Chapter 16 - A Chance at a Fresh Start

A/N to start off > I just want to say thank you for taking the time to read this story! It warms my heart to know you guys actually like this story so much that it's now #1 in rescueriders and httydau!

Also, feel free to comment if you'd like a sequel!

FYI; this chapter till the end will be present day. The last 15 chapters were describing events that happened in the past, if that makes sense.

(Present day - Berserker Cay)

Rajiv paces back and forth out of worry and fear. He doesn't want to lose Heather, for she is the love of his life and hopes for their future to be bright and happy. Oh how his wife wishes he was right. Turns out, though their lives would be put in jeopardy.

Right now he's strolling up the path in their village, to the mid-sized two story Viking hut. He pushes open the door with his muscular body and slowly walks inside.

"Heather? Dear?" he calls out.

No response. That's odd, she usually answers me. Rajiv keeps walking around their hut, spotting the stairs from the corner of his eyes. He darts up the stairs at a fast pace and kicks open their bedroom door.

"Heather!" he shouts as his eyes catch his wife's unconscious body.

Rajiv races to her downed limp form and gently places her head on his lap when he sits down. He plants a light kiss on her cheek as her emerald gaze meets his in a heartbeat.

"Raj? What happened?" she mumbles and sits up, still leaning against Rajiv.

"I came up here to find you unconscious. Why were you passed out even?" he asks her.

"It's just the baby." Heather answers. "That's all. It's not like Windshear just up and left me for some random male Razorwhip and have babies with him."

"Touché. Considering that's what happens on Snoggletog." Rajiv smirks.

"Yeah, well; you're one to talk. You don't even have a dragon." Heather fires back with a smirk of her own.

Rajiv rolls his eyes and tosses a soft glare at her. "Be lucky I love you otherwise I'd murder you for that comment." he snaps.

Heather laughs lightly and presses her lips to his cheek. "Does that make you feel better?" she whispers.

(Hidden World)

Astrid smiles as Leyla and Dak land on the cliff beside her. She watches the twins pat their beloved dragons on the head before the Swiftwing and Fastfin jump to the skies.

"This place never gets old. It's always going to be cool!" Dak states.

Leyla grins. "Agreed! If Luna hadn't suggest this place, I don't know what we would've done." she says. "I mean, dragons rely on fish for survival. Without that, they'll die of starvation."

"Let's be glad we're here." Astrid tells them and leans her body backwards so her legs are dangling over the edge of the cliff.

"I already am." Leyla comments then sighs as she runs her hand along the dirt.

"What's wrong?" Astrid asks her.

"I know this place is the best home for the dragons and while it's amazing, I just feel like Dak and I don't belong here. Heck, neither do you, Ast." Leyla says.

"Are you saying you want to leave the dragons here and move back to Huttsgalor?" Dak questions his twin.

"Well, yeah! Look Dak." Leyla answers and throws an arm over his shoulders.

She turns him around and watches as dragon after dragon flies past them happily.

"The dragons are happy here and it's time we be happy as well." she comments.

"It's going to be hard but I think you're right, sis." Dak states in agreement.

(Wing Maiden Island- three days later)

Atali sets the baby dragon of unknown species down gently on the floor. The baby dragon looks at her with large bright blue eyes and wags her tail in excitement.

"How's the baby dragon doing?" she hears Hiccup say.

He's visiting her and Ruffnut along with seeing the baby dragon. He knows he has to head back to Berk as well as find Astrid. Oh how he misses that fierce warrior he loves.

"The baby dragon's fine. Very playful but then again, every hatchling is playful." Atali replies.

Hiccup bends down and pets the hatchling on her head. The female hatchling growls and bounces over to the corner.

"She's been like that lately. It's like she doesn't want to be tamed." Atali tells him when she spots his confused facial expression.

"Or maybe like she wants someone." Hiccup mutters. "I have an idea. Trust me."

He strolls over to the hatchling, grabbing a small fish along the way. Hiccup holds the fish out in front of him.

"Here, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you." he says.

The hatchling slowly steps closer to him and snatches the fish from his hand. She licks her lips and purrs happily. Hiccup scoops her into his arms and walks back to Toothless, who's just laying down in the sun.

"Let's go bud." he states.

"Where are you talking her?" Atali asks. "I would like to know."

"To Berserker Cay. I have a feeling she'll find someone there." Hiccup answers her.

Toothless stretches out his wings and jumps to the sky like a lightning bolt. He flies over the blue water as if he's a sudden bullet being shot into the air.

Hiccup guides the Night fury in the direction of east but as the the Fury is flying; the hatchling hatches an idea of her own. She stretches out her small wings and jumps, catching the gust of wind quickly.

"She's flying. She's actually flying!" Hiccup cheers. "Yeah baby! She's flying!"

She gives him a cheeky draconic smile before she zips ahead. Speed obviously is not an issue for her.

"After her, Bud! She's just a hatchling." he stirs Toothless in the same direction of the hatchling.

Luckily for their sake, she's flying east.

(Berserker Cay)

The female hatchling jumps up and down before she races in the direction of Dagur's house. What is she doing heading there? Hiccup dismounts Toothless and runs after her.

He kicks open Dagur's door and spots Mala sitting in a chair with Dagur beside her.

"Brother! You came!" Dagur jumps to his feet and rushes over to hug Hiccup.

"Yeah, it's good to see you too, Dagur. C...could you let me go?" he gasps for air from Dagur's tight bear hug.

"Oh yes, yes!" Dagur sheepishly lets go.

Toothless growls and gestures his head up the stairs. "The hatchling's up there?" Hiccup reads his dragon in instant.

His dragon nods. "Okay! Sorry, Dagur, Mala; but I'll be right back!" he shouts then races up the stairs.

Toothless breaks the door as Hiccup steps inside. His emerald gaze catches Heather sitting up in a bed holding a bundle of cloths in her arms.

"Hiccup, you could've knocked." she laughs.

He then shifts his head to the left and notices the hatchling staring at Heather's arms. Heather's husband, from what Hiccup recalls, notices it as well and moves to pick up the hatchling. He sets the hatchling down beside Heather.

The hatchling nuzzles the thing in Heather's arms then whimpers.

"He's not old enough to play with you. But I promise, when he is; you'll know." Heather tells the hatchling.

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