Chapter 2: Playing with Dolls.

The song briefly mentioned is Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd.


"As I was saying," America continued. "How long had Delaware been gone for?" He asked the other state with a white flag and State Coat of Arms on it: Massachusetts. He side-eyed Texas, who looked rather sad, and it kind of made him sad. "Seven minutes. If he's not back at the ten minute mark, I'm giving Florida-Man permission to roast marshmallows. Even if it's raining," Massachusetts said, not caring when he got a clearly offended protest from Arizona.

Two minutes passed, and Hawaii and Alaska were almost finished their soggy popcorn bowl. It was almost disgusting; how they could even stomach it.

"You guys are gross,"

At nine minutes and fifty-six seconds, Delaware kicked open the door leading to the backyard, a fire Extinguisher in his colonial blue hand.

"It was under North Carolina's bed, apparently South was going to prank him, by spraying him right when he woke up. She was upset that I took it, but I said I would give it back to her later..." Delaware explained walking right into the rain and over to Arizona, not all the concerned about the well-being of his brother. He was wearing shoes, and didn't even look twice at how underdressed America was.

This type of think was normal in America's household.

"Be careful Delaware, you don't want what happened last time to happen this time,"

Everyone groaned. The last time Arizona caught on fire, Florida-Man got ahold of the fire Extinguisher first, and literally threw it at his brother. To say the least he had no idea how it worked. The safety tool then caught on fire, and America had to throw Alaska at Arizona to cool him off.

Alaska angrily yelled profanities at everyone except Hawaii that day about the mere facts that he was thrown and almost everyone subconsciously yelled yeet, and because he had fallen on top of Arizona in such a fashion that Alabama started to sing Sweet Home Alabama, pissing the Russian-American off even more.

Delaware used the fire extinguisher, and was careful this time. A few moments later Arizona's fire was defused, and everything was at peace.

For a few minutes anyways.

"Alaska, can we go inside and dry off please? I'm all wet," Hawaii asked, stating the obvious. Everyone who was outside was drenched in water, and the yellow-and-red striped Arizona also had the pleasure of having a first-degree heat burn almost everywhere, but he was used to it by now. "Ovvv Koarzee," Alaska said, picking up Hawaii.

The States and America then walked into the mansion.

"Pa, where is Florida-man?" Texas asked when they were all inside, confused as to why the crazy State didn't come outside to watch Arizona burn and throw wood at him. It was weird that he wasn't there.

"I'm not sure. He might be in his room with Sincerely, trying to teach him new tricks," America suggested about Florida's pet crocodile.

When Florida-Man was gifted with his crocodile, he named it Sincerely, so he could yell to random people: "Kill him, but Sincerely." And confuse the crap out of them.

He had the crocodile for two years now, and Sincerely already knew what Florida-man wanted to teach him, and thensome. It was actually kind of scary: how Florida-Man would just say a random word in the middle of the day and the crocodile would come out of nowhere and do some weird stunt. And the words were never the same, either.

America wouldn't admit it, but he was rather scared as to why his son hasn't shown up yet, however he kept it to himself as he didn't want to start a panic. The last time all fifty States when into worrisome phases, the mansion was burnt down. Not a very pleasant memory.

"If he doesn't come down in an hour, I want someone to tell me." America said, making his way back up to his bedroom to change into another of his many NATO sweaters. The States who were outside were now drying off, and Hawaii asked a rather wrong question.

"Alaska, can we have a bath together?" She asked, looking at her brother with her brown-puppy-dog eyes. Alaska flushed. His sister, who he only thought of platonically, had just asked him to have a bath with her. The two states where currently in the living room, and every other State there looked at him, awaiting his response (except for Rhode).

Alaska froze, and in that moment, The state with a Red Cross of St. Andrew, otherwise known as Alabama, came from out of nowhere and told his little sister something, "I will~" He yelled, and no less than two seconds later every state yelled at him. Alabama ran back upstairs, and Hawaii looked back to her brother, awaiting a response.

Alaska still hasn't said anything.

"How about you both have a bath, but with your swimming suits on?" Massachusetts suggested, walking out of the living room towards the closet that held towels. It was gross to be in clothes that were wet.

"Yeah! We can have a bath in our bathing suits! hiki iā mākou?" (Can we?) Hawaii exclaimed, her brown orbs showing excitement at the idea of having a bath in her bathing suit.

"O-Ovvv Koarzee."

A very excited Hawaii than ran upstairs to her room, to get her bathing suit on, and left Alaska in the living room with the other States still gawking at him. "V-Vhat?" He asked, a tiny bit annoyed. "I should'a shot yeh with ma' gun that day," Texas said, walking past his brother, heading towards his room to get into a dry pair of clothes to change into. Texas was jealous, and every State could see it.

Not even five minutes later, the Island States' Alaska and Hawaii were in the gigantic spa bath, playing with Hawaii's waterproof Barbie dolls.

While in there, they were having so much fun that they didn't hear literally all 46 States (minus Rhode, and I don't count D.C as a state) outside the door, cooing and gushing at the cuteness of them. How they all woke up and were in the same place was a mystery, but how they were keeping quiet was even more astounding.

It was a shame that only fifteen minutes later, when the States heard the plug being pulled, they all scattered like the wind, not wanting to be caught by Alaska.

And when Alaska and Hawaii did come out, they saw thirty-something States on the couch, trying desperately not to laugh. The others were somewhere else, probably hiding. Iowa got up from her spot on the couch and walked with Hawaii and Alaska up the stairs to help Hawaii with her hula skirt. The other States non-laughing streak only worked until the three got upstairs and went in their respective rooms, because then they lost it, and started to laugh at the fact Alaska played with dolls.

Barbie dolls at that.

The laughter eventually died down and they all focused on the T.V that was running. Rhode Island finally waking from his sleep asking what happened, with New York and New Jersey filling him in, trying not to fall off the circle couch in laughter.

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