(Okay, so I was thinking about backstory for Kanba and caved in, so yeah Kanba is now officially a Human-Wyverian hybrid.)
Last we left off, Kanba had successfully managed to fend off another Rampage, along with his first Apex monster before he and the others that defended the Stronghold had discovered the serpentine Elder Dragon, Wind Serpent Ibushi, flying through the sky as Hinoa had resonated with it, then Nergigante appeared to battle the beast of storms. Upon returning to the village, an investigation is set underway to figure out who or what the beast was, Kanba being tasked to handle the Four Star hub quests.
Kanba talks to a couple people before going to Minoto at the quest counter.
Kanba: Minoto, are you okay?
Minoto: Oh, Kanba... I'm sorry that I worried everyone, I must apologize for my actions. Seeing Hinoa like that...
Kanba: I know. It worried me just as much. Is there anything I can do to help?
Minoto: It's Hinoa you should be focusing on. Resonating with that horrible monster has taken a toll on her body...
Kanba: I see...
Minoto: She endured so much pain, yet I powerless to do anything. Never had I felt so useless...or feel so much hatred.
Kanba: Minoto.
Minoto: Kanba, I beg of you. Track down that infernal creature and destroy-
Kanba: Minoto! That's enough. This isn't like you to be acting out like this.
Minoto: ....You're right. I... I apologize. I let my emotions interfere with my duties.
Kanba gently offers her to hold his hands, Minoto slowly placing both of her hands into his.
Kanba: I know you're upset, and you have every right to be so. But you can't let that hinder your duties. You are better than that. So, I will find and defeat this beast, and help soothe your anger.
Minoto couldn't help but smile softly, hearing such compassionate words from someone who she would consider a friend, as they both gently touch their foreheads together as a gesture of friendship.
Minoto: ...Thank you.
Kanba: It's like Hinoa said, we're all family in Kamura. We're all in this together. So I feel than inclined to help you.
They stop touching foreheads as Minoto continues.
Minoto: Thank you for putting me at ease. As we speak, Four Star quests are now available for you. But bear in mind these quests are considered High Rank quests, so it's quite a leap in difficulty with stronger monsters.
Kanba: It's okay, I've been looking for tougher monsters to fight anyway.
After taking care of a few things, Kanba takes on different repeat monster quests, while also encountering some new monsters from previous low rank quests until Fugen pulls Kanba aside upon returning from a quest.
Fugen: Kanba, we have a serious problem! Some Buddies went to the Shrine Ruins and found some footprints, along with a few carcasses left in between. I have reason to believe that we may have a Deviljho on the loose.
Kanba: Deviljho? The Destroyer of Ecosystems?
Fugen: That's right. If nothing is done about that voracious beast, not only will Kamura be in danger, but every other monster in the area as well.
Kanba: I'll take care of it, don't worry.
Fugen: Good, get to it!
Kanba goes to Minoto and signs for an Urgent Quest for Deviljho, heading to the Shrine Ruins. The cutscene plays with Great Izuchi and normal Izuchi trying to escape from Deviljho in the bamboo forest.
Abominable creature
Its anger knows no bound
A predator fleeing in terror
The pursuer nowhere to be found
But when it catches up to you
You better say your prayers
For this monster's bloodlust
Is too much for anyone to bare
So quell this beast's hunger
Or otherwise, you're done for
Ecosystem Consumer: Deviljho
Kanba arrives at camp and starts the gathering phase of the hunt.
Kanba: Deviljho is gonna be a tough fight. I need to prepare as much as I can.
Kanba eventually goes to face off against Deviljho, the fight being tough for the warrior but he manages to pull through and defeat the beast.
Kanba: A hard fought battle, but I won.
Kanba returns to the village and reports to Hojo.
Hojo: Magnificent, Kanba! A beast like that stood no chance against you! Such wonderful-wonderful news!
Kanba: It was a hard battle, but nothing gets by me.
Hojo: Speaking of, Five Star hub quests are currently available for you! Good luck, and happy hunting!
Kanba: Yes, Master Hojo.
Kanba takes care of some of the quests before he's called in by Hojo.
Hojo: Kanba! I have urgent news, a Mizutsune had gone mad in the Shrine Ruins! These creatures are usually docile, so they hadn't need to be payed so much mind to. But this one has gone crazy for whatever reason! You must take care of it before it hurts someone!
Kanba: Yes, Master Hojo.
Kanba signs for the Urgent Quest and takes care of the Mizutsune, but he ends up repeating the quest multiple times to amp up his current equipment further, upgrading his Longsword to the Kakaru Kumo Naki 2, before going to see Fugen and Hojo.
Fugen: We have our answers... The answer to which has plauged Kamura... The cause of the Rampage! And you hunting that poor old Mizutsune has led us to the answer. When the Guild was investigating the monsters around it, they came across several telltale signs. And they were connected to the Rampage. The Rampage AND the azure fiend!
Hojo: And that's not all! Our scouts have spotted the creature above the Shrine Ruins! Shortly after it's appearance, all the monsters in the area have become feverishly violent! And that Mizutsune, being in mating season, was intensely affected...
Fugen: We always thought that monsters attacking human settlements was simply just nature at work. As it turns out, it was really the work of this monster. Whipping all the monsters into a frenzy, causing them to migrate. That's the secret behind the Rampage!
Hojo: And that's why there were always sightings of this monster after the Rampage started. The Guild has named this fearsome monster Wind Serpent Ibushi. The cause of the Rampage must be slain. We are sure it won't be long before that beast returns again. When that time comes, we're all counting on you.
Kanba: What about Nergigante?
Hojo: It would appear that you and him have the same goal, although for different reasons. If he happens to appear again, use that to your advantage. While we wait for reports, Six Star quests are now ready for you.
Kanba: Of course, Master Hojo.
After talking to them, he speaks to Utushi and learns about Switch Skills for the Longsword, which catches his interest and he undertakes the Switch Skill quest and acquires the Switch Skills, now his skills were honed and perfected. After that, Kanba starts taking on some more quests before talking with Fugen and Hojo.
Hojo: Kanba! Another wave of rampaging monsters is closing in on us. And Wind Serpent Ibushi is driving the horde from behind. Your task will be to slay the beast.
Fugen: The villagers defending the Stronghold will do their best to draw Ibushi out. As usual, you'll be standing by inside. The calamity that threatens Kamura ends today! Our fate rests in your hands, Kanba! Get to it!
Kanba: Yes, Elder Fugen!
Kanba goes to Minoto to take on the Urgent Quest.
Minoto: Kanba, an Urgent Quest has come in for you. The time has finally come to slay Wind Serpent Ibushi! Though my sister is putting on a brave face to defend the village, deep down she is suffering. If only I had her power, I would glady take her place. Ugh! Why am I so-
Kanba: Minoto, ease yourself. I will defeat the beast, for you and Hinoa. You don't need to be blaming yourself any further.
Minoto: Yes... I'm sorry. Kanba, please save the village. Save my sister!
Kanba: *Determined smirk and nods* You got it!
Kanba signs the Urgent Quest and heads off to the Stronghold, as the cutscene plays for Wind Serpent Ibushi flying through the storm-torn skies.
Where is my queen
Where is my queen
I am storm incarnate
I shall wipe the land clean
So we may meet at last
In paradise unseen
Breath of Ire: Wind Serpent Ibushi
Kanba arrives at the Stronghold and sets up multiple ballistae and other weapons to prepare for the Rampage.
Kanba: Okay you two, this is the big one. From this point forward, no retreat, no surrender. We will defeat this beast, no matter how bad it gets. Ready?
Jasper howls and Banzai raised his weapon high into the air while meowing loudly, showing that they were ready.
Kanba: Good. Here they come! For Kamura Village!
The Rampage begins and Kanba was holding nothing back against the invading monsters, using everything at his disposal until the third wave arrives, Wind Serpent Ibushi flying in.
Kanba: You want some of this?! Come on! Show me what you got!
Ibushi roars loudly at the hunter before it's interrupted by Nergigante ramming into him from above with his signature Divebomb attack, Ibushi crashing into the wall but he picks himself up and roars at the Elder Eater, Nergigante roaring back before they start fighting.
Kanba: That's what I'm talking about!
Kanba and Nergigante work together to try and defeat Ibushi, and soon enough the serpentine beast retreats into the clouds above, ending the Rampage. Kamura is safe.
Kanba: We did it, for now. *Relieved sigh*
But relaxation would have to wait as Nergigante turns his attention towards Kanba, putting the hunter on edge, but oddly it didn't attack him.
Kanba: What the...?
Suddenly, Kanba's eyes start glowing orange-red, as he starts resonating with Nergigante, reading the monster's thoughts aloud.
Kanba: "The battle is not yet over, hunter. This is the beginning of the end. Rest now. For when the time comes..."
Nergigante suddenly unfolds his wings, preparing to take off.
Kanba: "Be ready."
Nergigante takes off and flies away from the Stronghold, Kanba's eyes fading to their normal color before he leans over and pants heavily, placing his hands on his knees for support.
Kanba: Did I just...? What just...?
Kanba was left baffled by what just happened as he heads into the fort where everyone was waiting.
Fugen: How did it go?
Kanba: Ibushi retreated. Nergigante showed up and we both drove it off.
Fugen: Ah! You both took care of business, did ya? Good work! Very good work, Kanba!
Kanba: Thank you.
Minoto looks at Hinoa, slightly worried.
Minoto: Hinoa...?
Hinoa looked calm before she answered.
Hinoa: I can no longer sense its presence. Ibushi must have... Flown off somewhere distant.
Hojo: I want to say this is the end of the Rampage but... Something's still bothering me.
Hinoa: We still don't know why Ibushi showed up.
Minoto: And all we know is it's looking for its "queen".
Kanba: This runs much deeper than we thought. But then again, I discovered something about myself.
Fugen: What would that be?
Kanba: I'll explain to you later. Let's back to the village.
Fugen: *Nods* Let's go.
Later at Gathering Hub...
Hojo: You resonated with Nergigante?!
Kanba: Yes, I was wondering why he wasn't attacking me right away. It was such a weird feeling. It told me that, "This was the beginning of the end" and to be ready when the time comes.
Hojo: I say young one, you might have a bit of Wyverian within you!
Kanba: Well, I never thought anything of it because I can hardly remember my parents. All I remember was my father being a human and my mother was a female Wyverian.
Fugen: Then it checks out, you're a hybrid my friend. That's very interesting.
Kanba was rather surprised to know this information that he had long forgotten, probably due to the amount of hunts he had gone through.
Kanba: I never realized. I guess everything I did made me forget it.
Hojo: Well, aside from that, you've done well. Wind Serpent Ibushi has been repelled thanks to you and Nergigante's efforts.
Fugen: I thought the Rampage would simmer down, but something's not right. We're still trying to figure out why Ibushi has appeared and the question of this "queen" that Hinoa is speaking of. While the Guild gathers more information, there are still more Six Star quests to accept. That'll keep you busy.
Kanba: Yes, Elder Fugen.
Kanba walks to the hub quest counter, the slight look of surprise still on his face.
Minoto: Kanba, are you okay?
Kanba: I just learned that I'm a Human-Wyverian hybrid after I resonated with Nergigante.
Minoto: *Surprised* Really? A Human-Wyverian hybrid?
Kanba: Yeah, I always thought I was just human. But I guess everything I did so far made me forget who I really was.
Minoto: That's quite a surprise.
Kanba: Yeah. Well, anyway, let's keep the quests going.
(To be continued...)
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