, I have to give it another try, so... let's see... OH! I know!"

This time, you pictured a delicious cookie in your mind and POOF, there's a cookie in your other hand, ready to be eaten.

Y/N: *gasps happily* "This... is... AMAZING!!!" *finishes pizza and cookie* "Now, let's see if I can REALLY put these newfound powers to good use somewhere."

So, you steal yourself and head off to a place in Hell where practically no one is hanging around. It was as big and empty as you can imagine and just the way you like it. With your imagination... you created the ultimate... fun-filled territory no one has ever seen! A Hell resort, complete with apartment complexes, an amusement park, waterslides included, a shopping mall and even... some restaurants.

Y/N: "Now, it just needs a name. Hmm... but what, exactly, kind of name should I give this place? I gotta make it good. Hmmm... well, I suppose I'll come up with a name for it later."

So, as the months went by, sinners started coming on by and taking shelter at your resort as well as finding employment. As a precaution, you also put up a barrier around your resort so that it in case you're under attack, your territory and residents are safe from harm.

And now... as you're keeping things organized, you're approached by one of your security guards, who looked spooked.

Security: "Y/N, SIR!"

Y/N: "What's up?"

Security: *spooked* "There's... There's someone who... wants to see you... and I'd make it quick. I'm not kidding!"

Y/N: "Sounds serious. Alright. I'm heading off."

You head for the entrance of the place and spot 3 people, two young ladies and an older one, probably their mother.

You approached these three ladies with your head held high.

Y/N: "Hello there. I take it you wanted to see me?"

???: "Yes, I assume you're the head of this establishment."

Y/N: "Of course. May I ask who you are, miss?"

???: "I am Carmilla Carmine. You might not know me, but I will let you know that I am a demon overlord and I run my own business of selling guns and ammunition all over Hell. These two are my daughters, Clara and Odette, who might you be?"

Y/N: "My name's Y/N L/N. I'm the owner of this resort. I recently wound up here a few months ago when I died."

Carmilla: "So, I see. Though, I find it impossible that someone would be able to create an entire resort in just mere months. Such a feat would logically take a few years. So if you don't mind, I'd like to know how you managed to create such a resort in the short time."

Y/N: "Well... it's kind of a trade secret. But if you wanna know, can I trust you not to tell anyone?"

Carmilla: "Hmm... very well. You have my word."

Y/N: *deep breath* "Alright. The truth is... I made this resort using only my mind, like... when I picture it in my head, I make it come to life out of thin air, watch."

As a demonstration, you hold your hand out with your palm facing upwards and picture a cup of water appearing. And just like that, POOF, it appears in the palm of your hand. Clara and Odette blink in surprise and Carmilla keeps a straight face.

Carmilla: "Hmm... interesting. Do you only limit it to small things?"

Y/N: "No, I can make just about anything appear. But I only create things that are absolutely necessary and make sure my imagination doesn't run too wild when I'm working."

Carmilla: "Smart move. Now, as for the main reason why I'm here... I'd like to make you an offer."

Y/N: "What kind of offer?"

Carmilla: "...Y/N L/N... would you like to accept the title... of Demon Overlord? You already employ plenty of sinners at your disposal and your powers are unrivaled. Do you accept?"

Y/N: "Hmm... Demon Overlord..." *thinks* "I didn't think I'd be qualified for something like that, but... who am I to deny an offer?" *aloud* "Alright, I accept your offer."

Carmilla: *smirks* "Splendid."

Afterwards, the two of you shook hands and now... this marks the beginning of your new life in hell... as a demon overlord.

Y/N: "So, Ms. Carmine, shall I give you a tour of my resort or do you wanna check it out some other time?"

Carmilla: "Another time. Unfortunately, I've got some work to do back home, but thank you for the offer. Do take care, though."

After she left, you went back to work at managing your resort. Halfway towards your office, you then got an idea for a name... The perfect name to give your fantastic resort.

Y/N: "It's time to say hello... to Pentagram Grand Resort."

With a snap of your fingers, you put up a sign at the front of the entrance to your resort in glowing red lights.


Since opening up your resort, many sinners have made a home out of your resort and even gained employment. And with the barrier standing strong over your resort, it'll easily keep away any attackers that might come your way... speaking of which...

Today's just another work day for you and suddenly, you hear screams all around Hell since you have your office window open. You leave your office and go to check the source. So, leaving the safety of your resort, you go to check out what's going on. It's only until you get close enough to the city you find... these waiting for you.

Y/N: *tilts head* "Uh... did I miss something here?"

Without warning, they came at you, spears ready and tried to attack you, but with your imagination powers, you turned their weapons from metal... to inflatable rubber. Taking no damage whatsoever and then you take a deep breath and blow them away. Literally. That strong gust definitely surprised them.

You keep walking around, noticing these guys are killing all sorts of sinners, be they lost causes or nice people.

Y/N: "Wow... these guys are brutal."


Y/N: "Hmm?" *looks up*

???: "So you're the one responsible for fighting back! You've got some serious death wish, demon! Prepare your ass hole!"

Y/N: "You know, compared to the, whatever the fuck these other winged freaks are, you're by far, the most disgusting."

Adam: "My name is Adam, you little shit! And YOU'RE due for an extermination, you rotten sinner!"

Y/N: "For defending myself? I don't think so."

???: "Let me handle this, sir. He can't possibly take me on."

Y/N: *smirks, pulls a "Rock Eyebrow flex" "Oh? Well then, come at me, bro, if you think you're all that."

Lute: *irritated* "My name is Lute... and I'm not a bro... I'm a woman!"

Y/N: *looks closer* "Hmmm... oh right. Sorry, I forgot you had titties there for a second."

Now she's hella pissed. She comes at you swinging savagely and recklessly, but you just dodge and run backwards without even looking where you're going. 

Y/N: "Come on... is this seriously your technique? You couldn't even hold a match to Samurai Jack, not even close."

Lute: *pissed off, still attacking* "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT?!"

Y/N: *still dodging* "Man, you must be hard of hearing. Also, you look like you're a little stressed out, I mean look at you."

Just as she swings a fatal blow at you, you teleport up close to her, just mere centimeters away from her.

Y/N: "Not gonna lie. Your head's like your ass." *spanks her booty, she yelps* "You gotta learn to loosen up." 

Lute: "You... PERVERT!"

She slashes at you, but you duck and burrow a hole in the ground like some wacky cartoon character and then pop right out of another hole... and another... and another...pretty soon there's enough holes in the ground to play "Extreme Whack-a-Mole."

Lute: "You're gonna regret you made a fool out of me!"

She slashes at you again, but you keep disappearing into the holes in the ground and popping out, trolling her.

Y/N: *while popping out from the ground* "Too! Late! By! The! Way! Your! Ass! Felt! Super! Soft! And! Squishy!"


Adam: "Alright, I've had enough of this!" 

Sadly, the fun ended as the one called Adam shot a huge beam of light down where all the holes were and at that moment, you teleported out of there without giving yourself away. 

Adam: "There, he's dead. Unfortunately, we're out of time. Everybody fall back, we'll get more of these fuckers next year."

Still fuming, Lute is about to follow Adam, but then...

Y/N: "Yoo-hoo!"

Lute: *looks over* "What---"

Adam: *looks over* "The---"

And there you were, popping out of a fresh new hole from the ground and leaping upwards towards Lute.

Y/N: "HELLO!!!" *grabs Lute* "Sorry to see you leave, but uh... here's something to remember me by."

You then pull her mask off and lay a big smooch right on her lips, shocking her and Adam. But when you got a good look at her face, breaking the smooch... you realize how cute she is.

Y/N: "Keep the mask off. You're way better without it." *gives mask back to Lute* "Till next time, my little Limestone Pie."


This time, she slaps you away and you wound up hitting multiple buildings like a pinball before you hit the ground hard.


And she flies off with her comrades with a big, embarrassed blush on her face, thus ending the first extermination. And as sinners gather around you while you lay on the ground...

Sinner 1: "This guy's un-freaking-believable."

Sinner 2: "I dunno who he is or how he did that, but *laughs* man, was that funny to watch!"

Sinner 3: "Man, I'm jealous. If he managed to touch some angel ass, imagine his luck if he got to touch some angel titties."

Sinner 4: "He even went for the big smooch. Give the guy a prize, this was, by far, the best and scariest day of my life."

Sinner 5: "You think he's dead?"

Y/N: *gets up, in a daze* "Ooooh! I think she likes me, man!"

And from that day on, people in Hell started to know about you and broadcasted you all over the news, getting the attention of a few other demons who are just dying to meet you. This is definitely the start of a brand new adventure, that's for sure.

[A/N: Here it is, my first Hazbin Hotel story. I was actually debating long and hard on what kind of demon lord I wanted Y/N to be and now, I have I answer. So, I hope you got a good laugh out of this chapter and more to come, so... STAY TUNED!]

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