Chapter 30

"Kion... little little Kion," Jua snickered. 

"Y-yes Jua?" Kion asked nervously. She had very much power over him now... or something would happen to Fuli. 

"Ah, how fun it is to torture you," Jua snickered. Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed and he then stood upon Pride Rock. A bloody sky hung above him, and when he looked down, he was shocked at what he saw.

Half dead and dead bodies were lying everywhere, the rest of the Lion Guard amongst them. No... No... Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga... All slaughtered by one lion in front of him. Scar. He walked over to Kion, snickering.

"Sisi Ni Sawa, Kion. We're the same," Scar taunted. Kion's ears flattened in fear. It all seemed so real. He shivered fearfully as he gazed into Scar's fiery eyes.

"Give in Kion. All your pain, all your torture will be over. Just join us!" Kion gazed around at the dead bodies around them and shivered. Anger boiled up inside of him as he realized that each of those dead animals was a life taken. Taken by Scar. He stared into Scar's fiery eyes, rage reaching it's boiling point.

"NEVER, SCAR!" Kion screamed. "I'M NOT LIKE YOU."

"Shame, shame," Scar said in fake pity. "You would make a great bad guy."

More rage boiled up inside him. "NO, NEVER!" Kion screamed.

"Too bad..."

Kion suddenly unleashed a mighty Roar, shaking the ground and making it crack. He had tried to stop himself, but he couldn't. Suddenly, the bodies were gone, sent flying by the Roar. They were most certainly dead now. Wh-what..?! He looked down and saw the Guard, the only ones who weren't blown away by the Roar. They hissed and spat, cursing him and insulting him from their place laying below Pride Rock.

"I thought you were my friend!" Bunga cried out. The sadness of his words sent a feeling of regret through Kion, even though he didn't mean to do what he did.

"I thought you loved us!" Fuli spat, the anger and betrayal clear in her voice.

"We thought you'd never turn evil!" Ono squawked angrily.

"B-but you did..." Beshte stuttered sadly.

"You are our friend... how could you do this to us...?" Makini trailed off. "You are my friend. And Fuli's and Bunga's and Beshte's and Ono's and Anga's."

"Hold that thought, Makini," Anga interrupted. "He was our friend. Not anymore. I hate him."

Pain and guilt stabbed deep into Kion's heart at their words. He suddenly started walking forward. He couldn't stop himself. He saw Kiara hanging on the edge of Pride Rock, scrabbling for a grip. 

"Kion... help me," she pleaded, a look of horror plastered on her face. Kion grabbed her paws with unsheathed claws. He leaned down to her ear.

"Long live the king," he whispered before pushing her off the edge. Kiara screamed in terror as she plummeted towards the barren ground, Scar cheering as she fell. She screamed in agony for a split second when she hit the ground, then all went limp.

Kion's eyes widened in shock as of what he just did. "Wh-what...? Did I just do that?! WHY did I do that?! NO!"

"See, you have it in you," Scar taunted. "You just did it."

Kion was trying to stop the tears, but it didn't work. They rolled down his face and hit the barren ground.

"No, no, no, Kion." Scar shook his head. "You mustn't feel any remorse. It only makes you weak."


"NO, KION!" Another voice snarled. Zira and Jua walked to him. "LISTEN TO HIM!" Zira screeched. Any animal with common sense would think she was crazy.

"No, never!" Kion shouted in reply as more hot tears rolled down his face.

"It's working," he heard Jua whisper in Zira's ear. "Keep at it. Keep at it until we break him. Then he'll be completely vulnerable, and completely at our command." Jua then raised her voice to speak to Kion.

"You're already on your way to being broken. Your pathetic self can't take all of this. So fun to watch the brave and confident you turn into this. This mess. This mess who can't do anything right." Jua let out a menacing laugh. "After all, Fuli won't be around forever to take care of you."

"Wait, you said that-"

"I did, and that's a promise I intend to keep. But I wouldn't be surprised if a wreck like you messed up," Jua taunted. "You'd better obey, or that precious cheetah friend of yours will be gone..."

"No! I can't lose her!" Tears spilled from Kion's eyes. "I won't lose her! She means too much to me!"

"Pity. That means you can't mess up, little Kion. Or we'll get you right where it hurts."


Kion woke with a start. He looked around, panting heavily. He looked down and saw Fuli's gift in his front paws. Paws shaking, he tucked the gift closer to him, tears still falling from his eyes. He remembered Fuli's words when she gave it to him: 'It's something that helped me sleep at night whenever I had nightmares. I figured it'd help you too, now that you have them a lot.' She had smiled softly at him. Kion's heart swelled with gratitude. At least now he had something close to him that he couldn't put in danger.

He sat in silence for a while, the night making no sounds with the exception of the crickets chirping and some very early birds tweeting.

"You okay?" A voice asked from behind. He turned around and saw Fuli walking up to him, her eyes filled with concern. She had obviously seen his tear stained face. She sat beside him and started to rasp her tongue between his ears. Kion knew she was trying to calm him.

"What was it about?" She asked. Kion knew she was talking about the nightmare - he had them very often now. It almost seemed as if Fuli knew whenever he had a nightmare, without him saying anything.

"I... I don't wanna talk about it," Kion said, his voice shaky. I CAN'T talk about it.

"Okay... Go back to sleep now." Fuli motioned towards Kion's sleeping spot, an encouraging smile on her face.

"No... I... I want some time to think," he told her. He started to walk out of the den, but at the entrance a cobra suddenly slithered by. Kion jumped up in shock, fur bristling. What if it attacks me?! What if it bites me?! What if- 

A voice interrupted his thoughts. "Do you want me to come with you?"

He turned around and saw Fuli looking at him with concern in her emerald green eyes. Kion's pelt prickled with embarrassment. He knew Fuli saw that he was afraid of the cobra.

"S-sure." He walked out of the den, Fuli following him. While they were walking through the forest, Kion could hear the eerie sounds of nighttime. Mysterious sounds echoed making Kion occasionally flinch. He could have sworn he saw piercing amber eyes staring at him. Jua?! He subconsciously shifted closer to Fuli.

"Broken, broken I see," Jua almost seemed to whisper. "The old Kion would never back down from a fight. And now here you are... hiding behind your friend from your fear."

"Stop taunting me," Kion silently told Jua, his voice barely a whisper so Fuli couldn't hear.

"Why?" Jua seemed to snicker. "Breaking you is quite the... enjoyment." Her lips formed an evil smile.

Kion shook his head to clear it. Jua was gone.

"You okay, Kion?" Fuli asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I-I'm fine," he replied quickly. He had to keep all his thoughts and feelings inside from now on. No heart to hearts. No emotional conversations. Especially not with Fuli. He just couldn't get any more attached to her than he already was. If he did, it would put both of them in danger. He was already being horrible to her, not on purpose, but still horrible all the same. He didn't want to hurt her any more than he already was.

"You can tell me," Fuli assured him.

No I can't. I have to keep this a secret. I can't hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want her to hurt you, he silently told her in his thoughts.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," he told her out loud with a fake smile. Fuli frowned, she obviously knew he was lying.

They both looked up at the night sky, the moonlight dappling the forest floor.

"The nighttime is beautiful, isn't it?" Fuli remarked, breaking the silence. Kion nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's-" He stopped himself before he could say any more. Remember, don't get attached to Fuli. Don't put her in danger, he told himself. 

Kion began to feel sleepy. He tried to conceal it from Fuli, but apparently she had noticed. "Kion, you look tired. Should we go back to the den and rest?"

"N-" He was interrupted by a yawn. "No, I'm okay."

 No... no... please no. I can't go back to the den and sleep! Jua and Zira will be waiting. Eventually, he began to feel so tired, he could barely walk. Eventually he slumped down on the ground and yawned. 

"Yes, Kion. Go to sleep. We're waiting, and you know I despise waiting," he could almost hear Jua snarl.

"Uh, Kion." He heard Fuli's amused voice followed by a chuckle. "You can't go to sleep yet, silly. We still have to walk back to the den."

He tried to push himself up, but he was too tired. How did I get this tired all of a sudden?! 

"Oh, come on Kion," Fuli said with fake annoyance. "Don't make me carry you back." His pelt pricked with embarrassment at the thought and he tried even harder to push himself up. His legs wobbled and his breaths were labored.


Kion fell back to the ground. His legs were apparently to wobbly to stand. Fuli's face turned from a teasing one into one with concern. How did he get so tired so fast? Faster than Fuli could say 'Huwezi', Kion was asleep.

Fuli sighed. She prodded him in the side. "C'mon, get up." Kion flinched and Fuli pulled back. His claws dug into the ground and his breaths were labored. He tensed up and gritted his teeth. A sense of alarm pulsed through Fuli. "Kion, wake up!"

He tensed up even more. He slashed out a claw, only for him to flinch right after. "Stop it... please... stop!" He muttered in his sleep. "It hurts... please stop!" He tensed up again and a tear fell from his eye. "No... okay... do what you want to me... don't hurt her..." Kion mumbled in his sleep. He then flinched again, the flinch much bigger that time.

"Kion! Wake up!" No response. Fear for Kion pulsed through Fuli's veins. What's happening?! "KION WAKE UP!" Fuli yelled. Kion was still for a moment, then his eyes snapped open. He shuddered and started to cry. Fuli rushed to him and hugged him. "Shh, it's okay Kion. Calm down, it's alright." Kion quickly pulled away and took a deep breath. "Leave me alone- " He was interrupted by a shudder. 

"You can tell me."

"No I can't!"

"Yes you can!"

"No! You wouldn't understand! It's dangerous!" With those words, Kion ran back in the direction of the den leaving Fuli alone.

Dangerous?! What's he talking about?! I just want to help.


Once Kion got back to the den, he laid down his sleeping spot. He nudged Fuli's gift away from him and buried his head in his paws. The tears came. He looked up at the sky. Flashbacks came and went.



They shouldn't have trusted me at all

The Guard should never have been my call

And now I'm always wrong

Now what 

What should I do? 

And who

Who do I turn to?

Now everything feels so upside down 

And I can't help but wear a frown

Now where

Where do I go?

I've tried all that I know

Don't think there's any more I can do

I know for a fact that this is true

Deep down, maybe I knew 

And now I know

It was way too good to be true 

That is so

All my friends used to look up to me

Some leader I turned out to be

But now, I think I see

This journey won't end with me

So now my friends will move along

In the group where they belong

With my friends

I knew I wouldn't be alone

But with my friends

I tread a dangerous path that I couldn't find on my own

This journey won't end today

Or ever

It'll keep going on forever

And nothing will be okay

Now my journey's close to done

They need a leader and I'm not the one 

And eventually, they did see

The lion I was born to be

It isn't time anymore

I never should've taken the lead on my own

It isn't time

For something bigger than I've ever known 

And I shouldn't have ever known

Now I wander, the choice was already done

Now I believe I was never the one

Was it time?

Was it time?

It was my time

And now it's gone

Kion tucked his legs under him and looked up at the sky. His eyes watered as he tried and failed to blink back tears. He sobbed non-stop. His belly ached from all the sobbing. He felt a little bit lightheaded because of it too. He inhaled shaky breaths. He sneezed. He looked at Fuli's gift, now two pawsteps away from him. He tucked the gift closer, paws shaking. He felt his belly ache more. He nudged Fuli's gift away a bit then laid on his back. He slid a paw across his belly in hopes to relive the pain. 

It didn't work. He continued to sob and occasionally sniffle. He hiccuped once, that brought slight pain to his aching belly. He tried to breath, but felt his stuffed nose block it. He rubbed at his nose with his paw, hoping to clear it up even thought he knew he couldn't. It tickled and made his nose itch a little bit. He sneezed. He sneezed again. He sneezed non-stop about five more times. He rubbed his eyes which were getting dry. Unwillingly to him, more tears fell from his face.

His crying and sniffling woke Makini. "Kion, are you okay?" Makini asked worried.

"I-I'm fine"

"No you're not. You're crying. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?"


"But I want to help you."




"Alright then... Let me know if you need anything," Makini said, sighing in defeat.

"Wait," Kion quietly called out after her after feeling his belly ache more.

"What?" Makini asked.

"I have a bellyache," Kion told her. Makini sat down beside him and pulled the Tuliza out of the gourd. "Here. This'll help," she told him. Kion looked at her confused. "But that's Tuliza," Kion said, tilting his head in confusion. 

"I know. Tuliza can help with this too," Makini said matter-of-factly. "Okay." Kion leaned forward and ate the Tuliza, calming him. He rested his head in his paws and closed his eyes. Soon, he felt his consciousness slowly fade away as he started to fall asleep.


Fuli made her way back to the den. An aroma of ginger hit her nose. Her thoughts were as puzzled as a zebra that had hit its head. What is Kion so afraid of? Why can't he just talk to us instead of hiding himself away? 

When she arrived at the den, she noticed Kion sleeping. At least he's finally getting some rest. She noticed Makini beside him, carefully observing him.

"Makini? What are you doing?" She asked curiously. Makini looked up. "I helped Kion with his bellyache."

"And how'd you do that?"

"Well... I kinda gave him Tuliza so he'd go to sleep."

"Tuliza?" Fuli asked puzzled. "That can help bellyaches?"

 "It won't actually cure the bellyache," Makini explained, "but it should be fine by the morning."

"But that's bad," Fuli protested. "You always tell Kion to not eat to much Tuliza. He'll get sick if he does."

"He'll be fine, don't worry Fuli!"  Makini said. "Rafiki sometimes does that when it's needed. Everything will be alright!"

"And he doesn't need it. I might not know a lot about healing but you could have at least given him ginger or something. I saw some of it while on my way back to the den. It wouldn't be that hard to find or collect."

Makini flinched at the harsh tone of Fuli's voice. "But Rafiki always said-"

"I know Rafiki said that some things you should and shouldn't do. But trust your instinct and what you feel you should do before you do it." Fuli softened her voice. Makini hadn't completed her training yet. She was still learning some things.

Makini nodded in understanding. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt Kion!" She apologized.

"Don't worry, Makini. He'll be fine," Fuli said. "Just, preferably don't do that again."

"I won't!" Makini agreed. They were interrupted by a sound. It was Kion muttering in his sleep again. "No... don't hurt... please." He let out what sounded like a yelp of pain. He trembled and shook. His fur stood up straight. He dug his claws into the ground.

Fuli rushed over to him. "Kion, wake up!" 

Kion held still for a moment, then suddenly his eyes snapped open. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were clouded.

"Fuli, y-you're h-here-" He cut himself off then turned away. 

"Yes, I'm here," she said in the calmest voice possible. Kion kept his back turned while he trembled.

"Kion you can talk to me, you know?"

Kion laid back down in his sleeping spot. "No."

"Just please talk to me. I can help."

"I can't." Kion's voice broke. He didn't utter another word after that and rested his head in his paws. Fuli let out a sigh of defeat before returning to her own.

If only he'd talk to me. I could help him... if only I knew what was wrong.

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