I was ashamed of myself for falling weak to temptation again, but after the way I had my ass kicked tonight, a cigarette was exactly what I needed! I let out a calm sigh and stepped into the alleyway out back...all of a sudden, a very strange feeling came over me, it was one I couldn't describe, but maybe the hairs standing up on the back of my neck could. I looked around the dark deserted alleyway, with every instinct telling me to go back inside, and me ignoring them in my desire to feed my bad habit. I was just about to raise the cigarette to my lips, when a large hand cupped over my mouth and the voice said ''Don't scream''

The blood drained from my face as I immediately recognized the unmistakable voice of Seth Rollins...



DAY ONE. What do I do now? I'm out and I have nothing. And I deserved every bit of that nothing.

Two and a half years served in a maximum security prison changes a guy, even a guy like me, The Architect. The second I stepped foot inside that place, I found out real quick that I wasn't so tough. That my muscles and pretty boy looks only got me unwanted attention. The horror stories you heard about prison are all true, and the monsters inside were all real. was where I deserved to be for what I did to so many innocent women, and for what I did to Faith. You may not believe it but prison changed me, and I'm not talking about the endless fights, the beatings, or the abuse (and that's just from the guards!) No, I'm talking about the real killer in prison...time .Time between yourself and your thoughts, where it forces you to review every nasty, selfish, disgusting and evil act you've ever committed, and I had committed a lot of them, on a lot of innocent women during my time at WWE. Thinking back about it now it killed me, it absolutely killed me.

I wasn't going to lie though, I knew why I did it, but there was still no excuse.

You see, as a young boy growing up, I started to develop an obsession with the opposite of sex. My earliest childhood memory came from when I was in Junior High, when I would constantly tease the quiet red haired girl who sat next to me during homeroom. She never complained, I guess because I was the only one who ever really paid her any attention. Then one day after school by the water fountain, a sudden urge just came over me to see her...all of her. I know I was only a kid, but I just had to know what the female body was like. I remember sneaking up behind her and pulling up her skirt, followed by pulling down her knickers. She immediately screamed and slapped my face before running away, but I never once forgot that image, that beautiful sweet image of her cherry pink soft lips, covered by a sheet of strawberry red hair tucked neatly between her slender legs. It made my eyes pop out of its socket, and my body shiver with delight! She never reported me though, she just sat as far away from me in class as humanly possible. And it was later that very same night in fact, that I had my first ever wet dream. I guess as a young boy growing up you try and get with any and every girl you can, I mean it's what us guy's do right? But with me it was different, I seemed to be growing up way too fast for my own good, with my curiosity growing even faster. But it was only when I reached High School that I realized just how good it can really get. I still kinda wished that my parents had sent me to an all-boys school instead, at least that way I would have seen the term out with better grades, because in a mixed school, there were way too many distractions for me to concentrate on grades and stuff.

I was a descent looking boy growing up (still am, ha ha), so I got quite a bit of female attention, and it was around about then that I started to learn just how the opposite of sex really worked. And the more I learned, the more I realized what I could get...and get away with.

I remember my first time like it was yesterday, and it was amazing! I can't at all remember her name, but she was a pretty dark haired girl who was sweet, and cared for me very much. I guess you could say she was my girlfriend at the time. It was also the first and only time in my life that I ever really 'made love' to a girl. I remember being nervous and excited all at the same time, so I took it slow with her and let myself enjoy the moment. But after that night I was hooked! The feeling of being inside a woman like that made me hunger for more...much more! She ended things with me shortly after, when she caught me cheating on her with her best friend and sister, but I wasn't too cut up about it, neither was her best friend...or sister, ha ha.

Hey, don't look at me like that! If you were in my position you would have done the same thing.

So anyway, after that I became a man obsessed! I ended up having so many sexual encounters in high school it was crazy! It was also some of the best times of my life. I had enough girls to satisfy my cravings ten times over, so I never really saw it as a problem back then. I always sought to have at least three to four girlfriends at a time, and for me that was just comfortable living. It was also during high school that I also developed another obsession too...Pro Wrestling.

I took wrestling in Phys Ed, the only class I ever really got good grades from, and the adrenaline I got from it blew my mind! I found I was pretty good at it too, picking up guys twice my size and body slamming them into the mat like it was nothing! I was having a great, time and I knew I'd finally found my calling in life. I remember every day after school, I would rush home and watch the WWF up in my room like the crazed obsessed fan I was. I loved everything about it, from the amazing matches, to the in-ring ability and buff bodies all the guys had, not to mention of course all the fame and fortune that came along with it. The best of course was the girls! I mean, wouldn't want a lifestyle like that?!

After leaving high school with all the bad grades I got from not concentrating, I knew I was destined to become nothing in life but a bum. I wouldn't be remembered for anything except that ''cute guy'' all the girls had slept with. I always had this horrible image in my head of going to my high school reunion, and all the pretty girls I'd slept with would be waiting in anticipation to see me again....only when I walk in, they would all quickly turn their heads in shame pretending they don't know me, because I would have nothing but a pot belly, a balding head, and a name tag from MacDonald's that read 'Employee of the month'.

Hell no! No way! Not gonna happen.

My parents weren't too thrilled about my grades either, arguing with me that if things didn't change, and if I didn't re-sit my exams, that they weren't gonna pay for my college education anymore. So, we came to an agreement: if they gave me half of my college fund, I would give them all the space they needed.

A week later, I had move out of my parent's home, and was sleeping on couch after couch at different friend's houses. I desperately wanted to try my hand at this pro wrestling thing, but I didn't have a clue how to start. I remember asking one of my buddies Curt Hawkins about it, and he said he knew a guy. That guy was Evan Bourne, and it all started from there I guess. 'Till this day, one of the best things I ever did in my sorry lifetime was use that money my parents gave me, and put it towards funding my wrestling career. I had a lot of doors slam shut in my face, but the ones that stayed open, I never let close again. I used my growing strength, and knowledge of the business to start kicking down those unopened doors, until eventually I got a break. The break I needed was FCW. And it was there that I met my future brothers of The Shield...Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

Two years later, The Shield was formed.

WWE was a game changer in many ways, and I mean many ways. It was the big leagues, the mother of all things pro wrestling, and I had made it, all on my own. Suddenly all those people that had slammed their doors in my face, all the teachers with their bad grades, even my parents to a degree, they all now wanted a piece of me, pft suck ups.

They couldn't teach me now, what I didn't already know, and that that I was a wrestler at heart, and a bad boy at every opportunity. And soon...the whole world would want a piece of Seth Freakin' Rollins!

I had made it! And for the first time in my life, I had something real solid to be proud of.

My first day on the job at WWE set the foundation of things to come, because it was the first time I met The Divas division...OH MY GOD! As you can imagine, my obsession from high school which I'd put on the back burner because I'd been working so hard trying to get my wrestling career on the road, suddenly came flooding back stronger and harder than ever before! I remember actually having to slyly pull my tee-shirt down when my brothers and I were introduced to them all, because I instantly felt myself growing hard over how sexy they all looked, and felt a little embarrassed as it was only my first day.

Still, I knew I would be sleeping with at least four of them by the end of the week.

Then...something else happened. Something I'm not used to. The big guy and my brother, Roman Reigns, he seemed to be getting all the attention, the attention I was so used to getting all my life, and it bothered me big time. I didn't mean to, nor did I want to, but I secretly had a jealous hate for him from all the way back then. I watched as girl, after girl, after girl, after girl all tried their luck with Roman. And as much as I hate to admit it, he was actually a pretty decent guy. He would indulge them in a little flirtation for about a second or two-more out of politeness than anything else-but never once did I ever see him take any of the girls home. I questioned him about it one day, and he said he was looking for that someone special, and that he would know the moment he found her. Much to the disappointment of my bruised ego that these were all Romans rejects, the girls had nowhere else to turn but the next best My ego wasn't bruised for long though, as once again I had pussy 24 hours a day, whenever I wanted, however I wanted, and boy did it feel good, real good!

My obsession however began to take on a mind of its own, as I became more 'experimental' with my sexcapades. One girl however, was more than willing to let me experiment on her. And that was none other than Eva Marie. I liked Eva, her flame red hair kinda reminded me of that little girl I used to tease back in junior high.

Eva was wild and kinky, and she would let me fuck her in any such position that pleased me, my favorite being tying her face down to bed, and anal fucking her for hours on end.

Oh stop judging me! It was a fantasy alright, jeez!

She never complained once throughout, but I kinda got the feeling that she wasn't too thrilled by the end of it. I didn't care at that point, and why should I? Because once you've fucked like that, you know that's the way it's going to be every time. I also realized that I possessed the gift of persuasion too, that I could get women to do the most outlandish sexual acts you could ever imagine! I even got one girl to play dead while I fucked her on the floor, with her friend watching us both, eager to be next. My obsession was growing like a Wall Street empire, and showing no signs of slowing down.

In between all of this though, I knew something about me wasn't right. Why wasn't one girl ever enough? Why couldn't I just settle down with one girlfriend, and fall in love? But I couldn't, I really couldn't. My mind, and my member just wanted more...more....more....more!

I realized I had a problem, a really bad problem, one that I predicted would one day get me in serious trouble. But as we know, I all ignored the warning signs and decided to have fun instead.

Every new Diva that came into the WWE, I managed to fuck in a week or less-except for Paige. Paige was exactly my type of girl, sexy, long dark hair, and pretty as hell. But she was no rookie, she shunned all my advances, and started dating Dean instead. I always resented him for that.

Then Summer Rae came along, and I felt like I had met the female version of myself. She was wild, and crazy, and had a sexual drive like no other girl I had ever experienced!

She was also just a fan.

A hungry fan that would do anything, and I mean anything to get into the WWE. She had told me that she once trained briefly at OVW studios (formerly known as FCW), but that she didn't get very far. She also didn't hesitate in asking me if I had any connections that could help her get in the business somehow. I asked her what would be in it for me? And It didn't take long for her to show me, after invitign her to my hotel room after one of our Live shows, where she fucked me three ways from Sunday just the way I liked it. Then, just when I was worn out and couldn't take anymore, she fucked me again, and again and again. That was the kind of girl I needed in my life, a girl with stamina. A girl that could feed my addiction and keep the devil at bay. I wasn't really into blondes, but a pussy is a pussy no matter what form it's in.

I also felt like I could trust Summer with anything, like I could tell her all my dark secrets and she would still like me anyway, and she did. A month later, Summer had signed a contract with the WWE. She only did 6 months worth of shows down at NXT, before she was granted the favor I requested with Hunter to have her moved up to RAW as its newest Diva. She of course thanked me in the only way she knew how.

Things were going great between Summer and I, and she had no problem keeping us a secret while I continued to sleep with other women. If I could've had romantic feelings for anyone, Summer Rae would've been perfect.

One night however, I made the mistake in confiding in Summer about something I never told anyone before. It was around the time that The Shield had just formed, Christmas to be exact, and I had flown down to Ohio to visit some of my old wrestling buddies at FCW/OVW. I never went home for the holidays anymore, as my parents never seemed to be proud of my career choice – although it was never a problem when they received their lavish and expensive gifts in the mail. Anyway, it was also the night I had my hair dyed that half blonde color for the debut of The Shield, ready for Monday night Raw the following week.

I was absolutely steaming drunk, and a little blue when I dropped each of my friends off at their homes, so they could be with their families for the holidays.

So there I was, driving through the streets of Ohio late at night, drunk, alone, and no one to love me. I ended up cruising past a tall office building that looked to be having their own little Christmas party up on the roof or something, because the music was blaring like crazy. Even through my drunken haze, I remember my mind and body suddenly becoming alert, the second my eyes landed on a beautiful dark haired girl in a slinky tight red dress, leaning against the wall about to light her cigarette. I slowed the car down and looked over her...she was so damn beautiful it almost took my breath away! I remember quickly glancing up and down the street, noticing there was absolutely no one around but us...

I don't know what came over me, but all of a sudden it was like I had an out of body experience, and I watched myself do the most unholy thing I had ever done in my entire life! As I quietly parked my car, got out, and snuck round the side of the building where the girl in the red dress was stood. I remember slowly coming up behind her, and before I knew it, I was covering her mouth so she wouldn't scream! Then like the sick fuck I was, I dragged her about half a block to a quiet little alleyway so no one could hear us. I knew what I was doing was oh so wrong, but the excitement and the adrenaline that was coursing through my veins at that very moment, just made me want to do it all the more.

I felt myself getting harder and harder every step of the way, as my sick thoughts began to manifest vividly in my mind! When I was sure we were out of view of anyone, I pushed her to the ground and climbed on top of her. I couldn't risk her identifying me, so I pulled on the silly mask I had in my pocket from the party the boys and I were having earlier, before holding her down and doing what I needed to do.

After I finished, I became panicked! What the hell have I done?! Not wanting to stick around and find out, I immediately fled the scene. I then remembered I'd left all my evidence over her red dress when I came , so I turned back and quickly yanked it off of her. The wave of guilt I felt as I stood looking down at the bruised and bloody mess I'd left her in, was quickly dismissed the second I heard the sounds of sirens in the distance. I immediately hot tailed it out of there and never looked back!

Yeah on this occasion your right, I'm a sick asshole.

I remember Summer looking at me with the most horrified expression her face when I told her!

That look worried me...

It was a look that said she was no longer on my side anymore...and I needed to do something about that. I ended up threatening Summer to keep her quiet, telling her she would be next, or maybe even worse if she told anyone what I'd done. Summer on the other hand was just so grateful to have her WWE career, that she never uttered word. After that though, I changed my behavior towards her, I was more rough and forceful in our sexcapades, and Summer, bless her heart, took every last bit of it.

Still 'till this day I don't understand why she did, because if I was her, I would have thrown me to the wolves from DAY ONE.

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