Weeping Alicorn

Princess Calpurnia guided Kevin and Kara to the stables where the unicorns and Pegasi resided. She then guided them to one specific stable. Inside the gate of that stable sounded like a woman crying. Calpurnia opened the door and revealed a beautiful female horse with a white coat, a long golden horn, golden hooves, long wings with golden tips, and a silver mane. This was an Alicorn. "Is that a unicorn with wings?" Kevin asked. "She's an Alicorn," corrected Calpurnia, "and she is my companion. Her name is Sapphire." Kara looked at the Alicorn and said, "she's beautiful."

"Thank you," said Calpurnia, "I am unable to speak the rare language of the Alicorns, but what Sapphire and I lack in verbal communication, we make up for in a bond that is beyond words." Kevin looked at Sapphire and asked, "is she crying?" Calpurnia nodded and said, "she is sad. Her children have disappeared for several days, and given my inability to speak Alicorn, we don't know how. Kara, since your Kryptonian language is like the Alicorn language, I believe you might be able to reach out to Sapphire." Kara nodded and said, "I understand. I'll do my best." Kara sat next to Sapphire and gently stroked the mare's head. Kara then said in Kryptonese, "hello there. You must be Sapphire. My name is Kara Zor El." Sapphire ceased her weeping and looked at Kara, and then she said in Kryptonese, "you... You are a human, and yet you speak Alicorn..." Her voice sounded like her friend and Conner's girlfriend M'gann M'orzz, AKA Miss Martian. Kara replied in Kryptonese, "I am not human. I am from a planet that has died long ago. But my people spoke this language." Sapphire put her wing around Kara's shoulder in a comforting manner and said in Kryptonese, "I'm sorry to know you are the last of your people. But it is nice to know I can speak to someone that can speak my language." Kara replied in Kryptonese, "my sentiments exactly, Sapphire. Your princess tells Kevin and I that you are sad because your children are missing. What happened to them?" Sapphire breathed in and said in Kryptonese, "I was outside with my six children. They were trotting along and playing. But then suddenly, I saw the dreaded dragon Skadlig take my children away from me. He snatched them all with his mighty clawed talons and flew away, outrunning me! And now I'm afraid he may kill them!" Sapphire then burst into tears. Kara hugged Sapphire, stroking her mane. Kara then looked at Kevin and Calpurnia, and said in English, "Sapphire's six children were taken by an evil dragon named Skadlig." The moment Kara mentioned the dragon's name, Calpurnia and the other horses gasped in horror. "I take it Skadlig is bad news?" Kevin asked. "Skadlig is one of the most dreaded dragons of Martolk..." Calpurnia fearfully said, "most dragons can give you good luck if you do right by them. But Skadlig is a different kind of dragon. Skadlig is pure, chaotic, unadulterated, and unreasonable evil. A monster that would laugh as the world burns... Any who dare to face Skadlig will not live to tell the tale. He has killed many of my father's knights."

"This dragon reminds me of something a grandfather figure said to my dad," said Kevin, "some men just want to watch the world burn." Calpurnia nodded and agreed, "wise words from your grandfather indeed." Kara looked at Calpurnia and said, "I think I understand what you want Kevin and I to do now." Kevin nodded and said, "we'll rescue Sapphire's children from Skadlig if this is what will get us back home." He looked at Sapphire and said, "Kara can you translate for me? We're going to make a promise to you Sapphire. We're going to rescue your children and we're going to make sure they don't die." Kara translated this to Sapphire, and she said in Kryptonese, "bless you both." Kara stood up and said to Kevin in English, "you just made Sapphire very happy." Calpurnia smiled and said, "you have the heart of a brave knight of honor." Kevin smiled and humbly said, "thank you, your highness. Now where does Skadlig reside in?" Calpurnia then guided Kevin and Kara to the library. It was there she found several maps. "Skadlig resides on Mount Karloff," explained Calpurnia as she showed Kevin and Kara the map. They took a good look at the map. "It should take us a day and a half to get there and back again on foot," said an observant Kevin. "Yeah, no fuss, no muss," agreed Kara. "Getting there on foot may sound easy," said Calpurnia, "but facing Skadlig will be far more difficult. He will not hesitate to kill you both. He will laugh as you burn alive."

"He's never faced a Kryptonian," chuckled Kara, "I'm known as Supergirl. I'm super strong and super fast." Kara then floated six feet off the ground, and she started flying. Then she lifted an 8 foot shelf of books off the ground as if it was simply a dumbbell. Calpurnia gave a look of amazement and said, "Bui i sandalen -o Athena! Your power, it is far greater than that of a dragon!" Kara then put down the massive shelf and landed on the ground. "They don't call her Supergirl for nothing," said Kevin as he smirked. "And what of you, Kevin? Do you have powers like Kara?" Calpurnia asked. "Actually no," replied Kevin, "I'm a human from Earth. And most humans don't have super powers. But the ones that do are known as metahumans. Metahumans have great extraordinary powers. But me? I'm basic and average." Then the princess had a brilliant idea. "Perhaps I could talk to my father and we could get our wizard and royal blacksmith to make you a suit of armor that will make you as strong as Kara!" she suggested. Kara smiled and said, "sounds like a plan."

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