Part 4: At Last

Four: At Last

Hiccup Haddock, former Chief of Berk, tugged on the painter and the sail swung to suck in the frigid wind, filling and tugging the little vessel faster into the currents away from the port. Not looking back, he raised an arm to wave, leaning against the little half-seat he had built into the space by the rudder, to help him stand when his hip was hurting badly. . On the docks, Chief Dag-Erik of Berserk, his Betrothed, Alita and his cousin Kjetil all waved at the stranger, his unofficial Uncle, who had sailed up when the young unprepared Chief had needed him most. Hiccup had offered his experience and advice, not to rule but to support the young man in his first uncertain months in the role.

"I am not here to take over or tell you how to rule Berserk," he said honestly as he bowed stiffly to the Chief. "I am only here to support the son of my unofficial brother who has lost his Dad and who has found himself unexpectedly Chief of the Berserkers." He gestured to the hostile-looking men who were glaring at his lean and unimpressive shape in his slight worn leather armour with his metal leg and staff and the sword on his hip. "These men are your advisers. They have the best interests of Berserk in mind. I just have your interests in mind, Chief Dag-Erik. I have been Chief for over thirty-six years-and I can still remember how uncertain and worried I felt when I found myself Chief. And I had known my whole life I was going to be Chief."

Ignoring his advisers, Dag-Erik had surged forward and hugged Hiccup fiercely.

"Thanks, Uncle Hiccup," he sighed. "Dad always said you were the absolute best. He always knew he could rely on you..." He gulped. "He left a letter for you before he died-because Ozzie died two days before. It broke his heart and he knew he didn't have time to prepare me because he was falling ill. He guessed you would come. Thank Thor you did." Hiccup hugged him back.

"Did the ships arrive with supplies and our junior healer?" he asked and Dag nodded.

"She's helping the infirm with their recovery and ensuring basic measures are in place to ensure the plague is gone," the young Chief confirmed as Hiccup nodded, smiling.

"Jonna is a very good healer," he confirmed. "I wouldn't have sent her if she wasn't the best. Brenna feels she is already her equal-and she seems to be the only person who can read Gothi's scrawl..." The young Chief frowned. "Our old healer-from when I first became Chief. She was amazing and ancient and had the worst writing and even worse temper but her knowledge was unparalleled and no one could read her notes-until now. Jonna is a blessing." Dag draped an arm around Hiccup's shoulder, obliquely helping him make his painful way up towards the village.

"Your presence is a blessing," he said with genuine gratitude. "Now let's get you settled in and offer you our hospitality." Hiccup smiled, recalling his early encounters with the boy's father. For a while, they had been viceral foes...but they had become almost as close as brothers-and he was saddened that after all their adventures and battles, it took a plague to fell Dagur the Deranged.

"The honour is mine," Hiccup said.

Hiccup had spent the time encouraging Dag-Erik to have confidence in himself, listen to his advisers but always make his own decision-but never do something he knew was wrong. To stick to his principles and honour his treaties...and be a good man. And though the advisers had remained wary, they had come to respect his advice and the confidence he had given to their Chief.

But now he was leaving. The autumn was closing in and he didn't really want to spend the long winter on Berserk, though the invitation had been there. A small part of him wanted to see if the King of Dragons-which he now realised had been a Bewilderbeast-was still buried under the heart of Berserk...but the larger part of him reminded him that he had limited time left and he had somewhere else he wanted to be. The breeze ruffled his hair, now heavily greyed and in need of a cut and he ran a hand through it. Astrid would have been haranguing him for looking a mess and he knew he had let himself go a little-but he needed his energies to steer the ship and head back. If he didn't rest, he would make it before the worst of the weather set in.

His hand closed on the rudder and he adjusted the course slightly, glancing at the compass attached to his vambrace and smiling.

"Not long to go," he murmured.


"I'm worried about Dad." Asti's tone was firm as she stared into her elder siblings' eyes. It was dinner time and the siblings got together to eat once a week as a family. Zephyr had moved into the Chief's House and it was the most popular venue, for all three loved the memories returning to the sturdy and homely building brought back. "He's been gone too long. When is he coming back?" Zephyr glanced over to Nuffink and took a sighing breath.

"He isn't, Asti," she said in a low voice. "When he said was goodbye." The young girl shook her head, her eyes filled with shock and denial.

"No..." she breathed. "No. He has us. He has his family. He..."

"He feels he isn't needed any more-that he has nothing left," Fink told her in a heavy voice. "He's given everything to the village-but what has he got left? All his friends are gone, we're all busy with our families. Zeph has the village-and no one cares about the dragons any more. Life is busy and he feels out of step with us now."

"But he built this village!" Asti protested.

"And if Mom had been alive, he would have stayed with her," her sister told her sharply. "But he's stayed here for decades when every inch of the place reminds him of her. And now that we're grown up, that we no longer need him, he's finally been able to go and seek his peace."

"I still need him!" Asti protested. "I miss him! I want him there when I have my child..." She rested her hand, splayed, over the barely perceptible swell of her lower abdomen. "I wanted Dad to name him or see his face as he or she is born."

"Oh Asti-can't you understand that was another reason why he left?" Fink sighed. "You have no idea the agonies he suffered every time Zeph was expecting. When she went into labour, he would go to the forge and work on some strange contraption...or a sword or dagger or-or something to distract him from the images of Mom dying."

The girl stared.

"Mom died shortly after your birth, Asti," Zephyr reminded her. "Dad was with her through it all. He literally held her as she died. And he never spoke of it...but I think he wanted to leave before he could see you go through that...before he could risk losing you. As it is...he knows you are safe and happy and married to Bean..."


"I received a letter from Chief Dag-Erik of Berserk," she revealed, rising to rest a hand on her sister's shoulder. "Dad left a few weeks ago-and he knew that he wasn't going back to Berk. He said he was going home." Asti shook her off and glared at her.

"It's our fault!" she said angrily. "When we got married, we forgot he was alone. We forgot having a village isn't the same as having someone you love there for you. I should never have moved out. I mean...once you were married, Zeph, it was him and me. Fink was always travelling meaning I was his family. I left him..." She chewed her lip and her eyes shone. But Bean rose and wrapped his arms around her, forcing her to face him and lifting her chin with a gentle, calloused finger.

"He gave us his blessing," he told her. "He came to talk to me-the night before I asked you to go out with me. The night before I told you I loved you. He approved of me and knew that you loved me-and I loved you. He wanted you to be happy." She blinked, her eyes shining with tears now.

"But I wanted him to be happy with us," she whispered.

"Oh, this is nonsense," Nuffink said in exasperation. "You are the Chief of Berk and Dad is an old man with a very gimpy hip and a metal leg..."

"He's also more stubborn than the three of us combined," Zephyr commented.

"Well, we better hope that he's only as stubborn as two of us now," Fink said and glanced at Abeya. "Milady-we gotta find him. I agree with Asti-he needs to know we love him and that he's not alone..."

"I'm coming as well," Bean said quickly, earning himself a grateful kiss from his wife while Zephyr sighed.

"I wish I could-but someone has to stay and look after the village," she reminded them. "Dad entrusted me with Berk and we can't all rush off Thor knows where..." Asti nodded, understanding.

"When can we leave?" she asked, suddenly fired with purpose but Fink shook his head.

"It's already dark," he reminded her. "We can leave in the morning. I know which way we can head."


"West," he said. "To the Hidden World."


The wind was straight from Freezing-To-Death as Hiccup limped up the ramp from the harbour. The way was rutted and partially decayed but there were enough sound boards, even after the decades, to allow him to make the top of the cliff and get a close up view of the village.

Of course, much of it was wrecked and burned, courtesy of the Warlords and Grimmel, but there were still a couple of relatively intact houses, though the village had clearly been picked over by pirates and scavengers. In the end, he decided to head up for the Great Hall, stopping in shock as he stared at the moss-ravaged statue of his father. The graven contours of Stoick's stone beard were filled with moss and lichen was freckled over his face but he smiled as he reached the top of the stairs, his leg agonising. He shifted his pack, provisions and the kindling he had picked up and smiled.

"Hey Dad," he said, his voice hoarse from lack of use. "It's me. I'm home." He rubbed his hip and his hand tightened on his staff as he felt his leg waver. "They're all safe. You have three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. My daughter, Zephyr is Chief. You'd love her-she a non-nonsense, calm, very just woman and she will be a great Chief. My son Nuffink is inventive like me and he's a great traveller. My youngest, Astrid is the image of her mother and as fierce and brave...but even more compassionate and curious." Then he blinked. "But I lost Astrid, a long long time ago. And now that I've stood down as Chief, there's nothing left for me. So I came home. I came back to Berk. Real Berk. Where I was born. Where Astrid and I met and fell in love. Where I met Toothless. Where I belong."

He walked into the dim space, seeing the huge space of the Great Hall largely untouched, the Council Table intact and some trash spread on the floor. He smiled.

"This will do," he said to himself and set down his pack. "Home."


Asti and Bean helped as they were asked as the little ship grew close to the foaming mist and the faint roat of the waterfall. It had been over fifteen years since they had last travelled to the place but Fink had led them to the spot unerringly, his sure hand on the rudder giving his passengers confidence. But as they reached the shallows and dropped their anchor, the young man shook his head, his emerald eyes scanning the rocks that occasionally peeked into view through the mists.

"This makes no sense," Fink said, walking to the prow and peering harder. "He would never come here-because if he stayed, the ship could betray the location of the Hidden World."

"Maybe they sunk it?" Bean asked but Asti shook her head, peering over the side.

"It's too shallow here," she murmured. "We would see it. And what would Dad do if he came here? He's just sit on the rocks and freeze or drown or fall to his death! He couldn't get down to the Hidden World..."

"Unless Toothless took him," Fink suggested but the girl shook her head.

"No human can go to the Hidden World," she reminded him. "Dad told us all about it. How he went there with Mom and saw Toothless as the Alpha, the King of Dragons with his mate, the Light Fury-and in that moment, he knew that it was where Toothless belonged...and he didn't. He knew they had to part."

"Then where would he go?" Bean asked. "And really? They came back here?" The two Haddocks nodded.

"We've both seen them..." Fink explained. And then he turned to the rocks. "TOOTHLESS! We're looking for Dad-for Hiccup! He's not on New Berk and he's not here. There is only one place he would be now..."

"Berk," Asti realised. "Old Berk. The island where he was born and raised. Where all his most powerful and treasured memories were made. That's home."

"He's gone to Berk!" Fink yelled. "And I think he may need you."

But there was no answer and after a few long minutes, the little ship tacked away, searching the currents to head east, back to the Archipelago and the island of Hiccup's birth. But as they were almost out of sight, a black head popped up from amid the mist, sniffing and recognising the scents. Toothless understood the words and his green eyes searched the skies. Once it was dark, he would leave and head for the island that had been his home so many years earlier. If his friend's hatchlings were worried, then Toothless needed to make sure his friend was safe.


The jagged shape of the island was unfamiliar-though Nuffink had sailed to Old Berk before...because it was part of his heritage and he wanted to see it with his own eyes. So he was unsurprised at the massive carven stone Harbour Guards or the ramp leading up to the cliff-top village. And the wreckage wasn't a surprise to either Haddock because they had heard the tales of Grimmel and his attack. But it meant there was a lot of wreckage to search. However, the fact there was a small and familiar boat moored securely at the docks gave them hope that they were at least in the right place.

The village was eerily quiet, a few birds flapping around as the only sounds. Grass had reclaimed the Plaza and most of the fallen houses had rotted or been plundered, leaving half-decayed wreckage only. The wind was bitter and a flurry of icy rain began to soak the travellers as they looked up and saw, above the village, a huge statue carved into the side of the mountain.

"Chief Stoick the Vast. Our grandfather," Asti explained as she headed off up the village, seeing a pair of huge doors partly closed and a light flickering within the space beyond. "Look, Fink..."

"I see it," he murmured and the three began to walk briskly up the steep slope, seeing the long flight of stars to the doors. Fink was panting as they neared the top.

"Thor, I'm amazed he could get up here with his hip," Bean murmured as Asti forged ahead, reaching the doorway and peering inside. Her blue eyes scanned the space and she saw a slumped shape on a simple cot, close by a small fire.

"He's here!"


Hiccup had taken to talking to his father during his daily routine. He had struggled to bring all his provisions up from the boat and plenty of water but soon after he arrived, the first bitter storms hit and he was confined to the Great Hall. And though it was grimy and the portraits of the previous Chiefs and their Heirs now hung in the Hall of New Berk, it still felt like home. But he had needed to ration his food and the kindling and the cold he had picked up in Berserk had gone to his chest. Coughing and hacking, he had hunkered down by the fire, writing in his journal and chatting to Stoick and Astrid, who was appearing to him more and more with the passage of time.

Wrapped in his Chief's bear fur cloak, which Zeph had insisted he brought with him and curled by hs meagre fire, he was shivering as his fever climbed when he heard a noise. There was the sound of people at the door and he looked up, wondering vaguely where he had put his sword. Not that he could fight off pirates or plunderers but he wouldn't go down without a fight.

"I'm a Chief, you know," he rasped. "The last Chief of Berk."

Of course you are, Astrid said, her voice amused. But you don't need to worry. There is no danger...

He blinked. His eyesight had been fading, the light hurting his eyes and breathing was a real chore. But framed by the light, a familiar shape entered, the blonde hair braided over the left shoulder achingly familiar, the concerned blue eyes bright with worry.

"Astrid?" he murmured. The shape stiffened.



I'm here, Babe, she said, her face coming into view. He gave a smile, a genuine expression of relief and joy,

"I've..been waiting so long..." he breathed. "It's been so hard. I've missed you every day. Every breath without you has been a chore."

I know, my love.

"Dad? Odin-he's really sick. Bean-have you go the medicine pouch Jonna gave us?"

"They're all safe," he breathed. "And I loved her. I love her. Enough for both of us. She's got her own husband now. They didn't need me anymore. No one needs me anymore."

"We all need you, Dad. Please come stay with us..."

I'm sorry you had to wait so long, Babe. I fought as hard as I could. And you were the best father you could possibly be. I love you, Hiccup. You don't have to wait any more.

"My Valkyrie-you came for me?"

Who else? I know you have been waiting so long. But I'm not leaving you ever again, my brave Hiccup.

"He's not making any sense, Asti. I don't think he even sees us."

"Please, Dad-stay with us. We've come for you. You are so much loved and wanted..."

"There should always be a Hiccup and Astrid. Whatever it means..."

Whatever you want to to mean. It's okay, Babe.

"I just wish...I could have seen my bud once more..."

"Oh my Thor..."

Hiccup's eyes widened a little and he lifted his head an inch as a black shape appeared behind the blonde woman bending over him. There was a small croon as his hand shakily extended-to meet the warm, smooth scales of the dragon's face. Toothless warbled in joy as Hiccup's ashen face moved into a smile.

"Hey, bud," he said in a whisper. "I last time. You happy?" There was another warble. "Wanted to say...thanks for everything. You helped me to be...Hiccup. To be the best person I could be. And I've missed you so much..." He smiled. "Thanks for making an old man's wish come true."

You ready, Babe?

"Never moreso," he sighed, taking her hand. "I love you, Milady."

And his eyes closed. Slowly, his hand fell from its position against Toothless's snout.

The Night Fury's roar echoed through the Great Hall and caused every bird in Berk to take flight. Asti flung herself against her father, hands desperately seeking a pulse, any sign of breathing. But Hiccup was smiling, his hand still extended as his son and son-in-law also wept. And inconsolable, Toothless roared over and over at the loss of his human brother while his family mourned the last Chief of Old Berk.


Once the storm had passed, the little ship was hastily prepared and loaded with timber from the village for a pyre while Hiccup was swathed in his Chief's cloak, his sword laid across his chest and a handful of Toothless's scales grasped in his cold hand. They were the scales he had kept ever since the last trip to the Hidden World and treasured across the years since. Toothless remained with the three mourners, helping them ferry the former Chief's possessions down to Nuffink's sleek ship and carry Hiccup to his final resting place. Asti had kissed him and placed a little braid in his hair and his son and son-in-law had hugged him one last time.

Standing on the docks, the three had stared as the ship receded, flaming arrows in their hands. Nuffink looked over to his sister and nodded.

"You say the words, Asti," he said, his throat thick with grief. "He would have wanted you to." She sighed.

"What did he mean-there will always be a Hiccup and Astrid?" she asked. Fink sighed.

"It was something he said to Mom, just before they started dating-when she briefly lost her sight," he explained. "And I think that was what sustained him through all those years. And you." She nodded, finally understanding.

"Hiccup and Astrid-father and daughter," she sighed and lifted her chin. "I'm ready."

So flanked by her brother and husband, Astrid Haddock spoke at the funeral of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, the last Dragon Rider and last Chief of Old Berk. Her voice rang across the sullen sea of the harbour as the ship spun slightly.

"May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen: A warrior. A chieftain. A Dragon Rider. A father. A husband. A friend."

She fired the first arrow, the other two flying a heartbeat later and igniting the pyre. Finally, there was the leathery flap of wings and a great black shape circled round, giving a last mournful roar of desolation and grief before Toothless fired, the purple plasma bolt igniting the whole ship. Circling once more, the Night Fury soared up into the air and was seen no more.

Finally, the ship vanished from view and Fink looked over at his sister and brother-in-law.

"Let's go home," he said.


The furor of childbirth had calmed and the lusty scream of strong lungs filled the air as the newborn baby was swaddled in a soft woollen towel and handed to his mother. Asti's golden hair was sticking to her exhausted face in sweaty strands but the healers were satisfied that all was well. The boy was smaller than average size but vigorous and his tuft of hair had a definite copper tinge. Big eyes stared up at Asti as she offered him a finger and he gave a couple of sucks before losing interest, instead fixating on her beautiful face, her eyes filled with love and pride.

"Hello baby," she sighed. "How are you?

"Aren't you clever?" Bean asked her gently, his face filled with pride.

"Aren't we clever?" she corrected him, tenderly kissing the baby's soft forehead. "A boy." Bean looked down on his wife and their child, knowing that she had hoped for a son ever since that cold and devastating day on old Berk, six months earlier. And yet, through all the grief, Bean Thorston had noted that...Hiccup had looked at peace, finally reunited with his beloved wife and with his dragon. After a long and active life, the Chief had earned his reward-no matter how hard it was for those left behind. Asti had been devastated but she had rallied with the help of her family and the promise of the new life growing within her. And though she had been nervous when the labour started, a peace had fallen over her as events progressed and in the end, it had been easy. Bean smiled at her, ghosting a kiss on the top of her head.

"Your sister and the village are all waiting on tenterhooks for the name," he said quietly. "What should I tell them?"

Asti smiled, recalling one of her father's last intelligible sentences.

There will always be a Hiccup and Astrid.

"Tell them...his name is Hiccup."

The End.

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