Chapter 2
Nolean sat outside with Bonnie, Caroline and Elena as they talk about boys while Nolean was munching on her burger and fries happily from a long day of school.
"I was talking to Grams and she said the comet is the sign of impending doom. The last time the comet pass of Mystic Falls there was lots of death so much blood and carnage it created a bed of paranormal activity." Nolean and Elena listen to Bonnie fasinated while Caroline spoke up "Yeah and then you poured grams another shot and she told you about the ailens."
Nolean rolled her eyes at Caroline as she set her burger down picking up a french frie.
"So then what." They were changing the subject back to Stefan and Elena.
"So then nothing."
"You and Stefan talk all night? There was no sloppy first kiss or touching feely of any kind?" Caroline sat her chin to her hand resting.
"I'm pretty sure when you meet a guy you usually don't take things fast." Nolean spoke popping a fry in her mouth.
"Yeah we didn't go there." Elena spoke furrowing her eyebrows as her mouth made a straight thin line.
"Not even a handshake? I mean Elena we are your friends your suppose to share the smut." She look at Bonnie.
"As her sister I vouch not to hear the smut." Nolean spoke raising my hand as Caroline ignore her.
"Okay what is with the blockage. Just jump his bones already!" Nolean and Bonnie gave Caroline a look. "Boys like girl, girl like boys. Sex."
"Which can obtain many STD's if you did that to eveyone you liked" Nolean finish as Caroline gave her annoyed face while Bonnie and Elena chuckled.
Elena started packing her stuff as Nolean gave her a confused face.
"Where you going?" Bonnie ask
"Caroline right it's easy. If I sit here long enough I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I said I was going to do from the day I started."
"Having his children?" Nolean still spoke confused knitting her eyebrows.
"No now c'mon I'll explain in the car." Nolean scoop her half eaten burger and fries into a bag before following her sister.
They walk up to a brick house that was literally a size of a mansion.
"Holy shi-" Elena cover her sister mouth once again
"Profanity little Nolean." Elena quickly took her hand back remebering Nolean would lick her palm as Nolean wiggle her eyebrows indicating she was about to react.
Nolean examine the brick wall seeing actual bells instead buzzer or something. "Why do they have actual bells? Wait." Nolean grab the bells shaking them "Praise Jesus are savor!"
"Your so immature." Elena swatted her hand away while chuckling. "Your smiling so I'm pretty sure you like my immature ways." She rolled her eyes knocking on the door as the door creek open.
"I guess there literally open for some bible study's." Elena rolled her eyes as she push the door open slowly walking in as Nolean follow.
"Stefan?" Elena called out
"We come with free bible studys!" Elena slap her sister jacket. They kept walking slowly to the living room as they look at the furnish house.
A door then creack which made Nolean look behind her as Elena grab her hand. Elena approach a window looking as a crow flew in.
Nolean felt someone behind her to see a man with dark hair and blue eyes. He tilted his head at her. She then tilted her head at him.
Elena look at them confused but the regain her posture. "Were sorry for barging in the door was open." Elena and Nolean look behind them seeing the door was close.
"Maybe the creaking was the door closing?" She suggested to her sister as her sister nodded.
"You must be Nolean. And your sister is Elena." The man looked at both of them. "I'm Damon, Stefan brother."
"He didn't say he had a brother." Nolean looked at Elena
"Well Stefan isn't one to brag. Please come. I'm sure Stefan will be along at any second." Nolean was guided by Damon as Elena was behind her
"Actually Elena is the one who need to talk to him I'm just the little sister who accompanys once in a while." They all walk into the living room.
"Woah this is your living room." Elena look around. "Living room, parlor , sotheby's auction it's a little kitchy for my taste. Nolean examine the house taking every little detail while her eyes lit up.
"I see why my brother so smitten. It's about time. I thought he was never going to get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him." Elena and Nolean raise there eyebrow and look at each other. "The last one?" Nolean spoke looking at Damon
"Katherine, his girlfriend?" Nolean look at her sister as she shook her head lightly "Oh you two haven't had the awkward exs conversation yet."
"Nope." Elena strain out as Nolean shook her head lightly
"Oops. Well I'm sure it will come up now. Or maybe he didn't want to tell you cause he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound. We all know how those relationships end."
"You say that as if every relationship is bound to end up in doom." Nolean spoke
"I'm a fatalist." He gave her a smirk "Hello Stefan." She raise her eyebrow looking behind her as so did Elena.
"Elena, Nolean I didn't know you were coming over."
"I was drag here I have a perfectly half eaten burger and fries in the car with my name written on it." Damon smiled at the girl humor
"Sorry I should of called I just-"
"Oh don't be silly you two are welcome any time arn't there Stefan "
Nolean look at Damon "Mi casa es tu casa?" He gave a smiled to her "Exactly." Stefan gave a stern look as Nolean smiled fell at the sight.
"You know I should break out some family albums or home movies but I have to warn you two... He wasn't always such the looker." Nolean gave a soft smile.
"Thank you for stopping by Elena, Nolean it was nice to see you." Stefan stare his brother down.
"Yeah we should probably go." Elena look at Nolean as she nodded
"It was nice to meet you Damon and we would love to watch a movie or two with both of you."
"Great meeting you too Nolean." He took her hand placing it to his lips and letting it drop.
She then walk to her sister who link arms together. They stood infront of Stefan who didn't move.
"Stefan?" Elena spoke Nolean then lit up having an idea she let go of her sister hand wrapping Stefan into a hug. He stop staring straight at Damon looking at the little gilbert. She look up at him "You space out silly." She spoke while letting go of him.
"O-oh." He step aside letting them through as she smiled as her planned work while Elena drag her away.
"Bye Stefan!" Nolean spoke as she was drag away.
Nolean held a cup with candle in her hand it was the night of the comet but she rather be at home snuggle under her covers watching the comet through her window. Sadly as usual she was drag. She follow her sister like a puppy on a leash.
"I want to go home. This dosn't feel right Elena." She spoke as Elena turned to her "You need to relax you read way to many books."
She pouted at her sister sighing. She bump into someone not paying attention as her glasses fell on the grass. "I'm so sorry I'm a clutz." She then bended down slowly putting her hands out trying to find her glasses. Stefan bended down grabbing her glasses. He tuck her hair behind her ear and set the glasses infront of her eyes. She blink mutiple times adjusting her eyesight.
"Thank you... Stefan." He held a hand out to her her as they both got up. "It no problem it would be rude to leave you crawling around the grass." She blush embarrassed "Y-yeah you have a point." She turned around almost bumping into Matt who had a lit candle in his hand. "Hi Matty."
"Hi Nolean." He extended his candles to her lighting it up. "Thank you."
Everyone sat at the grill talking as Nolean was on my phone ignoring the conversation. Jeremy came over "Hey has anyone seen Vickie?"
"Your her stalker why don't you tell us." She put her phone in her pocket ready to rumble with Tyler. "She probably someone else to party with sorry pill pusher I guess you been replaced."
"What with the pill pusher?" Elena look at Tyler as Nolean stood up standing next to Jeremy. "Ask him."
"You wanna do this right now." Jeremy lean toward Tyler as she tug his sleeve "Jeremy don't-"
"Are you dealing?!" Elena spoke as Nolean look at Jeremy. He put his hands on both of her ears as everything was muffled.
He drop his hands off her ears and took her but Elena took her other hand. She widen her eyes "Hey don't put me in the middle of this I don't even know what happening or what just happen."
"Go follow Matt." Jeremy spoke as they both let go of her hand as she jog to catch up with him. "Matt! What happening?"
He grab her hand "Vickie missing and everyone split up trying to look for her."
They then stop infront of Stefan. "Have you seen my sister?"
"No sorry haven't seen her."
"She missing and we can't find her."
Nolean spoke looking up at Stefan.
"I'll keep an eye out." He turned around and started walk away when Matt spoke up "Hey. I saw you at the hospital yesterday." She look up at Matt then at Stefan. Why do I have to be in a middle of a awkward conversation always she thought.
"What were you doing there?"
"Visting... You know Elena and I known each other for a long time we might not be together right now but I look out for her and always will especially this little gilbert here too." She look up to Matt smiling.
"Excuse me." Stefan spoke as Nolean lifted an eyebrow. "That was weird but let keep looking for your sister Matt."
After Vickie was found Elena drop her home as Nolean stumbled her bed room diving in.
She heard pecking at the glass window. "Lil bird give me a minute I've never been so confused in my life." The pecking stop as she smiled to herself. She lifted herself up her bed and open the window.
"Hello little one I'm guessing you want a snack." The bird look at her as she grab a cracker and place it infront of him.
She let out a huge yawn. As the bird finish eating. "I guess I need sleep. Time for you to go lil bird." The bird flew off as she smiled closing the window behind her. She notice the comet in the sky still. "I wish... For a couple of new books to read and to lock myself in my covers." She smiled as she change heading to sleep.
If only she knew Bonnie was right about what that comet would bring the night.
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