Chapter 1

Nolean walk down stairs not caring for her surroundings only to the scent of fresh grind coffee beans while her feet drag her away. "I smell coffee has my nose forsaken me?"

"Toast I could make toast." Jenna spoke to the three teenagers who were getting ready for the first day of highschool.

"It all about the coffee Jenna." Elena retorted pouring herself a cup as Nolean try to reach for a mug on the top shelfs. She let out a sigh of frustration as her glasses shift on her face. Jeremy seeing his sister struggle came behind her reaching for two mugs. "Thank you Jeremy." He rolled his eyes but then smiled pulling her into a side hug "Your welcome,"He place a mug into his sister hands.

They both walk to the coffee machine as she pour him a cup and one for herself.

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared," Jenna scurried away to her purse pulling out some cash then approach all of them as they stood around. "Lunch money?"

"I'm good." Elena replied as Nolean and Jeremy took the money. Jeremy had other intentions while she just wanted a burger for lunch.

"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?" She stop in her tracks thinking as Elena replied "Don't you have a big presentation today?"

"I'm meeting with my thesis advicer at-" Jenna examine her watch "Crap! Right now."

"Then go we'll be fine." Elena look at her two younger siblings who stood side by side "You both okay?"

"Don't start." Jeremy left whiling blowing on his mug.

"That a really dumb question Elena you know we are not fine..." Nolean gaze soften as she pass Elena going to her room to finish reading a book before Bonnie picks them up.

Nolean had one earbud on her left ear as she face the window seeing the scenery pass while listening to Bonnie and Elena conversation.

"So Grams is telling me I'm physic. Our ancestors were from Salem, which isn't all that I know, crazy. But she keep going on and on and I'm like put this women in a home already. But then I started thinking I predicted Obama and Heath Ledger-" Nolean and Elena look to the graveyard there parents were burried. Nolean shook her head putting her other earbud in while turning up the volume of her music. Elena glance toward the little gilbert on the review mirror sighing. As they were driving something hit the window causing everyone to gasp and the car to swerve.

Her sister immediately tense and Bonnie stop the car on time. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Elena are you okay?"

"Yeah." She then turned around facing her sister "Nolean are you okay?" Her sister nodded slowly.

Bonnie look at the two sister before speaking. "I predict this year going to be a kick ass year and your two sad and dark times will be over and you at going to be beyond happy." Elena and Bonnie smile as Nolean rolls her eyes secretly smiling.


Bonnie, Elena and Nolean stood infront of the school.

"Nolean are you sure your going to be fine walking around?"

"It okay Elena I should be fine. If anything I'll call you," She held up her phone. She began walking as many eyes linger on the new girl. She just kept her head down sometimes lingering to see where she was. "Finally made it to the office."She muttered to herself getting her schedule. She turned around to exit but bump into a firm chest as her schedule was now scrambled on the floor.

She bended down as a hand brush hers grabbing the paper. She look up to see a men with strong features and one hell of a structure. She realize she been staring to long. Adjusting her glasses up to her nose she stood up having the paper in her hands. "Sorry-" They both said at the same time

She blush embarrassed as he just gave her a sweet smile. "Are you hurt?" He ask concern. "No, no I'm fine." They just stare at each. She finally walk past him. "I'm an absolute idiot." She told herself as she scurried along. The unknown guy smiled to himself looking back.


Nolean was studying on her bed for history and other subjects books and notebooks lay around. She was listening to music on the radio while humming along till there was a knock on her door. "Come in."

Elena walk in. "Hey why are you not ready for the grill?"

"Wait what?" She look to her sister confused "You known I don't do big crowds." Elena close the door not giving her younger sister a choice. She groan stacking up her notebooks and books setting them in her shelfs and some in her bookbag. She pick an outfit while letting her hair down.

She walk next to Elena downstairs. "C'mon Nolean you can't stay coup up in this house forever." She look at her sister with a stern look.

She opened the front door as she was about to slam it close she saw the kid she bump into. Her eyes widen. "Nolean wait." Elena stood behind looking at the men who stood infront of her.

"Oh well yay more awkwardness." Nolean muttered.

"Sorry I was about to knock." The stranger spoke looking at Elena then Nolean. "Your her sister..."

"Yep the youngest adopted sister. I'm Nolean... Nolean Gilbert as you probably heard" She spoke shyly looking down.

"Stefan...Stefan Salvatore." He spoke as she pick up her head. She look behind her "I'll meet you in the car." Stefan step aside as she return a nodd walking to the car and entering in the backseat plugging her earphone in her ears.


Nolean walk in first examing her surroundings while shyly playing with her own fingers. Elena and Stefan follow after her.

Matt came up to Stefan as the little gilbert tense. "Hi I'm Matt nice to meet you." Matt extended his hand out.

"Hi Stefan." Stefan nodded shaking his hand

Matt look at Elena muttering a Hey and she responded with a Hi then he look at Nolean surprise "Hey your here."

"I really wish I wasn't." She cross her arms looking around remembering her parents use to take her here to celebrating her,Elena and Jeremy birthday. She blink her eyes mutiple time trying not to let tears escape. She rush outside needing air. "Nolean!" Elena called as she didn't dare to turn back.

Matt shook his head "You know she still adjusting." Matt grab his jacket and went to follow the little Gilbert as Elena sigh "I just want her to feel normal again..."

"I'm guessing she always wasn't like that." Stefan replied to Elena

"She had confidence like no other and knew how to laugh. Now it like she completely shattered." Stefan look of to the door were the Gilbert exit "She will come around just give her time." Elena nodded.


Matt finally walk in with Nolean and escorted her to Elena,Bonnie,Caroline and Stefan. He pulled out a chair that was next to her sister. She sat down sniffling.

"If you need anything Nolean just give me a call." Matt bended down to her level. She nodded at him "Thanks Matty." He ruffled her hair then walk away. Nolean leaned against her sister shoulder tired from all the crying she did with Matt. Everyone look at her "You can continued with your conversation I'll be quiet."

"So you were born in Mystic Falls." Caroline spoke up making googly eyes at Stefan

"And I moved when I was still young."


"My parents pass away." Stefan look at Elena and the sleepy Gilbert.

"I'm sorry. Any siblings?" Elena look at Stefan

"None that I talk to. I live with my uncle."

"So, Stefan if your new you don't know about the party tomorrow." Caroline look at him with her chin resting on her hands.

"It's a back to school thing at the falls." Bonnie added while Stefan look at the two Gilbert's

"Are you two going?"


"No." Everyone look at Nolean

"Nolean your the life of the party you have to go." Bonnie look at her

"Do you know how many guys stare at me today way to many. I really don't want to end up kicking someone children cause they want to flirt with me." Nolean gave a glance looking at eveyone

"Children?" Stefen ask confused

"It my way of saying there peni-" Elena cover her mouth as she just stare straight at Stefan. "She can have a foul mouth..." Nolean lick the palm of her hand as Elena withdrew her hand wiping it on her as she gave a victory smile.


Nolean sat down in history writing her notes as she listen to her teacher.

"The battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in are very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennet."

Bonnie flinch looking at the teacher "Um a lot I'm not sure but it a whole lot." One side of the classroom scuff at her comment.

"Cute but becomes dumb in a instant Ms. Bennet. Mr. Donovan would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?"

"It okay Mr. Tanner I'm cool with it." He gave a smile to him. Nolean rolled her eyes.

"Nolean can you show us evidence of how you skip freshman year." She set down her pen and look at him and sigh "346 casualties unless your counting civilians which history never does unless it want to gloat on numbers."

"That correct Nolean. Do you have any relation to the original settlers?"

"Nope I just love reading." She spoke popping the p giving him a blank stare.

"Well very good but there was no civilians casualties." He turned around to the chalk board about to begin writing again when Stefan spoke up "Actually there was 27 sir, confederate soldiers they fired on a church believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong it was a night of great lost." She tuned her head toward Stefan giving him a smile and nodd.

"The founders archives are uh store in civil hall if you want to brush up on your facts Mr. Tanner." Nolean look at him wide eyed as Elena smiled


Elena and Jeremy went to the party as Nolean stood home doing the usual reading while drinking a cup of hot coco.

Taping was heard from her window. She put a book marker inside the book and place her coffee down. She slowly approach her window opening up the blinds to see a crow. She bented down his height.

"Hi little Crow." She waved at him then began opening her window. "Let me get you some bread you must be hungry." She quickly headed down stairs getting a piece of loaf bread.

"What are you doing?" Jenna stood looking at Nolean. She look to her hands. "I'm in the mood for some bread with hot chocolate. Yeah um, the book I was reading was talking about garlic bread and my stomach decided it would like a snack."

"Okay..." Aunt Jenna look at her confused"Goodnight Aunt Jenna." She called behind rushing to her room to see the bird still there. She shut the door with the back of her feet.

"Sorry little guy someone caught me red handed." She broke a piece off from the bread holding her hand steadily out toward it. He look at her before poking at the bread and munching on it. "Maybe you want the whole piece." She set the piece down by her window. It slowly made her way to her.

She hesitantly put her hand to his head petting him gently. The crow then back away taking the whole piece and flying away. She smiled at the sight leaving her window crack
She look at the time to see it was late. She grab her book and place it on her drawer while finishing her hot chocolate and turning the light off before heading to sleep.

Little did she know the crow was apart of something much more bigger then they could imagine.

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