An Exciting Date in Hell

It's been a long day Charlie was happy to know the hotel is progressing nicely. A little slowly, but nicely nonetheless. As she and her girlfriend climb in bed and cuddle under the covers, Charlie sighs and faces the ceiling with her eyes closed, too tired to open them.

Charlie: *tired* "Hey, Vaggie?"

Vaggie: *eyes closed, tired* "Hmm?"

Charlie: "Why do you suppose Y/N hugs me so much?"

Vaggie: "Well... he's kinda weak-willed when it comes to your adorable charms. You saw how he hugged and spun you around."

Charlie: "Maybe... but, I thought it was kinda sweet."

Vaggie: "Still... I'm still having trouble trusting him, even though he's helping us with redeeming lost souls."

Charlie: "What's not to trust? He's funny, he's kind, charismatic... and to be honest... his personality is kind of adorable."

Vaggie: "Charlie... he flirts with Angel. Who's to say he's not gonna do the same to you?"

Charlie: "Vaggie... I understand you don't fully trust him. But he would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship. I mean... that incident in the kitchen and when I tried to de-escalate the situation... which ended with an accidental kiss. It wasn't all his fault."

Vaggie: "I... I guess you have a point. But... remember, he's a Demon Overlord."

Charlie: "An overlord with a conscience. He's not just a funny guy in a flashy, nice suit with wacky powers, he has a heart. Isn't that worth something?"

Vaggie: *sighs* "Okay, fine. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."

Charlie: "Great... then how about tomorrow... we can pay him a visit?"

Vaggie: "Yeah... okay."

Though, reluctant to give you a chance, Vaggie decided next time she saw you, the three of you would try and get along. Though, suddenly, her mind kept thinking back to when she accidentally had a kiss stolen from her by you. At first, it was maddening, but now... the more she thought about it... she did find it warm... and comforting.

The next day arrived and after a hard night's rest, you got yourself cleaned up and ready to pay a visit with 3 certain overlords. You exit your office bedroom and walk past your secretary who was coming in with her cup of coffee and a bag of Krispy Kreme donuts.

Y/N: "Mmm, Krispy Kreme, huh?"

Secretary: *smug* "Uh-huh, 'cause YOU CAN SMELL IT!"

You laugh out loud with your secretary when she said that.

Y/N: "Good one. Good one. You take care now. I'm heading off to a meeting. If anyone comes by asking for me, let me know."

Secretary: "Sure thing, sir. Take care."

You nod and leave the building, then make your way to the exit of your resort, leaving behind the many sinners and hellborne who work for you. 


Moments later, you arrive at V tower and approach the entrance, only to be stopped by the two security guards.

Guard 1: "And just where the fuck do you think you're going?"

Y/N: "Attending a meeting with the Vees. Velvette invited me."

Guard: "Hah! Yeah, sure and I got a hot date with Carmilla. Get the fuck outta here and take your piss-colored suit with you."

Yup... these two were not informed.

Y/N: "Is that so? Perhaps you need a refresher." *snaps fingers*

Suddenly, two holes opened up under the guards' feet and they both fell through, screaming like bitches, then suddenly, they appear from above and fall down towards the holes again... and again... and again, still screaming their pussy-ass heads off. Then you remove the two holes my peeling them off the ground.

The two shitty guards crash onto the ground, aching from that long fall.

Y/N: "So... do we have any problems now?" *checks back of your hand, chilling*

Guard 1: *shaken up* "N-N-No problem, just... go inside, please."

Y/N: "Lovely."

Now with that taken care of, you enter V tower and head for the elevator, taking you to one of the upper floors. The elevator stops and opens up, revealing the meeting room. And so far, Velvette has arrived and is chilling in her chair, scrolling through social media on her phone. She looks in your direction and smile.

Velvette: "Y/N, darling! Lovely to see you. So glad you could make it."

Y/N: "And thank you for your invitation."

Velvette: "The pleasure's all mine. Come, sit next to me."

She pats a spot next to her and you gladly go and sit next to her. She gives no subtle hints as she scoots herself closer to you. 

Velvette: "So... I take it you know about my line of work?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I have. A lovely lady with fashionable taste and a sassy, yet sexy personality is quite the smashing combo."

Velvette: "Oh, you think I'm sexy, do you, love?" *smirks, bats her eyes*

Y/N: "Who doesn't?"

Velvette: "Just for that..."

She pulls a fast one and leans in, planting a short, but sweet smooch on your lips, surprising you to the point where steam shot the top of your head while your hearts turned to eyes. As she pulled away, she giggled at your reaction.

Velvette: "You're just too cute for your own good."

Y/N: "Hehehe, you're too kind."

Then, as you're both getting accquainted, the two other Vees show up and take their seats. 

Vox: "Alright. First, introductions are are in order. The name's Vox, head of VoxTech, I developed the best and latest tech gear in all the Pride ring, pleasure to you meet ya."

Valentino: *inhales deeply, friendly facade* "I'm Valentino, head of the porn industry. Any sort of juicy pornos you've seen, you can thank me for creating such horny masterpieces."

Velvette: "And you already know me, darling."

Y/N: "Pleasure to meet you all, I am Y/N L/N, proud owner of the Penta-Grand Resort. So, to what do I owe pleasure for this meeting with the Vees?"

Vox: "Kid, I won't lie, your resort is a phenomenal hit throughout Hell, and even employ both hellborns and sinners alike. So my associates and I would like to... do business with you.

You watched as he tried to hypnotize you, but due to your powers, you clearly had more self awareness and control.

Y/N: "If that's what you want, there's no need to try and hypnotize me, so long as we can come to a reasonable compromise."

Vox: *blinks in surprise* "What the-- how did you resist my hypnosis?"

Y/N: "You should have realized I'm more than just a funny face with a big-ass paradise resort. Still, I'm more than willing to do business with you, provided I know how."

Vox: "Huh... well then... we would like to set up each of our shops in your resort's shopping district as a way to expand our businesses."

Y/N: "I see. Very well then, I can have your businesses set up, but in exchange... I get 15% of the profits you make."

Valentino: "WHAT?! Are you fucking serious?!"

Vox: "Val, easy." *to you* "Sorry about that. As for me, I got no objections."

Velvette: "Anything for you, love~" *winks flirtateously*

Valentino: *growls* "Fine, I guess I can chip in."

Y/N: "Good. And one more thing... if, for any reason, you do anything to exploit and/or harm the employees unfairly, I will personally see to a proper punishment. And trust me when I say this."

Just then... with a snap of your fingers, you darken the room in and get up close towards the Vees with probably one of the scariest, most serious expression they'll never forget.

Y/N: *deep, gruff, demonic, growling* "My punishments are extemely severe, so don't you fuck it up with any shenanigans, or you'll regret the day you crossed me for the rest of your miserable fucking afterlives. Am I CLEAR?!"

Now... you only directed this towards Vox and Valentino, but Velvette, you just knew she was someone you could trust. But even so... she was terrified of this side of you... but at the same time... it turned her on. So much so, she felt her pussy getting wet.

Valentino and Vox just nodded in agreement before the room returns to normal and so does your expression.

Y/N: *friendly* "Great! Just sign here." *rolls out contract*

After signing the contract and you signing as an eyewitness, you now had a full-on partnership made with the Vees.

Y/N: "Good talk, everyone." *leans in, strokes Velvette's chin* "And I'll see you later, beautiful."

Velvette: "Ooh, you certainly will. This hashtag bitch will certainly be seeing you later, too."

You both share one last peck on the lips before taking your leave.

Vox: "...Fucking hell, that was something."

Valentino: "I can't believe I was talked into this crap!"

Velvette: "Mmm, this meeting was hashtag worth it. Makes me wonder just how powerful he is in other areas."


As you're exiting the tower and making your way back to the resort, you notice a limo pulling up and find Charlie and Vaggie in the back seat once they roll down the window.

Charlie: "Y/N! Hey!"

Y/N: "Charlie! Vaggie! How are my two favorite ladies doing?"

Vaggie: "Oh, we're... doing alright. Listen, uh... if you're... not too busy..."

Charlie: "Go on, Vaggie. Ask him."

Vaggie: "I... was wondering if you'd like to hang out. Maybe... take a look around your resort."

Y/N: "Sure, I was actually on my way there right now."

Charlie: "Yay! Hop in!"

Y/N: "Okie dokie."

And you literally hop in through the open window and land on a vacant spot in the backseat, making Charlie giggle.

Charlie: "You're a real funny guy. You know that?" *rolls up window*

Y/N: "Thank you."

The limo driver then heads off to your resort and you just wait patiently on your way there.

Vaggie: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Vaggie: "About what happened the other day... you know... when you accidentally ate my enchilada and I got angry?"

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Vaggie: "I... wanna say I'm sorry. *looks down* I had recently found out there was supposed to be a note on it, but... Alastor, the asshole, actually set you up to be the fall guy."

Y/N: "...What did you say?"

Charlie: "Now, now, calm down, Y/N. Alastor was the one who set you up to get hurt. I already had a talk with him and... well, he won't try the same trick again, even though he thought it was hilarious to see you hurt."

Y/N: *sighs* "He's lucky I can't say "no" to you, Charlie. Otherwise, hoo-hoo-hoo, he won't be smiling all smug for too long."

Vaggie: "Just out of curiosity, why do you like Charlie so much? You know she's my girlfriend."

Y/N: "Well... she's cute, for starters. She's also precious, pure of heart, kind, caring, trusting, energetic and fun. You can't find girls like her anywhere else in Hell. *whispers* Believe me, I know, I've looked."

Vaggie: *hesitant, nervous* "And... what do you think of me?"

Y/N: "You? Well... you're tough, that's for sure. Strong, independent, loyal, beautiful even... you've got a temper and extremely cautious, but it just shows you care. And you help keep things in check at the hotel, so you got your good qualities, too."

Vaggie: "Wow... uh... thanks.."

Charlie watched as her sweetheart was beginning to bond with you. It gave both girls a sense of peace to know there was more to you than what was on the surface. But even so... Charlie was still curious... why her own mother would give you these powers.

But that'll wait for another time. Right now, the limo has arrived at your resort and you planned to spend time with Charlie and Vaggie. As you bring out the two ladies, Charlie's eyes sparkle like the night sky back on Earth. She's awestruck and squealing excitedly as she takes in the view of your resort. Vaggie is just staring in awe, unable to believe what her eyes are witnessing right in front of her.

Vaggie: "You... made this resort?"

Y/N: "All by myself. Ladies, welcome to the Penta-Grand Resort. My employees pull their weight around, keeping the attractions and shops going for the guests who visit here. Come on, I'll show you around."

Charlie jumped with joy, getting all giddy, but Vaggie tries to calm her down a little. She does, but her cute little Hell angel is still ready to blow with excitement.

Since she was clearly hyped up, you decide to bring her and Vaggie to the resort's amusement park, which you introduce...

Y/N: "Here, we have... the Prime Pride Park! Or, the P.P.P for short."

At this point, Charlie screamed with joy and rushed inside, holding onto Vaggie's hand. You chuckle at her enthusiasm and head inside, approaching the ticket booth where they're about to pay to get in. But...

Y/N: "Hold up, ladies..." 

You look at the ticket dealer and he instantly salutes with a friendly face before handing both Charlie and Vaggie a pass each."

Charlie: *gasps* "These are... lifetime passes!"

Y/N: "Yup. They're all yours."

Vaggie: "This... this is too generous, you sure we can have these?"

Y/N: "Sure. Anything for the Princess of Hell and her sweet, loyal girlfriend. You deserve these, free of charge."

You then slide a couple hundred bucks towards the ticket man and he tips his hat to you.

Ticket man: "Thanks, boss."

Y/N: "Anytime. Now, come on, girls! Let's kick this day off on a high note!"

And so, the day began. Charlie, the precious little livewire, wanted to start big with a ride on the rollercoaster, known as the Screecher (in memory of Disney California's The Screamer). Once it was your turns, the three of you sat in the front and got ready as the automated voice on the speakers spoke.

Male voice: "Second thoughts? Too late! Head back, arms in and hold on like ya mean it."

The rollercoaster stops and gets ready to take off. You and the girls wait in anticipation for the big take-off and...

Male voice: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1! SCA-REECH!!!"

Aaaaand off you go, you and the other sinner guests, along with your 2 VIPS, let out screeches of fear and excitment while you...


The ride went super fast, everyone riding it was having fun... well, except for one sinner who passed out from the speed. Poor sucker must not be used to heights and travel speeds this extreme, but oh well.

Once the ride ended, you and the girls got off and Charlie was trembling with excitement. It took Vaggie a while to try and calm her down.

Charlie: "Ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh! That! Was! SPECTACULAR!!!"

Y/N: "Heh, You're behaving like a real fangirl, you know that?"

Vaggie: "Yeah, but still... that was kinda fun. What else does this place have?"

Y/N: "Allow me to show you."

The day goes by and you continue to show the girls a good time with the rides, such as Satan's Tail, a ride where you're swung side to side high in the air like a pendulum. The Cross Bow is another fun attraction, where two people ride it at a time. They get pulled down and shot up high in the air before bobbing up and down and then brought back down safely. Vaggie... was a bit shaken up by this.

Sure enough, the one that you all enjoy was the Portal to Hell. It's like the Spin-a-tron they have at those local fair where you're up against the wall and the ride slowly spins, gaining speed and you stick to it while the lights flash and music plays. This hell version was what really exciting for the three of you.

As you all explored and enjoyed the amusement park, Charlie began to simmer down, but still enjoy herself with you and Vaggie. Eventually, the Ferris Wheel was the last ride to go on. 

Upon starting the ride, you all did one big cycle, then stopped halfway at the very top just to admire the view.

Charlie: "Wow... look, you can see of the Pride ring from here! It's so magical, don't you think?"

Vaggie: "It sure is beautiful, but not nearly as beautiful as you, Charlie."

The two look at each other and share romantic smooch and you sit by, feeling so happy for this happy couple. Both ladies remain uninterrupted, unable to separate from each other's lips. It's a shame you never had a girlfriend up on Earth, but lucky for you... you've got one down here... possibly even more if you play your cards right.

But soon, the ride comes to an end and after exiting, you take the two ladies with you to the shopping district, showing them a quick tour of what else you had in store.

Y/N: "So, around this place, we have multiple stores and stands and a massive food court. At the moment, we sell all kinds of stuff here. Clothes, food, electronics, entertainment, household items, everywhere you look, anything you need, you can find it here. Except for alcohol, that's the resort's local pub."

Charlie: "So, all the people who work here, they're under your employment, is that right?"

Y/N: "That's right. In addition to working for me, I offer them functional and comfortable housing at our gated apartment community, the Pride and Joy Complex."

Vaggie: "Interesting. How much do you charge for rent?"

Y/N: "Oh, not much, just $400 a month. That includes electricity, water and even wi-fi, too."

Vaggie: "$400?! That's... actually pretty impressive!"

Y/N: "Exactly."

Charlie: "That's so generous of you. What else do you have?" *stomach rumbles* "Uh... heheh, I don't suppose you have restaurants?"

Y/N: "I sure do. Follow me, the food court is nearby."

Moments later, you stopped by the food court and ordered some burgers from one of the walk-in restaurants and took a seat at one of the tables, enjoying your meals.

Charlie: "Mmm, this is so good." *chomps on burger, gets sauce on cheeks*

Vaggie: *giggles* "Charlie, you're such a messy eater."

She takes a napkin from the dispenser and pats it on her girlfriend's cheek before tossing it in the trash bin. 

Charlies: "Thanks. *to you* Y/N... I'm beyond impressed. You've given the people... my people... a safe haven at this wonderful resort. I have to admit, I had lots of fun here. It's rare that an overlord so powerful could have the capacity to be so caring an thoughtful towards sinners without even second guessing."

Vaggie: "I gotta admit, I was skeptical about you at first, but... after seeing what you've done in the timespan of... how long have you been here?"

Y/N: "Seven years."

Vaggie: "Right... Well, in that timespan, you proved to be someone I can trust... and I actually mean it this time. And... thanks for showing us a wonderful time here."

Y/N: "Thanks. Also... I ran a background check on each employee before I went and hired them at my resort."

Vaggie: "Really? Who made the cut?"

Y/N: "Good sinners who were unfairly judged both in life and by Heaven, convicted felons guilty of crimes on Earth, but wanna go clean, homeless sinners and hellborns, etc etc."

Charlie: "Wait, hellborns work here, too?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Vaggie: "Jeez... you're one busy bee." *sips her soda*

Charlie: "OH! You know what I was thinking? You should invite Gina and Felix here, too."

Y/N: "Who?"

Charlie: "The mother and son you filmed in your commercial. I actually had a chat with them and got to know them."

Y/N: "OH, those two. Yeah, I'll definitely do that another time. For now, today is about you two. *raises soda cup* Cheers to a fun day... and a better future for the Hazbin Hotel."

Charlie: *raises cup* "I'll definitely toast to that."

Vaggie: *raises cup* "Ditto on that."

All 3: "Cheers." *clanks cups, then drinks*

[Moments later]

Eventually, the tour comes to an end and you help escort the girls back to their limo. The girls open the back door and are about to climb in, but then they stopped.

Charlie: *turns to you* "Y/N... before we go, there's something we wanna give you."

Vaggie: *turns to you* "Consider this a gift for giving us a wonderful time around the resort."

Y/N: "What is it?"

The two girls approach you and, to your surprise, they plant a kiss on your lips one at a time. First Charlie... then Vaggie.

Y/N: "Girls, I uh..."

Charlie: "You've made such an impact in Hell. You've been so kind and helpful... it's helped us see you in a new light. So... Vaggie and I decided... we wanna share you as our boyfriend."

Y/N: "Wait, really?"

Vaggie: "Yeah. And just so you know, we know you're gonna be adding more girls, so... while it may be unorthodox, we'll gladly share you."

Y/N: "...Aww girls."

So, you give both girls a group hug and one last peck on the lips each before seeing them off. After giving Charlie and Vaggie an exciting tour of the resort, the two headed back to the hotel to get back to rest up. Meanwhile, you made some extra space in the resort, opening up 3 new places as a promise to the Vees.

First, there was Fashion Isle, obviously a clothe store for Velvette. 2nd was a VoxTech electronic store called Vox Central. And finally... a brothel/porn studio for Valentino, called Dark Desire Studio & Suites. Velvette's store sells the latest fashion trends, no surprise there. Vox's store sells electronics with his brand, no shit. And finally, Valentino's place not only records porn, but also acts as a sex hotel.

The only thing left to do is put up "Now Hiring" signs, but that can wait until later. Right now, you had to tend to a certain guest.

Speaking of which, Lute is in her room and about to get ready for a shower, so she strips naked, then tosses her clothes into the dirty basket and looks at herself in the mirror. She had a fit figure, no doubt from her years of training and... slaying sinners. 

Before all this, she would've been basking in the glory of the kill count she has, but now... there's nothing to feel proud of. She looks at her hands, all shaky and remorseful. Clenching them, she slams them on the sink, breathing heavily.

Lute: "Damn it... How?" *tearing up* "...How can I ever hope to look God in the eye? What kind of an angel am I? Cursed ADAM!"

She slams the sink again. Then she looks up at the mirror again and her eyes slowly go back down and land on her chest. Any other day, she wouldn't give a damn about her cup size, but now she's... insecure. 

Lute wanted nothing more than to get rid of these doubts she has in her mind, these insecurities that haunt her. She wanted it all to disappear. And there's no other way to cope with how she's feeling... except for one.

And that one way... has arrived.

*knock knock knock*

Y/N: *muffled behind door* "Lute, you okay?"

She jolts upwards, then rushes out the bathroom, not bothering to cover herself up. She opens the door a bit to see your face.

Y/N: "Hey, just checki-- *she pulls you inside* --well okay!"

The naked angel then closes and locks the door and turns to you with a neutral expression on her face.


Y/N: "Lute, what's with tha--"

She shuts you up by tackling you on the bed and locking her lips on yours hungrily, which gave you quite a shock. Her tongue forces its way into your mouth and swirls with yours. You don't know what's gotten into her, but you quickly give in and close your eyes, holding her in your arms as you kiss her right back. Her wings spring out from her back and wrap around the two of you like a blanket.

Her hips grind on your lap and she doesn't show signs of letting up, driven by her lust. You caress the angel's lovely wings, earning moans from her while keeping each other's lips connected.

There's only one way for you to get out of this... So, you turn the tables, rolling you both over and laying her on the bed while you hover over her, separating from her lips. She pants heavily, looking up at you with a look of want in her eyes, her desire for intimacy... clear as day.

Snapping your fingers, your suit poofs off your body and winds up on a hanger on the door. Now you're just as naked as she is.

Lute: "Please... I need you."

Y/N: *nods* "I understand."

The gentle tone in your voice and the reassurance behind it... Lute felt grateful to be in this situation... for putting herself in your capable hands. She never should've doubted you and as a reward... she was getting what she always wanted... to be loved.

She brushes her legs against your own legs as you prepare to enter her womanhood, slowly and carefully, making sure she's not hurt too badly. There's pain, but she's not stopping you. And there's definitely resistance, since this has to be her first time. Adam was a fool to cuck this woman for so long.

With a little effort, you bottom out inside her, making her gasp as you've now made her yours, ending her virginity. But you wait a little longer for her to get used to your size.

Lute: "F-F-Fuck! You're... You're so big!" *strained, holding you* "Y/N... I... wanna tell you something real quick."

Y/N: "Go ahead, I'm all ears."

Lute: "I... I'm having doubts about returning to Heaven."

Y/N: "Doubts?"

Lute: "Everything I thought I had done right was a lie! I realize now that I betrayed God by going along with this senseless slaughter of sinners... not knowing who was good or bad without giving them a chance. I... I feel so horrible, but... I feel like if I go back, the other angels will look down on me, like I betrayed them!"

Y/N: "Shhh, there there. Look, as far as things are now, you're safe here. You're my guest and I'm going to keep you safe here for as long as you like. When the time comes, I will find a way to talk to the angels... and try to clean up their mess. If not... I'll try to talk to the big man himself."

Lute: *deadpanned* "Adam's not gonna budge."

Y/N: "What? NO! I mean the real big man. I'm talking... about God himself."

Lute: "WHAT?! But... But what if--"

Y/N: "I'm sure you're aware of this, but... he knows. And when the time's right, he'll let you know what he thinks. And knowing him, I'm sure he's got a plan and show some leniency."

Lute: "I hope you're right. And... thank you... for giving me this moment when nobody else in Heaven would."

Y/N: "You're welcome, Lute."

Lute: "Now... I just have one last request... make love to me."

Ask and she shall receive. The fun finally begins and your hips move at a steady pace, earning pleasurable moans from this lovely angel. Your hands grab her cute, small breasts and fondle and caress them. Despite their small size, you found them quite enjoyable.

Lute's face blushed a deep red, still making those sweet love sounds, a big smile dawned on her face from your sweet bed skills. She felt you pounding her deep and treating her body with care and love, just as she always wanted in life and death. She grabs onto your arms and thrust her hips in sync with yours.

She feels your shaft plunging deeper inside her, moving harder and faster, shaping her insides with your massive dick. It didn't matter if she was an angel and you were a sinner, she wanted more... she wanted to be fucked harder... to be loved... to be bred.

Her insides grew wetter and more slippery by the minute. The bed beneath you rocked back and forth and her breathing turned throaty. She bit her lip hard, trying not to go blank. But your cock was too powerful and hit every sweet spot within. It was a blessing you were her first and not Adam, because she'd walked in on Adam too many times over the years and, let's face it, he wasn't even decent.

At least now, she has bragging right to have gotten laid with a real man. A man with such loaded balls and a powerful meat piston and feeling it jackhammer away in her special spot. She feels you reaching into her danger zone, but she didn't care. She locked you in place, wanting it all. She won't let you go until it's all emptied out inside her.

You keep going, feeling the pressure build up down below. Your heavy breathing becomes apparent and Lute pulls you into a kiss. She knows you're cumming soon and she wants it all. You thrust with all your might, pumping it balls deep and... BOOM out it goes, gushing and flooding her womb.

Lute screams into the kiss and cums hard on your shaft and all over the bed sheets, squirting her juices like crazy. She counts a total of 11 pumps, but stops when she feels her consciousness fading and collapses under you. Your shaft pumps 4 more times for a total of 15 times altogether, leaving her completely spend... and stuffed.

With a sigh, you pull out of this unconscious, satisfied naked angel and let her sleep it off. You then get off the bed and snap your suit back up before covering Lute in the blankets. You kiss her on the cheek, earning a sigh from the sleeping beauty before she turns to the side, away from you with a big smile.

Lute: *while unconscious* "Mmmm... I love you, Y/N."

[For the time being, he's unable to impregnate angels. ]

Y/N: *warm smile* "...I love you too, Lute."

You take your leave and let her sleep it off and head back to your office to get back to work.

[A/N: And there we go. The long-awaited Lute lemon chapter. And you just scored 4 cute, sexy additional girlfriends. But we won't be stopping there, because we got another lemon chapter coming up next, so STAY TUNED!!!]

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