Chapter 10

Damon pull Nolean hand through the hallway as she grumble. He put a finger to his lips signaling her to be quiet. He open Stefan bedroom door. He look at the couple sleeping soundly while having covers over them. Nolean eyes widen immediately swatting his hands away staying put not wanting to see anything the would scar her eyes throughout time.

He rolled his eyes sitting on the bed. Stefan drape a hand over Elena kissing her behind her ear. "Good morning." Elena smiled with her eyes close. "I could get use to this." Stefan cuddle against her.

"Rise and shine sleepyheads!" Damon finally spoke. "Damon! please!" Elena covered her boobs with the silk blanket sitting up. "Oh stop being smutty." Stefan look at his brother "Seriously get out of here."

"Oh if I see something I haven't seen before I will throw a dollar at it." Nolean smirk adjusting her glasses. "Damon pay up." Damon wink at Nolean as she played alone. "Nolean!" Elena called "Don't Nolean me. You're the one naked at least I kept on the essentials you freaks."

Damon look back at them. "Anyway we have some very important bussiness to discuss." Elena whined "And it has to be right now?" Nolean move pass the door way taking a seat on a chair. "Well we have lots to do now that we are all friends and working toward a common goal. So in order to open the tomb stone. We need to find the journal to get the grimore. First things first since your Elena Gilbert your on journal duty." Nolean look at him eyes squinting. "Sorry Nolean." She sigh "Non taken."

Nolean got up looking at her phone receiving a text message. It was Caroline. "Oh lord." She spoke to herself. It said I got Matty with a winky face.

Nolean pick up he head looking at Elena "If Caroline is no where to be found it cause of her smart mouth." She walk out calling Caroline. All the others look at each other panic.

Damon quickly grab Nolean taking her phone away from one hand and setting her against a window with a bird nest. Her eyes twinkle looking at the babys they were crying. She frown at the sight. She started whistling a tune for them as they began quieting down.

The others didn't notice since there were talking about the plan. Damon then went over to her as the finish the conversation. "What are you doing?" He look down at her as she stop whistling. "Shh." She spoke puting a finger to her lips. She move over as he look to the window to see the baby's birds were sleeping. "Did you do that?" He ask her. She nodded getting up. He grab her hand "Well let add it to the thing you can do aswell." They went downstairs as Nolean remember about her phone. "Damon give me my phone please." She look up to him giving puppy eyes. He look away "No." She stood a inch away from him. "Don't worry you won't be able to resist me once you spend more time with me." He look to her lips then her eyes. She walk away with her phone in her hands.

Damon look daze. "What? How?" She laugh "Well while you were distracted listening to me I took my phone out of your pockets." She sat down on a chair. "Don't worry I'm not going to text her." He nodded still daze.

Nolean was heading down stairs when she heard Elena and Stefan follow she stop in her steps listening in. "Do you think Damon really believes us that we are really trying to help him?"

"I don't think Damon knows what to believe. Trust isn't a thing that comes naturally to him." Nolean frown playing with her fingers. "You know I think Damon really believes that every move he made was for love. It's twisted but its sad."

"There others ways to get what you want you don't have to kill people. Damon has no regard for human lives. He enjoys inflicting pain on others. For 145 years every single time that I let my guard down. I let Damon back into my life he did something to make me hurt."

"So what do you think will happen in the tomb if  Damon gets Katherine back."

"I think no matter what Damon promises a lot of people will die." Nolean slowly went back upstairs conflicted.

Nolean went downstairs after giving up again with the suitcase and journaling about herself discoveries. She walk into the kitchen to see Jenna drinking wine on the counter who chatting with Damon as he cook.

Jenna look to Nolean who head was tilted.  Elena follow behind confused aswell. "You didn't tell me you had boyfriend." Nolean blink her eyes mutiple times. "Excuse me?" Damon laugh walking over to he press a kiss to her head as she got red fluster. "She still shy." Damon went back to cooking.  "He explain everything how he took you out on a little roadtrip after you got in a accident feeling horriable. He took you to get your hair done and help ease your anxiety. You could of just told me that your ungrounded." She tuck her hair behind her ear seeing he was getting back at her after she tease him.

She went up to him taking his arm. "Babe do you need any help in the kitchen?" He stop chopping the tomatoes as they both smiled at each other signaling game on. Elena stood shooking her head. "Yeah I would love your assistance." She gave a quick kiss to his cheek. "Okay let me change first." He was now the one fluster as he wasn't expecting a bold move from her.

She came back down change and ready to battle. She walk in the kitchen twirling around showing her outfit. "Isn't it cute." Jenna gasp pulling the little gilbert into a picture with her. The both pose as the photo was taken.

She went over to the sink washing her hands and she dry her palms Damon stood behind her. "Damon?" She turned around. He held an apron for her. She turned around as he put on the apron over her neck and tied the ends.

Meanwhile Jenna and Elena stood from a distance talking. Jenna would quickly take pictures of the two happy  as Nolean took interest on a boy.

"So what are we cooking?" Nolean gaze at him softly. His voice got caught up in his throat at her gentle eyes. "I-I'm cooking your playing along." She smiled "True but I'm trying to make myself useful." She grab a stepping stool as she was short and grab four plates at a time. She got down moving past Damon as he playfully bump her. She rolled her eyes moving past him. He went back to mixing the sauce on the stove as Nolean place every glass plate gently on the table.

"Where Stefan? He missing family night which I am enjoying immensely." Nolean smirk at him now obtaining the glass cups. "Is it real?" Damon ask her. She raise an eyebrow confused that the topic change "Hmm?"

"This renewed sense of brother ship. Can I trust him?" He tasted this sauce then look back to her as she set the glasses next to each plate. She turned back around he was behind her. "Can I trust him?" She look behind her to see Elena at earshot. She grab his hand turning him so his back face against Elena. She shook her head no lightly as she motion a finger to her lips. Nolean grab the appetizers placing them on a table. "There was a time that I trust him."

"Well trust breeds trust. It's why I'm standing in the same room as you." She look at him from the corner of her eye. "Are you lecturing me?" She gave him his full attention leaning on the counter. "Do you need to be lectured Damon?"

"I just want her back. I'm sure you can understand that." She approuch him. "I understand you would do anything for her." She thought back to how Stefan said he care little for human life. He look her directly in her eyes "Then you would understand what I would do if anyone gets in my way." She avoided his gaze as he exit the kitchen. Elena look to her sister as she finish up setting the table. 

Nolean sat on the stool in the kitchen watching Damon and Jeremy play games on the Xbox from a distance. Jenna lean over to Nolean as she look at her "He ridiculously hot." Nolean rolled her eyes "Jenna you have Alaric." Jenna nudge her as she giggled.

"Jenna? Did dad or mom ever gave you a four digit number?" Jenna look at her confused "No..." Nolean frowned "Nevermind then." She got up as the doorbell ring opening the door. "Stefan." Damon walk over behind Nolean. Elena came over aswell as they all step outside. "Who took it?" Damon look at his brother. "I don't know. He pointed at Stefan "You know what its that teacher there something really off about him." Stefan cross his arms "No he dosn't have it someone got to him before me."

"Who else knew who was he was there?" Stefan look at Jeremy. Damon went in as Nolean chase after him. "Damon wait, wait!" She stop him putting one of her palms out. "This feels weird..." She rolled her eyes "Air pressure anyway let me talk to him I'm his sister and his favorite. Please..." She gaze softly at him as the other were tense. He nodded. She drop her hand going inside taking a seat next to him. "Jeremy I heard you had dad journal. Who else did you show it to beside Alaric?"

"Huh?" She grab his arm gently which cause him to pause the game knowing she was serious. "Why is everyone obsessed with that thing?" Nolean look at him "Jeremy I'm serious..." He gave in "Just this girl name Anna." She  pull him into a side hug thanking him.  "The hot one?" Damon look down at him. "Waits who Anna?" Stefan ask looking at Elena. "That's what I wanna find out. How do you know her?" Nolean lean her head against her brother shoulder feeling a bit tired. "I just know her. She wants to meet me at the grill tonight."

"Great I'm driving. Come on." Nolean got up and so did Jeremy. Before they could leave she tug Damon jacket lightly. He look down at the small girl who look worried. "Protect him please. I need to stay home or Jenna will think somethings up or probably worse." He agree as she drop her hand.

Stefan look at the girl confused. "Why aren't you going with him?"

She raise an eyebrow. "What are you hiding?" He step back "W-what do you mean?" She scuff "Well first of all you wouldn't want me going with Damon  so that was just a dead give away and secondly you always head with Damon so he dosn't make a mess. So what are you hiding?" She cross her arms over her chest.

He curse having to going to his third plan. He grab her locking her into her room where at the knobs were lock and window sealed shut. She bang her hands against the door multiple times "Stefan! Elena!?" She huff in frustration. "I'm sorry Nolean but your going to runied the plan." She frown. "I trusted you. Especially you Elena your my sister!" She gave the door one more hit before sliding down putting her hands in her hair. "It's for your own safety." She drop her hands. "I hate you!" Elena heart drop at those words. Stefan move her away.

Nolean walk to her window trying to open it up but it didn't budge. She threw her hands up in anger. The wind pick up as the glass rattle. But it didn't break. She grab a hard cover book and threw it against her window but it bounce back. "Oh come on..." She then open her closet remembering her trophy's she took the tallest one. She was about to throw it when Damon was next to her window. She drop her trophy heading over to him. "It's stuck." He try pulling on it to open but it wouldn't budge. "They lock me in my room aswell." He immediately was at her the front of her door opening it up. She took his hand "We need to go they are playing you."

He look at her "Thank you." She look up at him with a slight smile. "You better not forget about me after you get your lover back." He smiled at her. "Yeah I'm so going to forget about the girl who can control wind with her hands." She smiled "Come on we need to get your lover back."


They stood infront of Damon/Stefan father grave yard. The other side stood Stefan and Elena.

"I can't let you bring her back. I'm sorry." "So am I." Stefan tilted his head at Damon. "For thinking even for a second I could trust you." Nolean frowned. "You are not capable of trust. The fact your here means you read the journal and were planning to do this yourself." Damon scuff. "Of course I was going to do this by myself because the only one I can count on is me. You made sure of that many years ago Stefan." Nolean eyes drifted to the ground. "But you-" He look at Elena "You had me fool." She look away guilty.

"So what are you going to do? Because if you do I will rip her heart out." Damon grab Nolean by the arm putting his arm around her neck. He eyes widen. "D-damon." He tuck her hair around her ear as she gulp. "You won't."  He face turned serious. He bit into his wrist as he force it to her lips. She try shaking her head panicking. "She can't take vampire blood Damon." He nodded "But she can't puke it all out." He took his hand away from her lips as she began to spit the blood out. He place his hand on her throat.

"Nolean!" Elena try to run to her but Stefan held her back. "Your choice Stefan we can have a vampire best friend." He put his wrist back to her mouth as she started crying.

"Give me the book Stefan." The wind pick up uncontrollably as the twigs on trees started to snap. "I won't give you the book till she standing next to me." He withdrew his wrist as she began to choke. She look at Stefan defensless her emerald shining eyes now seem afraid. "The problem is I can't no longer trust you."  He look at him  with anger. "You just did the one thing that assures you I will." She began to spit up blood. She shook her head lightly as Stefan place the book slowly on the ground.

Damon held onto her as she began to shake. He whisper against her head that he was sorry. He let her go as she walk over to Stefan who try to grab her arm she panickly jump away from his reach not being able to trust anyone anymore.

She walk away aimlessly into the forest feeling used multiple times. Elena follow her. "Nolean!" She shook her head wiping the blood away from her lips. All she could taste was blood she hated it.

"Nolean!" Stefan went infront of her as she try to pull his hands away from her skin. "Leave me alone." She croak.  She try steping away but Stefan pull her into a hug. She finally broke down. "You all hurt me..." She whisper as she push him with not enough strength. Stefan pick her up seeing she would most likely try to run into the forest again.

They snuck her into her room seeing her stuff thrown all over the floor. He set her down as she let go off him heading directly to he bathroom locking the door behind her. Elena and Stefan look at each other. "Keep an eye on her tonight." Elena nodded she look around the floor picking up the mess. Nolean unlock the door sniffling as she clean her mouth throughly. She forgot to get clothes. She look up seeing the two in her room. "Leave."

"Nolean." Elena spoke walking over to her. She rub her forhead getting a major headache. "Leave now I'm asking nicely." The two left as she close the door behind them. She sniffle going to take a shower. As she made it out she quickly lay in her bed exhausted.

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