Chapter One

"Hey, I'm Stiles Stilinski. Are you new here?" said Stiles putting his hand out

"Yeah, I'm Marliya Argent. Nice to meet you! I'm kind of lost, though. Can you help me find my classroom?"I said shaking his hand

"Of course! No worries. What class are you looking for?" said Stiles

"It's English 101. I was too busy chatting with my sister Allison, and now I'm lost."I said showing him my schedule

"Ah, the classic sophomores struggle. Don't worry; we've all been there. Let's find it together." said Stiles looking at my schedule

[Stiles guides Marliya through the maze of hallways]

"Here we are! English 101. and I have this class too," said Stiles pointing to the classroom

"Thanks so much, Stiles! You're a lifesaver."I said patting his hand

"No problem at all. Anything for a fellow student. If you need any more help, feel free to ask." said Stiles

"You're pretty cute, you know that?"I said

[Stiles blushes]

"Uh, thanks. You're not so bad yourself. And, uh, funny too." said Stiles rubbing his neck

"Well, thank you. I appreciate that."I said

[Stiles gathers courage]

"You're beautiful, by the way," said Stiles

"Aw, thanks! You're sweet. I'll catch you later. Gotta find a seat."I said walking away

[Marliya walks away, smiling]

"Anytime! See you around," said Stiles

[Stiles watches her go, still blushing]

"Scott, you won't believe what just happened. Marliya, the new girl, called me cute!" said Stiles

"Seriously? That's awesome, man," said Scott

"Scott, I can feel this Marliya, the love of my life," said Stiles

"Right, right. Marliya called you cute, got it. that's good no more going crazy for Lydia" said Scott

"Good. Marliya and I, can't stop staring at each other. It's like this magnetic connection or something." said Stiles

"Teenage love at first sight?" said Scott

"Exactly!" said Stiles

[Allison walks in with a teacher who introduces her as Allison Argent. Marliya claims Allison is her sister.]

"Twins?" said The Teacher

"Nope, I'm the younger sister," I said

"Be quiet; class is about to start," said Allison

[In Marliya Mind]
This feeling when I met Stiles he was funny and nice and had a wonderful smile I don't know if there's something about him it just makes me smile and fills my stomach with butterflies even though I just met him

[The bell rings and they go to the second period]

"Good Morning Class we have new students please the three students come up," said The Teacher

"Hi I'm Marliya Argent I hope I can make a lot of friends," I said nervously

"Hi I'm Jack Miller and I have two brothers and one little sister I hope everyone here we can get along," said Jack nervously

"Nicholas Take those glasses off we are inside and that toothpick out your mouth," said The Teacher

"Well I'm Nicholas Miller Jack's Twin brother and I love playing lacrosse and Getting all the chicks [winking at a girl]" said Nicolas

"Yes Scott," said The Teacher

"Can I use the restroom?" said Scott

"Yes Of course," said The Teacher

Scott gets up to go to the bathroom

[Avery Point of view]

Avery runs to class and bumps into someone

"Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you I'm just late to mine the Second period and my brother couldn't help me," I said picking up my things

"It's okay I could help if you want," said Scott smiling at her

[Avery stares at him]

"You not going to get in trouble," I said

"No I told the teacher I was going to the bathroom," said Scott

"That would be wonderful thank you, "I said

"I'm Scott...Scott McCall" said Scott shaking Avery's hand

"I'm Avery Miller," I said shaking his hand

"You related to Jack and Nicholas Miller," said Scott

"Yeah there my older brothers how do you know them"I said curious

"They are in my Second period" Said Scott

"Oh so we better get going I don't want to be late," I said

"Yeah let me help you," said Scott holding her books

[Scott takes Avery to her class]

"Here is your class see you around," said Scott

"Thank you see you around," I said

[Avery walks into class]

[Marliya Point of view]

"Hey do you have a Pencil" said Jack

"Yeah here," I said

"So do you know anyone named Peter or Derek" said Nicholas

"Nicholas Shut up," said Jack hitting Nicholas in the shoulder

"No I'm also new in town," I said

[The Bell Ringers and they go to lunch]

"Hey Marliya Come here," said Allison waving her hand over here

"Who is that why are you waving are her to come over here" said Lydia wondering who she is

"That's my sister," said Allison

"Hi I'm Marliya nice to meet you," I said shaking her hand

"I'm Lydia this is my boyfriend, Jackson," said Lydia shaking her hand

"Hi...Who the hell are they" said Jackson

[The Miller walking]

"How's your scar" said Stiles

[Scott looks at Avery]

"Hello Scott," said Stiles waving his hand into the face

"Yeah What" said Scott

"How you scar that you got when we checked the woods" said Stiles

"It's good I guess," said Scott

"That's good I guess," said Stiles

"You smell that it smells weird," said Scott covering his nose

"No," said Stiles

"Is it me or do I smell like another werewolf here?" said James looking around

"Yeah I do," said Jack

"Yeah same it smells close," said Avery looking at Scott and smiling at him

Scott and Avery looking at each other

"Who's the redhead she's cute I will be back," said Nicholas

"No Nicholas you know why we are here don't get distracted over a girl we have to find our father," said James stopping Nicholas

"Look James you mean Mine, Jack's, and Avery's, Father you know Mom before she passed she said Your father is the bad guy she met she said he related to Our dad," said Nicholas

"Yeah I know but Mom said he's a bad person so we are not going to find him," said James

"What's wrong Scott," said Stiles

"Those people over there are talking about finding their dad," said Scott confused pointing at the Millers

"Those are the Millers they came here with their family," said Stiles

"They just said that their mom died a long ago," said Scott

"Wait how can you hear them they are over there like far," said Stiles confused

"I don't know I just can hear them," said Scott

"He can hear us," said James

"Who?" said Avery

"Him," said James pointing at Scott

"Let's find out," said Nicholas walking up to him

"Oh shit there coming," said Stiles

"Did you just hear our conversation?" said James

"Ummm No," said Scott lying

"Don't lie...are you like us?" said Avery

"Like what," said Scott scared

"A werewolf," said James

Stiles laughed "A werewolf let's be for real those werewolves don't exist," said Stiles

" Are you laughing at us?" said Nicholas getting angry

"No," said Stiles

"Why do you say that" said Scott

"You heard us from right," said Jack

"Yeah," said Scott confused

"Did you get a bite or scar?" said Jack

"Yeah he has a scar like a claw scar," said Stiles

"You have been attacked by a werewolf can we talk about this somewhere else after school," said James

"Are you guys a werewolf," said Stiles

"Yeah but we didn't get a bite or scar we were born are mom was an alpha and our dad are werewolf too," said James

"GO!" said Stiles yelling at them

"Why the hell are you yelling," said Nicolas

"Marilya is coming to go we will meet up at the field after lacrosse practice," said Stiles

"Yeah I'm going to try out," said Nicholas

"Are you guys trying out too?" said Scott

"No, I don't do sports," said Jack

"No I'm going for the football team," said James

"GO!" said Stiles

"Okay damn," said Nicholas

"Hey Stiles," I said smiling at him

"Hi Marliya this is my friend Scott," said Stiles

"Hi I'm Scott," said Scott shaking his hand

"Hi nice to meet you," I said shaking his hand

"I was wondering if we could hang out today to get to know each other," I said

"I'm sorry I can't I have lacrosse practice today I'm sorry I am," said Stiles with a sad face

"It's okay maybe next time," I said

"Yeah maybe next time and Im sorry," said Stiles

"See you around," I said walking away

"Marliya can I have your number," said Stiles nervously

"Yeah of course," I said handing my phone to him

"Great," said Stiles typing his number in

"Well see you around Stiles bye Scott," I said waving at them

"What did he say," said Allison

"He can't he has practice," I said

"Stiles doesn't even play well in lacrosse
the team never knew why he coming to practice so he probably didn't want to go out with you" said Jackson

"You think" I said

"Don't listen to him maybe he just wants to get better at lacrosse" said Alison

"Okay I'm tell you," said Jackson

[The Bell rings]

"Good afternoon class today we are going to have Partners for this project," said the teacher

"Hey you want to be my partner," said Nicholas winking at Marliya

"Umm sure," I said giggling

*Stiles saw and started to get JEALOUS*

"So you smart," said Nicholas

"Let me guess you want me to do all the work," I said

"No of course not I'm smart but if you want..." said Nicholas

"Shut up," I said hitting him in the shoulder

"Look at them," said Stiles jealously

"Yeah Okay let's get this work done," said Scott

"Listen to me I can't stand them," said Stiles

"You're the one who rejected her," said Scott

"I know I know my first regret trying to listen to what they are saying," said Stiles

"Oh come on Scott please," said Stiles

"So yeah," said Nicholas

"Okay I will but you don't have practice in any sport or anything," I said

"Yeah but I will go tomorrow," said Nicholas

"Okay where are we meeting," I said

"Where ever you want," said Nicholas

"I think they are going on a date," said Scott

"What she already asked another guy out," said Stiles mad

"Now can we get back to our work" said Scott

"So after school meet up at this cafe to do our work," I said

"Yeah and you help me to try to get a date with Lydia," said Nicholas

"Nicholas she has a boyfriend," I said

"Not for long," said Nicholas

"You're just a troublemaker," I said

"Yeah I am," said Nicholas

*I giggled and we started to do work and then the bell ranged*

"Hey Stiles what are you doing on the weekend," I said

"Nothing just going to be at home," said Stiles

"Do you want to do something?" I said

"No sorry I know who you can ask," said Stiles with an Attitude

"Who?" I said confused

"Nicholas asks him aren't you guys hanging out later?" said Stiles

" do you know that," I said

"Look Marliya I don't to get played with my feels so just stay away I am sorry for my first impression of me," said Stiles

"I just wanted to be friends with you," I said

"Well don't count on me Im sorry Marliya," said Stiles walking away

I was heartbroken and started to cry when I heard that I thought he was a sweet guy he looked like the guy I always dreamed of but life is always weird

"What's wrong Marliya," said Allison worried

"Nothing let's just go home," I said crying

"Okay dads waiting outside," said Allison

"Okay," I said

Allison and Marliya walk outside and see their dad

"Hey Dad," said Allison going to hug him

"What's wrong honey," said Chris

"Nothing I just want to go home," I said tearing up

[Stiles's point of view]

[At the field]

"I messed it up," I said

"Stiles it's okay," said Scott

"Hey we are here," said James

"Where is Nicholas?"I said angrily

"He went to try to finish his project with a girl named Marliya," said James

"So he not going on a date," I said

"No Nicholas might be a player but he always tries to finish his work," said Jack

"Scott," I said

"Well I didn't hear a date I just her meet-up and that she would try to help him get a date with Lydia," said Scott

"What about Lydia," said Jackson overhearing

"Nothing," I said

"I heard what about Lydia" said Jackson starting to grab Stiles's shirt

"Let him go," said James

"Make me," said Jackson

"Jackson listen to James," said Jack

"Shut up Jack," said Jackson

"Jackson let him go," said Avery

"SHUT UP," said Jackson yelling

James starts to get angry

"Umm Avery what's wrong with his eyes are yellow," said Scott

"Dont you ever tell them to shut up," said James angrily

James punches Jackson then they get into a fight

"STOP," said Coach Finstock

"Jackson started," said Avery g

Jackson gets close to Avery "You will pay for that" said Jackson

"Get away from her," said Scott

"Are you okay James?" said Avery hugging him

"I will be okay let's just talk about your scar," said James

Scott shows his scar

"It looks like a bit yeah it's a werewolf bit," said James

"I can't I got to apologize to Marliya I feel bad," I said running away

[Marliya's point of view]

"Are you sure you okay Marliya?" said Allison wiping my tears away

"Yeah Im okay," I said but I knew that Stiles hated me

"Im here for you Marliya your my sister and I love you," says Allison

"I asked Stiles if he wanted to hang out on the weekend and started to be rude and said I should ask Nicholas and heard but I don't know how thought that me and Nicholas we were supposed to hang out," I said

"He's a Jerk," said Allison

"But it's okay," I said

"Im here forever," said Allison hugging me

Marliya phone rings

"Hello," I said wondering who it is

"Hey it's Nicholas I've been waiting for an hour," said Nicholas through the phone

"Oh shit I forgot sorry im not feeling good im so sorry maybe tomorrow," I said feeling bad "I promise tomorrow I'm just not in my best mood," I said

"It's okay when feel better just text me or call always be here I want to be your friend," said Nicholas

"Thanks, Nicolas you're so sweet see you tomorrow," I said

"Yeah see you tomorrow but are you still getting me that date with Lydia right," said Nicholas

"Yeah I will try to make that happen," I said laughing

"There it is a laugh will see you tomorrow bye," said Nicholas hanging up

Marliya's phone rings again

"Hello," I said

"Hey it's Stiles I wondering if I could talk to you," said Stiles

"What do you want Stiles," I said angrily

Allison grabs my phone

"Go to hell," said Allison then hung up

"What was that for," I said

"You just met him and he gave you a bad impression of yourself and you're going to forgive him that easy you don't forgive me that easy and im your sister," said Allison angrily

"All he said Is that he wanted to talk," I said

"No, let's just go eat dinner mom is calling us," said Allison

"ALLISON, MARLIYA," said Victoria

"WE ARE COMING," I said walking downstairs

"Here is dinner," said Victoria

"So how was school" said Chris

"Good I met friends," said Allison

"Okay I guess," I said

"Why?" said Chris

"This stupid boy had been rude to her and had an attitude cause she was trying to ask him out," said Allison

"Shut up Allison," I said angrily

"The only reason he rejected cause you just a what is this little girl you're not an argent," said Victoria

"Victoria stop," said Chris

"Mom what the hell" said Allison angrily

"You never loved me, Mom you hate do you" I said

"Honey im just telling to truth but Allison is better at everything she is brave and strong," said Allison

"I hate you, Mom," I said running to my room I always knew my mom hated me she always treated me differently than my sister but I always had my dad and my sister

[Avery's point of view]

"Avery, Nicholas, Jack come and eat dinner," said James

"So how did your date go" said Jack

"It wasn't a date it was just to do a school project but she didn't come she didn't feel good," says Nicolas

A knock on the door

"I will get that," said James

"Hi I just moved in Im Sage," said Sage shaking his hand

"Im James," said James

"My mom was wondering if your mom would be interested in coming to her parties for a club," said Sage

"Ummm is mom..." said James looking deep into Sage's eyes

"Are mom is not here she is at work" said Nicholas

"Hi Im Sage," said Sage shaking Nicholas

"Im Nicholas this is my twin brother Jack and my little sister Avery," said Nicholas shaking sage hand

Will see you around" said Sage

"Are you going to school at Beacon Hills High School?" said James

"Yeah why," said Sage

"We go there hope I can see you around," said James

"Are you a Junior?" said Sage

"Yeah I am The twins are sophomores and my little sister to freshman," said James

" it was supposed to be my first day today but we were moving stuff in so couldn't go Well see you around have a good night see you tomorrow," said Sage

"Well see you around bye," said James

"Oo," said Nicholas and Avery

"What," said James

"James has a little crush," said Nicholas

"No, don't let go to sleep we have school," said James

"Okay good night everyone," said Nicholas

"Good night big brothers," said Avery

"Good night to my best sister ever," said James hugging her

"Your only sister," said Avery hugging him

"I will always protect you and you guys too" said James

"Always" said Jack

"Always"said everyone

"Like mom said always stick together until death is apart," said Jack

"Let's go to sleep a good night," said James

They all go to their rooms and sleep

[Marliya's point of view]

"Are you okay Marliya?" said Allison

"Yeah I'm okay I going to sleep good night Allison," I said with a sad voice

"Good night," said Allison

They both go to sleep

To Be Continued....

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