Dedicated to Finfychan whose kind words and World of Warcraft Oneshots have inspired me

The five companions voted unanimously to remain in the Keep following their hunting encounter. Anduin had delivered the boar to the kitchens where he left it with the staff for butchering and cooking. Some hog delights would be served to him and his guests later that day.

Sarah enjoyed the company of her two new companions and listened enthusiastically to the tales they told of their homes, families and adventures.

Erik was very much how she had imagined a dwarf hunter to be; all huff, gruff and puff but with a kind and generous heart. He told her of not only his extremely successful hunting trips but also (wearing a somewhat compunctious expression) about the occasional hunting faux pas he had experienced. They had resulted in not too serious, but often embarrassing injuries.  

Lukha smirked and informed Sarah it was mainly Erik who caused the injury in the first place and her husband often came home with some form of injury to his person. However, Erik also managed to injure himself on a fairly regularly basis too. The exploits had went from mildly amusing to hilariously funny.

Lukha's eyes were streaming as she asked Erik to relate the story of when he and Taril went to Azuremyst Isle on a hunt for moongraze stags.

The dwarf smirked and happily told his captive audience the tale. Initially they had been hired, along with other hunters to help stock various inns and kitchens, mainly in venison.  Having completed the task, they decided to try snag a couple for themselves.  

"Oor competitive, me and Taril, and ah didnae think onything untoward when the lad wis naewhar tae be seen." Erik explained with a degree of flair and drama. "Ah thought he'd snuck off tae try and bag a target further across the meadows.  Well ..." he took a long draft of ale then dragged his arm across his face, wiping the froth from his wiry red beard and moustache. "Ah heard the bushes rustlin' tae ma right and a young fawn bolted oot frae behind them. Ah knew summat had spooked her. And, when ah looked again ah could see the rump o' a fine stag still amongst the foliage. Ah got tae thinking he'd been tryin' a wee bit romance in the shrubbery, and the lady deer didnae want tae ken. So, very carefully ..." he acted out taking aim with a bow. "Ah lined up ma arra' and with perfect aim..."

Lukha could not contain her laughter. Erik eyes twinkled as he glanced in her direction. "Thwack!" He emphasised by smacking fist on palm.

"You didn't miss.  Did you?" Sarah asked. She looked disbelieving at the dwarf.

Erik slowly shook his head. "Nae lass, ah didnae miss." He laughed.  "But ah did mistake the target."

The result  dawned on both her and Anduin the minute Lukha keeled over in peals of laughter. Thaerai's humour rumbled deep in his chest as the elf tried hard to keep a relatively straight face.

"No!" Sarah exclaimed, as she bleated a guffaw.

Erik started to chortle. "Aye! It wis nae stag. It had been Taril answerin' the call o' nature.  Ah shot him in his bare erse."

Lukha, struggling to form the words, described how Taril had come home, his face both thunderous and embarrassed at having been shot in the behind. He had went to bed, unable to speak about it. Erik had whispered to her what happened. Their corresponding laughter was awarded a very disgruntled reprimand from the wounded draenei in the other room. Thankfully, the next day, Taril did manage to laugh about the incident.

The stories kept coming and the group of friends were almost exhausted from laughing so much. They were somewhat relieved when dinner was served and allowed them time to regain composure and calm down.

As for Tharaei - initially she had thought him to be a very serious, almost aloof young man. However, she soon found out he was a bit of a prankster who simply had a very dry sense of humour. Already having bore witness to his style of humour when he had stole the kill from Erik earlier, Sarah now enjoyed hearing about his family. He was the youngest of three brothers and hailed from Auberdine, in Darkshore. The destruction of the town by Deathwing however, meant his family had to make a new home. They moved to neighbouring Felwood where they found temporary lodgings in Talonbranch Glade. A few months later however, they finally settled in Moonglade, where his family still resided.

Sarah listened intently, picturing the town of his birth with fondness. It had been one of her "chill-out" places in the game before Cataclysm; the expansion in which Deathwing, formerly Neltharion the Earth-Warder, one of the five Dragon Aspects and leader of the black dragonflight, burned it to the ground along with many other locations in Azeroth.

The night elves were also her favourite race in the game, and Tharaei was evidence why. He was charming, with a soft, hypnotic voice. His blue hair was tied back from the temples into a high ponytail, the rest hung loose, cascading down over his back and shoulders. The bright shining eyes had a misty assurance and always seemed kind.

As she listened to his lilting intonation, Sarah made herself a promise that she would do her utmost to have Khadgar at least meet the young man. Hopefully, he would see fit to taking him under his wing.

Of course the conversation turned to Sarah as they were curious about her too. She tried her best not to simply repeat what she had already disclosed to Anduin, but inevitably, some of it was unavoidable. Forever the polite young man and gracious host, he made out he was hearing it for the first time. She still avoided talking about the Broken Shore, for all history in Azeroth had now been influenced by her conjecture. The virtual death of King Varian was still harrowing to her, and she never wanted anyone to know about it, other than the man she had confided in. Khadgar. She was thankful that he had not divulged the gory details to Varian but had simply teleported him out explaining that she had "insider" information that things would not end well otherwise.

Before they knew it, the hour was getting late. With them all having had their fill of gammon, boar ribs, sweet potatoes, bread and ale, and having enjoyed an affable afternoon and evening together, it was time for Lukha, Erik and Thaerei to leave.

Sarah linked arms with Lukha as they strolled through corridors and cut across the gardens to the main entrance of the Keep. She adored the draenei and considered her a close friend. 

Erik and Tharaei continued an indepth conversation with Anduin about the pending war ahead. Rightly or wrongly, Sarah did not want to listen to that conversation. It reminded her that truly horrific things lay ahead and she had no idea where her place was or in which world she now belonged. It was therefore an oddly welcome turn of subject when Lukha chose to broach the subject of Khadgar. "I am glad it is working out between the two of you," she said. A small smile of approval played on her hyacinth- blue lips.

Sarah squeezed Lukha's arm lightly. "So am I," she replied. Her eyes drifted to the paving they walked upon.

The draenei sensed a foreboding in Sarah's demeanour. "What troubles you, my friend?" she asked keeping her voice low so not to alert the male company ahead of them.

A nightingale sang in the gardens drawing both women's attention for a moment. The almond eyes turned back to Sarah, concern clearly residing within. "Talk to me, Sarah," she encouraged.

Taking a deep breath, she voiced her fears for Khadgar on the Broken Isles. Her ability to predict what would happen was now gone, erased, and she had absolutely no idea what the future held. All she did know, was the war was looming, and it would be bloody with insurmountable losses.

The draenei looked thoughtfully to the stars for a few moments before responding. "My people have survived the Burning Legion for millennia Sarah. Since Sargeras visited our home planet of Argus, we have fought, fled and lived to fight another day. And so the cycle repeated. We escaped Draenor and landed here in Azeroth. Once more we fight the Legion."

"But at least you knew where you were going," Sarah whispered. "I do not know. Nor have I worked out if I will remain here, or whether I will wake up in my own world again, perhaps a mere husk of who I once was. I am scared, if truth be told."

Lukha smiled, stroking Sarah's hand in reassurance. "You must not worry that you do not know what the future holds;  none of us truly do and such a responsibility is not yours to shoulder. One thing I can tell you Sarah, is that here, now, is very real indeed and you are part of it.  I doubt very much, that you lie comatose in a bed on the other side of the universe. You are here, with us." Lukha spoke with such conviction that Sarah's apprehension eased considerably.

Once more casting her eyes to the star studded sky, Lukha offered her another insight to the strange, unpredictable way of things. "Draenor was alien to us as was Azeroth, and our landing here was not intentional. We draenei, are older than the night elves, Sarah. Some of us are immortal too, such as our great Prophet Velen, who has been around for over 25,000 years. He has seen much, experienced and lost plenty too." She paused and turned her attention back to her friend.  "Illidan and his people are but babies compared to Velen, yet they too have traversed through difficult times in the history of their people." She pulled Sarah a little closer. "No earthbound mortals nor immortals can properly predict future events. The naaru on the other hand, are different. They are the true immortals, the all seeing, all knowing, supreme beings of the universe and The Great Beyond. They and they alone, know what lies ahead." She glanced at Sarah. A look of utter discombobulation crossed the Earth woman's face. Lukha laughed lightly, then patted Sarah's hand.  "Discovering the future, Sarah, carving it as we go is what makes life worth living.  And Khadgar will not feel any less for you simply because you are not an oracle."

They had reached the top of the stairs which led down towards the canals. A few individuals milled about the outmost gate of the Keep. Royal Guards posted at intervals kept a watchful eye on the comings and goings of all within and outwith the grounds.

Anduin bade Erik and Tharaei goodnight and offered a gentlemanly bow to Lukha. Sarah's goodnight was much more informal, a sisterly hug for the draenei and a kiss on the cheeks for both Erik and Tharaei.

With a final wave to their three guests, Anduin accompanied Sarah back to her chamber. They commented on the day's events and the laughter they had shared with the others. "It has been a very entertaining day, Sarah. Thank you." The Prince gave another courteous bow.

"Thank you, Anduin. I needed that today."

"Sleep well then and we will see what tomorrow will bring."

"Indeed we shall. Goodnight."


Her door closed with a quiet click. Keeping in mind that Varian had taken precautionary measures regarding a possible attack by the Horde, she turned the key in the lock.

She hopped on one foot as she attempted to pull her boot off the other. Nearly losing balance, she flopped down on the edge of the bed and safely removed the second boot. She carelessly dropped them off to the side and sat back, keeping herself propped up with hands behind her.

For a few moments she stared out at the moon as it hovered over the city. Her thoughts once more returned to her beloved Khadgar. Where was he now? Was he looking up at the moon wondering the same about her? She ached for his safe return, and stared wistfully at the empty pillow beside her.

Not knowing how he was faring was the worst. It was undoubtedly a interminably difficult mission he was on, fraught with many dangers. She knew he was not without capability at fending off danger but still, there was no quashing her worry for him regardless. It was inevitable considering how things had progressed between them.

She draped her overshirt on the back of a chair, and peeled off her T-shirt. Finally she slid out of her jeans and let them fall to the floor near her boots. Casting off her underwear, she donned the flimsy nightgown she had brought with her from Dalaran. After splashing some cold water on her face and dabbing it dry, she sat at the dressing table and started to brush out her hair. A ritual she had adopted from a few years ago, she always brushed one hundred times. Something she had read in a magazine once, it was a recommendation for strong, healthy, shiny hair. She had found it to be also very therapeutic.

She counted aloud as she brushed. Fifty strokes in and she tipped her head forward and started brushing from the underside. "Sixty-six, sixty-seven, sixty-eight, sixty-ni ..."

"You are his mate, yes?"

Sarah yelped in surprise and jumped at the unexpected interruption. Her brush fell from her hand, landing with a dull thud on the luxurious rug underfoot. She flipped her hair back and stared in the direction of the window where the voice had come from. It had the unmistakable soft tones of a female night elf.

Crouching on the balustrade of the balcony, wings folded back, sat the demon hunter who had invaded Sarah's space earlier that day. The fel-coloured sockets were even more eerie under the cover of night.

Sarah remained seated, but poised ready to flee if need be. "Who are you?" She demanded. "What do you want? How did you know I was here?"

The demon hunter smiled, her fangs momentarily exposed. She jumped down from her perch. "So many questions, so little time." She tilted her head in the predatory manner Sarah was becoming accustomed to. She stepped into the room and sniffed the air making a sound almost like purring. Her movements, just like earlier were automated, robotic and fast, so very fast.

Instantly, Sarah was off the stool and around the edge of her bed. "Who are you? Answer me!" Try as she did, she could not disguise the tremor in her voice.

The one-time night elf ventured further in. Her cloth covered sockets flared as her head turned, surveying the room. She ran her taloned fingers across the back of the chair where Sarah had draped her shirt. Her hand halted when she touched the item of clothing. She picked it up and buried her nose in it, inhaling deeply.

"Put that down," Sarah said, attempting to sound authoritative.

The demon hunter smirked but did as she was asked. "You have expensive tastes."

"It's just a shirt."

"I meant the perfume. Honeysuckle and Wild Lotus."

Sarah merely jutted out her chin in agreement. Her body was taut, ready for flight, although she doubted she could actually move.

Continuing into the room, the female repeatedly sniffed. She neared the bed and stared at it for the longest time before snatching up a pillow. She held it like a precious babe and caressed it with one elongated talon. Her wings vibrated, pulsed, the membraned hide rippling, catching the moonbeams which filtered through the window. Her body, bearing a blue tone not unlike Lukha's, was finely toned, every inch of her muscle and sinew, oozing vitality and strength. Her attire was limited, the small top nothing more than a leather bra, covered her well-formed breasts adequately enough, although the cleavage was mind-blowing. Close fitting leather leggings which were cropped, exposed the customary hocks and cloven feet of a demon.

Sarah gasped as the demon hunter licked the pillow. "Stop that!"

Fel shimmering sockets turned in her direction. "There is another scent here," she said with a lop-sided smile.

Incensed at the female's audacity, Sarah propelled herself forward and grabbed the pillow from the taloned hands. "I ask you again, who are you!"

The demon hunter turned back towards the window, her leather attire creaking as she moved. "I am Arcaena," she said. "And I am interested in you, for I can smell it on you."

Sarah stepped back from the bed and started to back her way to the door clutching the pillow and her nightrobe. Interested in me? Smell it on me? She wasn't sure she wanted to pursue the questioning any more. She reached behind her, trying to locate the door handle.

The demon hunter laughed, although little mirth resided within the sound. "You flatter yourself, human. Relax, I have no intentions of that nature." She bent down and picked up the hairbrush from the floor. She turned it in her hands, staring at it as if she had never seen a brush before. "I asked you a question also and you have not yet satisfied my curiosity. I thought it was impolite not to answer. Did you not say something like that earlier today?"

Sarah exhaled slowly. She had already met two very powerful women here in Azeroth, both who, she was pretty sure, could snuff her out in an instant. She did not need a third against her. This one however, was considerably scarier. Undeniably impressive, but scary.

Her silence seemed to irritate Arcaena. "Well?" The demon hunter said sharply.


"The one they call Khadgar! He is your mate?" Arcaena insisted.

Sarah would not have referred to him as basely but she nodded confirmation.

Arcaena's dark lips curled. "I thought so. His scent is on you, as yours is on him."

Sarah was stunned at that piece of intel. She stepped away from the door, her trepidation of the demon hunter now taking a back seat. "You have seen him? Do you know where he has gone?"

Arcaena looked in her direction. "He has gone to the Broken Isles. Kayn and six other Illidari accompany him."

Sarah's heart missed a beat. As she'd feared, he was in the epicentre of the invasion. "I know he is on the Broken Isles but where exactly? For how long?"

The demon hunter laughed lightly. "Are you familiar with the area?"

"Not really," Sarah replied, not willing to go into how she knew what she did.

"Then what good would my answer be?"

The female was starting to irritate Sarah, but she dared not show it. This creature was probably the deadliest thing she had come into contact with yet. She thought perhaps another approach might be advisable. "Please! I need to know."

Wisps of fel energy floated upwards from the cloth around her sockets as she looked in Sarah's direction. Her voice softened just a shade as she answered. "How do I know, human? Besides, I hear tell that you are the one with all the answers. Sarah? That is your name, if I remember correctly?"

Sarah nodded. "You hear much for one who has just arrived in the big city."

Seemingly tired of the hairbrush, Arcaena set it down on the dressing table almost tenderly. "Cities, continents, worlds...all become very small when the Legion invades..." She paused. Then, almost inaudibly, "... and some disappear entirely."

There was an unmistakable note of sadness in her voice. It conveyed the tragedy behind the Illidari which Sarah was familiar with from the lore - homes destroyed, families and loved ones lost, all resulting in their drive for vengeance.

"I'm sorry," Sarah breathed.

Arcaena's head snapped up. "Do not pity me, outsider. My Lord has shown me the way."

"Illidan." Sarah smiled a little but it was soon wiped from her face.

"You are not worthy to speak his name!" Arcaena spat.

Sarah flinched. She had meant no disrespect, quite the opposite in fact.

"Why are you here, Arcaena?" she asked steadily.

The demon hunter stood silently for a moment. Then she held out her hand. "Come with me. I want to show you something."

Sarah knew from her gaming, that the Illidari had sworn to help both the Alliance and the Horde in the battle against the Legion. They were driven to destroy it. Which meant, they were to be trusted. She hoped. But, she also knew, now standing in close proximity of one, that even with all their magnificence, all their unearthly beauty, and mesmerising powers, they were utterly terrifying.

"I mean you know harm, Sarah. But, I need answers," she thrust her hand forward again. "And I think you do too."

That piqued Sarah's interest. She stared at the upturned demonic appendage. "I need? What do you think I need to know?" Her heart was hammering inexplicably. Her eyes flitted back to the fel sockets in front of her.

"How you came to be here. In Azeroth."

Sarah faltered. "How - how do you possibly know..."

"I am Illidari. I sensed more than mere lust and desire on you and your mate."

Sarah's stomach started to churn. "What?"

The demon hunter straightened. "I detect Fel magic."

 All comments, advice and suggestions are welcome. Should you like this chapter, please be kind enough to vote, it would be most appreciated. 

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