How Low The Holy Have Fallen

A few hours later, we see you coming out of the dining area of the hotel. While Alastor was bit of a prideful psychopath, you did admit he made a meal bowl of jumbalaya. Of course, the dinner was awkward and tense for most of the people there since there was two overlords in the same room, one a sophisticated psychopath and then there's you, the wacky, yet deadly joker with an OP imagination.

After dinner was done, you decided to leave and were about to exit the building, but...

Charlie: "Wait, Y/N!"

Y/N: *turns, sees Charlie and Vaggie* "Hey, Charlie. Hello, Vaggie. What's up?"

Charlie: "If you... well, if you got time, could we... go for a walk?"

Y/N: "You sure your sweetheart girlfriend'll approve?"

Vaggie: "It's just a walk and plus, you did say you would tell us how you got your powers."

Y/N: "Hmm... *shrugs* Sure, I don't see why not."

Charlie: *claps excitedly* "YAY!"

God, she's so cute. Even Vaggie knows it. Guess that's one of the reasons why she and Charlie got together. So, upon leaving the hotel, the three of you begin your little conversation.

Y/N: "Okay, so here's the gist of it. Truth is, these powers of mine were given to me by someone."

Charlie: "Someone gave you your powers? Why?"

Y/N: "I dunno why. She said something about some... crisis or whatever and she needed someone of my potential."

Vaggie: "She? So it was a woman?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Vaggie: "Anyone we might know?"

Y/N: "Beats me. She was pretty tall, wore this purple dress, had pale white skin and really long blonde hair, longer than Charlie's."

Charlie: *blinks in surprise* "Wait... did this woman tell you who she was by any chance?"

Y/N: "No, but she knew who I was, for some reason."

Charlie: "Just... one question... how long ago was it when you met her?"

Y/N: "Hmm... probably about 7 years ago, why?"

Charlie: *pupils shrink, drops to knees* "I can't believe it."

Vaggie: "Charlie!" *kneels down*

Y/N: "Should I... be worried about this?"

Charlie: *snaps out of it* "N-No, sorry. Forget I said anything. Sorry for worrying you."

Y/N: *to Vaggie* "Was it something I said?"

Vaggie: "How should I know?"

Charlie: "Uh... why don't we change the subject? Like, uh... OH, how did wind up in Hell?"

Y/N: "I don't know. One minute, I'm catching some Z's in my bedroom, then next thing I know, I'm literally in Hell."

Charlie: "Hmm, well... maybe you died in your sleep."

Y/N: "I dunno, I don't remember dying. In fact, I didn't even feel sick or anything. No cancer, no fatal injuries, no tumors, nothing. I was just... here."

Charlie: "Huh... so... either you're still alive, or  you have amnesia regarding how you died."

Vaggie: "But that's impossible. No human being has ever been brought to Hell while they're still alive on Earth."

Y/N: "Well, for now, let's just stick a pin it and worry about it some other time. For now, I am needed back at the resort."

Vaggie: "And how the Hell did you even get that resort started? Like, how'd you even build it?"

Y/N: *forms rainbow over your head* "Imaaaaaaaaaaginaaaaaation."

Vaggie: *deadpanned* "Really?"

Y/N: *shrugs* "Pretty much, yeah."

Charlie: "Ooh! Maybe we can visit your resort from time to time."

Y/N: "Sure. I could never say no to that sweet smiling face."

Charlie giggles while Vaggie squints her eyes at you, making sure you don't overstep your boundries with her girlfriend.

Y/N: "Oh, and if you need any help with something, you be sure to give me a buzz and I'll be there to help."

Vaggie: "I just have one question."

Y/N: *pulls gun out of nowhere, points at distance* "Shoot."

Vaggie: *quirks an eyebrow* "Okay... why did you even wanna build a resort in the first place?"

Y/N: "Well, after witnessing and surviving my first extermination, I made it a point to myself to create a safe haven with plentiful employment as long as no shenanigans occurr."

Vaggie: *blinks, surprised* "You... actually helped sinners?"

Y/N: "Yeah, mostly people who were unfairly judged and made bad choices with good intentions behind them. You know, the kind of decisions that Heaven judges them too harshly about because they're close-minded fucktard shitholes?"

By a coincidence, a lightning bolt struck near you, startling the two girls.

Y/N: *looks up, to "Heaven"* "What, you heard me and can't handle the truth? Then get off your fake holy asses and do you jobs right, or I'll scream up to the big man himself, the man you guys call "God."

Vaggie: "Uh, who are you talking to?"

Y/N: "Oh, just called out Heaven for being a bunch of retards."

Charlie: "You know they can't hear you, right?"

Y/N: "Then how do you explain that lightning strike?"

Charlie: "That was just a random lightning strike, Hell's weather is unpredictable sometimes."

Y/N: *shrugs* "If you say so. Anyways, it was a great pleasure meeting you two. *shakes Charlie's hand* I'm looking forward to our partnership, sweet Charlie *then Vaggie's* and you too, Vaggie."

Vaggie: "Uh... sure, yeah... whatever."

Charlie: "Okay, be safe on your way back."

Y/N: "Toodles."

As you leave, you pull out an umbrella from nowhere and open it up before floating away.


The adorable princess of Hell lets out a giggle from that unexpected line and Vaggie snorted slightly, but kept her composure.

Vaggie: "That guy's a serious oddball."

Charlie: "Maybe, but he's actually pretty sweet and funny." *turns serious, thinks* "Still... it puzzles me that he had an encounter with... her."


You arrived back at your resort and make your way to the apartment complex to pay Lute a little visit to check up on her. You approached the apartment room she was living in and knocked on the door.

Y/N: "Lute, are you there?"

Lute: "Y... Yeah, I am. You can come in."

You opened the door and walked in, seeing Lute just sitting on her bed.

Y/N: "Hey, guest star. You doing alright in here?"

Lute: "Uh... y-y-yeah, I... I suppose." *looks down*

Y/N: *closes door behind you* "What's the matter?"

Lute: "...Could you answer me something real quick?"

Y/N: *sits on bed next to her* "Sure, what is it?"

Lute: *takes deep breath* "Why do you act so nice?"

Y/N: *shrugs* "I mean... why not?"

Lute: *slightly annoyed* "What do you mean, "why not?" Look around you, we're in Hell, for fuck's sake! We're surrounded by sinners! The lowest of the low! The most vile, uncaring and malicious vermin that ever walked on Earth!"

Y/N: "Hey, not everyone is bad by nature."

Lute: "They did earth wrong! They need to be wiped out!"

Y/N: "Now, just a moment, that's unfair to those who didn't have a choice in life and you should know that."

Lute: "There's always a choice and they made the worst ones."

Y/N: "You don't know what some of these people went through that put them here, some of them were brought here unfairly."

Lute: "I don't care! They got what they deserve! And now I'm stuck here, waiting in fear, hoping they won't jump and hurt me... or worse!"

Y/N "You see? This is why I led your pigeon pussy bitch shits on all those wild goose chases when they came after me. You hunt sinners all willy-nilly without even a 2nd thought like they were nothing but a bunch of prizes to mount on your wall!"

Lute: "And what's wrong with that?"


Lute: *offended, covering her cheek, glaring* "How... DARE you! NOBODY TALKS TO ME THAT WAY, NEVER!!!"

Not long after, a fight breaks out as the two of you lunge at each other, punches and kicks were being thrown at each other. The room was shaking from the tussling you two were having. 

In just 10 minutes, the room is a complete mess. The TV in the room is... split in have, sparks are coming out of it, the bedding is spread all over the floor, there's holes in the walls and the bed is flipped upside down. It was a complete mess and you were sitting on the ground with Lute sitting behind you, her back pressed against yours and both of you were panting heavily after venting out your anger.

Lute: "You know... for a sinner, you can... really pack a punch."

Y/N: "I'm an Overlord and I wasn't even using my magic to fight you like I did in years past."

Lute: "Whatever. Why do you even care about these sinners? They're the worst of the worst!"

Y/N: "Oh really? You think God would appreciate that you're judging his own children without even giving them a chance to defend themselves?"

Lute: "I don't see a point in this."

Y/N: "...Lute... I'm sorry to say this, but that's not how an angel would act. God would be very disappointed in this."

Lute: "Don't! Ever! Take God's name in vein!"

Y/N: "...If you won't ask why, then perhaps I should educate you on the people I employ here at my resort." *poofs up resumes into hands, clears throat*

[A/N: the names listed are made up and are not affiliated with real live people who currently live today.]

Y/N: "Edith Burns. Age: 45, Female. She died in a housefire caused by her throwing a half empty class bottle of alcohol on an open-flame stove. Her reason for this... her husband was having an affair with another woman, so she killed him via multiple stab wounds to the chest, brain... and his crotch.

Lute: "Murder and suicide, both sins."

Y/N: "Would you murder your own husband if you found out he was having an affair with another bitch who looked younger and prettier?"

Lute: "...Okay, fine, yes."

Y/N: *reads next resume* "Lance Thorn. Age 31. Male. He died while under the influence of cocaine in a traffic accident. Reason for this: he wanted to live the high life, but learned the hard way that life is much harder than that. He regrets his life actions and wanted a fresh start."

Lute: "Seriously? What an idiot."

Y/N: "Next up... *reads next resume* Harry Mortisan. Age 51. Male. Died from a gunshot when trying to steal a package from a person's porch. Reason for stealing? His family was struggling with ends meat, so he resorted to stealing from others in order to provide for his family."

Lute, now had no words to reply to that.

Y/N: "Do you see now? Some people aren't bad. They just made the wrong choices in life because they had no other choice. And when they did have a choice and chose the wrong one, they were regretful of their actions. So, for you to dismiss their actions as sinful and pass judgement on them without asking why or how they ended up here betrays everything you claim Heaven stands for."

Lute: "...I... I can't..."

Y/N: "Look, I get it. We, as humans, make mistakes. And we give into temptations that life hands us before we're handed a heaping dose of harsh reality in the aftermath. But mistakes aren't what define the good ones. We still have the capacity for good, even if we can't show it in the living world. But... there are times when your judgement was right in sending "lost causes" down here."

Lute: "Lost cause?"

Y/N: "Yes, lost causes like John "Wayne" Gacy. He violated and killed multiple teenage boys. Jozsef Barsi, he was a drunken asshole who treated his family like shit and even killed his own wife and daughter before killing himself. You have no idea how much I hated that bastard. I even searched the entire 9 rings just to find him and I personally brutalized him for the shit he did to poor Judith."

Lute: "Oh yeah... I remember those two. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I... I didn't know there was more to people than the stuff they did in life. I just wanted to do what was right by destroying the sinners for good."

Y/N: "I get it, but some of those sinners you killed in the past, they all had families. Families they'll never be able to see again, because you... and your army... killed them... for good."

Lute: "I... I just..." 

Y/N: "So, now that you know the truth... tell it to me straight. Do you still think that all sinners who are sent down here are purely evil?"

This conversation has really left Lute baffled and second guessing everything she ever thought about sinners. Since she spent most of her years hunting sinners and killing them, she always felt like she was doing what she thought was right. Even Adam's influence encouraged her to keep on killing sinners every year when the time came and she wouldn't feel guilty about it when she returned to heaven.

But now, after hearing what you've said to her and enduring that little brawl you two got into, now she's not so sure. In that moment, she began to recall the many years of sinner hunting she took pleasure in and recalled the looks on some of the sinners' faces. Fear, agony, sadness, regret, sorrow. 

Lute: ". . .I... didn't think they still cared."

Y/N: *sternly* "Well, now you do know. Sadly, there's no way you can make it up to the people you already killed down here. Especially since they probably have family up in heaven they're never gonna see ever again. Their blood and eternal deaths are on yours and every other exorcists hands. I hope you're proud of yourself."

A bitter pill to swallow, along with with her pride... but you were right and she feels upset with herself now... and even moreso about the consequences of her actions. With this new revelation coarsing through her mind... how can she ever hope to call herself an angel? More important than that... how can she ever hope to look God in the eyes ever again?

Lute: *remorseful* "What... have I done?"

She looks down at her shaky hands and in turn... her emotions all come flooding at her at once and she breaks down in tears. Her victims' faces flashing inside her mind. Some with hate, some with fear, some with sadness and regret. It was all too much for the exorcist angel and now... there's no way of fixing this mess.

Not knowing what else to do, she leans into your shoulder. Her sobbing continues and you don't stop her. Rather, you simply hold her in your arms. Yes, you were upset with her, but even you have enough of a heart to care for someone who's in a vulnerable state. 

One thing's for certain, this is one fine mess to be in. If there was a way to restore the people who were lost, you would've done so in a heartbeat, but even your imaginative powers have limits too, so bringing back the already dead souls was far beyond your reach. All you can do is pray that somehow, some way, the ones who didn't deserve such a fate would be alright.

Little do you know... high up above in the kingdom of heaven, sitting upon his holy throne, the king of Heaven himself, the heavenly father, was well aware of the great question you have.

God: *smiles* "All your worries will soon vanish, Y/N L/N. Just keep going what you're doing and all will be made clear. I will also give you my thanks for your incredible deeds."

[A/N: Bet you weren't expecting God to get a cameo in my story, huh? And yes, I do have a master plan for what's happened to all the sinners who were killed by exorcists. What is it that I've got planned? Well... that a secret. So... STAY TUNED!!!]

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