Chapter 4
Nolean cried through the whole afternoon it didn't help she had a injury on her head. She sniffle as she finally went down stairs to see Elena, Jeremy and Tyler.
"Nolean you okay?" Tyler ask as he was about to leave. "No I think I'm dehydrated from all the crying." They all felt pity for the girl. She trotted in the kitchen sadly to see Bonnie. Bonnie got up and pull her into a hug as Nolean accepted it.
"It okay Nolean everything will be alright they caught the animal so no more people will get hurt." Nolean back away nodding at her as she made herself some Eggo waffles. Bonnie sat on the table as Elena washing her hands
"Delicate flower VS naughty vixen." Bonnie held up two perfumes
"Tough call can we mix them?"
"Look at you getting all pretty for your date. You seem happyish."
"I am. Tonight gonna be a good night but don't let that stop you from telling me what you wanted to tell me as soon as you walk in the door"
"What if I tell you in the morning I don't want to runied the night."
Nolean chew on her waffle as her frown flip upside down.
"Okay but it has to go in the vault because Caroline would kill me if a peep goes back to Damon."
"Apparently Stefan has a interesting back story. Do you know what happen to his ex girlfriend?"
"I know they both dated her and that why they have issues.
"Yeah only she chose Damon and that drove Stefan mad so he did horrible things to try to break them up. He manipulated Katherine and filled her head with all these lies until finally it work."
"That sounds one side of the person story meaning Damon."
"I just wanted you to know... Nolean do you have a date?"
She srunch her eyebrows "With this waffle here and my bed si."
"Did you forget what day it is?"
"I cry myself to sleep day?"
"No it the Founder Day."
"Can we then cry later?" Elena and Bonnie shook there head at Nolean as she sigh.
She enter by herself greeting the Lockwoods family and wandered around trying to distract myself. She found herself infront of the heirlooms of her father and mother rings. Her heart twinge thinking of how they took the rings out of her lifeless parents. Elena pulled her close seeing she was sulking as Caroline and Damon walk in.
"Wow look at the Original guest entry. Look at all the familiar names like Sherrif William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood,... Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvator?"
"The original Salvator brothers. Our ancestors tragic story actually."
"We don't need to bore them of story from the past."
"It not boring Stefan I would love to hear more about your family."
"Nolean why so silent?" She pick up her head at Damon. Damon saw her puffy eyes, and her lips quivering.
"I-" Caroline cut her off "She always crying anyways I want to dance but Damon wont dance with me." She pouted as she look at them. "Elena can I steal your boyfriend?"
"No I can't dance-"
"Sure he can, he do it all the waltz, moonwalk, jitterbug he does it all."
"Well I'm not taking no for a answer." Caroline drag Stefan away as the Gilbert sister stood next to each other.
"I want to apologize to you for being a world class jerk the other night when I try to kiss you. My therapist says I'm acting out... Trying to punish Stefan." Nolean took her sister hand in her as Elena look at her worriedly.
Nolean look Damon in his eyes. She let go of Elena hand taking a couple of steps till she stood infront of Damon. She put her hand up showing Damon and gently place her hand on his heart.
Damon and Elena starred at the girl confused and awe.
"Continue..." She spoke quietly. She felt Damon heart pound at his chest. "You want to see if I'm lying." He look down at the her as she barley reach his chest.
"No I want to trust you Damon." She gave him a soft stare. "So continue..."
"Why do you want to punish Stefan?" Elena look at Damon
"It all in the past. I don't want to bring it up. Let just say in the Salvator family the men in the family have been cursed with sibling rivalry and it all started with the first. Nolean felt his heart beating regulary he was telling the truth.
"The Salvatore was practically royalty-"
"Until the war--" Nolean finish off "Well arn't you the little reader." She turned her face blushing but kept talking.
"Confederates fired on the church with innconent civilians inside."
"What history left out was people who were killed weren't kill accidentally they were to belive to be union sympathizers. So some of the founders wanted to round them up and burn them alive." Nolean drop her hand shock.
"Stefan and Damon had someone they love that burn in that church and when they went to rescue them they were shot. Murdered in cold blood."
"Who was in that church that they wanted to save?" Elena look at Damon
"A women I guess. Doesn't it always come down to the love of a women." Nolean look back at Damon as he stare at her.
"Look we are sorry that you and Stefan have this thing but we can't get in the middle of it." Elena look at Damon then at her sister.
"I hope you both can work it out one-day." Nolean spoke to Damon in a hush voice.
"I hope so too..."
Damon took Nolean arm escorting Elena back to Stefan.
"What'd we miss?"
"We were just chatting." Stefan held up a wine glass "Drink Damon?"
"No thanks I pass." They both stare at each other as the tension rise. Nolean grab the drink from Stefan hand. "More for me I guess..."
"Nolean no! Your not suppose to drink."
"It not drinking when it flavor water." She put the drink to her lips gulping it down in one shot.
Elena stare wide eyed at her sister. Her sister gave her a smirk as she took another wine glass. "Again!"
Damon snatch the glass out her hand as she stare at her hand that once had the sophisticated glass. "My glass..."
"Um Stefan do you have one more dance in you?"
"Absolutely." Elena and Stefan headed to the dance floor slow dancing. "Watch them hands Stefan!" Elena look at her little sister scowling at her. Stefan put his head down embarrassed as she smiled with Damon.
"There so cute." Caroline spoke
"It ain't gonna be cute when they look like they are eating each other faces off." Nolean shiver to herself imaging that horrible sight. "Yep I wanna go home." She walked away as Damon smirk at the girl.
Nolean went over to Jenna seeing she was talking to a man. She gasp but approched Jenna slowly. "Nolean..."
"Did you just gave that man your number?"
"No..." Nolean stare at her plainly not believing in her. "Yes."
"Jenna you and Elena are just naughty."
"What did Elena do?" Jenna look worried
"It not what she did, it what she will do"
Jenna playfully shove her as she giggled. Nolean headed to the bathroom but Damon stop her.
"Nolean." She whipped her head around. "Yeah Damon?"
"Would you like to dance?" Nolean was now flustered.
"Elena would get mad at me if I dance with you" Damon gave her a smirk. "Relax she won't have to find out."
"That easy for you to say you don't live with her." He grab her hand ignoring her leading her into the dance floor. She stood still as a statue as he sigh placing his hand on her hips. "Damon I'm too small to reach your neck she spoke shyly." He place her hands on his torso.
"Problem solve." She nodded turning her head as she was super shy. The only guys she dance it was Matt, her father and her brother.
"I want to know more about you." Damon capture her attention as she look at him. "Why?" They began to sway to the music. "Your different..."
"Plus we might have more in common then you think."
"You like to read in bed?" He took her hand gently of his chest spinning her around. She beamed at him.
"Sometimes mostly Stefan diary." She shook her head lightly. "That invasion of privacy."
"You call it invasion I call it blackmail." Damon look down seeing she had contacts on. "Hazel contacts huh?"
"I would wear my glasses but it would be not appropriate for a fancy event like this. Also Ms. Lockwood could be a bitch."
"Well I think your glasses suit you."
"Nolean!" She jump away from Damon as Elena pull her little sister behind her "Stay away from Caroline and my sister you psycho. Caroline mother is the sheriff I will go to her. "
Elena pulled her sister away as she looking at Damon confused.
Once Damon was out of sight Nolean stop in her tracks. "Elena why did you do that?"
"Caroline has bruises on her neck and her back because of him. Promise me you will stay away from Damon." Nolean nodded.
"Okay go to the car and wait I'm going to talk to Stefan then look for Caroline call me in case of a emergency." She nodded again watching Elena dissapear
"Damon I wanted to trust you." She spoke hurt as she walk to the car.
As she was deep in thought she bump into Stefan.
This now became a usual routine for them. She apologized he apologized and then they gaze at each other before one of them started to talk.
"Stefan have you been okay? You have been gone for four days."
"Um I had to deal with some family issues." She stare into his eyes as she felt he was saying the truth. "Is it Damon?"
He nodded at her as she felt dissapointed. "He really did hurt Caroline..."
"Yeah but don't worry he gone for good." She saw Stefan shift a tiny bit.
She wouldn't push forward with the subject anymore since it made him uncomfortable. "I'm sorry I'm being rude I will talk to you later Stefan." She avoided Stefan feeling something was iffy. She just couldn't put her finger on it.
After school Elena went to The Grill with her sister as Elena waited patiently for Stefan to show and give a explanation while Nolean look for a familiar face spotting Matt.
She walk sneakily over to Matt attacking with a hug. "Matty!" He smiled hearing her perk up. "Wait why are you playing pool alone thats kinda... sad." She pouted looking at Matt.
"Why don't you joined me?"
She thought about it while still hugging him. "If I win you get me a burger if you win... I'll do your homework for a week!" Matt couldn't refuse especially when he was passing with a C- in history. "Game on little gilbert."
"Be carful what you wish for Matty I have brains."
After the fourth game Matt was still persistent in winning.
"One more game Nolean." Matt plead to her as she sat on the pool table.
"Matt this is the fourth game I've won do you really thing you have another shot?"
"--no." She chuckled "Don't worry we can share the burgers if you want." He ruffled her head as she smiled.
"Also did you know I found your sister in are bathroom?" She swung her feet as Matt lean against the pool table next to her. "Yeah I'm not going to lie your brother my sister that weird."
"You can say that again."
"So any boys recently...or girls" Nolean mouth drop "Matt!" She hit his shoulder as he chuckled
"You know there no one special in my life."
"Except your books." She scuff "Touche Matt touche."
They stood in silence till Matt spoke up "I've miss this." She face him gazing at him softly.
"So have I...I've been as horrible best friend Matt I'm sorry. It just life hits and-"
"It hits pretty hard." He finish for her as he understood.
She nodded "Yeah twice." She frown thinking of her parent(s) "Just know you can call me whenever and I'll be there in a heartbeat."
"Thanks Matt."
Nolean and Elena lay together being glum.
Jeremy approach as the sisters look at him. "What wrong with the both of you?"
"Is Vicki in there?" Elena ask
"-Life." Nolean spoke the truth as he chuckled
"Don't answer a question with another question. Maybe" Nolean smiled seeing her brother happy.
"I'm miserable." Elena answer his question while hugging her bear.
"Well you should go get something to eat." Elena went down stairs as Nolean was about to follow but Jeremy pulled her away. She look up to him confused. "Stefan is trying to make up to Elena by cooking for her."
"Oh..." Now Nolean was pouting again. "You have a surprise in your room go check it out."
She walk into her room seeing a package on her bed. "From Stefan To me." She read out loud she open the cardboard box seeing stack of books one top of another. Her mouth drop as she carfully pick each book up and set it on her bed. "The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games part two, If I stay, The Last Olympian, Smile and so much more."
She smiled opening up her window and began placing each book away taking one for herself to read.
Nolean sighed as she was forced to the babe wash thing. She didn't mind washing cars at all it just she had a new collection of books that said her name on it. She walk in with a huge sweater over her and white shoes with her bathing suit under.
"No freebies. No friend discounts. No pay me later. We are not running a charity discounts."
"No we are not." Elena replied as Nolean scuff
Stefan came over and said hello while Caroline spoke again. "The event is called sexy studs you know." She look at the clothing they wore and rolled her eyes as she walk away "Maybe you will find a brain back there Caroline with all the eye rolling!" Nolean said with a bright smile trying not to strangle her.
"Did we just get scolded?"
"And judged." Nolean added scoffing.
"I'm sorry Stefan but I think you need to take that off." She motion to his sweater. "You first." Nolean immediately shake her head disgusted. "I think you need protection if anything." She received a glare of Elena as she scrambled off to Matt and Bonnie with a towel in her hand.
"I think you two need a extra hand." Bonnie and Matt pulled the little gilbert into a hug. "We definitely need a hand also Matt is observing Elena and Stefan." Bonnie left to tell tiki something.
"Matt..." Nolean look at him as she help wash the car.
"I'm just observing. Your also getting your sweater wet." She sigh "I guess Caroline wins after all." Nolean pulled off her sweater.
Screaming was then heard from Tiki. The hoes she was holding went out of control and splash every where as Matt ran to her helping her out getting the hoes in control. "Wet and wild Tiki." Nolean rolled her eyes as Matt look her way. He held up the hoes to her trying to get her soak as she giggled running away from Matt sticking her tounge out as he try to catch her let just say he ended up getting tangle in the hoes. She stood infront of him shuffle dancing as he couldn't move. "Matt you keep forgetting I have brains."
"So your dancing again." He gave her a smirk as she returned it "It a force of habit."
"Does that mean you will join the dance team?"
"Hmm? I have to think about it." She help untied Matt as he sighed in relief.
"When will teach me how to dance?"
She look up to him folding her arms. "When you put on tights." He shook head. "Now I remember why I gave up asking you." She laugh fixing her glasses. "But they will make your butt look godly."
"No." Bonnie look at them confused "Why are we talking about Matt butt?"
"Tights and dancing." Nolean replied looking at her. "You two still arguing about that?"
"Yes." They both said at sync. Elena came over to Nolean. "I need to borrow her."
"Adios amigos." She wave at them as she follow Elena
"Hey what do you need?"
"I need to to go help Stefan wash a car. I just remembered I have this report way past due and I'm going with Jenna ex you can say to get information."
"Okay. If you need more help just give a call." Nolean nodded as she went to Stefan.
"Hey Stefen!" She began helping him wash the car. "Hey Nolean."
"I thought you might need help with washing the car you don't mind right?"
"No, no no."
"Cool." She responded
They stood quiet as they wash the car together. She realize she didn't know much about Stefan.
"Stefan you don't mind if I ask you few questions?" He look at her "No ask away."
"Italian you?"
"Um I'm not sure actually. My birth parents died when I was five at a car crash ironically so I never got the chance to ask them." She tuck a hair behind her ear.
"Hobbies?" Stefan ask her
"Well reading of course, dancing, and baking."
"You dance?" She smiled as he seem interested. "Ever since I was itty bitty. I'm thinking about joining the dance class again."
"You should go for it." Shouting was heard as they both turned there heads. They saw a car lit on fire while Bonnie stood in a trance. Nolean gasp as Stefan grab her hand heading to Bonnie. "Bonnie?" Stefan ask she didn't respond. He shook her as she snap out of her trance. "Did I do this?"
"I think you did..." Stefan replied as Nolean look up at him. "Did anyone else see?"
"I don't think so."
"Please don't tell anybody." Bonnie pleaded as they both nodded. She then walk away.
Nolean headed to Matt as Stefan follow keeping an eye on the young Gilbert. "Have you seen Elena Matty?"
"No sorry." Nolean became worried as she step away from them texting Elena about everything that happen also Stefan was getting worried. Matt and Stefan talk to each other.
Elena replied that she needed to get a ride with Matt and stay away from Stefan. Nolean was confused but was going to get answers when she went home.
"Elena why do I have to stay away from him first Damon now Stefan? Your boyfriend?"
"You don't understand..." Elena sighed
"Well then help me understand Elena!"
"It's for your safety. So I c-cant."
Nolean stare at her sister. "When did we started keeping secrets from each other? Your suppose to trust me like I trust you blindly."
"I do trust you Nolean."
"No you don't cause if you did you would tell me what happening." Nolean shook her head leaving Eleana room.
She was going to get no sleep tonight with her heavy heart so she sat by her window sighing feeling the breeze hit her face.
But she didn't see the shadowy figure that was staring right at her while her eyes glimmer in the moon.
I combine two episodes in one with this chapter since It was only going to be a thousand words and that was way to short for my liking and probably to short for you all too. I hope you enjoy this chapter and who do you think the shadowy figure is. (It should be pretty obvious)
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