Chapter 2

Last Time we saw Ichiro he was explaining what happened in his young years growing up. Now, lets see what's happened during his teenage years

Ichiro Sasaki: Goku's longest descendant

The UA Arc

Ichiro was 15 at the time when he was getting ready to attend UA High for the first time. He wanted to try and find his hidden powers that he trained to obtain

Ichiro: getting ready to go to UA I can't believe it..first day of UA High..I hope I can find my hidden powers, mom. He smiles warmly as he looks to a picture of Hanako he has in a picture fram along with the picture of her and Goku Wish you both were here. He walks out of the house

As Ichiro makes his way to UA, he bumps into someone he's never met before. This kid has dark green hair and seems to be excited about making it to UA

Ichiro: Oh uh..hello!

Izuku Midoriya: He turns around and looks at Ichiro  Hello! Are you on your way to UA as well? It's always cool meeting someone else who is attending! He smiles warmly

Ichiro: Oh uh yeah! I never did go through anything to really get in tho..I heard that's how I get in. is it like an initation test?

Izuku: Yeah! we already went through those tho but Im sure they will have you do something to see if u can go in still! What's your name by the way? My name is Izuku Midoriya! Some people call me Deku if you find that easier!

Ichiro: My Name is Ichiro Sasaki! It's nice to meet you! He waves kinda like how goku used to as he smiles

Izuku and Ichiro began walking to UA together as they got to know eachother a bit more. Ichiro never really had any friends currently and talking to Izuku made him feel comfortable and they soon became friends as they made their way to the front gates of UA

Ichiro: So this is UA huh? Never thought I would be standing here.. I'm sure my mom would be proud to see that I've found my way here.

Izuku: I'm sure she would be. So you really lost your whole family to a Villain?

Ichiro: Yeah..

Izuku: Dang..well, I know that they are all looking down at you, watching how you grow and i know for a fact that they are proud of you He places his hand on Ichiro's shoulder, giving him a warm smile

Ichiro: Thanks. I hope they are. he begins to walk into UA High as he looks around

Izuku begins to follow as the boys look around in awe. They can't believe their eyes.

Ichiro and Izuku: Whoooaaa....

A small mouse begins to walk towards the boys

Principle Nezu: Good Morning young Students. Midoriya, you are in class 1-A. 

Izuku: well hopefully cya later Ichiro! He runs off to the class

Nezu: As for you, please introduce yourself.

Ichiro: Oh uhh..ok. My name is Ichiro Sasaki, I am the longest descendant of Son Goku. Its a pleasure to meet you. I've always dreamed about attending but never got a chance to joing ig the initiation test.

Nezu: he looks at Ichiro and smiles warmly Well, I can most certianly have you take it now! Just follow me! He begins to walk out the school and towards the city they build for the students and upcoming students

Ichiro: He follows, watching all the other students passing by

The two then make it to a large gate as it opens and Ichiro is met with an amazing replica city

Ichiro: Whoa...

Nezu: Impressive huh?

Ichiro: Yeah.. so what exactly do I do? 

Nezu: Just go in here and demonstrate the quirk/quirks you possess. He walks out as the gate closes behind Ichiro

Ichiro: uhh..ok. I guess I'll gives this a shot..hmm.. He begins to try and power up his energy.


Ichiro begins to build up power as a clear aura flows around him, and it suddenly turns red. he continues to charge more as he remembers seeing Goku do something like this

Ichiro: KAI-..K-..KAIO-........KAIOKEEEEENNN!!!

Ichiro Begins to glow red as he begins to use the Kaioken technique, something Goku only learned by training with King Kai, yet here he was, using it almost flawlessly.

Ichiro: Looks at his body and the red glow whoa...the kaioken technique..I can't believe I actually managed to pull this off.. I guess my training did pay off..but what about this..?He sees two robots begin to approach him Perfect..

Ichiro extends his arms out and draws them to his side, squatting down a bit


A blue beam of light begins to form in his hands as a blue energy ball charges up


As Ichiro thrusts his arms forward, the blue ball turns into a blue energy beam as it launches from his hands towards the robots, destroying them instantly on impact

After the beam disappears from his hands, he begins to breathe heavily as the kaioken technique deplenishes, and he reverts back to his normal base form

Ichiro: That..was...awesome He falls to the floor as he smiles and puts a thumbs up towards the air I did it..Mom..Goku..I..found some of my power!

Nezu: he walks to Ichiro, with a smile on his face what an extraordinary display of power. I think you will make a fine student in UA. Do you except the invitation?

Ichiro: OMG YES! He shoots up with joy as he begins to fly as well Whoa I can fly too? how many powers do i have..?

Nezu: Well this is rare..multiple powers at once? will make a great student in Class 1-A!

Ichiro begins to descend down to the floor as he smiles. Him and Nezu later walk back into the school, Ichiro in the UA Uniform as he begins to make his way around the school and into class 1-A. A smile on his face as well as he makes it to the classroom. Next time, we will see what goes on during Ichiro's first week in UA! Cya Later!


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