

Charlie: Don't worry, Mom. I'll make you proud.

Charlie soberly looks out the window to Pentagram City burning to the ground, just as she hears you and Vaggie come into the room.

Vaggie: "Charlie?"

Y/N: "You doing okay?"

Charlie: *startled* "Aah! Oh, shit. Did you hear all that?"

Vaggie: "Uh, yeah. I was right there."

Y/N: "Quite the story you told. I'm surprised God hasn't punished those assholes for the way they treated Lucifer and Lilith."

Charlie: "Sorry. I get pre-tty worked up after an extermination happens. The story helps..."

Vaggie: *chuckles* I know. Don't worry, I enjoy your theatrics. Are you okay? *sits down with Charlie*

Charlie: "I'm fine. Just... thinking, ya' know? Family stuff."

Vaggie: "Did you hear from your mom yet?"

Charlie shakes her head in dismay.

Vaggie: "Oof... how long has it been now?"

Charlie: "Not that long, only...seven....years, off doing something important, I'm sure! But, this kingdom was something she really cared about. Something I care about."

Y/N: "...Seven years?! She's been gone for seven years and she hasn't gotten back to you, not even ONCE? What in the hell is she doing that's more important than talking to or even paying a visit to her own adorable daughter?"

Vaggie: *to you* "I have no idea, but you need to chill. *to Charlie* And anyways, at least you aren't alone.

Charlie: "I just hope what I'm trying to do here will work."

Vaggie: "It will. I have faith in you."

Y/N: "Yeah, you're doing everyone a favor with this hotel. And if anyone gives you any trouble, I'll literally give them the most indignifying, humiliating punishment they'll never forget."

KeeKee leaps into Charlie's arms as Vaggie stands up and goes to push you out.

Vaggie: "Alright, come on. Alastor says he and Y/N have something to show us. *walks out with you being pushed out*

As Vaggie leaves, a loud bell rings throughout the city, and Charlie turns to the Bell Tower at Heaven Embassy. She looks on with sadness, knowing that it's another year before the Extermination comes again.

[Moments later]

We find everyone on the sofa watching the newest commercial Alastor has put up for himself, but you also have your own commercial waiting to be broadcasted after his. So... here's what he's put together for everyone.


On the couch, you, Charlie and Vaggie were surprised of the commercial being poorly misleading and very offensive to their nature, that Vaggie throws a fit at Alastor.

Vaggie: "I'm sorry. What the fuck was that?"

Charlie: "Uh, Yeah. One note, Alastor, I mean, first off, thank you so much for making this seriously amazing, but um, maybe the tone is a bit... off? We want people to want to come here. This makes it look, um..."

Vaggie: "Bad. The word you're looking for is bad."

Y/N: "Bad? I think the word your looking for is "awful." And that's me restraining myself."

Alastor: "Funny. I was going for "hilarious."

Vaggie: "It didn't explain anything about how we're trying to save demons from extermination, which is the whole fucking point."

Charlie: "Vaggie is right Alastor, the commercial was to let sinners know we are trying to help them."

Alastor: "Well, my dear, I haven't been active in Hell for some time and everyone remembers me from my radio show, the proper medium to express oneself. But, you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement. So, I had a little fun with it. Even Y/N had fun with his sorry excuse for a commercial."

Y/N: "Just for the record, I did not have time to edit it, so it's more of an unofficial commercial."

Angel: "Come on, it can't be any worse than Smiles' commercial."

And right on cue, Alastor played your commercial. It starts with a close up of the hotel, then it zooms out to you in your signature yellow suit.

Y/N: "Welcome to Hazbin Hotel. Hazbin Hotel very beautiful hotel, very nice hotel, very clean hotel, if you are caught making our precious princess cry at her hotel... *shows picture of Charlie with a cute smile before poofing it away and...* I STAB YOU! I CHOKE YOU! I KNOCK YOU ON DA GROUND! I SQUAT OVER YOU! I PEE ON YOU WHILE DOING GANGNAME STYLE!!!"

The others watch with wide eyes as you ramble on and then finish it off...

Y/N: "Then I KICK YOU and KILL YOU!" *back to friendly* "Enjoy Hazbin Hotel."

And then the commercial ends and everyone just looks at you with concern, shock and surprise while you look away, whistling innocently.


Y/N: "I told you, it wasn't finished. Aaaand I may have been having some fun with the camera."

Husk: "Heh, I think you had too much fun."

Angel: "By the way, what's Gangnam Style?"

Y/N: "Uh... you don't know the Gangnam Style dance? What year did you freaking die?"

Angel: "I died in 1947, duh."

Y/N: "...oh, okay. That makes sense."

Charlie: "Okay, listen... I know you were just having fun, but... we're trying to promote the hotel, not turn it into a joke... but I do appreciate the "creativity."

Y/N: "Sorry about that, Charlie. If you want, I can make a better one. One that's actually REALLY good this time."

Vaggie: "And how do I know you won't fuck this up, too?"

Y/N: "Easy answer. YOU will be the supervisor."

Angel: "Or, if'n you're filming a commercial, can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?" *gestures to herself*

Vaggie: "Angel, you're a porn star."

Angel: "A famous porn star. I'll have the horniest sinners knocking these walls down to get in."

Vaggie: "We are not filming a porn as a commercial."

Angel: "Why not? Sex sells, don't it? I swear if you film me goin' at it with mister fancy talk-creepy voice here, or possibly Looney-Long-Dicks here, you'd be rollin' in participants willing to stay at this tacky hotel."

Alastor: "Haha! Never going to happen!"

Y/N: "Sorry, Sexy-Long-Legs, but my sex life is private. But I'll be glad to tap dat sexy ass of yours after we're done shooting."

Vaggie: "Keep it in your pants, Looney Tunes."

Charlie: "Angel, I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to, um, attract folks to the hotel, but I really don't want to exploit you in that way."

Angel: "Oh, please, baby. This body was made to be exploited. I got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs. I got the lung capacity. *laughs*. Oh, I got the legs. The gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff that goes well with my tits."

Charlie chuckles nervously until she hears her phone ringing. She can tell it's from her daddy.

Charlie: "Hold that thought! I'll be right back."

Angel: "I could keep going all night, baby."

While Angel drinks her beer, Charlie breathes nervously and answers the call.

Charlie: "Hello? Dad?"

Angel: "Hey, I have a question. If freaky face over there and Cartoony Cock here is so powerful, then why can't he just make people stay here?"

Alastor: "Oh, trust me, *smiles devilishly with dark magic* -I can."

Y/N: "Because, Fluffy Chest Pillows, that defeats the entire purpose of "giving them free will" to want to redeem themselves."

Husk: "Why do you think I'm here? You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listening to you fucks bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcing me?"

Y/N: "Then why don't you just quit?"

Husk: "None of your business, kid."

Y/N: "Jeez, excuse me. Did some black cat cross your path?"

As Husk cleans a bottle, Niffty pops up from behind the counter with a hand raised.

Niffty: "I like being forced."

Husk: "Keep that to yourself, Niff."

Y/N: "Poor little--"

Niffty: *points knife at you again, grinning maliciously* "Poor little... what?"

Y/N: "Did I say "little?" I meant, "Poor "sweet" Niffty."

Niffty: *sweetly, retracts knife* "Thank you." *pecks your lips*

Angel: "What? You don't love being here with me, Whiskers?"

Husk: "Call me Whiskers again and I'll jam that bottle down your throat."

Angel: "Kinky. Come on, keep talking dirty."

Vaggie: *sighs* "Angel. Let Husk do his job. And, no, we can't force sinners to stay here. Just as Y/N stated, they need to choose."

Angel: "I'm choosing to be here and I think it's all stupid. We're in hell, toots. That's kind of the end of the road, ain't it?"

Y/N: "You wanna quit? The door's right over there." *points to the exit*

Vaggie: "Well, Maybe it doesn't have to be. Just because nobody has made it out before doesn't mean it's not possible."

Angel Dust places a hand on Vaggie's shoulder, giving her a deadpan expression while the latter makes the same one.

Angel: "Hey, whatever means I can keep crashing here rent-free. Crack is expensive."

Y/N: "Then quit that shit before it-- OH wait a minute."

Now back to Charlie... and she's on the phone, looking more happy than before.

Charlie: "Yeah, I can totally, yeah. I'll head over there right away. Okay? *hangs up, gasps in excitement* Yes... YES!  VAGGIE, HOLY SHIT!"

Vaggie: "Ah! What?"

Charlie: *Waves her over, mumbling excitedly* "Get over here!"

Vaggie sighs happily and comes to Charlie while she is jumping around in a very happy mode. As you watch Charlie jumping around, like a cute, precious bean while Angel Dust drinks in the background, Vaggie meets Charlie behind.

Vaggie: "What's going on?"

Charlie: *deep breaths, explains excitedly* "My dad just called, he said that the leader of the Angel Army wants to meet. He asked if I could go instead."

Charlie hyperventilates and grabs Vaggie to get up close. Vaggie, however, was confused since the Angels were already done with their extermination and won't be back for another year.

Vaggie: But-but, the extermination just happened. What could they want this soon after-


[Be warned: This is for adults. Do not watch it if you're under 18]

After finishing her song, Charlie has gotten to right where she wants to be, the watchtower. She opens the door to peek inside. But when she does...

Y/N: *poofs out of nowhere* "Yoo-hoo, cutie-bumpkin."

She yelps and slaps you the moment she turns around and your head spins wildly before it spins back into place.

Charlie: "Y/N? Don't scare me like that! What are you even doing here?"

Y/N: "What do you think I'm here for? To watch over you. Plus..." *poofs a hooded robe on myself* "I'm planning on surprising the angels and help you out with the meeting."

Charlie: "Okay, but... what about the others? Shouldn't you be helping them out with making a commercial for the hotel?"

Y/N: "Funny thing... I actualy am helping with the commercial. I used powers to make 2 other copies of myself. My first clone is with the crew, shooting the new commercial and my second clone is filming clips around Hell, gathering material for a special backup commercial."

Charlie: *blinks in surprise* "Wow... that's... actually very helpful and resourceful of you."

Y/N: "Just goes to show I'm not just a goofy face."

Charlie: "Well... since you're here, let's go inside."

Y/N: "Right behind you."

After having worked out that little dispute, the two of you head into the watchtower, both peeking inside.

Charlie: "Hello!" *voice echoes*

Y/N: "Ooh, an echo. ECHO!" *voice echoes, talks funny* "Now I'm waiting for the sound side sharks number 15." *gets slapped by Charlie* "Ow! It's not okay to hit!" *voice echoes again*

Charlie shakes her head at you left and right before the two of you come to the front desk with no one but a single bell. She taps the bell to ring it, and at the instant, a golden scroll and feather ink pen floats from above over to her.

Charlie: "Oh, okay... *signs it* Also creepy."

The scroll and feather flies up before disappearing. Right then, the twin doors slide open to show you and Charlie the meeting room, and she enters inside the dark room alongside you with no one else around.

Charlie: "Uh...hello? Is anyone here?"

Y/N: "You'd think they'd have the courtesy to show up before us, but I guess punctuality just isn't their strong suit."

The lights suddenly switched on, revealing two angels at the end of the room, with one being the big boss leader of the Angel Army, Adam, who is eating a rib in his hand. And the other... the head Seraphim of Heaven. Sera.

Adam: "'Sup!"

Sera: "Greetings."

Charlie: "Holy, shit!"

You... are at a loss for words as you saw this beautiful angel before you, sitting next to that crusty-ass exorcist leader. Your only reaction to this angel woman was...

Charlie immediately fell down after getting surprised by the sudden appearance of two angels in the room. She gets back up and readjusts herself to introduce herself properly.

Charlie: "Hi, I'm Charlie. My dad asked me if I could meet you."

Adam: "Yeah, I know."

Sera: "Yes, he informed us ahead of time, dear princess. But... he never specified you'd be bringing a friend along."

Charlie: "Okay, well... It's nice to meet you."

Adam: "Totally. It's nice to meet you, too."

Sera: "Forgive Adam... he's lacking in the... manners department."

Adam reaches over to give Charlie a handshake, and as she was about to shake his hand, her hand slips right through, revealing him to be a hologram, fizzing on and off after being touched, which freaks Charlie out.

Adam: "Ha! I fucking got you. *turns to Sera* Did you see that?"

Sera: *sighs* "Yes, I can see perfectly well, Adam. So sorry, princess."

Charlie: "Uh...so, wait. You aren't here?"

Sera: "Sadly, we cannot. You see, our--"

Adam: "No, you think I'd come down there? *laughs* No, I mean, I love the vibe, totally, I love your tunes. Pretty fucking hardcore, don't get me wrong. But! it's such a bummer! man. Everything down there's just so "eugh", ya know? *chuckles* Ew."

Y/N: "Can someone please remind me why you put up with his shit in the first place, or even let him INTO heaven after he died?"

Adam: "Hey, no one asked you, small time."

Charlie: "Right. So, I'm happy we've got this opportunity to meet. There's a project that I've been working on that I really want to talk to you about-"

Adam: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, slow down. We've got time. How about we get to know each other a little. Mmm. How about lunch? You hungry? I got you."

Adam: *offers plate of ribs to Charlie* "Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it."

Charlie: "Uh...thanks."

Again... she forgets it's a hologram and she falls for it when she tries to touch it. Adam breaks out into a laugh.

Adam: "I got you again, bitch! *laughs* Fuckin' hilarious!"

Charlie makes a small unamused chuckle alongside Adam's hyper laughter.

Y/N: "Again... why is he in heaven if he's gonna be a shitty-ass jerkwad?"

Adam: "Hey, shut it, Robes. Who the hell even are you to judge me, you're just a lowly sinner!"

Y/N: *pulls off robe* "Surprise mothafucka!"


Adam's eyes widen upon seeing your face and then glares at you with anger and hate.

Adam: "You!"

Sera: "And... who might you be?"

Y/N: *lifts fedora up at Sera* "The name's Y/N. At your service, m'lady."

Sera: "Oh, umm... the pleasure's all mine. I didn't think..."

Y/N: "What, you thought sinners didn't have any manners? Surprise, it's not all black and white down here."

[Back at the hotel]

[Remember, Y/N has 2 other clones of himself, so they'll all be referred to as Y/N as long as they're separate.]

Vaggie: "Okay, so, Charlie is dealing with something very important, so while she's gone, we are making a new commercial. One that represents her vision and what we're doing here. So, we need a camera."

Y/N: "Not a problem." *poofs up a high-rez video camera*

Vaggie: "Oh... this is pretty high-tech."

Alastor: "Hmmm."

Vaggie: "Alright! Let's do this! Y/N, you're the first one up *glares at him* and no fucking wise-cracks, okay? Stay professional."

Y/N: "I know. I know."

Vaggie: *points camera at you* "And... Action!"

Y/N: *clears throat, takes slow steps around lobby* "Here at the Hazbin Hotel, our job is to provide friendly hospitality and guidance for all the lost souls here who've regretted their past mistakes or have been cheated out of heaven due to a mistake in heaven's judgement. But don't take my word for it, we've already got our first volunteer. You've seen her on TV or live in the studio, Hell's very own... Angel Dust."

Vaggie: "Aaand cut!" *she stops filming* "Okay, that wasn't too bad. Maybe you should've used that approach."

Y/N: "Well, like I said earlier. I was having too much fun earlier and had no time to fix it."

Vaggie: "Right. Now... *turns to Husk* Your turn, Husk. Aaaand action!"

Husk: *while reading script* "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Can I help you with anything?"

Angel: *seductively* "I've been a bad girl, and I need a big, strong daddy to put me in my place...on the path to redemption!"

Husk groans with displeasure and read the script again.

Husk: "Well, you come—"

Angel: *Moaning* "Oh, yes!"

Husk: *bored* ..."to the right place."

Vaggie: *stops recording* "Cut! Okay, Angel, I need you to be less horny if possible, and Husk, can you maybe not have the script in front of your face?"

Husk: *Angrily* "I ain't no actor! I can't memorize this shit!"

Angel: "Well, we could improv this shit, baby cakes. *gets closer to Husk's face* Rrawwr. *purrs seductively*

Husk, having enough of Angel's bullshit attitude, gets irritated by Angel Dust and shoves her off the counter painfully hard.

Husk: "Whoops." *guzzles booze from bottle*

Vaggie: *Offscreen* "Husk, come on."

[Back to the meeting...]

Adam: "You have got SOME NERVE showing up in here!"

Y/N: "And you've got some nerve leaving without your lieutenant the last time you were here."

Sera: "You mean Lute? Tell me, is she alright?!"

Y/N: "Relax, dear Sera. Lute is fine. She's taken refuge at my luxury resort in one of the apartments, safe and sound."

Sera: *sighs in relief* "Thank God. That's all I could ever ask for. But still, are you the one who's been meddling in the affairs of the exorcists?"

Adam: "Hell, fucking, yes he is!"

Sera: "Adam, let me hear it from him."

Y/N: "Hmm... yup. I am."

Sera: "Why? You're basically helping the sinners of hell thrive and the over-population is getting worse out there."

Y/N: "Well, maybe if this situation was handled better, then I wouldn't be interfering with the affairs between heaven and hell. But Lucifer made the stupid mistake of allowing the exorcists to come here and Adam made the stupid mistake of enjoying killing people. He's no different than your average every day sinner."

Adam: "Hey! I'm an angel, bitch! So fuck you!"

Y/N: "You don't act like one."

Adam: "How would you know what an angel acts like?"

Y/N: "I'd ask you to turn to the archangels for that question, but let's be real, they don't exactly have the heart or the balls to even act like proper angels either."

Sera: "Y/N! You are not to insult the archangels in such a manner."

Y/N: "Well, it's the truth."

Charlie: "Umm... I feel like we're getting off-topic here."

[Back at the hotel...]

Niffty tries to stab a bug, but misses, and starts stabbing the bug multiple times before Vaggie stops her.

Niffty: "Stab! Stab! Stab!"

Vaggie: "Alright Niffty, Niffty. Niffty! Your line is "We have the cleanest rooms", okay?"

Niffty: "Got it. I'm ready."

Vaggie: *aims camera at Niffty* "Action!"

Aaaaand, Niffty freezes. Her pupil dialated. Angel looks creeped out already and backs away from the camera-frozen little missy.

Vaggie: "Uhh, cut."

Y/N: "Damn, never knew she was camera shy."

Niffty: *snaps back to cheerful self, giggles* "How was that?"

Vaggie: "Well, Niffty, you actually have to say the line, so let's roll again."

Niffty: "Ok!"

Vaggie: "Action!"

Niffty freezes again, leaving Vaggie irritated, as Angel comes close to her face.

Angel Dust: *smug, whispers* "You're doing great, Vagina."

Vaggie: *irritated* "Cut! Alright, uhh... maybe we can try to... fix it in post."

Angel: "Do you even know what that means?"

Vaggie: *angrily* "I'll figure it out!"

Y/N: "I'll help you out."

[Back to the meeting...]

Sera: "There is no other way to control the over-population of Hell besides extermination, if you allow these wayward sinners to roam free, Hell would rise up against us!"

Y/N: "Uh, do you hear yourself right now, madam? Most of Hell doesn't give a shit about Heaven and even if they could rise against you, how the hell are they supposed to get to you? I'll tell you exactly how... THEY CAN'T!"

Adam: "All the more reason to clean this shithole out."

Y/N: "Did I ask for your opinion tubby? No? Good! So, shut up!"

Charlie: "Okay, that's enough! Look, I get that you all hate sinners, but you're wrong. Sinners made mistakes, everyone makes mistakes."

Adam: "Angels don't make mistakes."

Y/N: "Yes they do. They you back into Hell, that was their biggest mistake and you, miss." *to Sera* "Sadly, you made the mistake of allowing these shithole exorcist to ruin the lives of so many sinners, some of which were never given a fair trial when they were good people who made simple mistakes."

Sera: "You know nothing of what goes on, you have no right to judge us."

Y/N: "And you don't know the pain you're causing down here. Because of all this ass-fuckery, our cute little cinnamon roll here has had to take action to fix this entire mess. And guess what, her idea is much more angelic... than your exorcist assholes will ever be."

Charlie: "Y/N, this isn't helping! *to Adam and Sera* Okay, I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time, and I feel like you weren't hearing me before."

Sera: "Unfortunately, we are at an impasse and unless you want to risk an all-out purge, you'll keep your friend on a short leash."

Y/N: "Is that a threat, ma'am? Because I can settle this score right here and now."

Adam: "Hah! You think you can touch us? You're there and we're up here, bitch!"

As he's boasting about his... invulnerability, he doesn't realize that a large fishing hook is lowering behind him.

Adam: "And there's nothing you can say or do to change that."

Y/N: *Grins* "I beg to differ." *snaps fingers*

Suddenly, Adam shrieks like a bitch as the fish hook lifts him up by his underwear, giving him the worst atomic wedgie in his life, then adds salt to his already wounded ego by stretching his underwear up and placing it over his face. Sera looked away, covering her eyes with a yelp.

Y/N: "Hah!!! Come on, you can't tell me this isn't funny."

Charlie: *chuckles a bit*

Adam: *squeaky voice* "Son of a... fucking bitch!" *enraged* "THAT'S IT, EVERY SINNER DIES! COME 6 MONTHS FROM NOW, YOU'RE FUCKING TOAST!"

Aaaaand the hologram ends with Adam and Sera departing, thus leaving Charlie speechless before turning to you.

Y/N: *calm down* "Okay... maybe I overdid it."

Charlie: "YA THINK?!?!?!"


Charlie sadly returns to the hotel with you and this time, you don't even bother to try and cheer her up since this was mostly your fault. Vaggie runs to her and hugs her.

Vaggie: "Charlie! How did it go, did they listen?"

Charlie: "Oh, they sure did... hear it. But, um-"

Vaggie: "Oh, come here! We have something exciting to show you."

Vaggie leads you and Charlie to the rest of the group.

Vaggie: "Y/N's clone pulled some strings and it's about to air."

Alastor: "I pulled a few limbs too, hahaha!"

Y/N: "That's all you can do since TV is not your forte."

Charlie: "Wait, the commercial? You all made a new one?"

Angel: "Yeah, one of my better performances if I do say so myself."

Charlie: *beaming and tearing up* "That's... that's amazing."

Angel: "Sshh, it's starting."

The commercial soon begins and all your clones poof away, leaving only you, the original you left in the hotel...

Vaggie (On TV): "Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel--"

Sadly, the news decides to cut in.

Vaggie, Charlie and Angel get annoyed and angrily complain. Niffty simply claps and giggles.

Katie: "Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next Extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Do you know what that means?"

Tom Trench: "No, what does that mean, Katie?"

Katie Killjoy: "It means we're all royally fucked!" *Eye twitches*

Screaming can be heard from Sinners as the time on the reduces to 176 days until the next Extermination.

Angel: "Wait, what? Why?!"

Y/N: "Stupid-ass news bitches." *snaps fingers*

Suddenly... you poof right inside the news station with a huge-ass megaphone.

Y/N: "Hey, fuckwads."

Katie: "What the?! How did you--"


He blasts his voice right in Katie's and Tom's faces before the footage cuts off and you teleport back into the hotel lobby with everyone.

Y/N: "Sorry about that. Now... Let's have a look at our backup commercial."

Vaggie: "Wait what?"

Y/N: "You didn't think you were the only one filming good footage, right? Watch this."

The TV only shows static at first, but then... the gang hears what sounds like... somber piano music in the background of the TV.


Next thing you know, the gang sees footage of sinners looking genuinely lost... sad... alone. Some were even crying. Especially sinner children, both orphaned and with their parents. The music doesn't help but fit with the mood. It moved most of the group to tears. 

Before you know it, the screen then fades to black and shows you with a sinner child sitting on your lap while you pat his head while he drinks water from a cup.

Y/N: *gentle tone* "Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. Are you a sinner who made a mistake in life that led you into this broken world? Or are you a sinner who was judged unfairly and sent here without a 2nd thought? Every day, people lose their lives and are either given a ticket to heaven or dropped down here in Hell. Left to cower in fear as Heaven sends its soldiers to murder these wayward souls, some who don't deserve it.

But with the help of our loving Princess of Hell and her companions, we are here to help you reach your long lost goal. With our guidance at the Hazbin Hotel, we will provide you with the friendliest hospitality. And provide medical care for any injuries you suffered. Along with food, shelter... and support. Come by the Hazbin Hotel and we'll guide you on the first step to your path of redemption."

As you explain all this, a phone number pops up on the screen as the camera then shows shots of Charlie and her friends, one by one, really good ones.

Charlie is watching this with tear-filled joy and sorrow. The commercial keeps on going and this time, it cuts back to you with the kid still on your lap and the kid's mother sitting in the shot next to you.

Y/N: *gentle tone* "Right now, you have a chance at earning your shot at redemption. And it starts with the first step, so don't hesitate. Call the number on your screen and we'll book your stay at the hotel right now. Please call... right now."

And the commercial ends with the mother and child sinner embracing each other before looking into the camera. The kid, nuzzling into his mom's arms while she looks at the camera with a somber, tearful gaze. Then it shows the Hazbin Hotel from a far enough angle before the screen fades to black.

[music stops]

Everyone who watched this from the hotel was astonished at this rollercoaster ride of emotions. Charlie couldn't help by pull you and Vaggie into a hug, crying into the two of you.

Vaggie: "Y/N... I... I don't know what to say."

Y/N: "You don't have to say anything, Vaggie. After all... I did it for all of you, Charlie included... and the hotel."

Angel: "Damn it, you're gonna get me all mushy and emotional, you sneaky son of a bitch." *she sniffles, playfully nudges you*

Husk: "Gotta say, kid. Not bad."

Alastor: "Hmm... it's much too mushy for my taste, but then nobody's perfect."

Niffty: *sobs loudly* "So sad! So... So... WAAAAH!!!"

Y/N: *picks up Niffty, rocks her side to side* "There, there, Niffty. Just let it all out."


In another part of hell, A drone scours an area until it finds a dead Exorcist corpse with its head missing. The drone scans the corpse.

Sera: "It... It can't be! How could this happen? If word were to get out--"

Adam: "No, no. We can't risk them catching on. But don't worry. When we come back, there won't be a demon left alive to pull a stunt like this again!"

Adam slams a fist on the projector, destroying it and causing its light to disappear, leaving only Adam's glowing evil smile.

[A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter. It's gonna make you laugh... and make you cry, but all in all, it's a perfectly well-balanced chapter for a well-balanced story. Now... STAY TUNED!!!]

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