I was starting to show barley and knowing the people at my school they will be asking me questions soon. I won't have any answers unless I come up with some, and right now zero come to mind. Sitting on my bed watching a few episodes from Walking Dead season three, rubbing my tummy over and over because I was hungry. Sadly, I just inhaled a huge sandwich three minutes ago. Eventually found myself already down in the kitchen in search for a snack. My brother and his two friends were sitting on the couch watching soccer. What morons! When they jumped into the air when their team scored a goal, yelling and screaming. I had entered my room with a whole jar of pickles, didn't know why. Just did. Once, I sat down back on the bed. My phone lit up, it was Sarina.
Hey. Have you spoke with Jaden? – Sarina
No... I want to, but I just don't have the guts to say anything to him quite yet. What should I do or even say? – Me
She never answered back after that which led me to un-pausing the walking dead as I bit into a pickle. Then my phone buzzed again thinking it was Sarina, I rolled my eyes. It wasn't Sarina, it was Jaden.
Brynn, can we talk? – Jaden
Uh, yeah. What about exactly? – Me
Can we just meet at our spot on 15th street @ 10? – Jaden
Of course! See you then. – Me
I glanced over at the clock with 9:15 at the moment. My heart just sank because I had no idea what this was going to be about. Pushing myself out of bed leaving the clothes I was lounging around in all day. Bringing myself down to the kitchen to grab my keys from the hook, but my brother stopped me. "It's almost ten at night, where are you going?"
"Oh, I'm meeting Sarina for a little while. Just girl talk."
Reaching for the door knob he started talking again, "About?"
I turned on my heels looking over at him on the couch, "I don't know Kaleb. Maybe since you guys connected on a personal level, ask her!" Then just like that I stormed out slamming the door behind me. It's not like I was mad at him and Sarina grew close at the party, but it just irritated me that I never found out what happened. I hopped into the jeep and headed towards Jaden.
It took about a couple minutes to get there, I arrived around 10:15pm. So, I was a little late, but Jaden would just have to forget about it. Parking the car in the small parking lot just on the side of the park. I hopped out walking past the park into the trees where just a few miles was the small wooden fort. We used to go to this fort every Wednesday after school as kids. Just to escapes reality and be someone we're not for a change. I crouched my way in the little doorway finding Jaden laying down on the blanket that covered the forest floor. He was staring up at the stars and I didn't blame him. They lit up the night sky! I took in a sigh joining him on the blanket, "I can't believe you didn't forget about this place."
"How could I forget? We always came here to talk and get away."
I turned my head towards him, "Is that why you asked me to come here? So that we can talk?"
Jaden turned his head as well so that we were eye to eye, "Yeah. I keep remembering that night at Benny's and I shouldn't have just left or avoided the situation."
I pushed myself up to that I was sitting crisscross and watched him do the same, "I get it Brynn. I turned into a complete dick, sophomore year. Leaving you behind in the process. That being something I shouldn't have done." Jaden stated towards me.
"But you did anyways, Jaden. You got everything you wanted; captain of the lacrosse team, the popularity, the friends, and even the girl. You didn't need me anymore."
He reached out to grab my hand, but I pulled away. Jaden let out a sigh, "I did need you, Brynn. None of my lame friends wanted to talk about their day or relationship drama. Let alone my family issues. I always went to you for advice or to just vent, but I pushed you away because popularity was important. When now, it's not."
"It took you this long to notice that?"
I couldn't even look him in the eye at this point. Jaden was notorious for sweet talking people into something or making them feel guilty. How do you think this whole baby thing started? From Jaden River's sweet talking his way to have sex with me. Now, here we are. Before I let him speak, I cut him off. "Can I talk to you about something that has been really bothering me?"
Feeling my heart completely beat out of my chest I said, "Sarina's party?"
He scrunched his eyebrows, "Okay? What about Sarina's party?"
Was he avoiding the question? Did he really forget? "When we you know...did it in the bathroom."
Jaden grew silent for a moment then finally said, "Yeah."
"Did you mean to have sex with me?"
What kind of question was that to ask someone? It was meaningless high school sex that led me to be knocked up. I guess, I just wanted to know if there was meaning or some kind of connection with it all. Jaden then began to speak, "Yes and no. That night was a huge blur to me, meaning I was a little buzzed when we ran into each other. Ariel and I got into a huge fight before the party. My mind was scrambled then I saw you. Everything in my head decided to slow down. It just wasn't meaningless sex to me, Brynn." He inched his way closer to me placing his cold hand behind my neck. Which sent chills down my spine automatically, "I'm glad I ran into you that night and chose you."
All I wanted to do was kiss him, but was a little heartbroken that I was only a hook-up to get his mind off Ariel. "Thank you, for clearing everything up."
Jaden pulled himself away causing the warm air between us to grow cold and empty. Jaden and I sat in silence for a while before his voice cut my thinking off, "I um better get going, see you tomorrow?"
"Uh, yeah. I should get going too. You know how my brother can be..." I didn't want to leave especially for him to go. There was so much more to talk about. Starting with this baby growing with in me.
"Yeah, he can be hardheaded sometimes. Anyways, I'll see you at school." Jaden leaned over giving me a light kiss on the forehead before crawling out of the fort. I felt like I missed my opportunity at this point. Every inch of me wanted to yell out after him, but I stayed quiet. That's what I was good at, being silent.
I let out a groan before laying back down looking up at the milky way that hung above me. Placing my hand on small bump of a belly, I mumbled, "Guess, it's just you and me right now. I promise, it won't be like this forever." I wasn't known to be a crier, but on this cold night I felt an icy tear rush down my warm cheek. So, this is what it feels like to be heartbroken.
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