Chapter 3


Nolean close Bonnie car door as she let out a yawn and began to stretch out.

They kept walking forgetting about her as they were to busy discussing about Stefan and Elena.

Nolea just ignore them making her way into school while she was on her phone playing games. As she look up she saw Stefan and trip over her feet.

"Eek!" He caught her as she just look up at him. "I really need to stop bumping into you." He look to her as she started to squirm. "Stefan...?"

"Oh right sorry." He help gain her balance as Elena just stare at them. Nolean look at her sister then at him. "It not what it look like!" She jump away from Stefan. "I-I'm just gonna go." She fixed her glasses and scramble away. "Nolean!" Elena called as she sighed.

"She the clumsy and shyest one I'm guessing." Stefan look at Elena.

"Yeah she always been that away ever since we got her. She was homeschool so she practically still adjusting to big crowds and people." Stefan nodded as he look at the direction Nolean headed.


"Anyone got anything?" Nolean raise her hand.

"Anyone else? Miss Juan?" She shrug as Nolean drop her hand


Nolean listen into Elena and Stefan conversation for once. What can she say she was bored as hell.

"Psst. Our team sucks they can use you."

"Can't. I'm a loner." Nolean broke out into a smile shaking her head to herself at Stefan comment.

"Miss Gilbert." Both of the Gilberts look at the teacher.

"Pearl habor?"

"December 7th 1941." Stefan replied .

"Thank you Miss Gilbert." The class chuckled

Nolean look at Stefan curious as Elena made googly eyes. "Anytime."

"Very well... The Fall Of The Berlin Wall?"

"1989. I'm good with dates sir."

"Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Nolean make the score." She sighed getting up and taking a piece of chalk. She wrote Stefan name on the board. "Every date you get right I will mark a tally on the board. You can start."

"Civil right act."

"1964." Nolean gave Stefan a tally.


"John F Kennedy Assassination."


"Correct." Nolean smiled to herself

"Martin Luther King."






"Roe Vs Wade"



"Brown Vs Board."



"The battle of Gettyburg."



"Korean War."

"1950 to 1953."


"Ha! It ended in '52."

"Um sir it ended in 1953." Nolean look at the teacher as he look at her he look back the class. "Look it up somebody."

"It was 19...53." Eveyone ooed as the teacher had an embarrassed face. The bell rang as she grab he bookbag and went to the field she was the teacher pet. But she also was the water girl for the boys. She heard the couch yelled at Tyler as she winced. "Jesus he going to lose his vocals chords with all that yelling." She headed to the bleachers seeing Stefan.

She approach him slowly. Sitting down next to him. "Are you taking Elena suggestion?"

"Yeah." He look at her

"Well with the burn you gave him your going to need some help. How about a teacher pet like me help i-if you don't mind." She look at him from the corner of her eye.

"I would appreciate it."

She sat up extending her hand "C'mon." He took her hand as they walk toward couch.

"Coach!" He sigh as he saw who she had with him. "Give him a shot please!

"Nolean tryout were last spring."

"I know but he just transfer like me c'mon if anything he might get injured and you can gloat about it and if not you have a valuable asset to the team. Mr. Tanner he very sorry so please give him a chance." He sighed softly "Just to see you get knocked on your ass borrowsome gear."

He nodded and went to borrow some gear as shs stood by Mr. Tanner "Your lucky I like you kid."

"I know." She smiled and jog back to give the players water.


She watch at Stefan play and was dodging every player and receive the ball. "Good job Stefan!" He look at her giving her a wink as she smiled.

As they finish she made sure every player was not injured. "Matt, Tyler any injuries?"

"Huh? No injuries thanks Nolean." Matt tried to pull her into a hug as she back away. "No don't hug me you reek with sweat and grass." She tease him. He rolled his eyes. She then turned serious "Matt don't do anything stupid to Stefan I know it hard seeing Elena with him but promise me." She held up her pinky. He link his finger with hers"I pinky promise." She smiled brightly. "Okay play hard but carful." She patted his helmet and adjusted her glasses.

They want back to playing but Stefan got knock down. She gasp. Coach motion her over to check on Stefan.
She bended down to him as her hair fell out of a bun making her look  quite magical as the sun shined down on her. "Any major pain that requires medical attention?"

He was fluster as how close she was"N-n-no just out of breath." He wheeze as she sat him up. "Sorry about Tyler he carries a stick up his ass. Also don't tell Elena about my potty mouth that our secret." He nodded as Matt came over "Hey that was my bad." Matt help him up.

"If anything hurts after you change come to me I'll patch you up." He nodded as she went to go clean up.


"Nolean food is ready!" Nolean perk her head up out of her book placing a bookmark at the page she finish. "I'm going!" All was heard was the pitter patters of her feet as she headed down the stairs.

She saw Stefan and Bonnie "Uh Hello." She wave at them not aware they were joining them for dinner.

She sat next to Elena eating her food silently as everyone else did. This is awkward she told herself as she took a bite of spaghetti.

"Did Tanner give you a hard time today?" Elena ask as she look at Stefan

"No not that much Nolean convince him to let me on the team." Nolean blush embarrassed bringing water onto her lips.

"Bonnie you should seen Stefan today. Tyler threw a ball right at him-"

"-Yeah I heard."

"Why don't you tell Stefan about your family?"

Nolean place her water down. "Um divorce no mom, live with my dad."

"No about the witches." Elena faces Stefan. "Bonnie family has a linege of witches it's really cool."

"Cool isn't a word I use."

Nolean grab her bread from her plate "I'll be right back."

"With your bread?"

She look at the bread in her hands "Yep."

She went upstairs into her bedroom opening her window to see the crow. "Hello bird I have to keep this short so take my bread it all yours." She gave the bread to the bird as it crow out loud. "Shh I know your happy but I would get in trouble if they knew I was feeding you now shush I have to get back downstairs." She close her window as the bird flew away. The door bell rang.

"I got it!" She went downstairs opening the front door. "Surprise!" Caroline skan the little gilbert up and down "On hi Nolean, Bonnie said you were arranging dinner so we brought dessert." Nolean eyes lit up. "Oooh." Caroline pass her the red velvet cake as she took it while Stefan and Elena approach.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan ask Damon

"Waiting for Elena or Nolean to invite me in."

"Yeah you could come-"

"No, no, no he can't um... He can't stay. Can you Damon?" Nolean tilted her head confused looking at Damon.

"Get in here." Caroline spoke

"Were just finishing up." Stefan replied

"It fine come in."

"You have a beautiful home."

"Thank you." Nolean headed to the kitchen making hot chocolate for everyone.


Nolean came back setting a tray on a table. "Everyone take your pick." All of them grab a cup as she headed back to the kitchen grabbing marshmallows and whip cream for her cup.

"She a hot chocolate fanatic."

"I can hear you Elena!" She chuckled at her little sister.

She sat next to Bonnie and grab a book laying around. "Do you read all the time Nolean?" Nolean look to Stefan. "Yeah its fun. You can learn so much in so little time. If I could spend my life reading till death I would." She smiled setting her mug, down.

"Nerd." Caroline spoke as Nolean went quiet again.

"I can not believe Mr. Tanner let you on the team Tyler must be seething. But good for you go for it."

"That what I always tell him you have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life you have to go get it."

"Yeah well Elena wasn't so lucky today it only because she miss summer camp." Nolean pick her cup and blew into it.

"I'll work with her." Bonnie spoke

"I guess we can put her back." Nolean squinted her eyes at Caroline

"You don't seem like the cheerleader type."

"Oh it just because her parents died she going through a blah blah blah phase. She use to be way more fun...and I say that with complete sensitivity." Nolean gritted her teeth.

"I'm going for a breather. Tell me when your done with your drinks" She took her drink and book heading outside on the porch as she slam the front door.


Nolean was washing dishes as it help her calm down or at least try. She felt like she would burst in any minute if she didn't keep herself occupied in some way.

"One more." Damon came with a glass handing it toward the small girl. She try to grab it but it slip from her hands. She flinch holding her sleeves to her face waiting for the glass to shatter but it never did.

She drop her hands to see Damon caught it. "Oh um nice reflexes." She gave him a smile as he handed her the glass gently.

"I like you." She rose a eyebrow at him. "You make Stefan smile." She relax smiling at him. "It no big deal really." She turned her attention away grabing the plates she wash and  handing them to Damon so he place then in the dish washer.

"Um... Damon I don't want to pry if anything turn me down but I'm curious how did Stefan ex pass? If it to insensitive just shut me up."

"Katherine died in a fire. A tragic fire."


"Well it seems like it was yesterday." He look at her as she held his gaze feeling pity.

"What was she like?" She try to lighten the mood.

"She was beautiful. A lot like you on that department. She also was very complicated and selfish at times, sometimes not very kind. But very sexy and seductive."

"So which one of you dated her first?"

He chuckled as he took a plate from my hand. "Nicely deduced but ask Stefan I'm sure his answer differes from mine."

She adverted her attention while beginning folding the handkerchief.

"You can take a seat if you want. I'm not a rude person well... Much."

"So watergirl?"

She smiled "It make me useful so I don't mind."

"Is that that truth?" Nolean stop folding looking at him. "Partial." He nodded as she didn't let him push her further.

"Damon I'm sorry..." He look at her confused. "Katherine, you lost her too."

"Hey need some help?" Bonnie walk in with Elena as she nodded. "A small person like me would love a few extra hands." Elena and Bonnie smile as Damon smirk.


Nolean ran around making sure the guys in the team were ready and had there basic needs done. Stefan approach her as she approched him. "Hey Nolean."

"Hi Stefan did you eat a good breakfest and lunch. Sleep well? Don't forget to stay hydrated. Do you have all your gear? Don't forget the tactics coach show you also play safe and come to me if your hurt." She crammed it all on one sentence as now she was out of breath. He chuckled at her as she look at up at him. "I got you a gift."

She regain her breath. "A gift?" He pull out a necklace from his pocket.

Nolean gasp covering her mouth. Stefan chuckled at her reaction. "Its so small." She smiled as he put it on her.

"It my way of saying thank for helping me with tryouts and Mr. Tanner mostly." She let out a laugh.

"No problem Stefan I'll be cheering for you to kick some ass. Now I have to go before I face Mr. Tanner wrath." 

Stefan went to Elena next. He had to keep them safe now that Damon appear in there life.

Later on as it was dark Nolean stood by Mr. Tanner as they got spirit week started. Everyone cheered as coach told everyone to quiet down multiple times. Everyone kept cheering as Nolean took the mic. "Please quiet down everybody we have a few words to say before we get pep rally officially started." Eveyone shush down as she smiled while Tanner look at her stun.

"Let's be honest here. In the past we use to let other teams come into are house and roll right over us." The crowd started booing. "But that is about to change." The crowd erupt with cheers as she chuckle at how fast they change there attitude.

"We've got some great new talent tonight starting on offense and I'm going to tell you right now it has been a long time since I seen a kid-"

"A teenager Mr. Tanner"

"-No a teenager that has play like this with hands like these." Nolean wiggle her eyebrows at Tanner as he sigh at her.

"Sir you really need to think before you say especially with a crowd of hormone teenager's. I'll take it away."

Nolean took the mic "Let give it up for Stefan Salvator!" Tanner took the mic from her as he instructed her to get ready as she nodded going off to position. As she was leaving she saw Tyler approach Jeremy. Her eyes widen as she ran over to them as they broke out in a fight. "Knock it off!" She yelled at a distance. Stefan approach Tyler pushing him off Jeremy as Nolean made her way to her brother but before her brother could relize his little sister was infront of him he hit her on top of her head with the broken glass bottle. She collapse on the floor from the impact. "Nolean!"

Blood drip down her face as she began mumbling words no one can decipher. She was trying to tell her brother that she forgave him. Matt pick her up as she lean on his shoulder. "Keep your eyes open Nolean."

Nolean had her head wrap with bandages by the time Matt took her to get care for. She lean across Elena where ever they walk.

"Nolean let me call aunt Jenna to pick you up."

"No. I'm staying with you and Stefan."

"Let go to my car and get your extra pair of glasses then."

As Elena reach in the back of her trunk Damon pop out of no where.

"You scared me what are you doing here?"

"I'm hiding from Caroline. Also what happen to Nolean she look a little pale."

"She got hit from a glass bottle also why?"

"I needed a break. She talk more then I could listen."

"Amen to that." Nolean sat against the car on the floor.

"That could be a sign." Elena replied as Nolean was trying to figure out which side Elena and Damon faced.

"Elena I need my glasses."

"Well she young."

"Not much younger than you are."

Nolean sat up placing her hands outward. She was not going to wait for there conversation to finish.

"I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture."

She pause on her tracks hearing Damon.

They both look at Nolean as she try desperately to wonder off but let me just saying she was failing miserably.

"Caroline does have annoying traits but she my best friend from kindergarten and that means something to me."

"Duly noted it not my attention to make you uncomfortable."

Nolean finally stop walking in circles and took her first whole step infront.

"You do though other wise yor wouldn't put a double meaning on everything."

"Your right but so do you." Nolean mouth drop as she follow his voice ready to hit him anywhere.

"Excuse me?!"

"You find yourself drawn to me. You think about me when you don't think about me. I bet you even dream about me. You want to kiss me." He lean into her as a smack was echo.

"I don't know what game your trying to play with Stefan but I don't want to be apart of this but let get one thing straight. I'm am not Katherine. Elena grab the wondering Nolean hand and slip her glasses onto her face. She look behind her to see Damon she kinda felt bad but he should know better.

Mr. Tanner was murder by a wild animal right after. Nolean finally got stitches and bandage properly as she lay down in Elena car heart broken. Everyone that she like or love seem to be dying or breaking down and this what shred her the most.

Jeremy later apologize as she accepted it pulling him into a hug asking if he was okay.

Elena help clean the blood of her little sister and Nolean headed to bed leaving the window open with a cracker on the edge for the crow as usual she hope the crow would understood that it had been a long night.

She immediately fell asleep. Damon went through her window wanting to check up on the little gilbert. He saw her snoring soundly he began to stroke her cheek with his fingers as she started to purr. Damon chuckled. She woke up seeing she accidently left her light on. She turned off her light smiling to herself sleepily as she drifted back to sleep.

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