Johnny's POV:
"And next up, one of the most anticipated performances of the night. Please welcome Rookie of the year award recipient, Min (Y/n)!" I stood up from my seat, clapping my hands, cheering her name as the intro started to play. I had taken a glance of her earlier, she was.... absolutely stunning.
We hadn't walked the carpet together, SM wanted to keep things 'quiet' for a while before they announced it and wanted me on my best behavior tonight; they wanted us to have no contact. Wanted me to act as if she wasn't mine, but I couldn't do that. I loved her, and I wanted everyone to know that.
"THAT'S MY GIRL!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, my members getting a kick out of my actions as I continued to clap, and cheer for my girlfriend. Heights weren't her favorite thing in the world, and they had kept this whole thing a secret from her until earlier today when it was her time to practice for her stage.
"THAT'S MY BESTIE!" Jaehyun joined me as we stood there, singing along with her, trying to have a good time. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she was truly something special... How did I get so lucky? Then her body dropped a couple of feet but steadied itself as it continued to go down. Ahh probably just a knot in the line that unraveled itself, she'll be fine.
"Hyung, did you see that?" Haechan asked, and I nodded my head.
"They get trained professionals to do those things, I'm sure she's fine," I reassured the younger male, as Jaehyun and I started to sing along with the song again. The crowd was going nuts, other groups were either dancing or singing along, she had grown quite popular for the short amount of time she's been an idol.
Then as if it was nothing, her body was falling through the air, the cheers turned to screams; the lights in the building were quickly turning off and all of the producers and directors were yelling at the staff to turn the cameras off. My mind wasn't quite comprehending what was happening, I just stood there with my mouth open as I watched the love of my life, fall from 20 feet in the air at a high rate of speed towards the concrete floor.
I couldn't control what was happening, but I started to run towards her; I ran as fast as my legs would go to try to reach her before it was too late. Jaehyun right behind me, trying to stop me from getting to her... from seeing her...
The house lights cut off.
"Everyone please remain in your seats, all fans are being escorted right now, managers need to get their respective groups and head to their dressing rooms," A females voice rang through the building, whispering and crying filled the room.
"Where the fuck is she?! Let me see my fucking sister!" Yoongi....
Yoongi's POV:
My sister... my little butterfly, I couldn't be prouder of her. She won Rookie of the year, just like her brother did back in the day. "Hyung she's beautiful," Hoseok spoke out, gaining the attention of the other members, as the lady introduced the next act, my sister.
"She really does learn from the best," Jin said cockily as he fixed his hair, gaining a slap from Jungkook, his windshield laugh ensued after. "But Hoseok is right, she's beautiful Yoongi, you should be proud," Jin patted my shoulder as I nodded my head.
I hummed, "I am, VERY proud of her," I crossed my arms over my chest, putting my attention back on the stage watching as my sister descended from the rafters of the building. I could see it, she was nervous; Even though she is trying to hide it, I can see right through her.
"THAT'S MY GIRL!" Johnny's voice rang out through the crowd, I looked over to see Jungkook with a scowl plastered onto his face; I slapped the back of his head gaining his attention.
"She's happy Jungkook, you should be happy for her," The boy smiled at me softly, nodding his head slightly before responding.
"I am Yoongi Hyung, but nothing stops me from wanting to protect her and thinking of what could have been," He smiled sadly at me before putting his attention back onto my sister. After Johnny and (Y/n) had gotten together, Jungkook changed. He was never bright and bubbly anymore, he hardly played over watch with the boys, he was always working and never taking care of himself....
All of the clothes that he let her borrow at some point, he never wore again, which was mostly his hoodies. I felt bad, I never wanted them to get together; I didn't want one of my members to date my little sister. I never wanted that; I never wanted the drama that could come from it. But whenever Jungkook and my sister would be together, that's when he was his happiest. He had never been that way with a girl before, and I had ruined it.
"Hyung! She dropped a couple of feet!" Jimin yelled over to Namjoon, which had gained my attention, looking back over to my sister who was now sweating profusely.
"I don't feel good about this, it shouldn't have done that." Namjoon whispered, just loud enough for all of us to hear at the table. I didn't want to admit it, but I felt like I was going to throw up at any given moment.
"(Y/N)!" Jungkook screamed, we all watched as she started to fall through the air. The lights started to turn off, people were screaming at the top of their lungs, I was confused.
I shot up from my chair as the final lights had turned off, "Everyone please remain in your seats, all fans are being escorted right now, managers need to get their respective groups and head to their dressing rooms,"
Where is she? Where is my fucking sister? Why isn't anyone doing anything to help her?! She needs me, she has no one else. Security came up to me, trying to show me back to my table as I had tried to go and find my beloved butterfly.
"Where the fuck is she?! Let me see my fucking sister!" I cried out as tears started to stream down my face, my knees giving out as I hit the floor, my fists hitting the ground a couple of times in anger, confusion, sadness.
"Hyung! Please!" Jungkook pleaded as he took me into his embrace, he was also crying as he tried to get me to stand up.
"Noona! Noona!"
Minghao's POV:
"Noona is so pretty," Dino gushed as he put his head into his palm, looking around at all of us, Jeonghan laughing at the younger male. "Right Vernon?" Dino asked the elder male that sat next to him, who was in his own wonderland until Dino poked his side.
"Oh uh, yeah totally," Vernon said a little flustered, a slight tint of pink rose to his cheeks, giving the others an opportunity to pick on him as much as they could. I smiled at all of the members before putting my attention towards the stage as her music began to play, and her soothing voice rang through the speakers.
She was beautiful, talented, well rounded, levelheaded, she tended to face her fears, and she was always there for us. She had become our home and we became hers, in such little of a time. She gave us so much strength and encouragement, even though she was tired or going through a tough time she always seemed to have time for us.
To say that she was loved was an understatement, and everyone in the industry knew how close we had become. Carats had grown to love her and accept her as our own, like she was the missing 14th member.
She is Home.
Someone stood up quickly beside me, I looked over to see Seung Cheol nervous as he watched over (Y/n), "Hyung what's wrong?" I asked as I stood up beside him, trying to find out what he was looking at so worriedly.
"She dropped a couple of feet; I don't think that's nor-" And it was like he had summoned it.... she was falling, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to think. But one thing though, it was like my heart had fallen to the pit of my stomach hard, I was sick and dizzy.
My hearing cut out, everything went into slow motion as if it were to torture me, as I watched my unofficial older sister fall to her seemingly death. My stomach started to turn into nots as tears started to stream down my face, all of the lights in the building started to turn off; the ones that happened to be on her were the ones to cut off last...
Leaving me watch her fall, until they cut the lights off right as she was about to hit the floor. "Everyone please remain in your seats, all fans are being escorted right now, managers need to get their respective groups and head to their dressing rooms,".
My hands were trembling, my legs weren't moving as I just stood there in horror does not know what to do. "N-Noona," I cried out softly as I started to sob, leaning against the back of the chair for support.
"Noona! Noona!" I screamed out, with all the strength I could, all of my emotion going into that word as my body collapsed to the floor. It shaking profusely as the event continued to replay in my mind, just seeing her fall over and over again...
What are we going to do?
What is Vernon going to do?
What am I going to do?
Updated: Jan 3, 2023
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