Chapter 17
Jeremy called over his sister who just finish locking her locker and grabbing her book for history class. She was stun to see Pearl daughter. "Nolean you know Anna..." She extended her hand out. She look down at it then back at the girl. "Sorry I'm not sure I can trust you after the tombstone and your mother servants who did hurt me..."
"It wasn't on purpose you know." She nodded "I know, I guess welcome to high school and don't hurt Jeremy heart, love bird." She blush looking away while Nolean smirk leaving the two alone.
Later on while after school finish was on her bed sitting down reading as usual. There was knocking on her door. "Come in!" She poke her head out of her book. It was Elena.
She scuffed shutting the book crossing her arms raising an eyebrow. "Damon want you to come over and I'm about to leave to see Stefan..." She bit her bottom lip recalling how she left him to help Ms. Lockwood and Mr. Lockwood. She shook her head. "I'm not in the mood maybe next time." She pick up her book finding the page she left on. Elena let out a sigh. "Nolean I know what happen a few days ago freak you out, but you can't just hide from it forever." She turned over the book onto her covers. "Nobody is thinking about that poor girl who got bitten in her neck, don't you remember she was having a panic attack before everything happen?"
"She okay now-" She balled her hands speaking up, "-Where is even your remorse!? Have you even thought how her parents might have felt?" Elena step back as she shot up from her bed. "N-Nolean." She shook her head at her. "You're so selfish just leave now." She stood frozen at her words sister. "I said go!" Elena quickly scurried closing the door.
She took shaky breaths in and out trying to calm herself down opening her window crack letting some chilly air in. The cold wind brushing on her face made her ease up a bit.
She turned around seeing the books Bonnie grandma gave her open and fluttering to a page. Her eyes widen and she hesitantly made herself over. The book was written in a different language at first glance but as she stare longer she began to deciphering every single word. "Weird..." She mutter thinking about how it was like the Percy Jackson movie. She skimmed through the words.
As you grow stronger so will your need to protect...The pages then starting turning themselves.
"If the innocent are hurt and not protected, you will share a bonding of there pain. As mother nature your job is to protect." She reach up to her neck feeling a pulse beneath her finger tips remembering the times she got knock out or even bitten. "But how do I protect myself from protecting them if everyone keep trying to hurt me?" The pages once again move before coming to a stop. "Once a life is taken you must give them permission to pass." The book then slam closed. "Did the book just gave me permission to kill?" She huffed sitting down on her bed. She was beginning to understand Bonnie frustration with spells and the supernatural life.
Knocks came from her door. "Is it Elena?"
"No." She recognize that voice it was Uncle John. "Aw not you, go to hell." He click his tongue. "Not until you go first." She smirked opening the door staring at him. They stood in silence. "I didn't think you would open the door." She was gonna close the door when he out his feet between the crack. "Do you know?" She raise an eyebrow. "God?"
"Huh?" She hid her smirk as he gave her a serious look. "Vampires." She laugh holding her stomach. He look confused. "Of course I know, Hotel Transylvania who could forget the vampire kid who goes blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." He let out a sighed. "I'm serious." She hum thinking before picking up her head snapping her fingers. "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter kind of serious right or..." He came to the conclusion she didn't know anything or that she was being a sarcastic ass which was her style. "Well Jenna told me to tell you dinner is going to be done in 30 minutes." She nodded slowly opening the door letting his foot go. "Alright tell Jenna I'll prepare the table."
A few days had past and everything was back to normal well for at least Elena and her boyfriend. Nolean was avoiding the Salvatore brothers and her sister. Right now she was helping Caroline with the miss mystic fall float. Caroline pulled up a picture of the float from last year. She then turned the laptop around toward Bonnie and her. "This is exactly what we don't want."
"Ew" Bonnie replied while the small gilbert took of her glasses and clean it then put them back on. "Why is there forth of July colors?" Caroline pick up her head. "Right it doesn't make no sense,"
"So what are we doing?" Bonnie ask excitedly. "Southern Classic Elegance," Her smiled drop. "Gone with the wind?" Caroline gasp. "How did you know?"
"E-channel Scarlet Daily." The two girls chuckled while Nolean look like a lost puppy. After she stop laughing she look over to her. "Where Elena? She suppose to be helping." She huffed rolling her eyes. "I'm not sure..." She look at the two girls. "What the deal?" Bonnie raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb you and Elena are fighting. I'm not surprised at Nolean since she love a good argument, it's like an debate to her mind." She hum with a smirk. "True."
"But Bonnie your her best friend, spill."
"I-its nothing."
"Its not nothing, you know this whole float is suppose to be about friends creating something together and everyone is fighting. Matt and Tyler hate each other. You and Elena are in the out's and the sisters, well are being rival instead of sisters. I don't like it and I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong."
"I can't talk about it Caroline I'm sorry." She look over to the young one as she shook her head.
Alaric patted Nolean on the shoulder. "May I talk to you about your essay on climate change?" She nodded slowly before following the teacher out in the hallway and into his room. There stood Elena, Damon and Stefan. Great all the people she was trying to avoid in one room. She took a seat nipping at her bottom lip. "I saw Isobel last night." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Isobel is here? In town?" Damon then fired more questions. "Did you ask about Uncle John? Are they working together?" He took a seat next to Nolean.
"No I didn't ask."
"What about the invention?"
"Didn't ask."
"Does she know about the tomb vampires?"
"I don't know."
Damon began to pick up his tone. "Did words completely escape you?" He now stood in his face. "I was little distracted about my dead vampire wife to ask any questions."
Nolean spoke up getting straight to the point. "What does she want?" Elena look at her. "She wants to see me." Her eyes widen surprised. "Alaric is suppose to set up a meeting." Stefan look at her. She quickly look away not completely forgiving him. "You don't have to see her if you don't want to." Damon look at Elena. "Who did she threat?" Her sister ask while Alaric look at her. "How did you know-"
"You wouldn't call us all if it was just informing your wif-Isobel wanted to see Elena." He nodded. "She threatening to go in a killing spree."
"Oh I take it that not okay with you guys." Nolean sat up straight. "Yeah it definitely isn't okay, Damon." Her need to protect was increasing by the second. "I'm going to do it." Elena spoke confidently looking at her sister. "I want to meet her but most importantly protect innocent people who have a family just like us." Nolean wasn't fazed she knew she would do it again. She then got up from her seat looking at the time. "I should get going before the girls starting thinking um- sinfully, but you all should think of a plan and just inform me later."
"Seriously your just leaving?" She look at Damon crossing her arms. "Didn't I just say I was or?"
"Your making it painfully clear your avoiding us." She nod. "Yeah true, but at least I know you all got the hint." He whistle as she made an exit. "Look like you met his match Damon." Alaric smirk as he scuffed walking out following the young gilbert. He appear in front of her. She side step him but he grab her wrist pulling her close, "What are you hiding?" She rolled her eyes, "Nothing now let go of me." He tilt her chin upward with his pointe finger. "Your heart rate pick up when I ask you that, your lying." She tapped her feet impatiently. "If I tell you, you will just go straight to Elena since you want to be her friend so badly, right?"
"No I don't care about her." She scuffed. "Now you lying..." She stood quiet for a second collecting her thoughts. "I won't make you choose sides Damon, that isn't right, but just know I'm protecting someone I care for deeply so please let me go." He drop her wrist as she thank him quietly before walking into the cafeteria.
Nolean was helping Matt with there float since he refused to talk to Tyler but who could blame him he did made out with his mother. She pass the tape to him as he was applying decorations under the float.
She didn't notice a man wondering aimlessly till he jump on the float and it collapse under matt hand. The guy quickly disappear as a crowd drew in. "Matt!" She quickly called for help trying to push the float up. Stefan ran over helping them push it up. Caroline move him from under the float. She look at his disformed arm as he clutch it tightly.
Stefan told Caroline to call to ambulance while Matt was taking deep breaths in and out as Nolean guided him. Caroline came back. "The ambulance are going to be here in 15 minutes." She look up at her. "That way to long we need someone to drive him to the hospital immediately." Tyler spoke up. "I can do it we can take my car."
"No." Matt spoke firmly while sweating profusely. She wipe off his sweaty forehead with her knuckles while Caroline butted in. "Matt no you need medical attention now there no time for bitterness I'll come with you." He huffed before giving in. "Fine..." She look over to Tyler. "Go!' He nodded before scrambling to pull up his car. "Everything going to be okay Matty I'll inform Mr. Saltzman and you will be better in a jiffy."
Later on Matt was driven to the hospital.
Stefan called the young gilbert. "Nolean!" She ignore his calls walking even faster. He suddenly stood in front her making her bump straight into his chest. He caught her as she was about to tumble on the floor. "We need to talk." He straighten her up as she took a step back fixing the crooked glasses on her face. "Stefan right now isn't-" Elena then butted in coming from a corner. "Elena I told you-"
"Did you tell him!?" She blink her eyes rapidly. "Excuse me?" She rolled her eyes. "Don't play stupid Nolean you told Jeremy about the vampires." Her blood began to boiled she took as step closer to Elena face. "Yeah you know what I did because nobody was going to tell him the truth. You have no right to to yell at me when you were happy she was hidden and dead."
"Nolean-" Stefan butted in, She held her hand up making him fling against the lockers.
"Oh wait should we tell Matt that your little crush got his sister killed its only a matter of time till he finds out." Elena mouth fell open. "So Elena do me a favor and don't waste my time with the fake grown up talk when you can even admit your wrongs." She walk away letting Stefan fall to the floor. "Jeremy been kidnapped." He spoke between his wheezes. Her heart fell to her pit of her stomach. She began to walk away faster. "Where are you going we need to save Jeremy!?"
She scuffed she was going to save him herself she just needed some information from a friend.
She open the door making herself known calling Damon name. He quickly appear behind her as she shut the door. "We need to talk." She gave him a look raising an eyebrow. "That's why I'm here."
"Your protecting your brother." She huffed. "Was, till the secret came out anyways do you have any idea were he could be?" Elena made herself known walking into there conversation. "He with Isobel and uncle John is with him too but she want the device."
"Okay? Why haven't we given her the device yet?" Damon rolled his eyes. "Because your uncle want to use that device to kill all the vampires including me and I like being living-dead." She walk to the living room as the two follow behind she then saw Bonnie and Stefan. "I'm guessing you were discussing this before I arrived, right?" Stefan nodded as she hum. "I was saying that Bonnie can remove the spell."
"John and Isobel will never know." He shook his head. "No I'll get Jeremy in my own way." Stefan spoke up. "And how are you going to do that? Isobel is a vampire Jeremy could be dead the second you walk in." Damon look over to Bonnie "Are you even up to this? I mean no offense your no Emily Bennett."
"I've been practicing."
"This isn't piano lessons." She rolled her eyes. "What your favorite book?" He raise an eyebrow. "What?" She sat up from her seat. "Any book, name a book." He hummed lowly. "Call of the Wild Jack London?" She turned around facing the bookshelf concentrating. A book flew into Damon hand as he caught it with ease looking at the cover. "Jack London." Nolean took the book out of his hand and started immediately reading the first pages. "Seriously?" She look up adjusting her glasses. "It's a force of habit."
Elena spoke up, "We're doing this Damon and we are going to don't this my way now give me the device." He didn't budge. "We're are wasting time." He turn his attention toward Bonnie. "I don't trust you." She gave a smirk. "You're right you shouldn't." Elena butted in. "But you can trust me." She extended her hand outward. Stefan glare at his brother. He cave in handing her the device and she thank him. Nolean got up from her seat. "Well I should get going." They raise an eyebrow. "You all have it handle." She look specially at Elena then made her exit.
Bonnie toward her best friend. "What did you do?" She shook her head. "It's nothing important let's get going."
She headed down stairs seeing her brother and uncle John getting treated for a head wound by aunt Jenna. She let out s sigh of relief seeing her brother was safe. "What happen to him?" She ask heading pass them and opening a cabinet pulling out a cup. "He got in a accident." She try to her hide her smile but fail miserably. "Haha very funny." She pull out a carton of milk from the fridge. "I think it very funny." Jenna added while the two girls smiled at each other. She then finish preparing her hot chocolate heading back upstairs.
Her brother came in later. She raise an eyebrow setting her book down. "Hey you need anything?"
"Yeah can I borrow your clothes?" Her eyes widen before she blink rapidly. "Oh, um what kind?" He thought to himself. He left then came back. "Any pajamas?" She open a drawer grabbing a fluffy pants with unicorns on them then a shirt with a rainbow. "Here you go... You know you can talk to me for advice for coming out the closet." He started coughing rapidly as she look confused. "No these are for Anna." Her mouth widen. "Oh, well my offer still stands." He ruffle her hair before taking the clothes from her hand.
She smirk to herself shutting the door behind him. She was glad there relationship never change even with everything that happen good or bad.
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