Day Of Graduation
Some Things To Mention
1- On Earth, all the species of League Of Legends, Omni Heroes and The Faunus Race live together and while racism does happen, it is quite rare.
2- This story will be on Archive Of Our Own as well and some of the pictures maybe different.
3- I finally returned to my YouTube channel where I upload Dead By Daylight Game plays so if you are one of my DBD Fans then you can check it out.
4- Valhalla will be the Heaven of this Earth for reasons you might see easily.
5- The game Omniheroes is still fairly new so there aren't some pictures online so AI Art will have to do, sorry though I do recommend the game since it's really fun.
6- I OWN NOTHING!!!!!!!!
(No One's POV)
A handsome young man standing six five and a half inches tall was currently laying in bed taking his time to wake up since it was a Thursday and he really didn't feel like doing anything. Suddenly the door creaked opened and a tall and beautiful woman donning only a robe with lingerie underneath walked in to see her adopted child still resting despite it being nearly eleven in the morning though he had a hard day yesterday with some fights having shown up unexpectedly so he was justified. The woman walked over to him and gently started to fluff his soft hair then placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
???:" Time to wake up darling, I made you some breakfast and today you got college don't you? I know it's the last day but I need my sweet baby boy to get ready."
The young man grew annoyed of the news and wished that it was either cancelled or rescheduled but feeling his mother start to run her strong hands along his amazing abs and knowing that repeating a year of senior college was gonna suck, he begrudgingly got up from his bed and with his mother giving one more kiss on his forehead left while swaying her hips so he could get dressed. The male grabbed some clothes ranging from a white V neck shirt, blue jeans and a simple black jacket with his white sneakers that were the only ones he had despite how ripped and torn they were before taking a shower, grabbing his backpack and phone and going to the kitchen to get his breakfast where he saw what his mother made for him.
He smiled but did notice no juice or milk meaning they've run out so he went to his father's liquor cabinet or rather the one in the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of vanilla vodka and poured himself a decent sized glass.
He took a sip and sighed gratefully before starting to devour his meal with a smile on his face though once it was finished he took his backpack and headed to the bus stop to get to his college where he got the normal looks of girls who saw his handsome features while growing bored of the day already and it only increased when they arrived at the college.
(Timeskip Because I Don't Know How College Graduations Work)
The youngster finished getting his diploma as a honor roll where he got a strong hug from his mother and then a large man did the same and he reciprocated the hugs before they went to a five star restaurant known for celebrations and given how rich his father was, the male knew he father was gonna spoil him. They arrived where they all got looks once again due to their heights and beauty once again but ignored it to get a table where the male mind started to go to other places.
???:" Now you have no distractions Daemon."
Daemon*In Thoughts*:" Yeah no distractions just a pair of parents that love me even though I am not their blood son."
???:" Blood is nothing but what is spilled on battlefields from the true warriors Daemon. Your training exceeded my expectations by miles along with your skills in fighting is nothing but amazing so I'm sending someone to be what you can call a companion and loyal ally.
Daemon*In Thoughts*:" Really huh? That would be interesting to have someone to talk to rather than killing demons and monsters alone though getting paid diamonds, gold coins and bills makes it worth it."
???:" Money is needed to survive but what if I told you about a way to travel to Remnant?"
Daemon chuckled at that idea since he was well aware of that dimension as well as what his parents did before coming to Earth and that was why he was trained so hard to be a warrior capable of surpassing the both of them. His parents were legends of their former home and now were legends of their adopted home world and now like him were immortal because of their semblances though he was immortal for a different reason he was unaware of for now at least. Being aware of this news though intrigued him to no end and he knew it would help him be a better warrior so he nodded yes and the voice told him that he would need to find a powerful weapon that would grant him that ability along with unlocking his semblance and finally, uniting with who would be his new companion who was being held captive.
Daemon:" Mom and Dad I got someone to save and I don't think I can wait."
Father:" We'll wait though for ya our child. Good luck and have fun."
Mother:" Be careful darling, I may love my child to pieces but I don't want him to be returned to me in pieces."
Daemon*Kisses His Mother's Cheek*:" You two trained me so I got this and besides I need a weapon because using powers and my bare hands gets old fast."
Daemon left the restaurant and started running fast towards the direction the voice was telling him to go where after thirty minutes he came across a large cave with growls and snarls forming from the cave and with a crack of his neck walked in where he noticed torches with light blue flames leading him in a way so he followed them down the dark passages with not a sound being heard until a scream was heard echoing off the stone walls so Daemon stormed through the cave at full speed to eventually find a messed up sight that made his fists clench. A tall young woman was chained up with a bloodied wound on her side while coughing and wheezing weakly and what was in front of her was a ugly purple demon with a sadistic smirk on it's face.
(Daemon will keep the double sided knife afterward, it looks too badass)
Purple Demon*Gleeful Laugh*:" Well well the mighty "Guardian Valkyrie" has fallen to me with a mere surprise attack. Allow me to ask you Eluller, how does the poison coursing through you weak veins feel like courtesy of me?"
Eluller:" Someone will come for me you filthy bastard, you just wait and see. The Mother Goddess will send a savior to free me from these chains and to slay you for you crimes against humanity!"
Purple Demon*Laughs Sadistically*:" You mean the same goddess that failed to find a new Omni-Guardian?! How foolishly loyal can someone be yet manage to be seen as such a powerful being?! No one will save you Eluller! You are a doomed soul belonging to me now!!"
The demon let out another maniacally laugh that was this time silenced when Daemon ran towards him and punched the demon into the side of the stone walls before he ran over to the imprisoned woman to inspect her more and saw the horrid injury she had on her with some being cuts and bruises but there was a large purple gash on her side that smelled something horrible but strangely familiar: Oleander. Daemon knew about how toxic these flowers were when they were just touched so them being in a cut this big was pretty much automatic death but this woman was was tough being to still be alive though she still needed immediate aid.
Daemon:" I will help you I promise but you have to trust me ma'am. Can you do that?"
Eluller:" My prayers have been answered with you arriving warrior. I have full trust in you but I suggest killing that demon before aiding me."
Daemon:" Can't do that, this toxin entering your blood stream is like adding gasoline to a damn house fire. It'll just get worse and worse unless the right stuff are added."
Daemon suddenly turned fast and blocked a powerful punch before sending one of his own to the demon's stomach, bringing it down to it's knees then kneeing it right in the jaw then adding a deafening round house kick to the side of it's face and making it go down temporarily so Daemon could run to the woman who was unable to even sit up, so he took off his jacket and laid her head onto it before ripping his shirt off and with a glass of alcohol he found, he drenched the shirt before wrapping it around her wounds to stop the bleeding and any other infections at the very least.
Daemon:" I'll take care of this arrogant son of a bitch, just stay alive."
Flashing a handsome bright smile he turned back to the abomination who stood back up with it's two beautiful weapons and a enraged look on it's face.
Purple Demon*Enraged*:" YOU WILL DIE TODAY FOR THIS SCUM!!!!"
Daemon:" Blah blah blah just shut the fuck up and fight asshole."
The demon charged forward though all that accomplished was it getting a vicious clothesline that made it spin in the air.
The demon was flat on it's face so wanting to help the injured woman quickly he grabbed the katana it had then in a moment sliced it's head clear off it's shoulders. Daemon took the double sided knife and placed it in his pants before taking a look at the beautiful katana that radiated in front of his eyes with nothing but what he knew was sacred energy and power beyond this world and beyond anything he had every seen.
(Focus On The Sword, Not The Sheath)
Daemon:" I take it this is the weapon I needed to find."
Not waiting or caring for a answer he ran to the woman before noticing her drinking the remaining whiskey to try and dull the horrible pain but knowing that staying here would be stupid, Daemon picked her up bridal style and ran home where he knew his parents weren't at yet and went up into his room to place the woman on his bed. He managed to now get a good look at her and she was certainly a sight to behold. She had long flowing golden hair that seemed to glow put up in a braided ponytail with a helmet of sorts partially covering her head, a long white fluffy cape connected to her shoulders with her "clothing" being a thick leather yet scantly thong with a big dark blue gem in the front while the back showed quite a good amount of her round pale cheeks but not being a pervert he averted his eyes to her legs where she had strap on leather armor with heavy duty boots with her upper clothing being only a metal bra that barely kept her very tempting and jiggling E Cup sized breasts that heaved up and down with very breath. Her face was beautiful with no make up at all, soft skin despite how battle hardened she seemed and finally her beautiful blue eyes that were just simply dazzling and amazing to look at.
He went downstairs to get a bottle of strong whiskey his dad introduced him to when he was thirteen and knew due to his father's occupations and his secret company that he was able to afford more.
Daemon:" Whatever that fucker was or wanted doesn't matter, saving that woman is and I guess fate said for Daemon Knight to be the one."
Daemon ran up and with a glass poured a drink out for his new guest.
Daemon:" I've noticed you like whiskey and this will help with the pain at least."
Eluller:" Thank you so much noble warrior, you are too kind to have aided me against a demon like that."
Daemon:" Well he's dead so he won't be bothering you no more now and just think about healing because that poison is no damn joke. Do you know of anyway I can help you? Your wish is my command."
Eluller:" Tell me your name first noble warrior, I want to know the name of the one who saved me if today is my last."
Daemon:" Don't say stupid shit like that you will live on! My name is Daemon Knight and you are the one who will live on if it kills me."
Daemon got ready to change the bandages that were his shirt when he realized that she would need to remove her bra. He sighed and turned his dark eyes towards the woman's wide lightning blue ones.
Daemon:" I need to change your bandages ma'am and that means the bra needs to come off. I'm sorry but it's in the way of your wounds and that shirt is soaked in too much blood to just leave alone. Anyway to make this comfortable?"
Eluller:" Warrior, if one is too shy or cowardice to show the body they use to fight and work then they are either far too selfish or far too cowardly. I am aware of my wound so I will remove my armor to make it easier for you."
Eluller without shame removed her bra and with Daemon having heard her words didn't look away but focused on getting the fresh bandages readied and the other materials such as the medical alcohol, a refill of hard whiskey and a pair of gentle hands wondering where to start before deciding by removing the cape then with her eyes giving him permission to remove her legging armor pieces with his fingers rubbing against her powerful thighs then gently tearing the pieces of shirt that were soaked to a nearly black color then rubbing some alcohol onto her grisly purple wound then onto the bandages where he gently started to wrap them around her side while she took sips of the whiskey. After patiently cleaning and redressing the wound Daemon cleaned off his bloodied hands when he felt strong arms wrap around his hefty body, courtesy of the woman.
Eluller:" Thank you for saving me Daemon but why would you do that for a stranger like me?"
Daemon was silent for several moments from the questions before running a gentle hand through her now free hair with a smile etching it's way onto his face.
Daemon:" I saved you because I know you are a warrior with a spirit of a hero much like my mother and father are but I can tell you are native to this world."
Eluller:" I am Daemon since I am in seek of the warrior known as the Omni-Guardian."
Daemon:" Omni-Guardian?"
Eluller:" The Omni-Guardian is a mortal being chosen by the Mother Goddess to become Earth's noble and power defender. They are granted amazing powers beyond mortal capabilities that transcend anything humans and others of this world can not comprehend such as amazing magic abilities, immortality and Aura manipulation though if they die then a new champion must be chosen so I was in search of that new champion."
Daemon:" Damn that's something alright. A normal human chosen by a goddess to become a immortal superhero but who was the former champion since there might be some clues? And if you don't mind me asking, what else is your role in all this?"
Suddenly a bright white orb of light came out of Daemon's head before appearing floating in front of the two in the room.
The light was something Daemon had never seen before but one Eluller had seen for centuries and she smiled since that meant her mission had been accomplished when the ball started to form into a human body of a beautiful woman wearing amazingly crafted steel like armor with orangish auburn hair with a beautifully crafted sword in each hand but what rally caught Daemon's eyes were the massive bird like wings protruding from her back.
???:" Finally me and you can speak face to face Daemon. It's a honor to speak to my successor."
Daemon*Eyes Widen*:" Wait you are the voice I've been hearing in my head and the one who had trained me for so long?"
???:" Indeed young one and as I stated before you have exceeded all my expectations and amazed me like no other warrior ever has. It was a miracle I managed to find you and a even bigger one that I found a successor with a heart like your's."
Daemon:" Heh, thank you but if I may ask are you this Mother Goddess?"
???*Chuckles*:" No I am not young one but I do believe it's high time to introduce myself since I have been just a voice in your head for several thousand years."
Daemon:" That would be nice since a beautiful woman deserves a beautiful name now don't they my lady?"
???*Blushes A Pink Hue*:" Well thank you for the compliment Daemon but my name is fairly simple compared to the uniqueness of your's. I am Zindel, The Devil Maiden and the former Omni-Guardian.
Daemon:" Former Huh? Well guess it's my turn to be the protector of this planet since it's the only home I have. Remnant's supposed "protectors" don't care about each other and their bosses just want blindly loyal powerful warriors under their thumb and I ain't one of them."
Zindel:" Of course Daemon because if you were I would have certainly not have chosen you though then again only two people who had the privilege of being Omni-Guardian have been from Remnant."
Daemon:" Damn that a hella bad ratio compared to Earth but my parents weren't either."
Zindel:" They preferred to be their own kind of hero though they certainly were worthy candidates for the role. The two were a man named Nicholas Arc of the Arc bloodline up until his death then a knight named Ozma but he instead was stripped of the title after he was punished for his sins."
Daemon:" I have a feeling this Ozma guy is Ozpin isn't he? My parents told me a lot about him when I was around ten and they told me about Remnant and how he wasn't this hero people there see him as."
Zindel:" Yes but Nicholas Arc died a noble death as his sacrifice allowed Earth to be a home to others from the Underworld."
Eluller:" My lady pardon my intrusion but I believe it's time to give him what he's earned."
Zindel*Smiles Warmly*:" You are certainly right Eluller. Daemon please let me see the golden sword and bow to one knee please."
Daemon handed the sword over and did as he was told when Zindel tapped both his broad shoulders with the sword before in a moment slit her hands with her blood dripping onto the sword then with remorseful eyes stabbed the blade into Daemon's abdomen but Daemon was born a tough son of a bitch like his daddy so he took the VERY unexpected stab like a champ and allowed the empowered blood to enter his body where he felt the most intense wave of power go through his organs and veins before becoming embedded into his soul, granting him more power and turning him into the latest Omni-Guardian and that was when the sword was removed from his body. Daemon stood back up and took the sword back but when he did he noticed the shocked looks on Zindel's and Eluller's faces though for Eluller it was towards him while for Zindel it was towards herself.
Daemon:" Did something go wrong?"
Eluller:" Quite the opposite my lord! Your eyes are so different now and they are so beautiful! What had happened Zindel?! I have never seen the transformation do something like this to anyone of the centuries I have lived!"
Zindel*Astonished*:" Neither have I but not only that, how am I still alive?! The transfer of the title and power should have killed me instantly!"
Daemon:" Hold the hell up, it would've killed you!? What the shit!?"
Zindel:" Daemon if the Omni-Guardian chooses to pass their power on then their soul is at rest and goes on to the afterlife of Valhalla for fallen warriors but I have survived somehow! Amazing! Simply amazing and unbelievable!"
Daemon:" Wait Zindel do you by any chance have a place to go because I still have to help Eluller here from that poison and I know very well sitting around won't help her."
Zindel:" Wait let me see her wound!*Examines Eluller's Injury* We'll need a special potion for this poison but right now Eluller, you need to get off your feet because moving makes it far more worse than you can imagine."
With that Eluller obeyed and laid on Daemon's bed while Zindel grabbed a piece of paper to draw a map to a dungeon where Daemon can find a potion to fully heal and save Eluller but to also test his skills against the boss that she was aware was quite powerful and difficult to best though she had full confidence that her disciple now successor would emerge victorious against the demonic threat. Taking the makeshift map Daemon sped towards the direction of the dungeon that didn't look very special but had a dark aura about it that made Daemon want to enter it even more so he did with his new weapon and for over a hour saw nothing but destroyed decayed skeletons, torches with blue flames like the cave he was in before and finally and of course night creatures that make caves their homes but he ignored all of that to fin what he knew he came here for when he sensed something behind so turned and saw bat like creatures but their souls weren't Earthly. They charged at him but with a swipe of his sword they were no more with their sliced in half bodies on the stone floor but he manage to sense more enemies on this floor meaning that he was in for some combat practice and that made a smile form on Daemon's face. He continued walking using his trained instincts to dodge attacks from monsters he had never seen before along with dishing attacks to rid the world of them.
(Timeskip Three And A Half Hours Later)
Daemon was now even more grateful for the training from his parents since he knew even a well built person would have collapsed after the fighting he went through from what he knew were strong demons and wraiths alongside what he believed were a few werewolves that really didn't want him to pass through but he kept on despite being covered head to toe in blood and guts and having his jeans badly torn up with no shirt to hide his bloodied and filthy torso from view when he saw something unexpected: A dark purple light that screamed demonic from the aura but Daemon knew that this had to be where he would find the solution for Eluller's poisonous wound so when he entered he saw some rather shocking things. First was the corpse of the purple demon he killed to save Eluller, second was a large fountain of water with beautiful blue crystals on the tops of it flowing beautiful, sparkling and despite the filth of the cave amazing fresh water that you could actually smell the freshness, third was several chests that were unopened but were made of expensive cherry wood with real steel locks and finally the most shocking being the three other living beings in the room with Daemon.
Red Demon:" Foolish bastard thought he could best a Valkyrie now he has paid the price for it. No matter since his death means that his weaponry and armor belong to me now where it rightfully belongs."
The demon started to search the corpse when he let out a angry growl with it fangs extending from it's powerful jaw and hatred filling it's eyes.
Red Demon:" Where are the fucking weapons?!?! The doubled ended knife and the katana of gold!!! Worthless fool lost them!!!"
The demon was currently raging over what Daemon knew he had but his eyes went to the pups that were whimpering in fear softly but then rage filled Daemon's veins when he saw a dead grown wolf next to them and looking at the demon, he could tell he didn't have to search for the culprit. Daemon slowly came out of the rock he was hiding behind then with a powerful punch he sent the demon right through several walls of pure stone. Not wanting the demon to have time to recover he stabbed the demon's kneecaps with his new knife forcing it on it's back where he unleashed a horribly brutal beating to it's head or what would soon remain of it.
Daemon:" Piece of shit, making innocent animals orphans. Wished I could've beaten you up more. Whatever."
Daemon was ready to run to the two pups when he noticed the monster's horribly mangled started to actually heal despite the beaten so Daemon switched to his new sword and slashed it across it's torso several times then used the handle to bash the demon's still badly damaged face though suddenly Daemon felt his instincts tell him to jump to the side so he did and saw why when the demon tried to slash him with it's claws so he got payback by grabbing it's right arm and twisting until he heard a fine and loud snap then doing a spin kick into it's slashed up torso.
Daemon:" For a demon you are a lot like the last one I fought, so pathetically weak and can't even back up any of the smack they say. You take it farther by killing defenseless innocent animals in a dark dungeon where it's hard to see jack shit."
Daemon once again walked over to the pups who looked up at him with bright eyes and when he gently put his right hand out to them they went to sniff his hand where they let out mini howls and started to lick his hand affectionately. Daemon though rolled his eyes when he sensed that the demon wasn't letting up and hearing this made him know that this was over.
Red Demon:" You dare insult ME!?!?! A worthless filthy mortal scum dare calls me pathetic and weak?!?! You are nothing but a mere human that lives on this worthless pitiful rock while I rule among the demons of the Third Ring of Hell as true royalty!!! I am not only your superior but the superior of any demon of the Third Ring!!!"
Daemon:" Dude do the Third Ring, me and Earth a favor, shut the fuck up."
Within a moment Daemon sped forward and sliced the golden blade through the demon's neck with it slowly falling off it's shoulder before the body unlike the other demon's corpse this one started to dissolve before a red ball of what Daemon could sense was apparently aura came towards him.
Daemon:" Pride is a deadly sin and it's what killed you, well whatever this is I won't let it go to waste like you did."
Daemon held his hand out to touch the sphere where he felt a burning sensation enter his body yet he ignored any kind of pain and felt his hands heat up with fire forming but Daemon knew how to control things so he easily rid the flames from his body then looked at the chests and the fountain so he picked up the pups carefully to allow them to drink some of the water since he didn't know whether or nor they were hurt when he felt that same purple presence so with the pups following him, he walked around the cave like dungeon in search of it and while his warrior side wanted more enemies to kill, his calmer side just wanted to find the potion and heal Eluller when he found what seemed to be like a prison cell so using his newfound pyrokinesis melted the rusted to hell bars and explored the cell lighting a dry small pile of sticks and bark to better see and to that there were skeletons of former warriors or prisoners with some of the skeletons had rusted or destroyed armor on their former bodies, one had a stained and torn cape so dull that Daemon couldn't tell what color it was, another actually chained to the wall with a shattered sword next to them and a shield that looked to be sliced in half and finally one more skeleton that seemed much much fresher than the others to the point Daemon can tell there was still muscle on the bones but also actual gear that wasn't at all aged so he went over to see the gear that turned out to be in amazing condition. One was a very nice looking black backpack with just a bit of dirt on it and the other was a sheath with beautifully crafted designs on it.
(Because I love you guys for giving me 200+ followers, the sheath design can be whatever you want it to be)
Daemon picked up the beautiful bag and sheath and then sheathing his blade but felt some weight within the bag so he opened it to find what he came here for: The purple glow was the potion he needed and with that in mind, he got ready to leave when he turned to the where the fountain was to see it just disappear along with the chests he found though he didn't mind since he got what he needed and ran home where he found Eluller breathing shallow breaths with Zindel by her side when she turned to see a bloodied Daemon who handed her the potion with a smile of success on his face.
Zindel:" Oh amazing work my successor! I knew you would be back with it!!"
Zindel grabbed the potion and poured it into Eluller's mouth where in a instant her purple grisly wound disappeared with the skin becoming as flawless as the rest of her body and suddenly Eluller opened her beautiful eyes and even got off his bed where she tore the bandages off with a smile on her face.
Eluller:" I am healthy and a hundred percent again Zindel!! I can fight again and now for the new Omni-Guardian himself!!! How fortunate am I!!!"
Daemon:" Enough to be alive and ass kicking material, anyway Eluller do you have a place to go? If not I don't mind you being here for a while until you can."
Eluller*Looks To Zindel*:" How did you find such a beautiful successor my lady? Barely met me two hours ago and already allowing into his home?"
Zindel*Smiles Warmly*:" He has wonderful parents and lived a life of love and understanding rather than what Remnant would have given him."
Daemon:" Remnant keeps sounding like shit every time I hear it damn but I got to take a shower because this demon blood smells like shit, I got to set these two down*Shows Them The Now Sleeping Wolf Pups* and I got to go back to my parents. Actually how long has it been since I've met you two?"
Zindel:" Three hours Daemon. It just hit six o clock a few minutes ago."
Daemon:" How the crap does that freaking work? You know what I need a shower because I didn't take one earlier and walking around with blood isn't a good idea."
Daemon turned in his damn big room because of the gargantuan mansion his parents owned due to both of their massive companies to see some stuff that shocked him to hell. One was the chests he found in the dungeon, another was the armor the purple demon donned in front of him glowing a beautiful lilac and finally the mirror on his dresser where he saw how his eyes looked. His right eye that used to be brown now looked to be surrounded by what looked at first like broken glass until you noticed the glint in the shards that looked more like diamonds with the points surrounding the black sphere of the eye and his left eye was something even more insane as while it was mainly a night time blue like color it was as well a plethora of others with the middle being so much like a star cluster that it reminded Daemon of a galaxy. He was amazed by his eyes and really of how today was but he had lunch with his parents and a shower to take so he went into his bathroom where he saw some scented candles around his shower area and some new body wash and shampoo that he made he remember he ran out earlier yesterday so he smiled and with a snap of his fingers lit the candles when he felt a pair of arms hug his neck and a soft kiss on his cheek.
Eluller:" My lord do you mind if I join you?"
Daemon:" Oh you sure Eluller? This will mean I have to see you naked and that you have to see me naked."
Eluller:" You have in a sense seen me naked before my lord and remember what I said, a warrior shouldn't be afraid to show off there bodies to others they trust. So yes I am sure."
Daemon:" Well alright then but you can just call me by my name or at least around others so they don't get the wrong idea you know?"
Eluller nodded her head before removing the only other piece of clothing she had with that being her thong while Daemon took off his shoes and tore off his destroyed jeans before turning the knob for hot water with Eluller joining him. For a warrior Eluller's hands were amazingly soft when she helped wash the blood from his body with the body wash covering him and her in the sweet smell of honey and exotic oranges with their hair smelling like Shea butter afterwards they got towels or in Eluller's she quite literally just shook her self perfectly dry while Daemon dried up and went into his room get to some fresh clothes that consisted of a blue V neck, a pair of black jeans and with his former sneakers destroyed he put on a black pair of his father's and headed to the restaurant where his parents were after telling his newfound friends and allies that he would talk to them about it so he was off and re-entered the restaurant and at the table where his parents smiled at his arrival.
Devana:" Hello darling, you hungry after your little search and rescue mission?"
Daemon:" Hell yeah, I had to fight two demons to save her and damn it if it wasn't too easy."
Chase*Smirks*:" Oh a she you say? A damsel in distress for a Knight Daemon?'
Daemon:" Honestly Pops my heart goes out to someone else I know I'll meet one day again though this "damsel in distress" is one beautiful woman I'll admit."
Devana*Giggles*:" Well order whatever you want darling, a strong growing boy needs actual good food to become a legend."
Daemon:" Right."
Daemon looked over the menu for a while before finally finding something he was definitely craving and after getting his drink of hard beer, his family ordered which was funnily enough the same thing.
Daemon:" Finally something that isn't school shit."
Chase:" Tell me about it buddy, school gave us the worst shit to eat."
Devana:" The meat sucked and everything was instant so it was pathetic."
The family dug in but because it was a special day, they order third helpings of the delightful food with Daemon asking for two of the same and medium well steak to go but before they did Devana pulled out a black chain necklace with a baseball sized sphere that resembled a galaxy then handing it to her child.
Devana:" Consider it a gift from me darling or one of three."
Daemon:" One of three? Mama you know you shouldn't have."
Devana:" You graduated today from of the top schools in the country sweetie and you are a warrior now, you deserve it all."
Chase:" You'll get mine when we get back home bud. You'll love it though I promise."
Daemon:" Well alright then but we should get back since I got to find out what else to do now that school is over for me. Also what are the other gifts from you mama?"
Devana:" Besides that necklace my darling boy is also two little somethings from your father's company that he finally had finished and perfected."
Devana reached behind and handed Daemon a rectangular box and then a smaller box so he opened the smaller first two see a gray cylinder that when he somewhat opened turned out to Bluetooth earbuds, something he desperately needed since cords were getting freaking annoying to untangle and deal with. Opening the other showed him one of the most advanced phones his father had made, capable of lasting a whole week off one charge, had just about whatever camera and picture editing system you could think about, was made of literal titanium that even the glass was made of trace bits so it was nearly indestructible to anything, came in ten different colors and finally had a insane one thousand two hundred fifty-six amount of Gigabytes therefore making it the phone with the highest amount of storage capacity.
(The Phone can be any color, it don't matter to me)
Devana:" Well what do you think sweetheart?"
Daemon:" Ain't no freaking way, I've been waiting for these and on a day like this I actually get them. Thank you so much!!"
Daemon strongly hugged his mother who was so happy her only child loved her gifts so she reciprocated the hug and gave her child some kisses on his cheeks and forehead but when they arrive they saw something surprising: A large running fountain that Daemon easily recognized as the one he found in the dungeon not due to it's appearance but the amazing fresh smell of it when his father walked over to it where a smiled form on his face.
Chase:" Been thinking of getting a fountain or statue out here but one like this is certainly a amazing surprise."
Devana:" A spring water fountain? Incredible find I expect Daemon?"
Daemon:" Yeah found it in a dungeon when I had to save someone and that someone is actually here and needs a place to crash for a while. Is that okay?"
Chase:" If they need to then fo sure but a question for you though Daemon, do you know what these fountains are capable of."
Daemon:" Besides smelling really good no."
Devana:" These fountains can heal just about anything Daemon. Whether it be scars, diseases, destroyed bodies and even resurrection. The only thing they can't is a person's soul though it can relax it though."
Daemon:" Holy shit and here I thought I heard everything already."
Chase:" Well let's meet this damsel in distress of your's Daemon. I want to see how tough she is because if you had to find a potion to cure them then I have a feeling their not entirely human."
Daemon:" You would be right about that because she ain't no damsel in distress pops, she's a fucking Valkyrie."
Devana/Chase:" What?"
Entering the mansion they saw a tall blonde woman with her wearing a small blue shirt covering her torso with a belt loosely tied around it with apparent "stockings" barely going past the shirt and the only other piece of "clothing" being sports bandages around her lower arms and covering her massive breasts with her thicc thighs showing along with a tattoo on her right arm with finally her being barefoot.
Daemon:" Quite a interesting outfit huh Eluller?"
Eluller:" Needed something more comfortable my lord. Despite being healed my body is still quite sore so donning my armor isn't a good suggestion."
Daemon chuckled because while he could say that her "armor" was much more a bikini than anything, he knew that he couldn't really talk then he spent hours in a dungeon with no shirt and torn to hell pants. His father looked surprised while his mother was rather surprised and intrigued by her appearance.
Devana:" Nice to meet someone that doesn't like wearing much when they are relaxing after a fight. So many people complain about that nowadays."
Chase:" Miss Eluller you called Daemon your lord, what is your rank and what is his compared to your's in your own words?"
Eluller:" That is because Daemon Knight is the new Omni-Guardian, therefore that makes him my lord and also my savior."
The house was silent for a few moments from the revelation before proud smiles appeared on the legendary duo's faces.
Chase/Devana:" That's my boy."
(Timeskip To Bed Time)
Daemon:" That went hella more well than I expected."
Daemon was currently in nothing but his boxers while Eluller was in something that somehow made her other outfits look presentable to walk around a city with and that was simply a white cloak of sorts that covered her torso and back but really that was about it. It did nothing to hide her smooth legs or thighs, her breasts were nearly out in the opening with her cleavage completely showing off to the world or really to Daemon with her hair finally down when she walked over to hug the six five warrior and lay her head onto his shoulder to show how tall she was with that beautiful smile that he dared say was on par with his mother's before she led them to his bed where they laid down ready for a well deserved rest with Eluller on his chest and his arms around her. Daemon knew whatever his father was gonna get him would come tomorrow since his father was a man of his word and as for the pups they were on a big pillow right next to his head sleeping soundly while downstairs his predecessor Zindel was still talking to his parents or as they put it her greatest allies. Eluller turned her beautiful blue eyes towards Daemon's new heterchromic eyes that glowed brightly.
Eluller:" Thank you again for letting us stay my lord. The kind gesture is greatly appreciated."
Daemon*Smiles*:" It was no problem my Valkyrie, you deserve a actual home and besides you and I need each other to protect this planet since it's the only home we got."
Eluller:" If you don't mind me asking my lord, where did you go before? You were gone for over fifteen minutes and came back with dirt on your hands."
Daemon:" Simple I was paying respects."
aemon was currently back at where the dungeon where he saw it now being rubble like how Zindel told him but he managed to find what he wanted and gently put them to the side to dig up a hole. Afterwards he gently put the body of the mother wolf into it with parting words towards the poor creature.
Daemon:" I'm sorry I wasn't able to arrive sooner to save you but as atonement for that, I will look after your children and make sure they grow up powerful. You have my word."
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